Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 849 Global Interconnected Automobile Alliance

Sure enough, I don't have to come out of Krog, not long, the CEO of Mercedes-Benz, the public and other vehicles came to Huaxia, and they all touched Meng Qian.

Kruger first let the company go to Siemens to confirm some information, confirming that Hainwei's Hiwei factory is a project that the wind group co-undertake together with Siemens.

Moreover, because the Haiwei factory is a newly created factory, there is a disadvantage that it has direct it to build a smart plant.

This is why Hiwei Factory has achieved a high human machine collaboration faster than the public upgraded factories.

More importantly, Kruger got the most critical information, in the construction of the entire smart factory, the core system mastered in the hands of the wind group, and the system is the lifeblood of the smart plant.

Kruger has also learned from other channels that when there is no smart factory in your mind, Meng Qian has developed in Russia to engage in intelligent factories.

Many technologies in Huaxia are actually backward. Can not hold Meng Qian more than ten years ago, more and more Meng Qian started the layout of more than ten years ago, began to show value and significance.

"Meng Qi is really a rebirth ..." Kruger thoughtfully said.

Every time you can't explain Meng Qian's vision, you can only move out this reason.

Of course, now these things are not important. It is important that Kruger can confirm that the wind group is really this technical strength. Other car companies have also got this answer. Everyone has to act, you don't move, Others may move.

When everyone wants to move, it is often to promote the birth of some group activities.

In March, Mi-country continued to threaten the automotive industry, but this time, this time, it is a little mozzare, it means that if you come to the rice country, it will give you the benefits. If you don't come to the rice country, you will kill you.

The German government took the lead in the next protest, indicating that this violates the principle of free trade, but there is no one to take care of Germany.

In Huaxia, auto parts manufacturers also need to find countermeasures. Although it only looks at the parts of the rice country market, it is not very big, but the market is lost, and it is always something, especially now Meng Qian. From the first floor, China's many business brains are the same concept, give up fantasy, and do the worst preparation.

Just in such a large environment, mid-March, BMW, Audi, Daimler, Volkswagen four German car companies CEO gathered in Huaxia Hangzhou.

In addition to these four German cars, everyone also saw the Finnish Nokia, Neon Sony, and Huaxia's BYD, Geely, Yahai Wei, Huawei, Vientiane and other corporate representatives, of course, the most eye-catching or Meng Qian.

Everyone held a press conference in Hangzhou.

Meng Qian, who is sitting in C, facing the lens efforts to make themselves excited, "I am very happy to be able to sit together with so many excellent business representatives, that is, we will work together to set up a global interconnected car. alliance.

The establishment of the global Internet Automobile Alliance is to promote the development of the automotive industry in the new era.

It is now almost certain that future automotive industries will involve numerous areas, whether it is automotive enterprise or IT businesses, only relying on its own ability to complete the entire ecological chain.

The main force of future cars will extend from the automotive industry to multiple industries such as communications, transportation, semiconductors, and Internet.

The development direction of enterprises from each industry is different from the goals. At this time, only the power of the industry alliance can be guided in the same direction.

The revolution of the car has begun, and the Global Internet Auto Alliance wants to be a pioneer who serves this revolution. "

Meng Qian simply summarized the alliance, and then began to have an anatomy for future cars, still from the car network, automatic driving, service, and electric four big directions.

Later, BMW's Kruger made a more important speech as a key figure that promoted the alliance. "When it comes to the future of automobile development, we have always said that it is not possible to avoid the interoperability of the data, because even the same Data interoperability in different models under the brand is difficult to implement, and do not say data between different brands.

However, in the process of contact with Huaxia companies, we have seen a very perfect data between China's car companies. We previously played in Germany, we need a unified implementation of our data to implement our data. Mysterious power, perhaps, the wind group is our mysterious power in the expectation.

For us, this is a basic needs of the Global Internet Automobile Alliance we want to build. We need to achieve standard unity as soon as possible. In this field, I believe that no one will question the strength of the wind group.

