Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 498 Suitable location

When Meng Qiao is busy layout at the International Telecom League, Gao Li is not idle, Samsung Electronics CEO Yin Zhonglong is coming to meet with the new CEO of the New CEO in the beginning of this year.

"The wind group cuts the six-generation line of Sharp, this thing has been determined."

Nanxun made a expression I also know, "and the wind group also pulled five domestic enterprises in China to engage in alliances, may not only engage in 6 generation lines, but also to engage in 7 generation lines and 8 generations."

Yin Zhonglong disdain, "7 generation lines and 8 generation lines, what is the Chinese?"

Nanyuan is uncertain, "The wind group should have a lot of technology from Sonya."

"I investigated the production line of the wind group, the raw materials and equipment imported from neon."

Nanxun did not refute, but at least at least at least the wind group, "Since the Great Breeze Group will take advantage of this, this matter will not be simple, then, even if the wind group has not mastered what core technology, with the wind group with Neon The relationship between the few companies, unless the rice is open, otherwise they can't block the export of the wind group.

However, the relationship with the wind group recently is very subtle. "

"All this is not all because Sony has recently been a stupid thing!" Yin Zhonglong couldn't help but spit, "I really don't understand how I will agree with the wind group for so much shares. It is really True jokes! How much benefits from Sony, Sony is like it is not reacted now!

Now this Howard is more laugh, actually put Meng Qian as a friend, with the wind group to fight us, so these professional managers are not reliable, they don't know how these companies have followed us at the neon country. Push the Huaxia Strategy together! "

"On the other hand, it is indeed because the previous financial crisis has caused neon countries to fall into a long-term economic dilemma. Recently, the consortium of neon countries in this decade seems to be very low, it seems that it is not very handy. But how many transactions have been reached with Huaxia in the back, and I really don't know.

However, the neon economy has a trend of recovery, as long as the neon economy is economical, I believe that their bones will not allow China's development.

So I think that the situation in Asia is about to change. I believe that our Gaoli and Neon Congress enters a new cooperation stage, and China will also usher in a new crisis unless a global financial crisis has occurred in these two years. how can that be possible. "

Yin Zhonglong nodded to recognize the judgment of the situation in the situation. "But these are all afterwards, what is going on on the face is still solved first, just like you said, there is less likely to fight the wind in a short time in a short time in a short time. The group, such a big wind group wants to build a high-generation line, will definitely be smooth, since the wind group should engage in a high-end line, we should also have actions. "

"what do you think?"

"The capacity demand of Huaxia is in that, is their joint venture company not still negotiating the stage, my thoughts are directly to talk to our old friends in Huaxia."

Nanxuan is observed, "Since China has to engage the 6-generation line 7 generation line, then we continue to hide this chip is indeed, it is better to quickly go to Huaxia to build a factory, press the autonomous road of Huaxia Enterprises."

Yin Zhonglong nodded, "as long as we open, as long as we open, as long as we open, they are so happy."

In a sense, Yin Zhonglong's self-confidence is not unreasonable. Samsung in Huaxia is actually a bit similar to Meng Qian in neon national dors, selling friendly people, starting with the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1992, Samsung Start crazy to China to develop, invest, build, donate, everything is dry, and Huaxia is the shortage of missing technology, Samsung is willing to help, naturally welcome.

The Samsung seized is the thoughts that Huaxia is not better than selling and Chongyang Mei. When I heard what is going to create, as long as it is not the most advanced, Samsung will sell it immediately, and the Samsung is clear. Batch inventory, but also suppress Huaxia's autonomous research and development capabilities, two in one game.

Then in the time of more than ten years, Samsung has been hanging in China. When I take the LCD screen, Huaxia Enterprise should engage in 5 generation lines, Samsung sells 5 generation line technology, Huaxia Enterprise should engage in 6 generation lines , Samsung sells 6-generation line technology, Huaxia Enterprise should engage in 7 generation lines, Samsung sells 7-generation line technology, anyway, for Samsung, your Huaxia company must engage in research and development, I will sell, you can't study it. When I hid it.

The long-term lack of independent research and development of China has led to long-term technology, and the long-term technology is backward, which can only make money by labor, and Samsung will use a wave of cheap labor.

As of the end of 2006, Samsung established 119 institutions in China, 28 production enterprises, 30 sales companies, 4 R & D institutions, 57 offices, accumulated in China to reach 50,000 people, this is only in the volume Employee, 2007 Chinese, factory, everyone knows.

Neon companies with Samsung are layout in China, many companies have no zero heads between Samsung.

On March 29th, Samsung's director of the China Division came to Shanghai, and I was in charge of the investment in Shanghai.

Fei Meng is Jin Enjun's "old friend", so Jin Enjun is very straightforward, "I heard that Shanghai has a 6-generation line?"

"Well, there is indeed this project recently."

"This project seems to be not to Sharp?"

Fei Mong real, "Not, it is a wind group."

"What extent is the project progressed?"

"Just out, what details have not been talked."

Jin Enjun chest has Cheng Zhu, "Since this, don't our Samsung come to this project?"

Fei Mon has long guessed Jin Enjun's purpose, so it is not surprising. "Shouldn't you say that you can't help us to build a 6-generation line for the time being?"

"Before we did have a lot of your own things need to be dealt, but we have always worked in China, China has this demand, we will definitely do our best."

Femunding is a bit disgusting, but he does not dare to provoke the Junjun. It is accurate to say that it is not dare to provoke Samsung. It's very polite in front of Jin Enjun. "Samsung is willing to show it. It is really good. I report this matter today."

Jin Enjun heard the perfunction of Fei Mong, slightly unpleasant, strong, "Mr. Fei, in order to help Huaxia develop LCD production and manufacturing, our Samsung has spent a lot of hard blood, this is more Dessert. "

I heard Jin Enjun's words, Fei Shi had to speak the ugly words in front, "That is nature, we have been looking forward to Samsung's attitude, but Mr. Jin Enjun should also know the influence of the wind group now in our country, so now I I don't dare to guarantee anything. "

"I know, but in the LCD field, the wind group has achieved 6 generation lines? How many years of technical precipitation? How many self-autocrators from the wind group? We are all clear, I still do, what is the need? Technology, talking with our Samsung, as long as we have, you will have to support you. "

Fei Meng hardly squeezed a smile with Jin Enjun, and finally couldn't help but said. "Mr. Jin Enjun may not know very well in our situation in these two years. It is not as good as bought, possibly ... "

"Return? How to retreat?" Jin Enjun straightforwardly in front of Fei Mong, "The light is a material problem is enough to die, like Intel Paul, in the wave of technology globalization, Every country should find the most suitable positioning, we have worked together for more than ten years, and the facts have proved that such cooperation models have benefits to us. "

Fei Mun slightly smashed his eyes, the small channel, "Huaxia is indeed looking for his own position, but this positioning may be different from many people."

"What are you talking about?" Jin Enjun is not very clear.

Fei Mong thought that domestic changes in these years, I thought that these years have seen Samsung's face and laugh, there is no way, laugh and say, "I said, in the process of technology globalization, Huaxia will find themselves. The most suitable position, Gaoli is also. "


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