Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 852 Zhangnan Hemisphere Science and Technology

The wind group was deducted a big hat of a safe hidden danger, while rushing into multi-country hot search.

The fermentation of public opinion is faster than the imagination, perhaps because the wind group has always put safety as the weight of the company's development, but the topic is very strong because of security issues.

What is first I want to know is what the security hidden dangers of the wind group, the result of the answer is that it is not convenient to disclose ... anyway, it is not safe.

And in order to protect the information security of rice people, we must immediately ban the core chip of the wind group from entering the rice market.

In the face of the need for odor, Meng Qian is relatively calm, still ridiculed in front of the camera, "Zhangkou has become the network sign of this era, everyone should be used to it."

Perhaps Meng Qian is not concerned, causing the Huaxia netizens to be less interested, it is to do this article in the words of Meng Qian Dark Micro.

However, after a long time, Huawei is also hit an unsafe expression, and the company is unable to buy Huawei equipment.

Huawei apparently no windy group calm, how much impact will be bigger than the wind group, and promote a public opinion, and the wind group has been in contact with Huawei, and the fool looks out what is going on. Many people directly Alted ZTE, let ZTE is ready.

But interesting is that the sanctions have not really started, and they have been temporarily allowed, because the company has a lot of people.

A bunch of companies waiting for the wind group chip is all, Motorola sends questions, who is sanction? How do our new machines release?

Companies that need high wind group software more, experts don't ask questions, why do you have to use this enemy?

So you can only make a so-called temporary allowable.

But this is obviously not for a long time, Mi State needs all the allies, Meng Qian also begins to wait patiently.

The result half a month has passed, and did not see any of the countries in Europe this response.

I have been waiting until May, I finally waited for the first country, which pointing out that the wind group products had safety hazards, the South Hemisphere in Australia.

Australia believes that the wind group and Huawei's products have safety hazards. At the same time, Australia said that Australia's 5G will not let the wind groups and Huawei participate in the Great Breeze Group, and the cooperation that has existed now will gradually cancel.

If Meng Qian wants to be caught by them, the reporters can always catch Meng Qian in the first time. Meng Qian deliberately touched some reporters at the company's door? "Meng Total? Australia said that the wind group will not participate in them. 5G construction, how do you see this? "

Meng Qian's face is not concerned? "I hope they have said."

"We see Huawei said that it will work hard to work with Australia? Does the Great Wind Group are intended to reduce the cooperation in the Australian market?"

"Huawei has more than ten years of cooperation with Australia. I think they still want to continue negotiations is normal? After all, there is a basic feature of people with the wind that is blind." Meng Qian was filled with a sentence, "and our big wind group has been Since Australia, there is no cooperation? Since they don't believe in us? We don't matter this market in Australia.

We don't like to work with some people who are basically non-viewed. "

"Meng He, some people say that the wind group has a good cooperative relationship with all developed countries around the world, but it seems to have not had too much contact with Australia? What is the reason?"

"Said that we have a good cooperative relationship with all developed countries Obviously in the crap? We are working with all countries with establishing partnership and demand, regardless of the other countries.

Australia has neither investment value, no cooperative space, now look at it, there is no trust basis for cooperation, this is a simple partner choice problem? Don't think too much. "

"Can Australia is known as the scientific and technological representative of the southern hemisphere, there are two Sydney and Melbourne Technology City? All the rankings of the top 30 of the global science and technology cities, how can there be no investment value and cooperation space?" The reporter wants to let Meng Qian It is intentionally or not to look at Australia's answer? The topic is coming.

"Southern Hemisphere's science and technology representative?" Meng Qian happened? "Do you know when Melbourne's global scientific status is going?"

The reporter shaken it.

"Is it started from Google and Twitter Entering Melbourne? Do you know when Hangzhou starts rapidly on the global technology city rankings?"

"The reporters are in the same channel," starting from the Great Breeze Group. "

Meng Qian means a deep smile and indicates that today's interview is here.

Meng Qian's response allowed the heat of the event again to rise again, and the next day, there was a media exposure. Meng Qian took directly to South Africa, and Meng Qian was speaking in South Africa.

