"How is you so happy?" Meng Qian came home after a few days, Shen Jiawen saw that his status is completely different from us.

Meng Qian still stunned, "Is it so obvious?"

"You last last time or ... when you are born."

Since Shen Jiawen saw it, Meng Qian did not accept emotions, "Do you know, I have done a thing in the 15 years!"

Shen Jiawen watched Meng Qian did not want to sit, just sat on the sofa, "What?"

"How do you think is the current rate in Hangzhou?"

"OK, more than 10,000 yuan, just need a seventy-eighty flat house, one million to buy a set, the location will not be too bad, there is a provident fund, the second 30,000 down payment, almost three or four thousand The monthly supply, compared to the previous year, the current mass income is still undertaken, but it is still a bit unreasonable for the students who have just graduated, oh, have to consider the decoration, now the decoration is quite expensive. " Shen Jiawen also didn't know what Meng Qian wanted to say, it will respond normally.

"What is the triple this room price?"

"Turn three times?" Shen Jiawen went on in his heart, "What is the ordinary person to buy a house? The first payment of adding a hundred million, loan for more than a month, parents have to have a lot, how can I get it? ... Thirty-five dare to buy a house? "

Meng Qian's eyes are memories, "Yes, I will get to thirty-five, dreams are gone, the vigilant is gone, the fighting spirit is also gone, and finally in exchange for a house, still a set of loans. House, if the house is so rising, affecting a generation!

No matter how many technology products have been made, what chip, what kind of lightning machine, what Hongmeng mobile phone, these things do not do, big deal is a few years in Huaxia, the future will always be great.

But if you can really change the fate of a generation, this is called the burdock!

Daughter-in-law, what do you understand? Do you have a thing that you may have an affected one generation? You change ... or say, you may have a move that you originally pressed on a generation of people. Isn't it very certain? Although it is not very certain? But at least hope, if it is true? That feeling ... I think I feel happy! Really, my mother is happy! "

Shen Jiawen looked like Meng Qian, which was soakeited in the house. It is influenced by his emotions. "So ... Are you controlling a house price? In the future, Huaxia's house will not rise. ? "

"That is no longer ... The house is definitely rising? The growth rate of China's GDP is so fast, and the price of housing prices will also have problems, and Huaxia has developed so, and the big city's house will not be low.

But the reason why the house is rising? Is there a problem like Hangzhou? It is no problem with a year, but you can't rise a year, even more. "

Shen Jiawen can't help but confuse, "Why can you affect the price?"

"It can't be said that I influenced the price, it is the results of Huaxia a group of technology companies, gave the top hope."

"Technology? There should be a lot of factors affecting the house ..."

"You are right." Meng Qian began to calm down? "There is another factor to consider."


The next day came to the company, Shao Yi Bo took a data to find Meng Qian? He looked at Meng Qian's eyes and still took a significant admiration. "I really can't think of it? The country will actually let Meng Total This is the right to say this in such an important economic plan. "

"I am actually unexpected, but I am still just a consultant's identity. Many final decisions are still in those old experts? So we have to make it detained enough for data? Let those old experts recognize our ideas "

"Meng always, you are so convinced that if you let go of your housing price will be bigger next year?"

"I firmly believe that in the first half of the city's house prices have already begun, the next step is a problem that spread to the country.

Because the above is now problematic, we now give the above handling program, which will solve some problems below.

Since I gave me the identity of this consultant, I have to do this consultant's work. "

After the National Day, the technology and economic industries have introduced some policies that have attracted attention.

The first is to support the further policy of the technology industry, start cut interest rate, and then introduce the low-interest loan policy under certain conditions.


Time is coming soon until mid-November.

Several men took the plane from the deep city to Shanghai.

"This month, I have won't have a lot in the deep city."

"The success of the deep city is just the first step. Next, we have to make the market, the chance of the fried house is finally arriving."

"Look at you, have a lot of houses in Shanghai?"

"How much can I, more than 300 sets, a small play."

"However, in the recent time policy, the wind direction seems to be a little less right."

"Is there anything wrong? The grandma puts the water, the purchase policy is relaxed, and the shed reform monetization policy is in that, the demolition households have so much money, don't buy a house, can you still do?"

"Saying the shed of the monetized thing, today I just got the end of the press conference, the top of the shed changed to the currency."

"Tight spell?"

"Well, you look at it, the shed reform of the monetization requires a clear requirement for the shed reform object, this time this tightening is mainly to the big city, the shed of the big city may be complicated than the imagination. a little."

"I feel that there should be no problem. The shed change can be a big direction. The" Notice on Further Strengthening the Reconstruction Work of Renovation Work "last year" clearly said that it is necessary to promote the urban shanty area of ​​about 100 million people and the city village, this big direction The problem is not big, and the launch will not say, the number of the country's opening is not changed, which is the strict point of review, and finally these money is still to the market. "

"But these money may have flowing to the three or four-tier cities? Don't you think it is a bit mean now? Especially if you flow to some cities in the west, those places are not well stirring.

