It is probably because the previous two days have brought, the third day, less than 8 o'clock in the future, the town is crowded with people, because this conference only gave a probably conference process, each day's specific process It is only issued when I entered the town on the day, so many people want to make it early to determine what kind of content in today and develop today's participation programs.

After all, there are so many contents every day to participate in all participation.

Adam and Jessi have come to the future towns early. They come so early, there is still a reason is curious, Zuckerberg last night, let them almost not sleep in one night.

"Today's largest mystery should be the topic of Meng Qian," Everyone saw that today's arrangement can see today's focus, because there is only one content on the third day.

Jessi recognized some nodded, "To the future key, now selling the Guanzi now."

Adam feels interesting, "To the future, I do so big, I have to see what the wind group is prepared for us."

In the morning, Adam did not hesitate to choose the artificial intelligence venue, because one of the main lectures is his good friend Zuckerberg, naturally go to hold the field, and it is indeed interested in artificial intelligence.

"In these years, in the process of artificial intelligence development, our company saw the unlimited potential of deep learning and gradually began to master how to use this technology. Today, in the conference, we will show you an internal research." Zachberg said, on the big screen, according to the content of him, "We use 20,000 computer processors to form a huge neural network, try simulating the learning process of the human brain.

This is our 23 million unmarked panda pictures found online. We train our deep learning algorithms through these photos. Next, let us feel the results.

This is the live broadcast of our colleagues in the live broadcast of the wild zoo. Our colleagues will collect photos from the panda's multiple angles. Under the premise of not provide any identification information, we will hand over these photos and interference photos. Deep learning to identify, can it accurately identify which photos are pandas?

let us wait and see. "

Zuckerberg finished, on-site start operation, the wildlife colleague was randomly photographed in the whole game and transferred the photo to the scene under the lens, and the on-site related employees submitted photos with some interference photos, there were many Some black and white similar photos, interference factors are obvious, but in this case, the simulated brain still has a photo of 12 giant pandas.

On-site applause, the industry insiders who are watching live broadcasts are also shocked.

The success of the Great Breeze Group means that deep learning has self-learning ability, which is the meaning of historical node in the history of artificial intelligence. From this experiment, a large number of companies and talents will flood into the depth study area. Artificial intelligence with learning ability brings this world unlimited imagination.

It can be said that this morning has brought a lot of people surprised, but also let more people curious, the wind group can still take out any more great technology this afternoon.

Apot, still is the main venue, Meng Qian once again stood in front of everyone, more than 20,000 developers from all over the world were waiting for Meng Qian to uncover the final pressure axis drama of this conference.

"These two and a half days, how do you feel in our conference?" Meng Qian still uses the interactive opening.

"Niu Jun!" Many Chinese developers shouted, they were really not support.

Meng Qiao smiled and nodded. "Before publishing this afternoon, let us first make a simple conference review, the first day of the conference, our focus on the electronic components and electronic products, the most concerned naturally It is a new generation of Hongmeng mobile phones, a new generation of ancient computers and a new generation of cameras.

At the same time, another area that has received attention is the microelectromechanical system. The microelectromechanical system is developed on the basis of microelectronics technology. It combines photolithography, corrosion, film, LIGA, silicon micromachining, non-silicon micro-machined and High-tech electronic mechanical devices made of precision machining and other technologies are a new development area of ​​these years.

This time, the MEMS optical sensor, MEMS pressure sensor, MEMS gyro, MEMS humidity sensor, MEMS gas sensor, etc. provided by our Great Wind Group, unveiled and the industry's hot discussion.

The next day, our focus on the software, including the second day of the next day, and a link and integrated industries such as databases, commercial software.

This morning, our core show is deep learning, especially we successfully complete the identification of giant pandas through deep learning, this is a great breakthrough. Future artificial intelligent researchers will remember this thing happening this day.

Ok, let us make a total of all the technologies in the two and a half years. "

Meng Qian said this, the four things that put smartphones, micro-electromechanical, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence on the big screen are in four corners and point to the center position through the arrow.

After that, three words appeared in the center position: Yun Zhilian.

There have been a big discussion on the spot.

Yun Zhilian, this thing, there is no new technology noun, which is completely created by the wind group, but in fact, this is the Internet.

However, the concept of the Internet of Things is officially proposed by the International Telecommunication Union at the Information Society World Summit on November 17, 2005. It is still less than 3 years, and the research on the Internet of the Internet is still In the primary stage, most people haven't figured out what technologies have been made. In the end, what is the application.

At this time, the company that shouting the Internet is actually just grab the highland, first put the cattle and blow it.

In this case, I have a prophet to develop a very clear Meng Qian that I want to think about it directly and create a technology concept.

As a starter of the future core technology concept, the status is completely different. When the future related technologies have developed, the wind group is the founder of this concept, although the essence is like the same thing, but the whole technology The development is perfect and the application is great.

The essence of the mobile phone and smartphone is also a mobile phone, but it is two things in the eyes of the world.

After grab the concept of the concept creator, as the founder will have a bigger appeal, it can be more convenient to establish a standard, establish a rule, and put the Yunzhion 's related industries to the wind group, and income Huaxia.

Of course, the light is to make a concept is still useless. If you want to stabilize the position of this founder, you have to make it clear and make people feel enough, although there are also ingredients of bragging, but let everyone feel this cattle Blowing very well, blowing very much like that, after all, Meng Qian metapys into the future of the future.

So next, Meng Qian will begin to explain Yunzhi Union.


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