Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 660 International Cooperation Sample

After the press conference, even many people are still hesitating, but they don't affect the service of a bunch of small and medium-sized enterprises to buy the wind group. After all, the lack of business is a small and medium-sized enterprise, especially the Chinese enterprise, and the resources of their own doors must not be good. use.

On June 11th, the General Assembly, the South African World Cup started.

Yanjing time at 8 o'clock on the 11th, many people watched the opening ceremony of the South African World Cup before the TV computer.

It is said that the World Cup is the most classic, but the South African World Cup for Meng Qian is the most memorant, because he gambling lost a money.

In this case, I have a stay in this world for almost two seconds, and everyone sees Meng Qian.

After the opening ceremony, from the hall, the outside is a person, one of which is the fans of each team, and a group of Meng Qian's fans.

A bunch of people held a brand with Chinese to write technology gods, Meng Qian is very popular here.

Meng Qian has high-profile, high-profile cooperation, all his commitments are also active, and the light has donated 100 million soft sister coins in various public welfare organizations in Africa, and established a technology innovation fund in Africa. I took a 1 billion soft sister coins to support African technology innovation and scientific entrepreneurship.

In addition, in the South African wind group, it is very difficult, it is very difficult, in South Africa now this crime rate, many companies don't dare to come over, good to protect the three layers of three layers in the local government, it is difficult to do something .

And this time, by the World Cup, the South African government put Meng Qian invited to make more things to ask Meng Qian to help.

Think about the South Africa once is also a prospective country. Now it is quite a very embarrassment. Since the end of the gossip, I will give up the military development and open the industrial market, especially in the Half of Omi, I originally developed South Africa. The industrial system is smashed, the military level of the original world is now cool.

From 2002, South Africa seems to be finally realized, launched "South African national and research strategy", trying to return to the peak, but it has not made many progress in seven years.

This is also something wrong. When Huaxia is the most important thing to buy, I still know that I want to stick to the basic industrial system, but South Africa will put this foundation, which is why South Africa has purchased a large number of Huaxia Electromechanical products.

Until 2009, South Africa began implementing the "Ten Years Innovation Plan". This is a very important turning point. After that, South Africa's science and technology level does have a restoration, but the status ratio of South Africa in the technology industry is not small, but at least South Africa is indeed changing, and it is indeed effort.

Such South Africa can also mention Meng Qian's interest, especially before the rebirth, it is justified to learn South Africa. At this time, invest in South Africa is indeed a good choice. In addition, Meng Qian is particularly interested in a thing of South Africa.

Next two days, the Olympics of the South African Ministry of Science and Technology, the Olympics visited the eight national research institutions in South Africa. On the 14th, the Olympic and Meng Qi Mengqian took lunch. "Mr. Meng is in South Africa. Is there any suggestion for technology development? "

Meng Qian is very strive to swallow the Chinese food, this taste can't say the strange, "Mr. O Osai," Mr. Olympics, will be more clear than me, South African technology wants to develop, not three things, master the basic industrial autonomy, acceleration Scientific research talents training and research funds are investing, and there is also the advantage of being looking for themselves as soon as possible. "

"Mr. Meng said yes, but we feel that there is still a little, which we should accelerate the digital construction, and you will be able to visit this future train in the morning.

We also cooperated with Meng for a while. Everyone is very happy. This time I invite Meng Mr. Meng, just want to ask Mens to help pull the digital construction of South Africa. "

I can receive this invitation, and Meng Qian is probably clearly trusted by South Africa, but this also benefits from the relationship between the two countries. Although the establishment of diplomatic is relatively late, the relationship between the two countries after the establishment is very fast, mainly South Africa It was a miserable by the rice country.

Meng Qian first expressed that I was very willing to take this life, then I said with this very good atmosphere. "In fact, I still have a suggestion. From my observation, South Africa has been a heavy industry country, South Africa's current main energy It is also concentrated in mining and agriculture, of course, mining and agriculture have indeed a South African advantage industry, but from the perspective of industrially driven technology development, industrial pull employment, and industrially pulling global cooperation.

I think South Africa's greatest potential, in the sky. "

Meng Qian pointed to the sky, the Olympics immediately realized that "Meng always said astronomy?"

