I have to say that it is too tired to deal with the province. Meng Qian, I feel that it is serious recently. I will take the power of Tong, I want to kill it is true, sometimes there is a hint of the rest, but sometimes these rooms are actually just the tools that achieve their goals. I can't do it, I have to do it.

How to say, the company here is more than too much more than the foreign business to deal with foreign companies, sometimes you have to do it, sometimes you can't do things, sometimes do something is for routine They, sometimes opposite, I really have to think about peace.

Also try to see the true face of each human skin, but also consider some of the ideas of the country, but also try to balance.

After returning to Hangzhou, Meng Qian lied directly at home for a night. This trip is really tired.

Jiang Shangyi is estimated to give a result in a short period of time, but Meng Qian is in combination with Zhang Rujin, it has already made it out. If it is still not possible to take Cai Lixing to dig Jiang Shangyi, Meng Qian is temporarily There is no other way.

As for the other side, Liang Mengong is basically, it seems that Samsung is really nothing else, and after a few days, Liang Mengong gave Meng Qian called a letter, and then waited for him to hand over Tiew. .

The treatment of the Great Breeze Group is the annual salary of 21 million soft girl, with the internal shares of 100,000 windings, now worth 15 million, and Meng Qian promised that Liang Mengong will plan the Semiconductor company of the wind group in two years, when the Liang Mengong came over Directly as the general manager of the R & D department.

At the same time, Liang Mengong will bring together a group of teams. When he went to Samsung, this team was more than 100, but this team came to the Great Breeze Group with more than 300 people, and this is just the first batch. Walking, there will be a group of people to the wind group from Taixiao.

Because Sun Xiaomi is still active at Taitai, Jiang Shangyi does not temporarily not go to SME International, but Liang Mengsong's goal is also enough to play the power of the shock station at the time.

A group of talents who were crowded by Cai Lixing began to move, but unfortunately, Samsung did not spend too deep. Their public relations were all in the people of Liang Mengong, and finally the team of Samsung was also taken.

Of course, maybe Samsung didn't want to dig too much talents. After all, talents came to spend money, but no matter what, many people in Testaires are ready to move, just see who there is this time and Powerful.

At the end of July, Taixian's cafeteria.

"I heard that, Liang is always going."

"Well, this time it should be true, some people see Liang Gire to go to the wind group in the first two days. Yesterday, I saw that Liang He had chatted in the afternoon, as if I got another two months. "

"Liang always has so many years of TSM, which is so positioned in the company, really can't believe that he is actually going."

"Hey, I was put into this way, and I am not willing to change."

"" That is to say, if I have swallowed up, I can't swallow. Cai Lixing suppressed how many old employees in the company in order to build their own forces! Hey, I don't know how to think about the position to Cai Liuxing. "

"Who knows, the upper level of ideas we will never understand, that is, the total feelings of the Tong Liang have a certain way to say."

"You said that even the beam is always squeezed, others? I am afraid that Cai always gets the roll away. This is really getting more and more powerful. I have to be careful in the future. Human face! "

"I have a good job of managing Zhang, especially with Jiang's cooperation, then we pay more attention to it."

"Don't say, Jiang always retired, I almost resigned, I really don't know what the company is, and people who are cherished."

"I heard that the company will put sales in the first place, semiconductor manufacturing this thing, technology precipitation is the most important, company technology deposit to a certain extent, as long as you don't mess, you can keep competitiveness.

Nowadays, our Taiwan Power has clearly spanned from technical strengths to technical reserves, so the key development direction of the company will be transferred to the sales terminal. "

"Oh, so our R & D personnel do not value money? The old generation has paid for half a lifetime. What is this now? What is this now? Unload the kill?"

"If I say, I'm just right to resign!"

"The light, resign, now, now the submissive crisis, each company is layoff, just want the hopping, it is also difficult, and the unit resigned from 10% in the first half of the year, I heard that the second half of the year is intended to resign 10%. "

"Oh, have you encountered a headhunting in the forever."

This problem is very sensitive. The first person asked the first reaction after the first person, was silent, so he was in a person who had a straightforward person. "I met, you have encountered?"

"Who is your headhunner?"

"It is the big wind group that Liang always go."

"me too!"

The two said, some people can't help but open, "I have also encountered."

"me too."

"I remembered, the wind group has sent an announcement in the first half of the year, saying that this year, no matter what happens, it is also the only technology group company that is unfained by the world in 2008."

"I listened to me that headhunting said that the wind group not only will not lay off, there is still a talent plan this year, at least a few thousand R & D teams."

"This company is so rich?"

"That Meng Qian is not the world's top ten rich people, and the key to this matter is not there is money, but an attitude."

"Don't have an attitude, the company is actually a virtue. When you need technology, it is a father, and the technology is coming out. How many companies respect the R & D personnel?

It is the core of the company. I have been in the post in my duty, and I look at this. "

"This is really unruly, I have several college students to work in the wind group, the Great Breeze Group gives the R & D staff are really good, even if the future is really not paying, these years give you stocks and houses. It is also enough for your shorthair, and you can't do anything.

TSMC also has a good treatment, and the treatment of middle talents has always been good. "

"Huang always seems to have to go to the wind group with Liang?"

"Summer is always like resigned."

"I am full, I am going to bed."

"I am also full."

Liang Mengong's manager's manager, frequently received the employee's conversation application in the next few days.

At the same time, in the late evening, the headhunts of the Tadi province headhunting company have almost no time to rest.

"Hey you, I am Tai Power ... Better, the last thing you said last time I want to know."

"Well, the Great Breeze Group is still recruiting? Ok, I can check the interview tomorrow."

"There is a group of ideas here, um huh, good, let's take a time."

The talents of the first echelon of Taiwan Terrace have recently went to the same restaurant.

"Hello, my name is Sun Xiaojing, this is my business card ..."

A resection of the TSMO vault due to internal management disputes, is rapidly fermented.


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