Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 540 is afraid that they regret

This conference is very significant for Meng Qian, although many things have taken time, but at least it is highly attached to this thing, at least to take action, and this is all in public opinion In the first-line wind group, it means that since then, the cultural output and social media developments have developed in the country.

Sure enough, the cultural industry and social media of the Great Breeze Group shortly, the "National Sales List", simply, the leaders will go out to talk about business, in addition to selling high-speed rail sale, if the situation is allowed, selling a big wind Group's cultural products.

In the next two days detailed, the leaders also recognized a very important thing, that is, cultural output is not Yangchun, white snow, more instead of Lower Ribban.

Traditional culture such as Beijing Opera Calligraphy is very charm. It is the problem that these young people who even in China will not pay attention to let foreigners pay attention to it. This world's cultural output is definitely a lot more than once. The biggest reason is that the games of the wind group are like most people like their comics, not their tea ceremony.

Popular things are more acceptable, and in a cultural core in popular content, it can achieve the purpose of cultural output.

As the game design of the wind group, from the character image to the clothing to the building to the environment, there is a traditional culture of elegance, and there is a trend of modern civilization. Foreigners will slowly leave relevant impression on Huaxia when playing games.

Therefore, some works are on the line and are accelerating.


On May 28, the Apple's Global Developer Conference began, Meng Qian held concern, but did not see any surprises, there is no change in the shape of the shape, including the user's complaints caused by low prices, iPhone 3G 16GB The version is only 299 meters, which is nearly half than the iPhone 2G, resulting in a large number of iPhone 2G users.

However, IPHONE 3G still has a big change, that is, announced that it is necessary to enter the China market, and in advance, the 16G version of the price is 2999.

"When I see Huaxia's consumption, I can't help but I can't help it." Meng Qian shook his head, but it was not very intentional, come to see who is more popular with consumers.

Apple sales in Huaxia Market accounts for 25% of Apple's total sales, this world Meng Qian also wants to see what kind of data will be.

However, Meng Qian didn't care, and the enthusiastic netizens did not hold back, Apple just announced that the iPhone 3G will enter Huaxia, and there is a netizen to pick up Jobs, I can't see the interview of the Chinese market hanging online.

In fact, the iPhone 3GS announced that when I entered Huaxia, I also had a speech of Jobs in the past, but because iPhone 3GS was actually not fire in Huaxia, everyone is not very concerned, IPHONE 4 suddenly fire, the consumer's madness directly pressed these Negative comments, after Jobs is directly in China.

In addition, when IPHONE 3GS entered Huaxia, Weibo hot search has not yet, it is some posts, netizens discussed, there is no influence.

But this world is biased by the hot signal hot search, not long, Jobs can't afford to work directly.

"Adult should be responsible for his own speech, since we can't afford us, please don't talk to us, we can't afford your apple, roll!"

"I can't afford to make our money again."

"The capitalist is not to sell everything in front of capital, Jobs is not very normal."

The topic is very fast, one of the reasons is also because the external forces this year's smear of Huaxia, which makes many Chinese people very uncomfortable. At this time, I saw the behavior like Apple. I lit the anger of the Chinese people in the moment. What is our Huaxia? We still want to make us money?

Apple probably did not expect to choose a negative effect on this time, in advance, afraid of being dead.

At the beginning of June, Meng Qian shouted the person in charge of the mobile division to the office to understand the latest situation in Hongmeng.

"Hong Meng 2 As of June 1, sales have broken through 9 million, of which Huaxia market sales account for 40%, but from the sales curve, the overall sales have begun to decline, especially the emergence of Android mobile phones and Vientiane mobile phones, for us There are still some impact, so that the reputation of the Android system and the Vientiane system is not very good. "

"How about Android and Vientiane recently?"

"There is still no Android mobile phone in China, and Vientiane mobile phone is basically not going out of the country. The frontal confrontation is estimated to wait for a while."

"Also, you remember to pay more attention to Android and Vientiane, how is the specific situation of Hongmeng overseas?"

"At present, the largest market in overseas is still 13% in neon, sales accounts for 13%, but recently the European market is showing potential, this is the sales curve map of Europe, Meng Mum can look at it.

Sales in other markets have fallen, only Europe is rising, in addition, France, Spain, Netherlands, and Italy have expressed positive attitude, we are increasing negotiations, very hoping to enter these countries during this year. Market. "

Meng Qian looked at the data. "Which country is now the most difficult to enter?"

"Rice, UK, Australia, New Zealand."

"How is Canada?"

"Sales of sales in Canada have been sold for more than 300,000."

"How is the sales of Southeast Asia so fatigue?" Meng Qian looked at the problem.

"This thing is going to report to Meng Mong, and the dealers on Southeast Asia have recently reacted us to have a large number of Huaxia version of Hongmeng is flowing into the Southeast Asian market."

Meng Qian reaction, "smuggling?"

"There is a smuggled price, Hongmeng's price is around 1000 overseas, especially the low version is 20%, and some countries have to add a tax, such a price difference will naturally cause overseas users. care.

Don't say that there are many smuggling and purchasing in Europe. The average salary in the middle and upstream countries in Europe is about 1,000 Europe, and the average salary of Eastern Europe is not only 1000 Euro. These countries, the per capita salary is only 300 o'clock, and then considering the gap between the rich and the poor, many people there will care about this difference. "

Meng Qian touched the Pakistan, "We are not tailored to smuggling."

"The dealers there me meant to let us pull the price."

"Southeast Asia is not a little price, the difference should only be 10%? As for Europe, the major market we now should be developed, developed countries, so that our developing countries will sell them with them. Price? "

"But this problem has appeared after all."

"This problem is not from our Hongmeng mobile phone. Nokia sells the price in different countries. Even more than in China than in the UK, what is the dealer of Huaxia? They just want to make, no need to take care They, do the products well, some are people to grab agency. "

Meng Qian attitude tough, the following people don't dare to say, "Right, how is the application of application?"

"As of now, Hongmeng Mall has been online for more than 8,000 applications, of which Huaxia apps account for half."

"How is the market reaction?"

"Very good, the application is generally stable under the new system, and dozens of application explosions are also available."

Meng Qian nodded, "The application is very important, be sure to keep the situation, now Android Apple is beginning to engage in ecology, don't be grabbed by others.

Speaking of this, what attitude is the application in the other side of the country now? "

"I am involved in the Hongmeng Ecology is a lot, but several big applications in the rice country don't want to enter our ecology."

"Oh? Which big applies?"

"YouTube, MSN, Amazon."

"This is what we just want to build an ecology to build an ecology to threaten European users." Meng Qian heard that this news couldn't help but laugh, "I really took myself, you, do they don't want it now Enter our ecology, you will go to the Operating Department to enlarge this matter, let everyone know that they don't want to enter our ecology.

It is best to talk to them again, but just fight the gun, don't sue them. "

"What is the purpose of Meng Hao?"

"I am afraid that they will regret it and want to enter our ecology." Hong Mun can't reject the application of MSN and YouTube, and rejected the monopoly suspicion, it is easy to be prosecuted. Normal, "I hope they can be so hard in their lives, don't be one with Apple."


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