Meng Qian nodded, "According to I understand that the ten-year innovation plan in South Africa last year is the first key project is to use South Africa's unique astronomical observation geographical advantage to promote astronomical research, and strive to become an international astronomical observation and research. Core base, right? "

"It is true." South Africa's ten-year innovation plan is open, so there is nothing to look, "We are more than just natural conditions, we have successfully established a national astronomical advantage geographic system agency to protect us. Natural advantage. "

"I think South Africa wants to be right, but there is a sentence to be a bit directly, and I hope Mr. Olympics will not mind."

"Mr. Meng please say."

"It can be said that the square of the array project will basically choose South Africa, then once the square of the array project is built, South Africa is about to become a super huge global astronomical data center, but can South Africa have the ability to deal with these data?"

The square of the square array project is a world largest integrated well-side radio telescope project built by more than 10 national planned joint ventures. It is also the world's largest international cooperation project in the 2010.

There are five scientific objectives in the square kilometers, namely the detection of universe dawn and dark period, study galaxy evolution, cosmology and dark energy, find an universe civilization, use pulse star and black hole inspection strong gravity field, and study the origin and evolution of the universe magnetic field.

Among them, the origin of the universe, gravitational waves, gravitational essence, dark matter and dark energy, etc. are the most advanced problems in the physical field, and the significance of this project can be seen.

And South Africa is one of the two location sites of this project.

"We are currently more blank in this field." Olympics said straightforward, the key is not possible, and now South Africa can't find a decent big data analysis company.

"Then I think we can consider cooperation in this matter, we can help you build an astronomical data processing system, which will have a very positive role in the influence and status of you in the entire project."

Future South Africa does become such a super data center, and South Africa's strong representation hopes to keep control over data, not exporting it to other countries.

The surface is because the distribution cost of data is extremely expensive.

But in fact, for South Africa, they just want to control the information handling power, so everyone will be greater, more supporting, more talents, more cooperation can come, they don't want to make a simple Data storage center, this is the length of the length.

However, the future South Africa does not have powerful data analysis capabilities, and it is not possible to face the huge astronomical data that is coming.

Then, South Africa has dried a thing. In 2018, he found Huaxia to help, and signed the Astronomical Data Cooperation Agreement with Huaxia, so that Huaxia helped him to get this thing.

Meng Qian is doing now, it is pushed forward for 8 years in a certain scale.

The reason why it is necessary to prove that the results of the cooperation have proven to cooperate too late, don't say that the square kilometers are arramed, and the data of the NPT after the expansion of the expansion of the NPT in 2019 is indentabarous.

However, I haven't chosen in the world. South Africa has always wanted to get rid of the scientific and technological control of the rice in 2009, so he didn't want to find a rice country to help, but the technical maturity of Huaxia is almost the same thing in 2018, this thing can only Drag is so late.

Now there is a choice, Meng Qian wants to give China, give it South Africa, and give yourself a chance to re-select.

Master the global astronomical research and development base, control the huge data, and control data analysis capabilities. There is an important active role in the development of future communication, satellite group construction, space physics.

As a public project, although it is impossible to restrict others, Meng Qian does not like any monopoly to limit others, and there is no such thing as it is, Meng Qian wants just one hand of one hand.

Because the Great Breeze Group now starts R & D rockets, starting to develop 5G, this is something you need layout.

In the face of Yunzhi Lingling, the attitude of the Olympics is obviously positive.

Although the Olympics will still face some of the existence of the existence.

"Is it really good to cooperate with the wind group, so that the wind group enters this project is not small. We also believe in Intel and IBM, and they turned our industrial system into this."

"We have established over Huaxia for so many years. We have seen the difference in Huaxia. The wind group is also the same. Meng Qian has proved what kind of person he is in this world for ten years.

I think the wind group is worth trustworthy. He can bring us a lot, look at Serbia, with the help of the Great Breeze Group, Serbia's technology rapidly developed, but until now, we have never seen the wind group wants Any intent of Serbian monopoly.

As for the Great Breeze Group to enter this project, it is to help us build a system, and the wind group will also rely on China to officially join the project. Huaxia is one of the squares of the country, this will not have any problems. "

For South Africa, Serbia is a good example of Meng Qian, one will let them see the role model after seeing, but they seem to have not realized that a few years later, South Africa will also become a big wind group. International cooperation example.


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