Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 833 Internet Auto

"Modern enterprises will always be only 10 months away from disappearance." Hangzhou West Lake tea building, Meng Qian sat with Zhang Shu new tea, "No matter how big giants, collapse is a short time.

In the peak of Wang Sheng, even the IBM had a sharp man during the peak period, and now who knows Wang An computer?

Google is a very powerful company, but if you fall, young people in ten years may not know that there is a company called Google in this world.

Therefore, for the company, living, living, is a very difficult thing. "

"Now everyone is saying Google is the next Samsung. On the Internet, there have also been discussions on the scientific and technological giants in the first half of 2016. Do you think Google has anti-past?"

"It's really hard to say, Google is different from Samsung, Samsung almost represents Gao Li, but Google does not match the rice country, so Samsung must be dignified, Google can do not afford to solve problems, such as hurry to sell assets Blood transfusion.

But it is precisely because Google represents the rice country. If it is really no, the closure is closed, the country will not shoot.

So Google can not pick up the past, the key is to see Google can't adjust quickly, find a stable profit model, in fact, Google advertisement still has a development space, and his ad does not only search engine.

But recently too much thing to press a piece, let the capital have some losing patience to Google. "

Zhang Shuxin did not speak, slammed the computer in front of the computer, this time is broadcast on the computer.

"As the boss, don't go to the conference, is it really suitable?" Meng Qian asked with the video.

"It has this ability to handle things well."

Meng Qian looked at her, "But this time the Google incident is a good one, the market is very fast to pull the attention of Haowei."

"To be honest, I didn't expect that our matter can cause such a big response."

"But ... I saw a lot of people on the Internet, even if there is a domestic netizen, there are many people who think Google should not lose to Haowei.

Because everyone thinks Google gives you a future business, but Hairi is like it. "

"Maybe after today, everyone will not think so."

Zhang Shuxin dropped his eyes on the screen, and Meng Qian is also the same.

This will live a live broadcast, which is a launch conference of Haowei, and the theme of this conference called Internet cars.

The confidence of dry standing on the stage, "Internet cars is the car concept of the initial rise in the two years, this year, this year has entered the development period.

But what is the Internet, a lot of people feel very vague, why?

Because there is a group of companies with PPT car coats say they are internet cars.

This is also a reality that has never been avoided since the development of Internet technology, and the coincidence is more than doing things. "

"It's still so dare to say." Meng Qian can't help but said.

Zhang Shu is very satisfied with a smile, "This is what he should have."

Meng Qian nodded, continued to look at the dried speech, "But in a business, you have a business, slowly everyone will always refine some key information, and confirm what the Internet car is.

Now everyone's view is to use smartphones as a control. It is believed that the direction of Internet cars is car equipment, so that the car is no longer just a simple summary tool.

Then, some of the most basic concepts will also come out, let's first look at the three phases of Internet automobile development.

The first stage is the system back-installation phase, add the Internet function to the car, realize the function of navigation, online entertainment, reversing images, stroke records, but because the system is back, there is almost no interaction, no expansion Features.

The second stage is the current mainstream, which is the system pack, which can achieve more powerful development capabilities, interaction, telephone, entertainment, search, and all.

The third stage is to design the system from the car, connect the system to the CAN bus, completely control the vehicle, and achieve the smart.

At this time, you can achieve remote control of the car, including remote diagnosis and driving habits analysis, etc., it is clear that if the Internet cars talking now, it is car equipment, this stage, only a real Internet car. Start.

Truely realize the unity of automotive and systems, providing greater imagination space. "

Yu Jian said that more detailed three stages of parsing, "how to further achieve effective car equipment in this stage, we think we need three things now.

The first is a more powerful smart assistant, we lay two foundations for this, first, we designed the world's first AI enhanced car chip, the chip foundry is responsible for the wind semiconductor.

Second, we have developed the world's first depth learning algorithm focused on car driving sector, Carpanion.

Some time, everyone is talking to alphago, and Alphago is a deep learning algorithm focused on Go, and our Carpanion is a depth learning algorithm focused on the automotive sector.

The performance in practical applications is: Automatically adjust the user's personalized car parameters, travel intelligent management, and implement driving office functions.

Second, many people have put forward a standard in this concept of Internet cars, which is no longer need to use smartphones during the driving.

If it is just a big central control in the car, most of the smart operations still need to be completed by mobile phones, that is like some netizens say, why not put a mobile phone bracket directly.

And if you want the car to achieve a smartphone, a point that must break through the voice interaction, we can't rely on touch operations to make car equipment, which will greatly improve driving, this, everyone knows, so Everyone in the past years, everyone has constantly find ways to enhance the voice interaction of the car.

Enthusiastically, our car speech interaction can now cover all car functional controls.

The last important way to make car equipment is naturally unknown technology.

After unmanned liberation, we can use the functions of the in-vehicle system more enjoyable.

Although we still can't do absolute unmanned driving, we have implemented unmanned auxiliary systems that can liberate the user's hands to some extent.

This is what we want to make internet cars on the client. "

"You have a little too low in Haiwei." See this, Meng Qian can't help but open.

"How do you say this?"

"You have a very cow, but everyone is almost unknown, no matter what, you are first an Internet company, you have to take out a feature of an Internet company."

"" What is the character of Internet companies? "Zhang Shuxin is really a bit," What? "

Meng Qian smiled, "hype, very clear, you are in this field now directly to the target opponent Tesla, but you look at Tesla spend more strength in marketing, Mask deliberately created Silicon Valley Iron Man is very extra points to Tesla.

And you should also see how many media don't know how many media in promoting Masque have a universe dream from a small, Mask's Mars Immigration Plan is a boiling of the speculation.

But you are clear, he can get the opportunity to build a rocket, on the one hand, there is indeed his interest, and on the other hand, it is a space hegemony goal of the rice country.

And when I came with him, he said very clearly, he told me that he didn't have any universe dreams at all.

Amazon is also in the rocket, Amazon's rockets are earlier than him, almost no one knows this thing.

This is the power of marketing. Tesla spent a huge cost in the marketing in these two years. In contrast, you are too low, everyone doesn't know, how do you buy your car?

In these few years, I always still do this, this is an era that is equally important to marketing. "

"Is there any marketing advisory?"

"Zhang always said that the first person in the domestic Internet, the title of Huaxia Internet Mother, this is a bit a pity, and from big data, these years have a workplace, the overbearing female president is very popular." "

"The president of the overbearing woman?" Zhang Shuxin is two times, "Is it aunt who raises you?"

Meng Qian said with a smile, "Zhang has not surfed less."

Zhang Shuxin returned to the computer screen, "Meng headed down down, in fact, what is our opponent, may not be Tesla."

Zhang Shuxin is, let Meng Qian have been interested, and immediately concentrate on.


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