Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 548 Hardware Revival

Jiang Shangyi and Liang Mengong why are important, this thing is not only because of their ability and status, but also related to a major figure with Taiwan. That is the current executive of TTEM, Cai Lixing.

Cai Lixing is the most disappointing total executive man in the history of Tajagnead, because he has done a big company, although it is common but really taboo, cultivate his forces.

After picking up the stick in Zhang Zhongzheng in 2005, Cai Lixing was committed to cultivating his forces. As a result, he met the financial crisis to make TTEM a mess, and the performance quickly landslide. After 4 years, Zhang Zhong has had to personally withdraw Cai Liuxing. Let Cai Lixing have become a general manager of the new business department that is not administered by 20,000 employees overnight overnight, and is known as a Taji Electric version of the tears.

But this is really Cai Lixing, since he takes office, TSMC has begun the management left-handed trend. He has done the first year, and the deputy director of TSMC announced the transfer and deputy, and the deputy general manager Hu Zhengda left, R & D deputy Yang Ping. Transfer and consultants, even the company's respected R & D Senior Chief Jiang Shangyi has proposed retirement.

Look at Liang Mengong's things, Jiang Shangyi retirement, the company has two vice presidents. As a result, Cai Lixing not only gave the biggest death of Liang Mengong, but also a place, Ning, I would rather I don't want to pay for Tote. For so many years of Liang Mengongsong.

Although the Pin Pinapon in Liang Mengong has always been in the Mensongsong, saying that he is a traitor, saying that his character has a defect, saying that he has no management ability, saying that he has no eye.

However, Meng Qian judged a thing only to look at the facts in front of him. The fact is that Cai Lixing took office after Thai electricity. It did a batch of management for several years. In fact, Zhang Zhongmou regretted, and the Taixue said that Liang Mengong character is not suitable. When management, people with more than 100 people, other teams, other people, including Huang Guotai, Xia Jinqiu, Zheng Yulong, Hou Yongtian, Chen Jianliang, and the old employees, why, these elite are not commendable Actually play with Liang Mengong?

Besides, Liang Mengong did not have an eye ... Take a look at the achievements of Liang Mengongong's achievements with Sun Yuancheng, no vision.

Moreover, Zhang Zhong has just turned on Cai Li, because Cai Lixing took office and retired Jiang Shangyi Legou back to Taiwan.

Regardless of the fact that Taixue electricity is in the public relations, Meng Qian only tries to sway in front of it.

Therefore, Meng Qian wants to dig the immersive and Jiang Shangyi's important reason is to direct this contradiction inside the Taiwan, which takes a batch of old employees who have been pressed by Cai Lixing in the table. I didn't realize Cai Lixing. The pit is pit, and the old employees who have been oppressed will dig how much, when Zhang Zhong has returned to the god, I am afraid that when Cai Lixing will realize that Cai Lixing will.

Morning Meng Qian first is Liang Mengong, after all, it is excavated, and it is not good to shout together.

Moreover, Liang Mengong's situation is completely different from Jiang Shangyi, requires different communication strategies.

Liang Mengong, which is in fact, it is, after all, he is very wanting, two deputy directions are fixed, that is, there is no position, still staying, he only attended at the trial, Just say a few words, that is, how to suppress how Taimen Electric is pressed.

Sun Xiaomi did not get his main reason is that Samsung was grabbed with the wind group, and Samsung was dispatched by Liang Mengong, and Meng Qian had to come out.

Liang Mengsong's annual salary of Taimen Electric is 7 million soft sisters. Samsung gives Liang Mengsong an annual salary of 21 million soft sister coins, this annual salary is basically flat with Samsung Electronics CEO, and it can be seen that Samsung's attention to Liang Mengong.

And Samsung has an advantage that Liang Mengong's wife is a Korean. His wife does not play a role in this matter. If there is a lot of promotion, no one knows, that is Things between husband and wife.

"Mr. Liang, long-term name."

"Can see Meng Gong, is my honor." From the performance, Liang Mengong seems to be interested in Meng Qian.

It is also normal, and now there are too many people who are interested in Meng Qian.

I have a few words, such as hot dishes, it is the time to talk about it. "Listen to me that the company's personnel director told me that Mr. Liang seems to have been concerned."

The chairman personally dig people, there is nothing to go around, let alone Sun Xiaojing has been talked to him several times before, and everyone is very clear.

Liang Mengong did a sorry expression, "Meng Ge, whether it is a wind group or SMIC, in this field ..."

It is the first to take out that Samsung leads in this field than the mainland technology, which is what Meng Qian wants to hear, he hopes that Liang Mengong is a person who is more intended to be technically itself.

"Mr. Liang, this time, no matter what kind of decision, is definitely hope to make some value in this area?"

"Of course, I have experienced this age, the experience has experienced, the only regret, that is, the technology."

"I really didn't look at Mr. Mingliang, and the Great Breeze Group's own semiconductor manufacturing level has indeed a certain distance from the international level, especially in the manufacture of traditional CPUs, there is almost no experience.

In the past few years, we have accelerated our development through cooperation with SMIC, especially the joint factory, to a certain extent, just like Mr. Liang said, the level of SMIC is in the international and needs to be improved.

