The dinner with the IBM Intel Motororola and Huaxia 's Great Wind Group Huawei ZTE participated together.

The atmosphere of the seat is very good, today's results are very satisfied, although the official is not directly supported but the problem is not big, take advantage of such a good atmosphere, everyone must talk about cooperation.

Motorola as a master of acquisition of Huawei, although there was a CEO, but there was such a historical origin that quickly found a late communication, Meng Qian took the role of catalyst, "I believe that WiMAX has become 3G standard It's just a matter of time, but for the development of WiMAX, this is only the first step on the road. LTE is now accelerating development, telling the truth, the overlap rate of the two-side technology is also very high, we still have to hurry, or may Will you abandoned. "

On this issue, Paul et al. To be recognized, then naturally talk about the matter of infrastructure, Motorola's Jude is also very active to talk about cooperation with any polite, "Although there is Some regrets, but we have been seeking cooperation between Huawei in the past two years. "

At this time, Motorola, the price is low, and the word-of-mouth is getting worse. This is one of the most failed three CEOs of Motorola's history. He will be expedited at the end of this year. The construction of WiMAX infrastructure, and Mi State is simply impossible to achieve a Motorola. This is the reason why Zhan Demu is saying Huawei and ZTE can help WiMAX alliances.

Any polite is not immediately accepted, "WiMAX's demand for the base station should be significantly less than the traditional communication technology, so although the number of base stations has fewer gaps now, as long as the capacity of capacity and market layout in these two years is complete. It is possible to build the market, and wait for WiMAX to become a standard. After getting a legal band, this thing should keep up. "

Everyone, you speak, all the results are going to go, and the next cooperation is naturally a matter of chapter.

And in addition to the base station, there is a problem with chip, Paul began to consider the use of wind groups of Hongmont architecture, because it is really cost-effective, before Paul braggy, the WiMAX chip has only one-tenth of the traditional 3G chip price, this cattle forced How to round him never wants.

But today is just auscourse, after all, is a chip architecture, let go of Huaxia's chip architecture and even support, even if it is an Intel who can't see, Paul is still worried about shareholders and government attitudes.

In another one, the two sides have not progressed almost, that is, the light moment, Meng Qian is half-joke. "Mr. Paul can cancel the instructions for our Great Breeze Group, we The market is not pressed by you. "

Paul's reaction is also very fast, "said that the moment of lightning machine, in fact, I really intend to talk to Meng Mr. Meng, we really want to invite the wind group to join us, we concentrate together To make products, put together the development of the entire semiconductor, isn't it good? We will not be embarrassed to the wind group, the future of the wind group can rely on this field to get huge profits, Mr. Meng is so persistent Competition? "

"It's not that I am persistent to compete, I am willing to believe in Paul, believe in Mamuel, but two can be left and right? Some things are really afraid, we are not to compete, we just want to give I will leave the road. "Meng Qian's words can understand, this is slightly in-depth, but because Silicon Valley is not a party, this is nothing to do.

Silicon Valley Press Huaxia Technology Company More is for money, but Mi State put pressure in Huaxia, it is not just for money, so there will be subtle differences, why is Silicon Valley, some companies, don't really want to sanarly. It is because this subtle difference is in it.

Paul knows, it is also understood, but this matter is not to make steps, "At least we will never abandon our allies, no matter how the situation changes."

This is actually very weak, listening is good, Meng Qian has only to brake the topic, "It is also, the WiMAX alliance can be not easy today, everyone has a drink together."

A meal, contributed to a cooperation, release the hostility against the Hongmeng architecture, and did not change the pattern of the momentary moment, and overall.

After meals, Meng Qian took Ren Zhengfu and Hou Weigui to his room.

"The two should be clearly clear." Meng Qian's expression became very serious.

Ren Zhengfu and Hou Weigui nodded, the same expression is serious, Hou Weigui turned to the obeys, "We dilated each other according to its own way, while doing each other."

Huawei, ZTE and the overseas expansion of the Great Breeze Group have a common point, that is, the high localization, three companies choose to respect the local markets, rather than European companies to the Huaxia business, I like to put them in the Chinese market and Huaxia consumers on the head.

The employee of ZTE overseas company has more than 80%, and Huawei is 65%.

Huawei and ZTE have a common point in the price advantage. This is a major factor in the two companies to open the national market. At the same time, these two companies have some different places. For example, the Zhongxing greater advantage is developing overseas and Overseas patents, Huawei's greater advantage in the construction of overseas market operations and overseas networks.

Maybe someone will feel that China is re-developing Huawei's major market? Yes, 2007 is such a thing, ZTE's overseas research and development investment and overseas patents include overseas scientific research talents than Huawei.

Instead, in the market, including how to do a good relationship with the local government, how to rank among international organizations, this thing is not as good as Huawei.

"So our current goal is 3 years?" Ren Zheng did not say that he would help each other after helping each other.

"Well, it's almost, according to our company's current research progress and the extent of the EU, 4G commercial should be around 2010.

So this time is actually not long. For three years, I hope that the two can use the WiMAX opportunity to enter more countries, but it is the sentence, our true purpose is to establish and establish it in the country. Trustment, a broader market basis for the development of the 4G era. "

"Meng Zheng is so determined that WiMAX will fail?" In this thing, Hou Weizui is more believed in Meng Qian than anyg, Ren Zheng, is actually worried.

"Eight brains." Meng Qian didn't want to explain more, because it has said it has said many times, but transferred to the next topic. "Our baseband chip has been designed, two times Don't let me pigeon. "

"Haha." Hou Weigui smiled, "Meng Chuan products did not come out, let us pay for the deposit, I am still afraid that the wind group puts our ZTE pigeon."

Although the chip of the wind group does not want to support this, if Huawei does not support it, if you don't support it, if you don't support it, you can't say it. How many times Meng Qian helped them, they are very clear.

However, in a sense, Meng Qian also uses more core products to restrict these two companies, especially Huawei, Huawei's employee holds the stock of the shares, this matter is quite a hurt.

No one can believe in the mall.

After some details, I have given two people to leave, and the door is ready to rest, but a call is called, "Meng Zhong, have time to talk?"

The phone is SAP CEO Kong Han Ning, Meng Qian looked at the time, "Come to my room."


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