Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 825 Digital Soft Sister Coin

After the first test of 5G, Huaxia 5G company fully launched the start of cooperation around the world.

Miki Technology Enterprises are now busy with cooperation, giving help with business, such as Samsung.

At the end of December, Samsung Communications Department was completely packaged, and the acquirer was the Qualcomm of Miki.

And Qualcomm gave Samsung a batch of chip processing orders after the acquisition.

Then, 2016, the first big event in the IT market is Samsung decided to sell a plurality of LCD panel production lines.

"Samsung finally launched his own core industry." Deng Qingyun looked a little feeling.

"But selling is just the production line, the patents are not moving, you say that Samsung is ready to give self-sufficiency in a short time, then find the opportunity to roll back?

I have heard that Samsung is advancing Note7 in advance. "

Deng Qingyun shakes his head, "LCD panel companies have no sufficient production line, almost no possibility of roll-offs, keeping patents, just don't want to be too limited, but Samsung does not sell OLED screen production line Meaning, this is a It is worth paying attention. "

"So who have the intention of the acquisition now?"

"Jingdong, TCL, Sony, has already started."

"If we don't have to make a lively, trouble Deng runs."

"No problem, I will go today."

Deng Qingyun went to Gao Li, Meng Qian came again to Yanjing again. At the beginning of 2016, there was a more concern, January 16, Yabanou held an opening ceremony.

Meng Qian came to the scene to witness the official settlement of the multilateral financial institution established by Huaxia Initiative.

After the opening ceremony, several leaders of the central bank came to find Meng Qian.

"What advice does Meng Mong makes Yicheng?"

Meng Qianqian smiled, "Leaders lifted, which was a suggestion to Yaban."

"Meng always doesn't have to be polite, now everyone says that you are hidden economics."

"Cough, they will give me a high hat, and the things I have done recently are not because of their own heart, I hope that the state can pay more attention to the technology industry, so that our wind group can account for more policy bonus."

"You have to have a selfishness, you won't say this." Dialogue, leaders introduce Meng Qian into a small room, sitting more leadership, "The success of Asia is just a small step, next to It is a soft sister currency into the basket, but it is more important to talk to Meng Yong said with Meng. "

Meng Qian followed the leaders to see a eye, the next theme, "Leading this time I come to me, what do you want to know?"

"We want to listen to Meng Men's opinion on digital soft sister money."

Meng Qian looked at the people, clear the throat, "I am a few people here, then I don't think about it, if you have any wrong place, you will be an ignorance of a door."

"Meng always said."

"When I heard a digital soft girl, my mind couldn't help but think of a historical event.

Decadreated, with the increase in international trade, the international communication system that the bank was confirmed and then transferred again, but also the ability to deal with a large amount of accounts, but also the change of exchange rates. International trade turned a very troublesome things in the early years.

In order to solve this problem, a new communication system provided by the International Financial Telecom Association will appear, that is, SWIFT, that is, the Global Financial News Telecommunications Association.

Swift has greatly saved the settlement efficiency between the financial institutions such as banks, but also with a problem, the information transfer method of the Global Financial News Network is centralized, and this center is a member of the country, any member of the merits It may be kicked by the Global Financial Newspaper Association by Miki, then the result is almost unable to do business with the world.

What is Miyuan Hegens come, first, the economics of rice is the strongest in the world, and trade volume accounts for the status of the rule, second, after World War I settled the Bretton Forest system. The world's important assets are based on Miyuan. International currency and accounted for 40%, the third is the settlement center of the Global Financial Communications Telecommunications Association in Rice.

In the past few decades, Miyuan hegemony continued to deepen, leading to the high impact of the central bank's monetary distribution by the Rice Fed, which not only seriously affects the macroeconomic regulation and control of countries, but also brought the risk and economic risks of foreign exchange reserves. Regulate economic growth, inflation levels, asset prices, etc. are very disadvantageous.

This has the same sentence in the market. The world is a long time, so everyone is thinking about a problem. Is there a possibility that the Global Financial Communications Telecommunications Association is traded. "

Meng Qian said that this paused a look at everyone's expression, noticed that everyone was very calm, "Is it possible to get away from the Global Financial News Telecommunications? In fact, it is possible.

In fact, it will be referred to as the three of the mean hegemony.

The first is that you have enough components in international trade, there is a huge global trading, such as our Chinese, Huaxia's trade accounts for 20% -30% worldwide. If Mi is kicked out of the Swift group, then the world There is no way to do business with us, which will greatly affect the interests of other countries.

