Wang Shengdong and others stayed in the research institute to continue to understand the details of the smart factory. Meng Qian followed the Poly, Fernotti invited Meng Qian to get dinner, at the same time, there is Kaspersky, and In fact, today is Meng Qian with Kaspersky, and Fernotti's existence is more regulators. If you negotiate, he will adjust the adjusted atmosphere.

When Meng Qiao arrived in Fisotiist, Kaspersky had sitting there. After he said, Meng Qian did notice a newspaper on the table of the living room, which is the second largest Level mortgage company, new century financial company applies for bankruptcy protection.

"Two is also concerned about this matter."

Fernoldtoti is a side of the seat, "Mr. Meng also saw the news?"


"What is Meng Mr. Meng looks on this?" Kaspersky couldn't help but ask.

"The roots of Wall Street have been rotten."

"Meng always seems to be more pessimistic about rice?"

"Not my pessimism, the objective fact is such a thing, Mi State has excessively liabled from the people to the country. In 2006, the ratio of Mi Gu family debt was 120%, and the national debt proportion reached 300% of GDP. However, the rice is good for economic data. There is no matter what the debt, but put the goal in inflation, the rice furnish is 4 years, and the price is rising, the leverage continues to increase, the financial market is over-open, 2006 subprime proportion of mortgage ratings 20%, the light is the disclosed data, and people are reluctant.

Take a very interesting thing to you, we have seen a fun survey in the city of the country, in some cities in the country, the tramp can buy a house without spending a penny, as for the back of debt How do you still, that is not something that the salesman considers.

The current rice economy is a explosive library, only one fireline. "

"Is the bankruptcy of the New Century Financial Company?"

Meng Qian doesn't care, "Who knows, I do the worst preparation anyway."

Fernoldti is a little concern. "If the financial crisis has really affected, it will be fluctuated around the world."

Meng Qian did a bad laugh. "There is a high child in the sky. It really came to the financial crisis.

Fernotti and Kaspersi laughed did not say next, mainly because of the depths of their hearts and not believe in the financial crisis. Kaspersky pulled the topic to today's topic, "Recently, I have seen the WINDOWSVISTA's market. We also have to talk about things before, and Mr. Meng is still the original idea?"

How is Vista's word-of-mouth, of course, is not very, but Vista itself is not a failure system and cannot be easily unconventional. Many people say that Vista is a failure operating system, but some people say that Vista is an overhead The operating system has its truth, and it is undeniable that Windows7 has a large extent because of the foundation of Vista, Vista, many features continue to Windows10, but it is impossible to deny that in Vista launched At the time, it did failed.

As for why failure, the surface is mainly compatible, but it is deeply dug, in fact, the key or security issues.

In these years, the Windows system is dead by the user because of the security issues, and the Kunlun system is also a high-spirited in the WINDOWS system.

So, whether it is once or this, Vista's important goal is to change the location of Microsoft to design the core of the Windows operating system to start the security of the system as a system development.

To this end, Microsoft has increased its investment on WindowsXPServicePack2 in parallel, and added optimized security items to Vista.

There is a saying, Vista is really much safe than any operating system released before Microsoft, but in order to achieve this security, Microsoft uses a relatively rude way, breaking the compliance of the application and device drivers in an unprecedented manner. Sex.

Using popular words to explain Microsoft's way to solve safe ways is that I have found a security template that can cope with most security issues. You have already changed your own products in this template. These software vendors and hardware companies have changed their own products.

The problem is that the product is to be investive, and according to Microsoft's security template, many third party will involve changes in the system structure, this is a big project, not to find a few engineers can solve it. , Microsoft will not give you a penny. Let's listen to you Microsoft, plus everyone's uncomfortable monopoly for Microsoft, many third parties are too lazy to take care of Microsoft, and even once again on the court.

But you said that Microsoft is wrong. His original intention is that there is no problem. In the past, the products that have been done in the past have still left a lot of safety hazards. Microsoft's problem is still on him, no way, monopoly habits, early I'm a smell of it, I feel that the whole world has to listen to Microsoft.

Anti-view Kunlun system, in fact, there are similar operations, but because the Kunlun system pays attention to safety problems from the beginning, the security template is made from the beginning, and the ecology of the Kunlun system is new, and the third party is from one. I have already done it.