This is really our disadvantage, but some things I want to let Mr. Liang look at it.

First look at this document, this is the LCD screen of the LCD screen, which is jointly built with Sony, this is the industrial planning plan of the chip manufacturing plant we are preparing this year, Mr. Liang is witnessed. "

Liang Mengong took a few words and saw a special place. "A 7-generation line actually attracted nearly 200 upstream and downstream companies, and the factory that has not started starting to attract more than 100 upstream and downstream companies. Indeed? "

"Mr. Liang, I know that Taiwan Power will definitely be no such appeal. I asked Mr. Liang, Samsung has this appeal?"

"This ... I am afraid it is."

"Mr. Na Liang should be very clear."

Liang Mengong's expression is affirmative, "Only the mainland has a full-industry chain, the chip manufacturing plant of the Great Wind Group can with the help of the whole industry chain of China."

"Yes, the Chinese future is a world factory. Anyone wants to go from the world factory to develop unless you have this energy to build and maintain the remote industrial chain, but even if you can do it, no matter whether it is from cost or From management, it is impossible to surpass our native whole-industrial chain advantage, and as Huaxia Enterprises, it will receive the benefits of the whole industry chain in Huaxia. "

"The big development policy begins to reflect the advantage." Liang Mengong did not help but sigh, "Decades for decades to the gain, the future is not necessarily industrial powers in a short time, but there must be no one Unable to surpass industrial powers. "

Meng Qian responded with a smile, Liang Mengong can understand, then take out another document, "This year's Global Development Congress does not know if Mr. Liang is concerned."

"Of course, this is a feast of the global IT industry, and Meng Gong has brought surprises to the whole market."

"We enjoyed the future at the conference, put forward Yun Zhilian, and we really strive to develop in this direction, can gradually realize that the development of chips is hindering that our progress, Mr. Liang has Considering a problem, how long can Moore's law support? "

Liang Mengong is sensitive to the spirit, "What is Meng's meaning?"

"The law of Dennes is over in 2003. Amdar's law has also approached the limit, so how long can Moore's law still survive?

And a more critical problem is that I don't know why Moro's law can last so many years. "

"Why can Moore's Law sustain so many years?" Liang Mengong did actually had his own answer, but he deliberately wanted to hear Meng Qian's statement. "This thing is really hard to say, I don't know how Meng always see?"

Liang Mengong wants to listen to himself, Meng Qian said, "Because the industry is driven by the classic 2D scaling, we have almost no innovation in the mainstream architecture for so many years, everyone puts the eyes in the mainstream architecture. Geometric scale.

The more doing this, the architecture like X86 can be more monopoly, so why Moore's Law can last so many years? Not because of Mr. Mr. Mr. Moore, but because of Intel's do not think of it, he is not willing to enter. "

Meng Qian said that there is very impact on the people in this industry, on the one hand, because Meng Qian accused Intel and denied the so-called legend of Moore's law, because Meng Qiao said many people In fact, it is also thinking ...

As the top-level talents in the industry, I think so, I will have a few seconds after a few seconds, Liang Mengong will choose Meng Qian, "Do not change the mainstream architecture and choose constant scaling, this is the most cost-effective practice, for business In the company, this is the most secure, especially for companies with monopoly. "

"Yeah, this is what I never think of which business company is eligible to say great reasons in this issue. The business company often only hinders technology development, and users may see some interesting technology products. Change the life, but Mr. Liang must be very clear. Most of the technology companies are hindering the development of science and technology. Intel is like this. In fact, the wind group is sometimes like this.

However, there has been a pure research mechanism within the wind group. The pure research mechanism is not only to retain the purity of R & D, but also to keep me, the wind group should be as far as possible to do a technology company that truly promoting technology development.

So Intel does not think about it, we think, Intel doesn't want to go up, we want to go up, because we have expectations for the future, because I have a joy to the future. "

Meng Qian said, handed another document to the front of Liang Mengong.

Meng Qian's words have made Liang Mengong again have been shocked again. After receiving the document, I'm very serious, my eyes have become extremely sharp, and I have seen a dozen minutes Liang Mengong, "that is, the chip is big." Change, must come. "

Meng Qian straight a straight, "From all current research results, traditional CPU architecture is absolutely not applicable to Yunzhi Lianxian.

In the past few decades, most applications have been similar in processing demand. So all workloads are handled by the CPU. When we start using more pictures and games, everyone chooses GPU.

But in the Yun Zhilian era, our workload looks more and more different, and each workload has its own calculation needs. Therefore, we need a variety of different architectures in the Yunzhipian era, each structure for certain types of workloads.

In other words, the traditional architecture of the Yunzhi Lianxian Times will become more powerless. As mentioned above, the AI ​​workload requires three major architectural improvements, higher bandwidth memory, higher data parallelism and lower Precision, traditional architecture obviously can't do it.

Therefore, under the Yun Zhipian era, we need to promote the innovation of the architecture of various new workloads, and we can now foresee the silicon, silica, silicon nitride, and carbon these materials only take more than ten years. It will reach the zoom limit.

If we want to achieve our desire, we need a new architecture, and even need new materials.

We call it, hardware revival. "


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