At this time, because everyone should consider their own interests, everyone is returning to the backward trading model must also continue to do business with our Huaxia, which is the influence of trade.

Second, the currency is the medium that is exchanged. The competition of different currencies is actually competition between monetary purchases. Which currency can stably buy more products and services, then this currency is likely to be universal exchange media As the world's largest industrial country and the world's first large cargo trade country, the stable purchase of soft girl's currency is more prominent, I basically figured out that this year's soft sister coins will be successfully achieved.

And finally, establish a new settlement system.

But we can't really return to the trading model in the past, and it is also difficult to build a Global Financial Communication Telecom Society. At this time, we need breakthrough things until the emergence of the block chain makes the world see hope, then It is possible to achieve detrimentary digital currency. "

Meng Qian took the table on the table, "The block chain is a technology of distributed accounting method. No matter who we do business, this business will remember on the books of all countries, it is not dependent on situated The server of Miki, is not so important to the Global Financial Communications Association.

Moreover, the block chain can not only trace the source of each transaction, but also do not need manual liquidation, it is not necessary to tampered. Such a payment network can eliminate financial crimes such as money laundering, financial fake, fraud, etc., which can establish a strong credibility for the world. Fair and fair, transparent financial platforms, reduce the external malicious sanctions.

Simply put, digital currency solves the difficulties of traditional currency unable to solve: all transactions full information records, transaction information authenticity, and non-tampering of transaction information.

But there is a natural problem like a bits such as a native question, there is no endorsement, so bitcoin cannot be a trading currency between countries. This time, if there is a digital currency that relies on the national endorsement, then it is different. .

Our digital soft sister currency is from the national endorsement, if the digital soft girl currency in Huaxia can be quickly promoted to other countries in the world, other sovereignty countries accept and allow digital soft sister coins, then they can bypass the rice and SWIFT settlement systems. Re-establish a new set of electronic settlement systems.

The hegemony of Mi Yuan's hard work will be diluted quickly. This is also a place I like technology. Technology can really change the world, from all angles to change the world. "

Meng Qian's last sentence fell to the science and technology itself, and summarized in a relatively euphemistic way.

"Meng Chuan looks like the problem, and there is a depth."

"Cough, it is guess, please ask the leadership."

"Since Meng Mong has such a view to the digital soft girl, Meng always feels that the digital soft sister currency is feasible from the perspective of technology?"

Meng Qian knows that the main meaning of the turn is today, "the key to the digital soft girl is the block chain. For the block chain, I have a positive attitude, and the development of block chain technology has indeed brought a lot of convenience, such as It is conducive to solving different subject interconnections, and all subjects are related to each other, and the business entanglement is resolved.

At the same time, the difficulty between different systems in the past is very large. By purchasing middleware, the development of structural standards is solved, and now the block chain is written again, and it is basically able to solve interfaces and data synchronization issues.

But now I am a bit too optimistic about the block chain. "

"Oh? How do you say this?"

"At last year's Great Wind Global Developer Conference, we have exhibited a lot of future technology, but we have little way to block the block chain, that is, because we realize that the block chain is more fragile than we imagined, first, block chains It is actually contradictory, the core of the block chain is to go to the center, but the trust of data handling is so resolved? Who is responsible for the operation of the block chain?

To solve these problems, it is required to exist in the centralization of high trust.

Second, I don't know who is the zipper chain absolute safety theory, the block chain is over-reliable, how can I absolute security?

There is also now everyone is spelling the number of transactions per second for improving the block chain, then? There is no consideration of complex business logic, what is the significance of simple spells of trading per second?

I can only say that there are still many problems in block chain technology. "

"What is the recommendations of the essays for the block chain?"

"I have seen the list of digital soft girl's dollar industry chain, more than 20 companies are very powerful, but the entire industrial chain is a bit dispersed.

Migi is now in digital rice, and their gameplay is to play a large company in the digital Miyuan industry to IBM to play, directly do the hardware and software all-in-industrial chain giants.

The block chain is not the core technology of our strong wind group. We are only a player who looks at the time, so we can't do one thing, but I think we have to consider.

This is my suggestion, either further integrates more than 20 companies, creating a joint venture to create a digital soft girl's total industrial chain giant, or first establish standards and standards, stabilize the digital softness with standard first and safety first The development of the sister coin industry chain. "

Everyone is looking at the head, everyone is more comparable to Meng Qian's suggestion, "What else does Meng always have?"

"There is a thing, I think it is necessary to say it in advance." Meng Qian took the computer from the bag. "Can I play PPT?"

"of course."


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