One hour ago, a private aircraft from the UAE was about to arrive in Hangzhou. The plane sitting on the plane represents the world's second largest consortium, the Abu Dhabi consortium Alphahim.

Alphachm founded the Nine Snake Company in 2005, acquired Manchester City Club in 2008, and spends 100 billion to 5 million pounds due to high-profile speaking, he is popular in Europe, and he is called a young generation of consortium. Representative characters.

When the aircraft is about to land, Alphahim is sitting at the Hangzhou airport, "The change in the global science and technology pattern has begun. Under the influence of the Great Breeze Group, China is showing the potential to become the new global technology center."

"But the basics of Huaxia is still weak, and the development of the wind group will only constantly attract the attention of rice. Now investing in Huaxia Technology. Will it be a little adventure?" The accompanying analyst made his own views.

"Investment is risky, Huaxia's overall development speed once again refreshes a cognition of the whole world, so many impossible to achieve this land, this is not a very interesting thing.

What I am more careful is how to open the strong capital iron gate of the wind group. "

Alphahim and Meng Qian have been seen at 11 o'clock in the night, Meng Qian took Alphahim to eat a little night, although the two can't eat.

"Mr. Meng this is really a big hand, and the wind group has so many projects to raise, but can also take out the development of the virtual reality." Alphachm directly chatted directly.

"Okay, 10 billion soft sisters are not very stressed to us." Meng Qian has taken the trust in some international conferences with the consortium around the Middle East, knowing their arrogance, so saying it is straightforward "We have reached 1 billion soft sister coins this year's research and development investment."

"The commercial environment of the semiconductor is already very mature, and the wind semiconductor has already stabilized the heel, and it is the core industry of the wind group, accounting for 100 billion R & D input, but the virtual reality is still in the concept period. And I will see Mr. Meng at the press conference today. This 10 billion should be the main support. If I have not guess, there will be another R & D investment in the wind group. "

Meng Qian did not expect Alfahim to analyze, "We look at this direction, more willing to invest more than some companies, actually just like this."

"Mr. Meng is indeed ambitious person, and Mr. Meng is a lot of interested in the field, according to I understand that in addition to virtual reality, these years have also been very frequent in many fields in medicine, materials, quantum technology, etc. I will see the quantum technology of your company next year. "

I saw the other party did a very detailed investigation, but Meng Qian was unchanged, "this is not a company in our strong wind group, the current situation is like this."

"I don't think, Mr. Meng has established a strong style of the industry in 14 years. It is involved in the industry's wideness to make many people can't imagine. I think Mr. Meng will continue to surprise this world, so I am thinking If Mr. Meng can have more funds, is it more faster to do what you want to do.

You can also let our world enjoy more advanced technology earlier. "

Alphahim seems to be very polite, but every sentence is express as Meng Qian him wants to invest in the wind group, and as long as Meng Qiang is open, they are not bad.

This personality is basically similar to Middle East, which is touched by Meng Qiao. He will not let you think that the other party is despised, but will make you very clearly feel that the kind of money brought.

Meng Qian thought about it, "said this thing, then I am also pleased, Abu Dhabi consortium has a lot of investment in Silicon Valley, Mr. Alfachm comes to me, will affect your investment in Silicon Valley?"

"Meng Mr. Meng is a new global thinking of cooperation. Under this thought, I believe that in China invested in China, we don't have to consider too much thing, we only choose to make a project. Just money, isn't it? "

Alphahim made a homework in Meng Qian. It is easy to enter Meng Qian. "If Mr. Alphahim believes our new globalization, I think Mr. Alphahim can consider entering our various platforms. "

"Oh? How do I understand this?"

"Take our VR promotion plan, if the Abu Dhabi consortium is interested in this, I believe that there will be a lot of potential outstanding companies in the future, and in new globalization Under thinking, as long as you can get support, you have a big probability to grow up. As an investor, you can also gain a considerable return. "

Alphahim nodded, there is a way to see your performance, "it is really tempting."

"How to promote capital and technology cooperation, it is also the problem we have always considered. If you can enter the platform more directly, I think it will be more helpful to this direction."

"If Mr. Meng is willing to open this mouth for us, we are of course very willing to take a look."

"This mouth is not me, it is the market." Meng Qian smiled and responded to this sentence, "under the new global thinking, no one can control who said, but the strong will take a leader. The role, but the market must always be open, no one can come in, no one can go out. "

"The big wind group itself, in a more open era, the leading technology is more important, when is the Great Breeze Group develop?" Alphahim finally saw the needle.

"The wind group is already open enough." Meng Qian deliberately stupid.

However, the topic is open, Alphahim will only become more direct, "Mr. Meng, I have been with absolute sincerity today, I think we can really help the wind group.

For the respect of the Great Breeze Group and Mr. Meng, we can give the absolute make you satisfied, and to tell the truth, with the quality of the wind group, there is not much to provide capital to the wind group. "

The arrogance of the Alphaham bones came out, this is what I want to take the money to smash Meng Qian.

