Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 797 preparing in advance

Shao Yibao opened the launch of the company after the release, go to the company's way to the only time he could take a break.

"Meng He."

"Come, sit down." Meng Qi and others have set a few minutes a few minutes in advance, "the conference is going smoothly."

"Well, the live response is good, I will watch a lot of people on the way, I also talk about some key questions. I will see how we will take this long run."

Meng Qian used to see Shao Yi wave to do it. As for the things happened later, he naturally not revealed in advance. "Everyone also knows what happens these two days, I may have to leave for a while, I have recently put the company in China. The more important things for half a year have been ignored, and now there is still the last issue, smartphones, I think I want to talk together.

Last month, Yu Chengdong said in an interview with a media, he said that he said that the future mobile phone brand big player will only have four, and Huawei is one of them. The netizen's comment on this sentence is Maniflow, we will also explore a problem today.

How do you see "

"I talked about my opinion." Shao Yi wave raised his hand, "In the end of this year, the investment community is still very obvious about the wind direction of smartphones. The market for Xiaomi Meizu is going down in the first half of the year. The hammer feelings have become a schedent that the investment community is widely circulated in these months.

Behind this pessimistic emotion may not be concerned about the product, but worry about the company.

It is said that 2015 is probably a smart phone shuffle, which is a conclusion from the intelligent mobile phone penetration rate, sales change, price changes, and homogeneration. It can be said that this year is really a smartphone. One year of shuffling, this shuffle is not because the product is once again broke out, but it is difficult for technology to have a big breakthrough.

In the past few years, smartphones spelling innovation and prices, there have been first shuffles, and after a few years, smartphones may fight, the industrial chain and supply chain, this is the second shuffle.

So, although Yu Chengdong did not say the name of the other three companies, I guess the other three companies in his heart were wind groups, Apple and Samsung. Although there were many problems before IO and Android systems, now everyone's system is not too much, chip Even if the generation is also different, there is no significant difference. At this time, the powerful supply chain system of Apple will gradually show, the advantage of Samsung's industrial chain is likely to help it in the next shuffle. "

"Samsung is hard to keep your own industrial chain, but many of the key components have been separated from the first-line standard, can such a industrial chain support to turn over?" Gu Junhui put forward his doubts, "I think it is in the mouth Three companies should have a family is ZTE. "

The side of the square, "" The establishment of internal industrial chain is the hardest, ZTE has not done very well on this issue, and Samsung is obviously in the hardware internal industrial chain, we can see, Samsung Electronics Two years have basically sold their assets in communication, white electricity, and financing all over the country, which is to compress the industry chain. "

"So you are recognized by Yu Zhu Dong's statement" Meng Qian throws a problem.

"I recognize his guess, but I think Apple may have a bit trouble", Fang Chen almost accepts, "because Apple has a big problem now, it is positioned.

The absolute high-end product is to get the market recognition, but because of the existence of Hongmong, Apple is clearly not recognized as an absolute high-end, but Apple's price is not going to top, not selling brand premium, A very unpleasant location.

Plus Apple wants to achieve technical breakthroughs through research and development, but the Apple's R & D team "

Fang Chen looked at Meng Qian and looked at He Yaxing. "The key figure is quickly dug, now the apple is a little bit more than the day, but Cook is in the field of supply chain. Have to recognize.

So, in fact, I think Apple is likely to be ruined in my own position. If our new product line this year can achieve the expected effect. "

Fang Chen's reasoning to answer, in fact, I just want to support my own changes in myself this year, saying it, he is looking forward to the so-called castration new machine, such as using the previous generation of the previous generation on the screen, camera, etc. With the company's industrial chain and supply chain strength, the price is down, but the brand is a brand of Hongmeng.

He now insists that as smartphones become competition in the industrial chain and supply chain, then from the point of view of the supply chain, Hongmeng's current high-priced route must be changed, and the user's high-end demand for Hongmeng is significantly reduced. For Hongmeng's prices, more hesitation has occurred.

When I saw Fang Chen, I would like to explain the reason why myself did this year, Meng Qian couldn't help but smile, "Do you think this practice can produce how much impact in Apple?"

"At least in the region outside the rice country, the reason for purchasing Apple will further collapse. If this power is large enough, Apple will lose a large number of users because of embarrassing positioning."

"Then try it again." Meng Qiao did not express or not support it, "said Samsung, how do we see, how big is the probability of turning over?

"In fact, from Samsung's current positioning, we can't count direct competitors." Fang Chen looked at others did not have a good idea.

And the chop of Xiao Bo in the side, "I think the biggest problem in Samsung now is pressure. The world knows that he is in a boat, he has not retired, if we can make Samsung to eat a big defeat, it is likely to become The last straw of the camel. "

"Then how do you think how to let Samsung eat this defeated?

"If you really want to do something, maybe you can fight the patent war. In any, we have opened the patent war with the company, and it is not a Samsung." Xiao Bo is not very determined.

Meng Qian silently looked at everyone to tell others to talk about his views, but everyone seems to feel that Samsung is better, but I don't know how to further deal with Samsung, Samsung's specialty is really hard to let it completely Kill.

I have no idea. Meng Qian will not sell Guan Zi, "I want to play a safe card again."

"Still playing safe cards" how much is a little confusion.

"I didn't know much about the old side, you said that the Android system slowly climbed, you said that Android system is doing well, I think it is not the case.

I have to pay attention to the dynamics of public opinion. It is clear that the market has not been lifted by the Android trust crisis, but Google and Microsoft cooperate to give the market a little stimuli, plus the large-scale marketing of companies such as Google Microsoft Samsung, which is also hard to help Android The system is over top.

But this kind of practice has some aerial chart, can't stand up.

Go back to Samsung itself, you all say that Samsung bet's internal industrial chain, but Samsung has something that is not, it is an independent system.

So I have to find Samsung's breakthrough, the system is the best blasting point. "

"But everyone is now very interested in safety, and it is not necessarily useful if you have a hard work."

Meng Qian took out the mobile phone to send a message. "They have begun to pay attention to safety, but they pay too late, some technical vulnerabilities have long been there. You can look at the latest issues of the company's security department."

Seeing Meng Qianfa news, Fang Chen and others have a big change, "This is almost another heart leakage incident."

"This may be more serious than the blood leakage of the heart." Xiao Bao is aware of his own view, "because this targeted is more clear."

Meng Qian's prophet once again played again. "But recently we have seen the company's businesses to jointly affect public opinion, I am afraid that this thing will be pressed by public opinion, resulting in things that are fermented, so I today If you want you to get this thing now, play him a handleman. "

Everyone nodded to understand what to do.

"From my personal point of view, the second big shuffle of smartphones is indeed coming, but the four-line big players may be a bit more, I think it is almost the same."


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