This opportunity to go up this house price really want to catch, and must first pull the housing prices in several big cities, and there are second-tier cities that are full of policy potential in Hangzhou and Xiamen. "

"You still don't worry, the benefits of the shed change money, expand the land sales, go to the stock, establish a currency inner ring, pull the consumption, how can you give yourself a tightening spell, an economist brain show? "

I am engaged in myself, how is the problem of the infrastructure bubble? How to deal with the reinforced cement stored in the plant? "

"You said that I think it is ..." China Manufacturing 2025 "has been put forward, I remember the country an industrial upgrade special loan ...

If the industrial upgrade can quickly shape it in the time of these years, there is not so much inventory. "

"I heard that the industrial upgrading technology of the wind group is very mature, and this domestic industry upgrade is basically the wind group is responsible ... This ten eight nine can be made."

"Don't forget another thing, this year's most direct one is the most direct thing to go out to give people the foundation, digest internal stocks."

"You don't scare yourself, you will definitely rise when the price will rise."

"Hey, you look at this news."

"what happened?"

"After the opening of the news conference today, several key companies in high prices were stopped."

"What do you say? This ... this signal is not very positive."

"After the end, the news of the shed is tightened, and Vanke has started price reduction with Country Garden?"

"Price reduction? The trend of the housing price of the deep city has gone, the fool knows that the price is going to rise, they cut the price?"

"Yes, the fool knows to rise, why do they cut the price? Why do you say?

And what is said to go to the stock price reduction, what is the price reduction price? Crazy? It's hard to get to a new round of housing prices, and you can't get anything else. Who will go to price cut?

These two-year housing enterprise said that he is going to die once every day, it is hard to get this opportunity, what are they doing? "

"You listen to them fart. In the past few years, the days did not have to pass too well. Didn't you watch the trend of technology stocks in these years? Mi stocks, no matter whether it is Silicon Valley's technology company or Huaxia's technology company They have been over ten times, and the wind investment has always helped Huaxia's technology company to go to the city of Xiangjiang.

Those big real estate developers know that house prices have been in the last round of housing prices, they will invest money to the technology industry. These years are full of money in the technology industry, and the days are not good! "

"Don't say this, the core enterprise stops the land, the head is abandoned to start price, which is not normal.

This is probably the release signal, this makes people dare to easily do it, in case ... After two days of purchase restricted restrictions, there will be a back to the horse, but I have a hand. "

"Don't say that the purchase restriction is sold, let's take a look at this."

"Notice on Strictly Check Leverage Financial Products"

"The bank's people have sent it because it is because of the crash of A shares this year, it is necessary to fully implement delevement.

And this one of them, banks must strictly review the leveraged down payment home, absolutely avoiding the leverage down payment purchase behavior. "

"I rely on this ... Isn't this? Do you have a dead hole? How many different levers in the fried house ?!"

"You said, will it really find a new economic growth point? Is it true that it is really transformed?"

"I don't think so fast, this time is a big transformation of economic structure. Once I fail, the whole domestic economy is collimated, at least one real estate?"

"It's really guaranteed, down payment, low loan, subsidy, etc.

With these policies and market atmospheres, the price will definitely rise, but it is just a slower.

These policies that have been introduced ... not to press the real estate market, suppress, just a fried house!

This is obvious to the fried house! "

"Lying in the trough, in just one month, this means, this is what is going to kill our fried houses!"

"The person who is engaged in this policy is really crazy. It is difficult to listen to it. Perhaps the country really found a new economic growth point to get ready to get rid of the dependence on real estate, but in the roaming house, we must count a small house. Yes.

Those big companies, those listed companies, those big institutions are real big farmers. At this time, I want to kill them?

A shares do not have hundreds of thousands of houses in the hands of listed companies? I really want to kill the fried house, and how many big companies in Huaxia!

People who do this policy are really not afraid of big things! "

"I may know who is promoting this matter."


"The Great Breeze Group is recently being a large-scale household in other enterprises."

"What is the wind group to collect a house? The wind group wants to speculate? Great wind group wants to be a large man? Is this in the country?"

"Pressing a ghost, I will read the news! The wind group took the house and prepared to give employees! Now a large number of companies follow the wind group to do this."

"Lying in the trough, new economic growth, technology, this, this mother is definitely Meng Qian!"

"Yeah, this Meng Qian is powerful, the housing price is rising, the new economic growth point promotes the transformation of development, the fried house Dazhuang is digested within the policy, and finally being killed, his mother is all of us!

Brokenness is like killing parents, Meng Qian, you are not a person! "

"Don't say that these are useless, hurry to think about the house in your hand!"


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