Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 527, Hongmon Second Generation


At three o'clock in the afternoon, the main venue, Meng Qian standed on the stage.

"How many people do not live in the spot is a Hongmeng mobile phone?" Meng Qian came to interact.

Almost one-fifth person raised his hand.

Meng Qian nodded, "So you know what I am here today, what is it?"

Everyone looked at Meng Qian, I saw Meng Qian showed a confident smile of the signboard. "I want friends who have not raised their hands, all use our Hongmeng mobile phone this year."

".." The warm applause sounded.

Meng Qian began to enter the theme. "In the market inspection process of Hongmeng mobile phone, we received a lot of feedback from users."

I started slowly playing online friends on the big screen. It is also a bad comment, "It is because of the feedback of users, so that we can have a more clear understanding of our products. The birth of a generation of Hongmeng mobile phones provides the foundation.

We can see that the biggest demand for users is two, more smooth use experiences and more applications. Therefore, the key breakthrough direction of the new generation of Hongmeng mobile phones is in these two appeals, let us see the change.

The first is our system, Hongmeng 1.0 as the world's first touch smartphone system, how much is a little, we have never avoided all the problems encountered in this year, always maintain close communication with users, in us Under the common efforts of users, Hongmeng 2.0 system has achieved significant breakthroughs.

Hong Meng 2.0 has made comprehensive optimization for some of the application crashes, slipping Carton, long-term standby automatic shutdown, while we can look at the big screen, the touch experience is more smooth, the security system is caused More complete, the UI interface is re-optimized, one-click cleanup, application switching, and fast input, technical breakthroughs will bring a better experience to the user.

Looking at our latest Hongmeng chip is a dual-core mobile phone processor, and this time our biggest breakthrough is in two places, first, breakthrough 45nm crafts, second, with the Hongmeng internal ring platform jointly created with Hongmeng system.

The processor's own performance increased by 120%, while the inner ring between the Hongmeng chip and the Hongmeng system can increase the overall performance of 50%. "

"Hey." The scene was another warm applause.

Why is Apple not only do mobile phone processors or even begin to develop their own computer processors, the reason is that simultaneous use of their processors and their own systems can build an inner ring platform, which will have huge improvements to performance. .

"Let's talk about the problem of talking about the application." Meng Qian made a move that was going to do. "We have been saying that the application is the best gift for the user, although starting. After the novelty, the user seems to slowly feel dissatisfied with the existing application of Hongmeng mobile phone, but everyone is highly expected, but everyone can not deny that the application of Hongmeng mobile phones is absolutely unique compared to other mobile phones on the market.

But since the user has a demand, we will definitely want to solve it. To this end, we have created a new platform with the biggest sincerity after the performance and operability of the mobile phone, we have built a new platform with the biggest sincerity. "

Here is some discussion, and most of them come today, most of them are developers, "Hongmeng Developer Platform is a development platform for global developers, and we provide developers with development tools, develop data, development support, Minimize global developers to create their own applications, and all applications can go online for our Hongmeng Mall as long as they meet moral legal standards.

Let us continue to look at the big screen. When we open the latest Hongmeng mobile phone, we can see our Hongmeng Mall. You can enjoy the function by upgrading the system to Hongmeng 2.0, now let us open Hongmeng Mall, simply Said that Hongmeng Mall is a place for selling applications, free applications, and payment applications.

The global developers can apply for entering our Hongmeng shopping malls through our Hongmeng Developer Platform, as for free or pay, the charging standard, the initiative is in your hands, and all sold applications, developers and platforms The implementation of 82 is divided, and developers can get 80%. "

The following titles are getting bigger and bigger, which is a platform for applying development, and can even make money.

The developer is the most intended to be a problem, your platform traffic is enough, the application I have to develop in your platform, how many users can you have, if you don't have a user to download without a house, that is not a white Yes.

The current sales of Hongmeng generation is 4.87 million units, although far exceeds the iPhone, 487 million this number is still not much. However, the potential of Hongmeng mobile phones is very optimistic, especially after system optimization, everyone thinks there is a better performance.

Therefore, someone will try to join the ecology of Hongmeng, and there must be a conservative person to choose to wait, but the wait-and-see people will miss the most chance, such as doing a certain application, you do the night, Others may all grab the market.

These are issues that developers need to consider, Meng Qian also can't forced them, the wind group can only use every effort to do the product well, let more people see temptation, this ecology will get more and more big.

Of course, nothing can't do. For example, in today's scene, Meng Qian is to show the possibility of Showing Hongmeng Mobile for the application. This is a stimulus for developers. "I believe everyone has noticed, Our Hongmeng Mall has been close to hundreds of applications, because we invited more than 50 applicants when developing this platform, these applications are developed by these applications and our Great Breeze Group.

Similarly, no matter the new generation of Hongmeng mobile phone or the first generation of Hongmeng mobile phone for system update, you can download and install these applications. The first batch of applications are free, but from performance and operability, the application experience of new generation Hongmeng mobile phones. Feeling will definitely be better.

Here we find some representative applications to see what performance can be seen in the new generation of Hongmeng mobile phones, first let us see the game. "

Maybe someone will spit, how is it a game, no way, on the one hand, the game is the most performance and operability in a short time, the other party, the explosion of smartphone applications is starting from the game.

In 2008, Apple brought "touch fighter", "spores" and "super monkey ball" on the Apple Developer Conference, opened the touch game era, in the next year, the world developers Together with Apple, 70,000 applications, more than 20,000 applications are games ...

Meng Qian did not choose, at this time, the game is the best show performance, attracting users and expanding the application.

"Our Great Breeze Group has developed three mobile games. The current internal test response is very good. We can show you at the scene. They are" angry panda "," tribe flee "," all things are cut ".

The common point of these three games is that finishing is complete through touch, especially the "all things" game, there is a high demand for touch screen, and it has become our test. One tool for the system, we can cut fruit, cut metal, cut book, this is also a game that releases inner pressure, we look forward to future user experience feedback. "

Although the game is a priority, after the game is displayed, Meng Qian has made an application of each application's large classification, the new version of the new version of the mobile phone letter under social application, and the business office under the business office. Mobile WPS, photography optimized Meitu Xiu Xiu, etc., which also have very important new applications, mobile phone navigation systems.

More show, you can give more direction and more inspiration to global developers, thus promoting more developers to join Hongmeng platform.

Sure enough, there is more public opinion on the Internet after the release of Hongmeng second-generation, which is in the Hongmeng Developer Platform and Hongmeng Mall. This is a brand new is the ecological construction of Hongmeng mobile phones. It officially started at this moment.


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