Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 792's lowest threshold

At the beginning of April, the intelligent photovoltaic road began to pass the path. Meng Qian was still a bit worried about this matter. After all, another time and space smart photovoltaic road did not make it, just like the VR shopping in Ali, it is so cold.

"Meng Da, the intelligent photovoltaic road encounters a little trouble." After two days, He Yuting also took a bad news.

"What is going on?" Meng Qian watched the tablet.

"After the intelligent photovoltaic road is open, the net red is there, but not only affects the charging of the car, but also caused the traffic congestion there, but also, there is a couple who wants to let it first. Fortunately .

The smart photovoltaic road has now become a net red road ... "


Meng Qian's question mark, "I am free, these people? This broke the road to be able to shoot ..."

He Yuting helpless, "Accurately, not only to take pictures, there are many live broadcasts, this year's live broadcast suddenly rises, especially the mobile broadcast is rapid, and there is a hot spot where there is a hot spot. phenomenon.

In fact, some is indeed a science anchor, and there is no problem in shooting records in the roadside regulation, that is, there are always some uncomfortable rules, and now I have alarmed the transportation department. "

Meng Qian did all the preparations, even built a high coverage camera to monitor any possible damage.

Can not be counted from this layer, "How does the transportation department say?"

"They can only send people to dredge management, meaning that let us send some people to help, after all, traffic regulations affect motor vehicles on pedestrians, there is no serious punishment, even if they fed fifty one hundred Some people don't care.

And the law is not responsible, there are too many people.

It can only be said that it is not destroyed as much as possible. If you have the heat, you should not be hot in this road. "

Meng Qian took the mouth, his smart photovoltaic road sword refers to the fourth industrial revolution, and he did not expect to start in this kind of thing ...

It's like He Yuting, this thermal degree has passed, but after Hi Yazing left the office, Meng Qian still couldn't help but think about this, always feels no pain.

I think about thinking, suddenly someone knock in.

"How come you?" Meng Qian hurriedly greeted, and let Meng Qian are very attentive, naturally his wife and son.

"There is a very important shooting today, Mom is still coming back, I can only hold together."

Meng Qian hugged Meng Fan from Shen Jiawen Hua Li, "That's that, let me put it, you go busy."

"Don't you work today?"

"In the morning, I will see the report, I don't affect it."

Meng Qian hugged Meng Fan, Shen Jiawen sat in Meng Qian, took a break in the position of Meng Qian, just saw the picture on the tablet, "What are you watching the smart photovoltaic road to become a new road?"

"Ah? Oh, um, He Yuting just told me that this is coming, you said that these people are not annoying."

"What do you plan?"

"What is going to have, this matter is too intense to be rhythmic, these two years have been boycott, just like the game, but the live broadcast itself is nothing wrong, how much is the live broadcast Students in poor areas.

Besides, the anchor is not every quality, and a stick kills a person. People I have never like to do it. We must see that some anchors have been passing positive energy, but also showing their social value, can't be because Some mice pulled them into water.

So I am thinking, if there is someone behind it too disgusting, or if you pick a few special excessive people through the media. "


"Yes, there are several examples, stand in the perspective of illegal violations, advocate that you don't want to do this, try not to wave the entire live industry."

"Take a motorized lane, I am afraid there is any effect?"

"It's really a violation of traffic laws."

"You may not know too much about the concept." Shen Jiawen looked at the tablet and smiled. "Do you know that there is a sentence called, black red is also red."

"I have heard it."

"You have to know something, the star is good, the net is also, regardless of how the surface is beautiful, at least in this era, they can't escape the identity of the business tool.

What is the difference between Dahong or Black Red when you look at them from the perspective of a commercial tool? "

"It's a person who is one thing, people can't really become an absolute tool, who can be taken every day?" Meng Qian really doesn't understand this area.

"So black red, you can't make big mistakes, such as these people, the occupation of the motorway is really annoying, but is it bigger? Sin for death?

At least in the current moral guidelines, it is not so unforgivable. Even if you get the traffic, the traffic is already there, this time as a team is willing to shoot, washing white is a very easy thing.

Now, many companies will deliberately let the original people walk black and red, back to another, and set up a request, the black powder will become a true powder.

Recently, I have said that these years are the time of traffic dividends, not because of how crazy flow effects, but because the current traffic is still easy to control. "

Shen Jiawen explained this, Meng Qian also understood, "So if you go to expose someone, you may have helped them."

"I can only say that there is this possibility. After all, they are a group of flows to eat, saying that it is best to use it, so this thing is best to give it to the relevant departments."

Shen Jiawen said that this suddenly a little feeling. "You said why we can't have a red lantern like a neon, increase the punishment for the actions such as a red light, a mess, anywhere, if we can take high pressure like neon Punished, our quality of our Huaxia should also come to a step.

I don't all say it before, will there be a quality in accordance with the penalty standards in neon? Do you know why this is this? "

"Domestic is not trying, I have thought about to increase administrative punishment for a few years. As a result, some slight punishments have been hurt by netizens, and finally I didn't have it.

I still have a classic segment, spitting, I have to punish two dollars, the man took out ten yuan, and the law enforcement person said that I spit four times.

This thing is related to the national culture. We don't like to make a penalty. If it is a bad punishment, it is really not as good as it is, so we can't walk the road of neon. "

"Some people want the quality of neon countries, and I don't want to accept the penalty standards in neon countries.

Hey, then do you say this possible? "Shen Jiawen suddenly thought of what," Now not to spend a letter of credit system, is it possible to include some behaviors on moral quality into the credit system, through the confidence deterrence to enhance the masses' moral standards and quality performance? "

Meng Qian smiled and shook his head. "Huaxia is a modern country, and a modern country is in accordance with the administration of law, governing the country according to law, and personal morality cannot affect citizens. Public service rights."

"What is the truth? Can people who have no morality not to rule?" Shen Jiawen heard this explanation clearly unacceptable.

Meng Qian's smile, "Western human rights love this set."

"We are Huaxia, manage him what Western human rights."

Meng Qian gave Shen Jiawen a bit, "said the wife, but in fact, the country is also looking for a mutually handling approach, such as ..."

It is said that this Meng Qian suddenly swindled, and a memory of the brain was stimulated. "How do I forget this!"

Self-speaking, a sentence, Meng Qian, took out the mobile phone to the leader of the project, "Do we have an information sharing platform for the Development and Reform Commission?"

"Yes, the national credit information sharing platform, just get it online shortly."

There are two major credit systems in China, one is the credit system hosted by the People's Bank of China, including personal credits and enterprises, this everyone is familiar, and the loan loans should be hooked with this letter system.

There is also a national credit information sharing platform hosted by the National Development and Reform Commission, including integrity construction and civilization construction, and civilization construction is related to moral qualities.

The National Credit Information Sharing Platform is on the end of 2015, this world is naturally in advance in the Chinese Internet, naturally, in advance, half a year in advance.

Meng Qian hangs a call after the phone, "I have time recently? I want to ask the leader to eat a meal ..."


"Do you want to do?" After Meng Qian has finished the phone, Shen Jiawen is curious about him.

"I see if I can give the industry a minimum threshold."


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