Although the Huaxia men's basketball team lost to the Men's men's basketball team, but harvested a good public opinion, more people expressed satisfaction with the performance of the Chinese men's basketball team.

This is the case, many times, everyone can recognize the gap, but lose and, then it is completely two things.

Going back to the hotel, I slept well, the next morning, the hotel restaurant, Meng Qian's eye is holding Sunman language. And sitting opposite Meng Qiao, it is Sun Qicheng and Xiao Bo, just returning to China a few days ago.

Xiao Bo knows that this veteran has not appeared for a long time. Because he has been busy with Meng Qian, he has been busy, and the wind group is now in Milan, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Ukraine, Spain. , Serbia, Neon, Gaolia, Singapore, Thailand, Russia, South Africa, Egypt, and Angola 15 countries have set up branches, including rice, Russia, Canada, Serbia, neon, Singapore, etc. R & D Center.

At the same time, the Great Breeze Group also reached a college partnership with 56 international universities such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge University, Imperial Polytechnic University, Singapore National University, Zurich Federal Institute of Technology, Kyoto University, Seoul National University, etc. Provide all kinds of contributions and internship employment for these universities.

"How is the situation outside now?" Meng Qian asked.

The two pairs, Sun Qicheng as the mouth of the predecessor, "The subprime mortgage crisis has begun to spread to the ordinary loan market, and the influence range of the entire subprime mortgage crisis in the first half of the year has also concentrated on the construction of the housing and subprime loan business. Go to the entire financial market. "

"That is to say, large-scale financial institutions who have no direct relationship with mortgages have also begun to have problems."

"Yes, Lehman Brothers, Migi International Group, Milul Securities, HBOS, Washington Mrousing, and even Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Securities began to be shocked, the global financial crisis, really come."

"What is the reason?" Meng Qian is a technique, it is really not understanding to financial, although people who listen to the wind investment here, but still want to listen more Listen to different people.

"Simple financial globalization has been caused, and the global financial institutions have been integrated in the past few decades, has already formed a global financial market to control the situation in a few large capital, and these large capital is interoperable and interoperable with each other. of.

This leads to problems in one ring, and the entire global financial market will collapse. "

Meng Qian can't sigh, "I don't have, in any industry, once it is not regulated, there will be huge hidden dangers."

Sun Qicheng nodded and said, "So now in the German French Spain Belgium, the German French Spain, the German, Europe, which has already expressed a clear attitude, to increase the government control of the bank.

Goldman Sachs Securities and Morgan Stanley If there is no accident, it is very likely to turn to the bank holding company. "

"That is in the eyes of Sun, is there any of our big wind groups to get the benefits of fishermen in this financial crisis?"

Sun Qicheng glanced over with Xiao Bo, this time the turn of Xiao Bo is open, "Meng Da, I have heard the company several people tell me this year, you spend money this year ...

Although the company's development in the first half of the year is very good, it can be said to be a branch in the global technology company, but the financial crisis is coming, it is really unique. "

Sun Qicheng followed, "And although our Huaxia's financial system did not have a great effort, we almost did not bought a financial product of rice. After all, we were one of the global integration members and played an important role, in the second half of the year. The Huaxia Financial Market will certainly have a big impact. "

It can be seen, about Meng Qian spend money this year, this year, everyone does not recognize ...

Sun Qicheng is estimated to be in other executives to persuade yourself.

Meng Qian is also very helpless, I have to give a most direct attitude. "There will be 50 billion funds to the company at this end of this month."

The two are more confused, "So much money? Where is it?"


"Borrow?" The two still want to continue to ask, but notice that Meng Qian's face has already pulled down.

At this time, I have to swallow it, as a boss, I promise you to put the money in front of you, if you want to continue to ask, you will not grow.

Looking at Meng Qian gave his eyes, Sun Qicheng continued the topic before, "under this financial crisis, the global financial pattern will have a huge change, with the strength of the wind group, you can find a chance to squeeze in.

We can start with financial institutions that are urgently needed to help, consider entering stocks. "

"As a Chinese company, have this opportunity?" Meng Qian made a very realistic issue.

"It's really difficult to put it on weekdays, but now it is different. Here is two points. First, the capital of rice is in fact, which is divided with the rice official government. Why is the Minigong Officer to take the government's control for capital, but Even if the financial crisis is in front of you, most of Wall Street is still refusing to accept supervision, because once supervised, they will not be better.

To a certain extent, the subprime crisis will evolve into this role in this fundamental reason.

Another key factor is that the self-rescue capacity of Wall Street will be low.

Just like you told us last night IBM want to acquire Oracle, Oracle encountered problems under the financial crisis, the wind group wanted to acquire, but people have IBM can come to acquire, naturally, I will not be busy.

However, the financial crisis is completely not at one level, and the situation of Silicon Valley and Wall Street are completely different. I have just said that global financial now is bundled. Wall Street is essentially a interest cluster in the financial. Under the crisis, it is almost unique, even if there is a personal cash stock, it is difficult to face the huge gap of Wall Street.

As for the rice country outside Wall Street, because there is no experience in this field, we are not too likely to acquire, so in order to better maintain business, in order to get rid of the control of the rice official government, in order to live, they need external capital. help.

But we have to realize that the wind group wants to go to the financial market in the financial market, there is a big problem. "

"what is the problem?"

"The same experience, the wind group was established for 8 years, in the case of the capital market, in the eyes of Wall Street, the wind group seriously lacks capital management skills, they are hard to trust us.

Unless they are really looking for us to want money, they seem to have a lot of choices, such as neon, Mitsubishi and Nishan Holdings have recently communicated with Wall Street. "

"Neon? They are not very unaffected by themselves?"

"This is an alone, the influence of the entire financial crisis on neon countries is definitely impact on Wall Street, and Mitsubishi's foundation is still very thick. It really encounters a dilemma. They can also give up other industries to support their acquisition. But they want to enhance their strength in the overseas financial market. "

Once, Mitsubishi acquired 20% of Morgan Stanley's share of Shandon, the Yusu Village Holdings Group acquired the Asian region of Lehman Brothers and Europe, and the Sanjing Sumitom Financial Group has funded Goldman Sachs Group. Hongsheng.

Sun Qicheng's words made Meng Qian, just at this time, Meng Qian's mobile phone rang, "Hey, you are here, come directly on the restaurant, good."

"Who is coming?"

"Shao Yi Bao, there is a new friend."

"new friend?"

"The chief consultant of the new recruitment of the wind investment, Sun always knows, let's listen to his thoughts."


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