"In fact, I have been curious, how much is the Abu Dhabi consortium, is it convenient to disclose?"

Alpha Himyi mentioned that the money is more confident. "The specific number is inconvenient to invest, but Mr. Meng can believe that our assets exceed 10 trillion meters."

Meng Qiao smiled, he heard that Alpha Him was in fact, and the online rumored Abu Dhabi consortium is almost 700 billion meters, Alphahim said that it is 1 trillion yuan to start, true and false There is no way to test, "I want to ask Mr. Alpha, there is a so-called wind crisis in Wall Street in the past year, I don't know if you have heard of it."

"I know, the wind group has a shares in several banks in Wall Street in Mi, which has caused the dissatisfaction in the rice country. It is called the wind crisis in Wall Street, and some say that this is the capital invasion of Wall Street.

However, what is the next thing is talking about, I will not be very clear. "

"In fact, now I don't know how to talk, we are the shares of the big brightly acquired, don't steal, now they let me make me, how much is inexplicable.

So I want to ask Mr. Alphahim, Abu Dhabi's investment is not less than us, but I have never seen any action for you to have anything about you. "

Alphahim has some doubts about Meng Qian asked such a mentally issue, symbolic response, "May, because we are a pure investment party."

"I think I am very pure, especially my personal assets." Meng Qian shrugged, "I have a normal support for your own assets hope to get the income return?"

Alphahim seems to have suddenly realized what, also put forward a doubt, "said Mr. Meng's personal assets, why didn't Meng Mr?" This year? "

"They don't believe me."

"Do not believe?"

"Well, I have given them a number, they don't believe it, I will check it, Mr. Alphahim, how can I tell them to check my account?"

"Also." Alphahim smiled, and always think is wrong, but I can't think of it.

The next dialogue Meng Qian has been putting the capital cooperation, but if you want to open the capital of the wind group, don't think, Meng Qian is reluctant to give any company shares, no matter how high the price of Alphahim.

After returning to the hotel, Alphahim always thinks that Meng Qian has always implicit what you have, and immediately contact the company's employees to investigate a few clues.

Almost a whole night, the next morning, Alphachm finally had a complete information.

Meng Qian's financial crisis in the 2008 financial crisis has not only Wall Street, which is not only Wall Street. In addition to Wall Street, Switzerland United Bank, Barclays Bank, Deutsche Bank ... I have a world-renowned financial institution of the world. They are blended, but also is more than just wind groups.

From the information, Meng Qian also frequently in the name of the individual assets, and even two years ago, in addition to the big wind bank of the wind investment, Meng Qian also founded his Huaxin Bank in Switzerland. Thereby opening up a larger financial radiation.

This year, Forbes is named Meng Qian, because they have heard an amazing figure when they understand Meng Qian's personal assets, they don't believe, they want to investigate, Meng Qian did not let them investigate, and finally Forbes simply put Meng Qian The list is the list, the reason is not to accurately get the value of Meng Qian.

Look at the investment target of the British Bank and Huaxin Bank, the wind bank is mainly based on the main investment of technology assets, but Huaxin Bank will otherwise, in the overseas investment is very broad, in addition, many investment in Wall Street It has a thousand relationship with Meng Qian. It is reported that there are many investors in Wall Street to have a position in Huaxin, although there is currently no accurate information.

Everything is pointing to a fact that Meng Qian's personal assets are likely to be a very terrible number.

Because of the time of the time, there is a history of history, with enough inspection cases, there is a speech that can be self-circular, plus anyway, as long as he does not announce, the world will never confirm how much he has, so Meng Qian Personal capital is not as covering the previous cover, starting some investments in the outside world, and increasing this influence year by year, strengthening your financial position.

Although the Great Breeze Group also exceeded 1 trillion mm, the valuation of the 1.10 billion mm and the concept of the consortium of the consortium is still different, which is Alphahim in Meng Qian. It can be proud of you in front of you.

However, the Alpha Heim suddenly be a little proud of this line, Meng Qian, who is a white hand, used in just 14 years, not only created a miraculous company such as the wind group, but also step by step. A financial gap.

Meng Qian's personal assets must have more consortium of Abu Dhabi, but it has a global, and a person who is in a white hand may be more than Meng Qian.

Meng Qian is hinting Alphaham, don't be mad in front of me, I am a consortium.

Alfahm suddenly got up because of his birth in the bones, he took out the mobile phone to Meng Qian, "When Mr. Meng has time, I want to talk about the details of cooperation specific."

For Alphahim, he has the strongest mind to work with Meng Qian, and is an equal cooperation.

Meng Qian saw the change in the Alpha Him attitude, soon with him, Alpha Him was willing to cooperate equally, and Meng Qian could talk about cooperation.

Otherwise, Meng Qian is not a uncle.


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