The idea of ​​Si Mountain is suddenly blocked by any strange thing, and she has to ask Meng Qian. "What happened to Meng Hao?"

"" Meng Qian sighed, "It's not because of the subprime crisis, the wind group has always made money, it has never considered the problem of cash flow, but we have been very good for a few years, then Plus almost no liabilities, I always think about when I have no money, can I go to borrow, who can actually encounter a submissive crisis!

Financial institutions around the world have no money, and I have no local credits. The company has also been sharply reduced by the subprime crisis order. When we urgently need a money, I found Mr. Howard yesterday, he said that Sony has not yet, Mr. Shan, Sharp, can pull our strong wind group ? "

"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

"Billion m Gold, we have a very important acquisition transaction." Meng Qian put the mat in advance for the acquisition of the dream factory, otherwise, when the Shan Shan Dikion will definitely ask you TM rich to acquire the dream factory without money to give us ten generations. Line, noisy.

Meng Qian said early, and said that it is a very important transaction. The mountain is also unclear, maybe this transaction is talking about it, maybe I have a big wind group. Before the agreement, after all, billions of m-gold trading is normal. Meng Qian has opened up early, and the film is not asked for the sake of this billions of rice. I will ask Spilberg asked. exactly.

Sure enough, the Shan Mountain did not think too much in the acquisition. He now thinks is that Sharp really has no money, so it doesn't matter if you don't have anything else, say it hard, "Mr. Mr.," Calling you, actually because our Sharp's cash flow has also encountered some troubles. "

Meng Qian is also a long sigh. "Sure enough, Sharp is also affected by the subprime crisis. The mortgage crisis in the rice is really harmful. In this way, I think about the way, I will not in trouble Mr. Ms. Shan."

Mom, this is not your question, I'm don't bother my problem, I feel that I have been here, I'm almost swearing, "Mr. Meng is going to make anything?"

"I don't know, who can think of the rice fair to make this look."

The Mount Mountain has long, I want to knock on the side, "China's domestic bank should be good, according to I understand this submissive crisis, because the half-sea closure of the Huaxia Financial Industry seems to be very big, but also said Huaxia The people love to save money, your Huaxia's bank should be not bad. "

Meng Qianyi, "cough, all of our housing prices in Huaxia), the people have 50,000 yuan in the deposit of 50,000 yuan, do you say that he has deposit or no deposit? And now look At the collapse of the real estate of the rice country, our Huaxia Bank is more worried than one, not coming to our business debt, which has money to borrow. "

"At least how much is better than our neon country's banking industry, it is not like this, Mr. Meng can help us with Xiappi, I want to talk to your Huaxia 's capital." The Mount Mountain is still a brain. , Deliberately say this.

It's so fast in Meng Qian, "Sumprum is so serious now?"

"The 10-generation line is burned every month, and the money is burned in the current environment, Mr. Meng, is clear, can it be serious?"

"How long can the cash flow here?"

Si Mountain Danxiong began to calculate a suitable words. "If the subprime mortgage crisis does not continue to deteriorate, it should be able to support for half a year, but now we are not very optimistic about the future of the subprime crisis."

Meng Qian's heart is a happy, hey, I like you, I like you. "This way, Mr. Si Mountain will think about the way, I think there is a way, although the matter of the subprime crisis I didn't expect it, but I really promised Mr. Shan Mushan to support the 10-generation line of Sharp. Maybe we can't get so much money this year, but I have at least 8 billion soft sister coins before summer. "

Meng Qian said on this, the film mountain is really no way, according to the contract, the subprime crisis has developed to this point Meng Qian is a penny does not give Sharp, and at least will save. 8 billion, Si Mountain is also satisfied, although this money has to wait for a few months, the Sakhan Ganxiong also knows that there is still variables in these months, but what can I do?

And he always believes that Meng Qian will not be criminalized, after all, the wind group needs Sharp technology.

At the same time, Meng Qian is also a hoping hope to give the Shan Mountain, and people have hope in most situations, but there is no absolute thing, in some cases, hope is nothing good.

