Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 813 acquisition era

In the afternoon, the General Assembly continued, guests and netizens continued to hold their expectations.

The first appearance in the afternoon is the company's low-key companies that cannot be low-key, wind medicine.

Since its inception, the big wind medicine has been with a small transparent. No one knows what this company is doing. Many people have heard the pharmaceutical company is the biggest technology company.

If you have a letter from the research and development and development cycle from the medical giants, this is a certain reason.

As the big wind medicine goes to the public together, it is nano medical technology.

Nano Medical is the core R & D direction of wind medicine, including nano-diagnosis technology, nano-repair technology, nano-drug, etc., and this low-key company gives a decade plan, 2025 will realize basic mature nanotechnology pairs. Early diagnosis of cancer and Alzheimer's disease, helping patients can find illusions at the earlier time period, early discovery, early treatment.

The big wind medicine is like a symbol, a graphene, a flexible screen, a block chain, and other techniques, which are all relatively hot in the wind group on weekdays, but all proposed the development goals in 2025.

The second day of the conference is a veritable technology feast. The wind group basically has a state of hunting in the future. Nowadays, it is basically this state, and each future technology will stand up, and Not only the wind group is like this, everyone's surprise is mainly the wind group has done 2025 for each technology, which is not what every technology company can do.

For future technologies, most technologies have to invest in in order to not fall behind, but in the future, there is very no bottom, every company can have one or two technologies, and the wind group can be so Many technology to take relatively clear development plan, which shows strong strength of the wind group.

In the afternoon, everyone more felt that the Great Breeze Group is in the fairy muscle.

This is not to be a curious wind group, is it simple, is it simple to call Huaxia manufacturing 2025?

Of course, I have said that I have said that the meaning of show muscles and guiding development is obvious.

This has become a doubts of some people, especially in some people, will worry that the wind group is so unhappy, will not be more powerful.

With various doubts and guess, the General Assembly came to the third day.

The theme of the third day of the General Assembly directly used globalization.

Although I didn't say new globalization, everyone is clear, Meng Qian's globalization is definitely a new globalization he has been promoting.

Wait until the third day, the future is very lively, because of a large number of companies, and is a company from all over the world, the main characteristics of these companies are ... are not very known, at least for the public. Said, but in fact, this is not a lot of achievements.

For example, Vietnam's FPT, this is the leader of the Vietnamese technology industry, the first company in Vietnam entered the world 500, according to the head of the FPT company, the FPT company is mainly engaged in the software industry, but benefits from the 2011 Great Wind Group to help It has now become the largest Yunzhi Union, Southeast Asia, built the largest cloud platform in Southeast Asia, and has become the first large-scale artificial intelligence laboratory in the local enterprises in Southeast Asia.

In the World Enterprise Rankings in 2015, FPT has entered the world's top 50 times.

In addition, XurPas from the Philippines is also bright, this is the only technology company in the Philippines, which is originally engaged in game development and mobile app development, but now in the development of commercial software, the Shuntun, Philippine official information The construction of 70% is responsible by xurpas, and the person in charge of Xurpas also mentioned the help of the wind group.

African companies, Nigeria's Jumia as Nigeria's e-commerce giants is one of the pillars. Jumia shouted the slogan of African Taobao and established their own e-commerce platform in more than a more than ten countries in Africa.

Africa is also good, Southeast Asia is also a place in more people in the eyes of more people. A group of technologies have been present in front of the public through the Global Developmenter General Assembly. Of course, China's Shanghua Enterprise is definitely the most.

In addition to Huaxia Enterprises, the most quantity is European companies, and European companies have aroused the biggest discussion.

In 2015, the market has begun in the fact that the European technology has been degraded, especially in the high digital countries like the United Kingdom, and the digital technology is abroad, and people can not help.

In the newly announced worldwide 30 Internet companies, only one SAP left in Europe, even many people think that SAP is not on Internet companies.

European technology has died almost a public point of view.

However, in today's Great Wind Global Developer General Assembly, the wind group seems to break this saying, because in addition to Huaxia Enterprise, European companies accounted for half, and there are more than two hundred European technology companies to participate in today. General Assembly.

And from the scene, the European Technology Company has a very obvious feature, which is very good in the segment, but the overall volume is not big, so when the public opened the world five hundred times, it is really hard to see their name. However, for those who have demand in the field of subdivision, Europe has spread towards technology companies, including Internet companies, and performances are very bright.

However, the big capital is a problem, the size is a problem. Once the walk is not enough, it is likely to be eaten by the big fish, even if the big fish may travel, but who makes him big, this is also European technology A dilemma that is caught.

As at the scene, the person in charge of the German Dialog Semiconductor Company said in front of the media, "The public is really difficult to understand that the start-up business is facing a big environment under this era.

The acquisition has become a choice for the expansion and development of large companies under this era. We don't deny that it is a good ending for a part of the company, and it can achieve a win-win situation.

But not every company wants to be acquired, not every business is in business, it is to turn the company a day in the event.

There are always some people who want to do something, just like a semiconductor company that Germany has not taken a hand, but no one knows how German semiconductor companies are experiencing pressure.

Because of the rejection of the acquisition of a company, we will cancel the cooperation order as the order, they want us, because we do it very well, so they want to turn us into them.

Nowadays, the big business is like this, they want to turn all the good technologies and talents they need to be their own, they don't want to stay in the initial company.

Only Meng Qian, only he stood in front of me, how much did you have to open, because your technology is worthy of my investment, and everyone will know that Dialog Semiconductor is a German Semiconductor.

As a startup company, we need money, we really need money, so we are willing to use our shares to change money, but we can't sell our ambition. "

The person in charge of the Dialog Semiconductor company unveiled a brutal state, but also made this topic began to be told by the public.

Under this discussion, everyone began to dig all the companies present today. Most of the enterprises that come today are the development of these years, most of which are not large, basically there are strong wind groups.

There is a detail that the wind group has invested in these companies, but did not acquire these companies, and the founding team of these companies will basically stay.

This may be a message that Meng Qi wants to convey.

Online guess a lot, but when Meng Qian wants to say anything today, he has to uncover his answer from himself.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Qi stationed on the stage.


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