I believe that through the establishment of this alliance, we will soon access more automotive manufacturers in the future by establishing a unified data standard, forming a larger industry ecotry circle.

The global Internet car alliance, the ultimate significance is to serve the global automotive industry. "

This is the touting of the wind group, but it is indeed a very important first condition, so Meng Qian is not convenient for self-selling, let Keruger are relatively appropriate.

After the global Internet Automobile Alliance launched, the market is a hot discussion. Everyone has to think of the other two organizations, one is Google led to the 2014, Joint Audi, General, Honda, Modern and British Weida established an open car alliance, the purpose is to jointly develop Android's in-vehicle information entertainment system.

The other is Audi, BMW, Daimler and Ai Lixin, Huawei, Intel, Nokia and Qualcomm have established an open organization "5G Auto Alliance" in 2016.

The establishment of these two organizations has been going to the future car ecology, but these two alliances have not been the end of the Huaxia company, even if Huawei has entered the 5G car alliance, it is just an important member of a member.

The Global Internet Automobile Alliance is led by the Great Breeze Group, which has a complete significance.

And with Google's decline, the Open Car Alliance is basically cold, Android system is ready to sell to Microsoft.

Now that the 5G Automobile Alliance is a bit expecting, but in the face of the alliance of the Chineseo company, everyone began to suspect that the 5G car alliance.

After the establishment of the Alliance, the immediate use of the automotive parts market, Germany gradually has news exposure, Huaxia Auto parts manufacturers are moving to the European market to the European market.

This time, the market transfer of Huaxia Auto Parts Enterprise is a joint strategic transfer in the Global Automobile Alliance. Since the two countries should build a car industry standard, more details of the details have been fully said.

After all, many domestic car parts manufacturers have the share of Biandi, Haowei, and even the wind group.

On the other hand, it is also a determination manifestation. Under the threat of rice, Huaxia Auto parts enterprises have not went down to the rice country, but I chose another practice, and I don't want it in the rice market. ...

Obviously, this is not among the expectations of many people.

The purpose of the pressure is to let the other party come to seek for Rao and talk to the conditions, do not play with you, there is no way to continue ...

The Miraki expert media began to sit, and the writing questioned the rationality of threats and took out a fun data.

Huaxia Auto Parts Can't enter the rice market, but they ran to the European market, and they have changed the market sales to Huaxia Auto Parts. It is certain that there will be some uncomfortable and troubles in the early stage. As long as you give your feet, it is basically able to re-adapt. After all, the market in the rice country is not the core market for these companies in China.

However, there is an auto parts that are empty by rice in the country?

In fact, it did not, because of the opening history data, there have been two pressure on the Huaxia Auto Parts Enterprises. The result is that the market that belongs to Huaxia Auto Parts Enterprises is replaced by Southeast Asian companies. It is not round to the company.

More funny is, in the last sanctions, because Southeast Asian products are cheaper, they not only replace the market share of Huaxia, but also further grabbed the market share of rice companies, but Southeast Asia products are cheap, because Product quality is not good.

Finally, I have to let Huaxia companies reopeous, and the native car parts of rice country is really lack of cost performance.

In the face of the domestic doubts, the official of the rice has taken out the data. Although Huaxia has a further cooperation with German car companies, the German car companies have also given the Rice's promise, and will create 10,000 jobs for the rice in the next year. The official believes that this measure is the actual effect, and it also believes that the cooperation between China and Germany is broken.

However, this response was taken out.

Because more employment positions, sales, service-end unemployed people will be more than those of the factory, but they can go to work, such as Southeast Asian automotive manufacturers, but the problem is to re-employment, re-re- Adaptation, this is a very painful thing for many people, especially for countries that have no deposits in the rice country.

After a period of time, the employment rate is good, but how many people pay for this, they are hidden under the numbers.

This time, they didn't wait for the official government to respond, but waited an explosion news from the capital market.

Tesra suddenly plunged 25%.


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