As for those traditional triparties, the wind group is not as strong as Microsoft to ask them to modify it immediately. On the one hand, Linux's modular and plug-in architecture realizes the effective improvement of the architecture, with Windows has natural advantages, On the one hand, the Kunlun system uses its own safety system to control the vulnerability, gives a third party enough adaptive time, and in things involved in another important thing, anti-virus software.

There is an open secret that anti-virus software is actually the largest rogue software. Domestic, the same, in a sense, anti-virus software is the largest Trojan virus on our computer.

So Microsoft is in launching Vista, requiring anti-virus software vendors to make big adjustments, no longer allowing them to patch their instructions and data structures in the kernel memory, and they are required to use Microsoft approved program interfaces, and no longer support their legacy applications. The program is hooked with the Windows kernel.

This kind of thing, how can anti-virus software manufacturers can endure, and then anti-virus software manufacturers also report Microsoft to court ...

Microsoft is also very helpless. Finally, I have to work hard to promote my own WindowsDefender, which is the same as the market word of mouth. In the technical field without traditional monopoly advantages, Microsoft does not have several products.

Anti-view Kunlun system, the Kunlun system in Kaspersky in the Kunlun system hits WindowsDefender, so the windows never requires anti-virus software manufacturers, because Meng Qian's goal is to let users slowly rely on product advantages. It is used to the anti-virus software that comes with the system. It is also to avoid the monopoly law. After these two years of development, things are going to Meng Qian expectation, and the ancient computer users have almost no download tripartite anti-virus software.

When I saw the Vista performance of Kaspers, I contacted Meng Qian's thing, that is, Linux's desktop system has started to develop in Europe, and the system does not have the anti-virus software of the Great Breeze Group, so it is necessary Download a third-party anti-virus software, this is a huge market.

Now I want to seize the international anti-virus software market, Kaspersky + Great Breeze Group is the best signature.

But now a question in front of Meng Qian and Kaspersky is that the launch of anti-virus software is called.

In recent years, the Great Breeze Group has become more and more deeply involved in Kaspersky. In fact, whether it is Kaspersky's anti-virus software or the anti-virus software of the wind group is essentially a matter, but because of the two companies who also acquire No, and the anti-virus software of the wind group is currently only used in the ancient computers and the China domestic market, so in order to cooperate with each other, you can better die, everyone will die, you will not correct this thing by default. It is a bit of a bit of installation.

Users think that the anti-virus software and Kaspersky anti-virus software of the wind group are two things. In fact, it is a matter.

However, when Kaspersi mentioned Microsoft's things, Meng Qian clearly promised to enter the overseas anti-virus software market, then everyone can no longer go with the rain mulmon, there should always be a statement.

"Well, our company has already discussed, we still want to compete for this market."

Kaspersky learned Meng Qian's determination, tested, "Since this, let me talk about my program, everyone is clear, anti-virus software is a business department for the wind group, but for us is All, my thoughts are, I exchanged the Great Breene Group's anti-virus software division at a certain company shares, and we signed a free license agreement, Mr. Meng came to us. This is a major shareholder, how? "

Kaspersky's proposal is actually reasonable, but from the past historical perspective, Kaspersky does not resist the pressure from the rice country, and the anti-Virus software department of the wind group is indeed only a small department, the security department of the wind group It is a core department. It is a strategic department, so Meng Qian can't accept the suggestion of Kaspersky. "In fact, we have done relevant discussions within the company, but we think that the merger may not be a good choice. More than 10,000 years Microsoft is not paying attention to security issues, but he did not find a way, we can't underestimate Microsoft's strength.

So I may more inclined our two enterprises to market development. "

"Mr. Meng means to start competition between us?" Kaspersky said.

"It is indeed this in a sense that both companies have special advantages, separated development may be more stressful to Microsoft, once it is formally merged, many advantages will be forced to cover up.

As for us, we can secure each other's interests through technology intersections, and even consider a certain share of shares. In my opinion, I will wait for a day, I said that if there is such a day, we have encountered difficulties. The merge should be considered. "

After contacted for so many years, Kaspersky also clear the character of Meng Qian. Since Meng Qian said, he knows what it is difficult to change. "Mr. Meng is thinking, I can accept it."

At this point, the Great Breeze Group has a few years of chaotic but efficient cooperation models that are about to ushered in the end, but the new cooperation between the wind group and Kaspersky, an upcoming information security era of booming. just started...

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