Online broke the photos and videos in South Africa, and a bunch of bodyguards around him, the South African big people entertain, gave Meng Qian face.

On May 8th, in the largest stadium in the Buron Fang Dan, South Africa, Meng Qian pointed to the data on the big screen, "As the largest data partner in the field of Astronomical observations in South Africa, we are very honored to have this opportunity in seven years ago. South Africa builds the world's largest astronomical data processing center. In these years, our data processing center has helped South Africa, helping the world to talk to the unfilvised starry sky.

This year, our South African Astronomical Data Center provides a number of important information for human astronomical development, and prompts South Africa to further assume an important role in human astronomical development, and there is such a successful experience, we are ready to take a step forward.

Next, our goal is to establish the largest data center in South Africa! "

The thunderous applause in the stadium, Meng Qian's spoke is also transmitted throughout the world through the spread of live broadcast and various platforms.

Make South Africa into the largest data center in the Southern Hemisphere, this sentence is particularly interesting.

South Africa is naturally no competitiveness, but in the southern hemisphere South Africa is the upper number of rows, although there are two developed countries with New Zealand in the southern hemisphere, South Africa can't raise the boss.

However, it does not necessarily represent the backwardness of science and technology after the weak national strength.

Meng Qian used a topic of the largest data center in the Southern Hemisphere to attract a lot of eyes around the world in South Africa, then the performance started.

As the most powerful country in Africa, South Africa, during Meng Qi visited South Africa, first confirmed the New Industrial Revolution in South Africa, and the wind group will fully support South Africa to build new industries, which is the upgrading of industrialization.

Secondly, South Africa announced that 5G pre-service startup, South Africa became the first country in the South Hemisphere to start 5G pre-commercial, and South Africa's 5G pre-discipline was also responsible for the three giants of Huaxia Communications. In 5G development, South Africa became the southern hemisphere One country.

Then, the Great Breeze Group confirmed that the overseas semiconductor R & D center and manufacturing factories, Great Wind Logistics South Africa, and the South African Factory, Logistics and Operation Center will mainly face South Africa. The base of the Southern Hemisphere is radiated.

And finally, the wind medical treatment will set up the first overseas medical laboratory in the southern hemisphere. In addition, the wind group will join hands with Haiwei and other enterprises to study unmanned solar cars in South Africa, South African rich geographical environment and sunshine environment regardless of unmanned driving Still the research of solar energy has an advantage.

Meng Qiao plays everything that is doing, straightlight Australia's heart, the rapid development of Australian technology is a certain extent of the San Hemisphere technology development benefits brought by the Silicon Valley Enterprises, and the other aspect has its own core technology. Australia also has its own core technology. This is only known as Australian technology.

The advantage of Australia is that medical treatment and solar energy. As a result, the wind group is now ready to bring a group of companies to South Africa to do a good medical treatment with solar energy.

But this is not the most terrible, the most terrible thing is that behind Meng Qiao is a pile of Huaxia Enterprises, and Haiwei is ready to come to South Africa, Ali wants to come to South African Hemisphere E-commerce Center, Huawei wants to come to South Africa to engage in communication experiment Room, etc., Etc..

Behind this batch followed by the wind group, he followed a batch of Komantry companies from global.

Another time and space of Huaxia has no ability to go to the Miki Technology Enterprise to build a national technology ability, but now China has this ability.

A large wind group represented by the Great Breene Group fully flooded into South Africa, and some unexpectedly set off a wave of technology companies in South Africa.

At this moment, no one knows that South Africa will ultimately be the science and technology representative of South Africa, only to know that when the wind group invests in the South African flag drum, Google is rapidly plummeted by the company's profitability, and prepares to withdraw from Australian Branch ...

At the beginning, Google, which set off Australian technology, took the lead in withdrawing this game.

Australia is suddenly silent.

Australia's first jumped out of the team to refuse Huaxia 5G, standing out of the wind group, Meng Qian directly enlighted the identity of Australian South Hemisphere Technology Representative.


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