On the evening, He Yuting followed Meng Qian back to the hotel, Meng Qian sat in the car and looked at the people of London's streets.

The British Delax is still inherent, and the British people on the street demanded secondary referendum, but it is obvious that this is impossible, because everyone is questioning the authenticity of the referendum.

For Omei, the voting to the bottom is unfair is not the focus. The focus is that the voting must be 100% in justice, otherwise it is the biggest face of free democracy.

Therefore, no matter how many people go to the streets, the second referendum will not be passed.

And in another place, David is still gather together.

"Do you really want Meng Qian?" They have to discuss this matter.

"You don't think this will be a very interesting thing, the influence of Huaxia is getting bigger and bigger, but thinking about it, the Chinese folk capitalist in the true sense, there is still no more trouble." Look at Chabor I am willing to enter the way.

"Under the special soil of Huaxia, which step is full of unknown, this is really interesting, but this is the reason why many people resist the capital of Huaxia."

"Yeah, even if it is a Lee family, it has also begun to change some strategies before, this Meng Qian is a named democracy. Is this still considered again?"

David opened, "But Meng Qiao is a little consistent with our ideas, and his judgment of the future is also the potential of the triangle. I personally care about this.

Because, Huaxia is the world's second largest economy, and it will be a long time to sit in the world's second largest economy. In these years, everyone wants to go deep into this market, but they have been limited by Huaxia's capital policy. Meng Qian will not be a breakthrough?

In the future triangle, Huami must be the most important two-pole, occupying this point in the rice country, if you can reach yourself, this is full of controllable space. "

"Meng Qian definitely knows this, so I came to us at this time. This is his chip, so what is our chips?"

"Meng Qian is the most lack of activities in the deep influence under the countertop, in just half a year, the frequent activities of the rice capital will make Meng Qian's technology as the established influence, and Meng Qian is affirmative. It has already understood that some things are not able to solve the technology.

He now needs more influence below, and it needs more influence of more pyramid tips.

Especially after the second half of this year, Mi State's shrinkage strategy will be further, and when you focus on the radiation, Meng Qian has operated for so many years, I'm afraid it will only be pushed to a result of unregistered Utopia. A few words of praise, then, completely disappear in this era.

New globalization is the most concerned about Meng Qian, this is our chip. "

"But ... You said that this year's National Congress will not appear unexpectedly? What do people go to the market is different from the market?"

"Too little probability, it is almost impossible, if you consider this small probability event, many things can't be advanced.

It can be said that the big direction of rice in the next eight years is now clear. If it really occurs, it is not a stupid decision, and it is afraid that it will become dragged. "

"We will do it next, that is, let Meng Qian's demand for us, becomes the absolute dependence on us, with Meng Qian's influence in Huaxia, so that he can try it."

"And Meng Qiao this young man is really amazing," I can't help but open, "I am full of interest in him, maybe, he can take this world. Dething is more interesting. "

A small number of obediences from most, and finally, everyone has an answer.


"Meng always, what do you say together now?" On the way back, He Yiping seized the opportunity and asked his inner curiosity.

"What is the most brilliant when the UK?"

"The most brilliant time? What is it?" He Yiping couldn't help but have a few seconds, "Colonial?"

Meng Qian's serious look at He Yaxing, the latter thought that he said his mistake, just thought of reform answers, Meng Qian faintly came, "Yes."

"..." He Yuting couldn't help but look at it, "So they are now thinking about how ... Control us? Plunder us?"

Meng Qian put the chair and the chair put it down. Their influence is on that, and you want to divide the food from such a group of predators to food, you must give them more bait. "

"What is the bait?"

Meng Qian smiled, "two big countries in the future."

"This bait will not be too big." He Yuting did not know why was shocked.

"Of course, it's too big, but they always have a concept that I can't die, the UK is the World Financial Center, the UK, the development of the world's industrial revolution, the United Kingdom, alcoholica."

"So Meng Mong bear the role ... What is their chess?"

"In their eyes, you can say this, but ... Do you know why God is forced?"

He Yiping shook his head, "I don't know."

"Because God can see all the variables, such as the Qin Shihuang may be very clear about Zhao Gao, he may feel that he can use the temple of Zhao Gao, but how can he think of himself will die on the road, and For example, Zhuge Liang's strategy may really be several times in Sima Yi, but how can you think that there will be such heavy rain, how do you think that Sima's family is so able to live?

In fact, if you put in the history of this big chess, everyone is the chess pieces on this board, and the most influencing this vast trend is another variable.

The problem is that the papers will never see variables. Only people who have God's perspective can see that this is the place where God's perspective is busy. The God's perspective is the only thing that makes chessia have the opportunity to become a trader. "

He Yuting made a helpless expression. "If you don't have God's perspective, there is still a difference between the chess pieces? Meng always wants to say that you are a rebirth?"

Meng Qian returned to her, "I certainly don't have God's perspective, I tell you that this is to tell you, in fact, there is no one can make anyone a piece of chess, I know?

Although there is a powerful disparity between players in everyone without God's perspective, there will be some unbalanced words, but because the world will definitely exist, I have been talking to you, people have to gamble future. At the same time, it is more important to have patience.

Waiting patiently waiting to come to a variable change. "

He Yuting relieves seriously, "I understand."

Meng Qian looked at He Yuting frowned and found a relaxed topic to regulate. "I heard that you have recently loved it?"

"Ah?" He Yiping faced red, "um ..."

"I really are really sorry for this matter, this work does delay your marriage."

"I think he is the variable in Meng's head. In fact, I really have been prepared to be unmarried, and he will appear."

"I have recently arranged some jobs, and you will spend more time to spend more time with boyfriend." Meng Qian is really hoped to have a family.

"Nothing, he is still busy than me." He Yuting smiled, love in love ...

"Isn't you busy than you? What else can you still busy than you?"

"Amount ... he is written."

"... You can have a miracle."


He Yuting just said that Meng Qian's mobile phone suddenly came.

"Mr. Chagede?"

"Mr. Meng, we have already appointed the person in charge of the Beclabit, eat tomorrow, Mr. Meng is free to come over tomorrow?"

"Okay, I am in the UK these days."

"That's great, we can get more than a few days."


At noon the next day, Meng Qian participated in the negotiating dinner of Blood Transfusion, and after Meng Qian ran several British companies, even in the United Kingdom, the aviation power giant Rollsrois and aerospace defense giants BAE .

In the whole July, the market has released some news, the Rose, the Rose family, the Burt family and other forces have been connected to the Breeze Group British branch, and the wind group suddenly opened a small investment climax in the UK. The old company has become shareholders, and there are more shares. At the same time, the wind group was exposed to borrow Baxle Bank 500 billion.

But these are all news that everyone can see, in the place where everyone can see, many financial institutions under the name of Meng Qian first release a part of the shares, and Meng Qian has entered a number of British old financial institutions in the name of individuals. Some giant companies also borrowed Bucklai 1 billion pounds.

Meng Qian will try to play a piece of chess in their eyes.

Then, patience the arrival of the variable.


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