"Mr. Meng has the heart, and our Sharp will remember Miss Meng's goodwill." Before the phone, the film mountain didn't have to say thank you. "

After the phone is hung, the Mount Mountain is very good, but after cooling down, he began to analyze the situation under the eyes. "The wind group has no money, such as the wind group, if the company is broken,"

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Mount Mountain became a bit, and dialed a number that had not been contacted for a long time ago, "Mr. Bill Gates, Hello"

Meng Qian, started to check his account after hung up the phone. From last summer, the book profit of Meng Qian's personal assets has been close to 50%, of which the big collapse of neon industrial manufacturing companies makes Meng Qian's money, such as the funds of Xiapu have fallen.

Now Meng Qian's personal book fund has reached more than 2.5 million, enough to buy the entire Sharp, but recently because of the cause of the subprime crisis, it has encountered funds to Meng Qian's institution, Zhang Shuxin as a middleman In the case, Meng Qian continued to put the money first, and there was almost 20 billion in his hand.

In March, there will be a slight rebound. After May, he will continue to plunge, but the things that are so detailed, so his strategy is very simple, and it will be finished, and you don't care about this little rebound.

Meng Qian's special goal will also transfer from the neon country to the technology company of Miki, the first capital first smashed the Yingda and AMD, the two companies were the most embarrassing companies in 2008, and It is the competitor of the wind group, naturally you don't have to welcome.

The amount of funds is almost the same, Howard's phone is also coming, "Meng Da, we have been arranged here."

"Well, then act as planned."

Just a week after the reduction of LCD on Taitai Province, the market was still late from the price reduction of the province. The wind group and Sony suddenly issued a price reduction notice. The wind group once again refreshed the new price, the foundation of the province Then lower 3%, set the low price of the LCD screen, and the market is stunned.

"The Great Breeze Group teamed up with Sony to engage in the province's enterprises!" This is the most frequently occurred in this day.

"The wind group hits our low-end products, Sony fights our high-end products, the market staff of the two companies have already set out, their goals take the customers of our provinces!"

"Our collage is spelling Sony, how to fight for the wind group, how to do it?"

"Isn't it, the wind group is in a loss of money? Crazy?"

The entire station of the LCD screen is chaotic. They have not been mistaken. The wind group is indeed in a loss of money. This is a sacrifice that they have to make, but they have not said that this is indeed on the surface of the joint price cut. It is thinking so much in targeting the province.

But in fact, with the big rose of neon more, the impact of price reduction to neon LCD screens will exceed the impact of LCD screen enterprises in Taiwan, especially Sharp's 10th generation lines Drake a big bomb that became the neon region of LCD, Sony did not expect the follow-up development. It became the rape of the neck of neon.

This Sony estimate is also to be a rape, but the partners have become a wind group from Samsung, and the price reduction has no impact on the highlights. Of course, it is not the province to help the Samsung pit mainland to let Samsung make a big profit. Samsung's days are not good, plus Sony's help, give Samsung's great support, but these worlds are gone.

Is there enough energy to fight with the wind group in the LCD screen, now Meng Qian has no more embarrassment, but Meng Qian knows a thing, in 2008, the semiconductor industry also has a more tragic big mix. That is the memory war.

In 2008, the memory price avalanche, farten from Miyuan to Miyuan, called a sorrowful battle, in this big mix, Samsung gambled, put Samsung Electronics 2007's total profits in the war, And I got a big support fund from the Goryan Government.

Samsung did the same thing with Meng Qian in the battle of memory, losing money to grab the market, and kill other players.

The memory warhouse is not involved. On the one hand, the company really has no ability to play every field. On the other hand, it is also because there is another business in China, that is, it is a violet, so it can play in this battle. What is, Meng Qian will help, how can the specific result will be said.

Anyway, Meng Qian will try to make the Samsung uncomfortable, this memory will hold the Samsung's capital.

And after a while, when the neon is not falling, Meng Qian will focus on Samsung with Sony.

As for the province, watching them now, Meng Qian can only say, I wish you good luck.

The big mix of the LCD is getting more and more hot.

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