Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 831 to the advertising era

If Meng Qi is really a competition with Google, although the head is full, but it is also playing an advertisement in the help of Google, even if the wind group has won a robot with the Alphago competition, after all, the wind group has always been The world leading artificial intelligence.

Winning a long face, I lost it, and I won, because the wind group took a trick, everyone will still feel that Google has a very powerful thing.

So Meng Qian will not help Google to advertise, directly put Google, is what Meng Qian should do.

Sure enough, Google began to become low-key. This thing seems to be so quiet until a month ...

In April, the first new unit of Vientiane camp gradually listed, and Vientiane mobile phone manufacturers jointly launched a message: Vientiane system launched a shielded advertising function.

Smartphone Shield Advertising Function Hongmeng is out in 2014. In 2015, Apple is talking, now, Vientiane camp has finally out of this feature.

There is a reason for the system. After all, there are many applications, especially the big applications are made by advertising, and they will intercept the advertisements. If the app is not playing with you.

In 2016, the mobile advertising interception started to promote a wide range of promotion, mainly because the user's endurance of advertising has reached the limit in these years.

The data shows that the number of users who actively shield advertisements on mobile devices increase by 187% from 2015 to 2016, and the data is constantly eruption.

And users who like to shield advertisements have accounted for 70% after 80.

That is, this batch of people who have the most Internet consumption.

It has not been in the past, but the user has evolved to the advertisement has evolved to a stage. All applications have begun to adjust the strategy. At this time, everyone will not entangle the system merchants to make such a function.

Everyone is more concerned about how you transform yourself.

For example, the current video website is thinking about how to improve the membership system, the big wind entertainment, Gu Junhui also meeting the ultimate member program of the Qingfeng Network.

"We take the flix hulu hbo of our traffic, Flix Hulu HBO member is 14 meters a month, and only supports members to watch, non-members can't see anything.

However, Flix Hulu HBO has a 5-meter advertising member, that is, you can watch the video, but you have to watch the advertisement, just as the free user in our country is the same.

At the same time, FLIX HULU HBO has a quality member, and users want to see higher video quality. For example, it will add a Qianqi member.

So if you get overseas in accordance with our domestic pricing programs, the advantage is more obvious, but our disadvantages are more obvious. "

"What is the disadvantage?"

"Whether it is Flix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video or HBO has its own homemade drama, can provide homemade content outside of the content you can buy.

To be honest, the reason why we can compete abroad, the key is to rely on our hands in the world's global IP. The ancient series of film and television works has a certain overseas user base. If the domestic website is going out, it is very competitive. Difficult.

But even so, our homemade content is not enough. "

"So your idea is to increase the investment in the company in the past few years?"

"Well, the signature of the big wind shadow has been playing at least. We can quickly speed up a point of content production. In addition, our idea is to find a few more people who have a weak content, go with their local Film and television giant cooperation.

To be honest, the video website wants to compete in such a country in the country, but they don't let us go in, we will first occupy the extra overseas occupation rates of the easily Overseas countries. "

Gu Junhui finally recognized everyone's opinion. The Qingfeng Net will further accelerate overseas development, and when Gu Junhui and others are chatting with the wind network, there is a company that has attracted many people's concerns.

That is the Hai Wei, this conference is also related to the transformation.

I am very happy to tell you in the stage of the launch of the gantry, I am very happy to tell everyone, and the global share of our search has exceeded 40%. "

The on-site applause is warm, and the PPT ꓹ, "With the more and more users of the search, we have always paying attention to the feedback to us. It is clear that users are in this two years, and they can block the advertisement.

Everyone should be clear that the search engine is free, but the back of the search engine is a huge funds and team support. In the time of more than ten years, all the main profit models of all search engines are advertising because the search engine Natural properties, everyone is hard to find new profit points.

And the initial adherence, the initial ad is indeed solving the key problems of the company's non-Internet age, the user can't find the non-Internet era of the company, and has become the bridge of the link enterprise and the user, and the search engine has the largest value of the search engine.

However, with the development of the Internet, there have been targeted Internet platforms in each industry. It is basically solved by vertical application. The company can't find the company.

For example, before you want to eat, the process is to log in to the search engine to search for food. You have a word of mouth. Now everyone is going to eat. The process is to open the reputation app to find food. Search for food.

So we also realize that we should make a reform. "

Four words appeared on the dry side and the PPT appeared: the service era.

"Mobile Internet age, the more valuable value, the application is no longer the aggregation of information, but the service, so we have to do two things, first, serving the service application.

Second, a little search starts to the service, embrace service.

Let's talk about the service and the service application, this sounds, it is very simple, in fact, it is very simple, no matter what we search on the word of mouth or search on Taobao, you need a search engine.

Now most of the search engines are also in the simplest search stage. The next thing we have to do is to help you develop customized applications, achieving higher intelligence, personalization, we have to start making a Search engine customists.

Let's talk to the service transformation.

We have been adhering to the very stupid thing in the Volkswagen, and the knowledge pays.

Everyone said that in Huaxia's knowledge payment is self-found, but we have killed a blood road on this dead road.

Everyone watched the big screen. As of now, we have established the world's largest city. We have obtained a lot of rare book electronic copyrights through authorization, cooperation, including philosophical, history, art, etc., including our Various academic materials.

It is also because we insist on this matter, we have done this matter, in most city free era, our city's membership system still has more than 20 million paid users.

Another is our paid question and answer platform, and strictly review the question and answer platform to protect our quality, and the user quality guarantees our answer level. We are currently in China, and the world's only one will pay for hundreds of millions of billions. platform.

Of course, there is still its education platform, now more and more online education platforms have emerged, including many free online education, but the system, the large-scale online education platform is very small, we have created the current national There are two online education platforms within the range, and the knowledge of systemization is achieved by paying online education.

We used to have all the search engines around the world, and the advertisement is our core income, and then, our will gradually let the payment service become our future profit point, the search engine is a huge traffic entrance, but because this traffic stays time Only when you search for that time, you can think of the traffic change method is advertising.

But now we start to try internal digestment, our traffic is straight through our payment platform, next, we will gradually reduce the dependence on advertising, and we pay the fee households for our content, we will open internal pay value-added services, create a little account, provide Free personal data management, and such as members of our book city, you can enjoy a search-free advertising service. "

A little account is in fact, but this thing is very important. It is a powerful drainage ability to use search engines to bring traffic to your own payment platform, but because most users are using search engines. Time is a simple search, nor will you pay attention to other features, so use the personal management function of the cloud platform, create a little pass, and live the user.

Haiwei's conference is an impact on the entire search engine, because it is as good as the dry saying, now everyone is still an advertising income as a core income, other companies are not like they have been prepared for ten years ago. .

As for this impact, there are many influences, perhaps beyond many people's expectations.


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