On the morning of November 26, 2007, a picture quickly spread on the China network. This picture is the first monthly image of the Chang'e No.1 satellite released by the China National Aerospace, and the Huaxia Space Administration announced The first moon detection project of Huaxia was a complete success.

Near noon, this picture spread throughout the world, which is another milestone in the development of Huaxia space career after successful man-made earth satellite and manned space flight.

In this way, it is about the interpretation of Chang'e No.1. In the past few years, the Chinese netizens like to watch technology science, especially about domestic technology.

1 is responsible for the development of Huaxia Space Technology Group, mainly three breakthroughs, first of all, providing the world's first moon worldwide 3D image, followed by 14 elements, exceeding the probe of any country, finally The laser height of the is 1 meter, the world leads, hanging neon, China in the laser technology field is always showing such excellent.

Of course, the No. 1 is also inadequate, including camera resolution, the carrying capacity of the moon orbit and the quality of the takeoff are gap with the international first-class level, and there is chips and software, and there is no complete domestic.

But with the past, there is a big change in this issue, there are nearly one million chips and dozens of software systems on the 1st, in the first world, it takes a lot of imports like Beidou satellite, but In this world, the chip import rate is reduced to 20, and the software import rate is directly reduced by 50, and on the list of cooperative enterprises, everyone will find the wind group, and the wind group provides a number of technologies for Chang'e, everyone understands .

At the same time, Dragon Core has also had a very good performance on this time, which has undertaken a large number of chip design work.

After that, some people explained the meaning of Chang'e, but it was not only the first, but some people didn't know what the country was launched by the country. It was even more than the country. This is a face to waste money. .

In fact, engage in aerospace skills, showing Huaxia space technology levels and the highlights of the aerospace system are definitely the most basic, and there is a very important strategic significance to drive a batch of industries, and the scientific articles take the Mi Pollo program as an example. The Apollo plans to have a 2,000-year-old companies and more than 200 colleges and universities, helping Mi countries cultivated a batch of cutting-edge scientists and precipitated a bunch of research results, computer, communication, measurement, control, and control, and control. Rockets, laser, materials, medical and other fields have made a solid foundation, pulling the overall level of rice technology into a step.

These technologies have brought the economic prosperity of rice in the 1980s.

So a country can have some top big projects, which will affect the economic development and technology development of the whole country. Of course, there are also the development of military power.

The success of Chang'e No. 1 brought another rumor about science and technology confidence in China.

Specially selected this special day, in the afternoon of Huaxia Hang City, a special press conference was held, the national technology and the major leaders of Hangzhou were all present, and the Minister of Science and Technology announced that the Huaxia Technology R & D Association was formally established.

Huaxia Technology R & D Society is a non-profit social organization consisting of R & D enterprises, R & D institutions, colleges and personal developers spontaneously applicable, and the Ministry of Science and Technology is committed by the Minister of Science and Technology, the director of the Department of China. Long-term, three presidents have three, one is the deputy director of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the government, one is the Qinghua principal representing colleges and universities, one is Meng Qian representing the company.

Join the association's standards for investment in research and development, research and development results, research and development projects, and many other factors.

The association is to help improve and promote our independent innovation independent research and development.

The association set up a site, many companies show their own R & D centers and research and development results, including the familiar wind groups, Haier, Gree, ZTE and other enterprises, including Haikang Wei, BYD, who is in the past few years. Bo Daxia Xunfei, and has always actively developed and low-key Huawei, Jingdong side and other enterprises, as well as Alibaba and Yahaiwei, who have just set up a R & D center to prepare for the hands and feet, and many people know that it is currently Domestic research and development is a state-owned enterprise, Huaxia Architecture, Huaxia Railway Construction, Baosteel Share and other enterprises are large.

The establishment of the Association will further promote the development of Huaxia R & D, everyone eats together, and after the meal, Meng Qi has went to a tea building on the side of the West Lake, Xizi Tea House.

At the beginning of 2007, Westzi Tea Tower has just been officially opened in June. It is located on the banks of the West Zi Lake. The boss is Meng Qian.

The Western Tea Building uses the membership system, not open to the outside.

As for how to become a member, Meng Qian is actively invited, and there is also its own application.

Into the tea building, welcome the six young women wearing cheongsam, each is a great posture, and there is a temperament between the hand. The tea house has three layers, the first floor hall, the second floor, and the third floor is a big conference room.

"I have been in Hangzhou so many times, this is the night view of the West Lake for the first time." Wang Shengdong stationed in the window of West Lake outside the window.

"Everyone will come to Hangzhou to sit more." Meng Qian said with a smile.

"Meng Chuan picks this position, Yushan, water, left and right, the wind should be soft, the light is sufficient, the terrain is right."

Everyone has touted some, Meng Qian also listened and took the initiative to interrupt, "tea came, everyone will take it, let's talk about it first."

Meng Qian opened this picture, everyone sat well, all of them seriously.

Meng Mong sat in the masterpiece, "I heard that there are several invitations from Taishan Club today, including the invitation of Taishan Club, I personally not intend to join Taishan because some reasons are temporarily added to Taishan Will, but the model of the Taishan will deserve to learn.

As I said in the phone, everyone began to focus on R & D in these two years. Everyone saw the benefits of research and development, but at the same time, it also affected the pressure brought by R & D. For more Huaxia Enterprises at this time. More profits to invest more is not a relaxed decision, so I have been thinking about what can I do.

In this matter, the Thai Mountain Club and Zhejiang Merchants have given me a lot of inspiration, so I am thinking, maybe we can set up a higher than the corporate alliance, and do not affect the organization of their respective development, regarding the meaning of this organization, I don't think it's too complicated, it is very simple, helping each other.

We are still highly developed companies, especially high-developed private enterprises. I hope that everyone can concentrate all the strengths. This unity may not make companies have much profitable, but to guard the R & D together The spirit, through the hug of the group, let R & D, become more habits of Huaxia Enterprises, and let R & D are protected.

What makes me feel very happy is that my philosophy has received a positive feedback from you. Today, 37 entrepreneurs including me are sitting here. I don't know what kind of feeling, at least for me. This is a huge power.

So I think I will confirm it in the last time, it is clear, have you doubt? "

After finishing, everyone nodded firmly.

Meng Qian's consciousness sat up, "Then I will announce that on November 26, 2007, the West Lake will formally established."

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