Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 505, the robbers are quo

On the 29th, on June 29, Meng Qian has never been broken, because there is a message from the other side, officially become the fourth 3 standard, no obstruction of Huaxia, really developing More faster than once I once.

After the matter is finalized, many things have to keep up with the Huawei Zhongxing with Motorola, announced the strategic alliance and set up Yufei Communications. In order to promote the development as soon as possible, although Motorola is a bit unwilling but still helped Huawei and ZTE Open some markets, light from Motorola, and the entire project will be dragged down.

In order to fully expand, Huawei and ZTE have put into a money expansion plant to pull production capacity.

Help ZTE and Huawei is so busy, but the country has to say thank you, because in their view, after they eat the meat, Huaxia is nothing more than the soup.

The province is completely awkward, the communication enterprise begins to have a stupid expert who is opposed to the development of the province before the show, the media is good, what is the spring of the provincial communication industry, Taiwan has become the biggest winner, and various reports are covered with the sky.

Neon, who has been in a relatively cautious support, also increases horsepower, announced that two test projects, Southeast Asia also started acceleration, I am afraid that I can't get this ship, and the base station of Asian countries, Motorola has basically decided to let Huawei and ZTE is going to do, because of the close, convenient transportation, maintenance is also convenient.

Like neon, although Huawei has already entered this market very early, due to neon countries' attitude towards Huaxia Enterprises, the market share has not been high, but now the rice is open, and neon is not better to stop.

The EU will also open a meeting. The result of the meeting is to accelerate 4 development, and in order to accelerate 4 development, the EU has to give up patent control, simply, in communication, never stopped Patent this matter, everyone has worked for a while, I know about the direction of R & D, and then look at this patent in other business hands, then I have to think about it can be achieved by other patents. It may take more patents to your hands.

Of course, this is very normal, everyone is doing, but now everyone is anxious, to promote 4 as soon as possible, some enterprises should not fight, the overall situation is heavy, this is the most expectation of the wind group.

As for the wind group, the slogan must shout, all kinds of support, also with Intel and a cooperative statement, everyone engages in research and development, the public is listening, amazed, 86PR Hongmeng, a little terrible.

But that is, this is said, give it a creation.

However, news has become the top flow of the technology industry, and some rice people are very unhappy.

Since June 29 is the day of N2, the result is dead, and suppressed, Jobs, who had a month, has a temper in the office. "When I don't exist?"

So, Jobs personally ran to San Francisco's specialty store, and also shouted the media friends, live "live band".

Apple did cultivate a batch of fruit powder, queue in the door of the special shop, when I saw Jobs personally arrived, the scene was blown on the spot.

When faced with your own fans, Jobs passionately started his speech, "In recent months, we have been questioned, but we never care about these things, because history has already proved Apple is a great company, no matter In the future, we will lead the era once again. "

"S! S!" The warm applause broke out.

"From today, N will thoroughly change your habits of your mobile phone. It will make you fascinated, will make you amazed, time will prove its great, you will remember it at this moment you are here.

Now let's welcome it! "

There is no dry goods, but it is very useful for loyal fans. Everyone rushes into the store, and I bought a long-awaited N2.

As for the gap between Hong Kong mobile phones, Jobs is really a bit confidence, because in half a year, Jobs is forced employee optimization system, the engineers of other departments have moved a lot of mobile phone departments. For half a year, the employee either resignation, or I haven't returned home for half a year. The divorce rate of Apple employee has a new high, and the staff of the employee of the Ministry of Technology is headed down.

Although Hongmeng mobile phone is powerful, the system is indeed a problem, which is unexpected, so the Hongmeng system is now not enough to be a perfect system.

Secondly, the Hongmeng mobile phone has no way to sell in rice. Apple has a large number of public relations costs to suppress the front news of Hongmeng mobile phone. Therefore, it is not good to see the Hongmeng mobile phone in Misa's consumers.

Jobs's current idea is to first put a reputation of Hongmeng mobile phone in the northern rice and some of the European countries, and put Apple in the word of this side first. Sales also do it, followed by the work of the staff, the overtakement of the night.

Also said that Meng Qian's appearance really helped Apple mobile phone more step forward, at least the N2 after listed can realize copy paste function, and even mobile phones.

Next day, B, the rice technology media began to promote N2, what sales are hot, the system is stable, the function is improved, and then the frontal comments of various users, and the wind is slightly a little more, there is a little bit of Hongmeng mobile phone, right away It is refuted, then post the black screen, crash, automatic shutdown, application crash, etc.

Even the video with consumers went to make a lot of money, and then said that the wind group was very poor, a product that was hot in China, which was described in Mi State.

After all, in the black Chinese, they have long been a light car, and the rhythm of the wind group is not a little bit of temper, but I have to report to the headquarters.

Meng Qian himself is also concerned about N2, but the specific situation on the other side is not so thin. After listening to the report, I know that the other side has this, I have to sigh, Jobs is also painful.

But Meng Qian has no angries and no entanglement, more emotions are accidents, "Jobs and Bill Gates, stupid"

In the past 2007, the tricks of them will really use it, because Huaxia has almost no public opinion influence in the country, and there is also a public opinion influence in other countries, which is why there are so many countries. Waiting for the Olympics, I know that the people in the Chinese people have not so poor.

Therefore, the country is in the local and in the black people in the allies, the locals have seen nature, they have trusted, out of the local, although there may be no black China in other countries, but there is no such thing as Huaxia, 2007, What is the country to praise the Chinese, as for the rice people who come to China, there is still very little this year.

So the people in the rice country and some Western countries have naturally believe in domestic reports, after all, the real report of Huaxia here is not seen.

But the problem is, although this world is really hard to get it in the country, but in other countries, it is very good.

Meng Qi really can't help but laugh, "It's really a strong thief, I don't know that the world has changed.

Yes, then I can only fight, by the way, put on the next year. "


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