Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 507 Crisis begins

On the day of seeing news, Gu Junhui, reported, couldn't help but curiose, "Meng Zheng, the use of public opinion between enterprises is not a new thing, why is this thing be so big?"

Meng Qiao patients, "probably because of rushing, the five consequences of Miki, the credibility of the public, has caused dissatisfaction with some of the people in the rice country, and the Miki people are the largest human rights and freedom. Contradictory points are in fairness and discrimination.

The outbreak of many group events is not because of a specific thing. The Ground of the country has intensified, capital hegemony is rapid, the media credibility plummets, the unfair event is frequent, this is the fundamental reason, Apple event Can ferment, because Apple as a suitable company is very suitable as a target of everyone.

In a sense, in addition to the one who started participating, people behind, rarely care about Apple's death, and rarely got to be wronged for us, they are actually implying themselves. "

"That Meng always feels more than things?"

"It's almost the same, still lacks some outbreak factors, can make Apple's face, enough for us." In front of Gu Junhui, Meng Qian will not talk about the mat, or experiment. .


I am talking to Gu Junhui, Meng Qian's mobile phone rang, "Liu Shuji, good, I know, I have a hard Liu Shuji, I have a meal together for two days, so good, then hang, um, good, Well, hung, um, um, ok, um, hang, um, good, then I hang, oh, oh um, good, hang ... "

"what happened?"

"You can be prepared to start in Jinzhou."

"Great, we built 7-generation lines, the gap between the neon, and the Gao Giomi is smaller."

"Sony this is actually not spit out too many technology, but it is enough, you will go back to work first, I will call Howard."

"it is good."

On August 1st, Meng Qiao has gathered in Jinhua to Jinzhou to participate in the starting ceremony. This 7-generation line finally invests 21 billion, the national subsidy has been $ 12 billion, of which 5 billion loans, Sony out of 6 billion According to Sony's current financial situation, add the investment in Sony in the neon domestic 8-generation line, now Sony should have a money investment LCD screen, at least Sharp imagine the past life as a 10 billion in Sony Soft girl, Sony is definitely can't get it.

With the arrival of August, a global crisis officially opened.

On August 2, the next day, the German Industrial Bank suddenly announced the profit warning, the German financial industry has shocks, then did a few days, on August 6th, the 10th largest mortgage institution of Miki, the Millennium housing mortgage investment company officially Apply for bankruptcy protection to the court and become a large-scale mortgage institution in the second application for bankruptcy in the country.

The bankruptcy of the Military Housing Mortgage Investment Company once again let the submissive risk becomes a discussion point in the country, and after two days, the fifth largest investment in the rice country in Bellsnden announced that the two funds closed, August 9, France's first largest bank Paris Bank announced the three funds of the company, and the reasons for these five funds were all because of the subprincessions of rice.

At this time, Europe started the first shot of the submissive crisis, the EU publicly said that the Mi National submissive crisis will lead to huge risks in Europe. On August 10, the European Central Bank clearly intervened, the result was on August 11 The central banks around the world have invested more than 326.2 billion meters within 48 hours, and the Rice Federation quoted 38 billion meters from the bank three times a day.

In the entire subprime crisis, there are two countries that are widely affected, one is the UK, one is neon.

The core reason for the British is that the pillar industry is a financial industry, so the global financial turm is the first to rush. As for two major reasons for neon state, the neon has been barely slow since 2005, but in 2005, the neon country has been barely slow, but Just succumbed to 2 years, there is no need, the new financial crisis, the snow is added, and the other question is that the neon nine banks hold the rice country subprime guarantee securities over one trillion neon coin.

Soon, on August 13, the Mother Rui Ni Group, the mother of the Niki Bank of Neon, announced the loss of 600 million neon coins. However, this will not panic, because neon experts are saying that our neon bank investment guarantee creditor creditor's creditor's creditor is equal, and there will be no problem.

Although the stock has begun to fall, but at this time, the neon country does not have more panic emotions. Everyone should eat it, such as Sharp, still worry about the 10-generation line, stock The neon securities report that falls at this time is called normal callbacks.

On August 14th, the neon central bank once again invested to save the city, but everyone is still an incident, but also in this day, the Square of the mountains came to Meng Qian, and I would like to ask Meng Qi to join the 10-generation line project.

In fact, Sharp's 10-generation line process has been in a half day. It is more slow than I once. I once in July 31, the official invested 380 billion neon currency, and it was 24.4 billion yuan, which is still not yet. Official, and the root is the problem of money.

In fact, from Sharp to the initial investment of 24.4 billion, it is already able to foresee their failure. Even if there is no financial crisis may fail, because now the industry's more inclusive estimates are a 10-generation line investment to have more than 50 billion, Sharp Half a half of the money can't be taken, the 24.4 billion is not entirely Sharp's money, there is a loan to participate in other companies, according to the explosive news, Sharp is only 17 billion.

Although it is 31.6 billion, it is still not much.

So if there is no financial crisis, can Sharp have two billions in two years? Many people are also skeptical when they look back in history.

Now Sharp has encountered the same problem with Sony, to invest in domestic companies, or they have no money, or it is to technology, the Sharp 10 generation line is the world, he certainly doesn't want to give the technology, Therefore, the Shan Mountain Jiong wants to be Meng Qian's fat.

"When is the 10th generation line of Sharp?"

"Before October, the site selection has been selected. Now it is necessary to finalize all the cooperative relationships of the previous period. Mr. Meng mentioned the things that I wanted to enter the 10th-generation line project, so I have to come to Mr. Meng confirmed this. thing."

"I really have this idea. If Sharp is willing to open the door, I don't ask."

Mount Mountain is a little bit of gesture. "Mr. Meng first listened to me, 10 generation lines involved our Sharp's top core technology, so we decided on our internal discussion, we won't join 10 generation lines Allies open technology, this is definitely not for the wind group, we have now contacted Toshiba, Mr. Meng can understand.

This is our Sharp to protect themselves, but as allies, we can guarantee the supply advantage and price advantage on the future of LCD screen, and at the same time, the investment of you can exchange the corresponding shares. "

Meng Qian Shen said, "Then there is one thing I want to say to Mr. Mountain."

"Mr. Meng please say."

"Mr. Hong Group's investment in our greetings also knows, so now we really can't get much money, but the big wind group's profitability is well known, I don't know if I will allow us to chase for a few months. cast?"

Meng Qian's appearance made the Sakhan Ganxiong feel that he really wants to join the 10-generation line project, and listening to this means that it is not necessary to teach, the mountain is definitely willing, because the money of the 10-generation line is a little investment, No one-time investment, "Of course, no problem, we can sign an agreement."


Si Mountain Danxiong stayed in Huaxia a few days, and two sides quickly got an agreement. The agreement mean to finalize 15 billion partnerships on both sides. All details of this cooperation are completed in 6 natural months. Don't want to pit anyone else.

However, Meng Qian has added force majeure factors, which is the natural disasters, and there is a haunter that there is a large-scale financial crisis leading to lack of funds.

Mount Shan Mountain Look at this note laughed, "Mr. Meng is worried about the submissive crisis?"

"A little."

"Haha, rest assured, there will be no problem, this time the global reaction is very fast, you will start to rise again."

Meng Qian smiled, "Then it is best."

The Saki Mountain laughed and laughed and signed his name on the agreement.


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