The Great Wind Group has become a storm center in the global semiconductor industry, and the world outside has become a group.

Intel stocks have fallen that night, in the pressure of the wind group, Intel is more effort than another time and space, and Intel issued a statement until this year, this year will be fully mass production 10n, next year directly 10N.

And Intel spent a lot of strength to launch his 10N is not less than 7N, and of course, there is still less labor to go to the black wind group.

But in fact, most users will not go to these things. Everyone only looks at the most direct result, no matter what 10N is still 7N5n, the performance is bright and the king.

For industry insiders, they are most concerned about Intel's 10n no matter 7N, but at least one is sure. Intel's 10N does not use EUV lithography, on this issue, Intel Just a slow shot.

At this point of the province, TSMC also sounds right away. TSME means that the energy production is 7N next year, and the EUV technology is used as the wind semiconductor, and the TSM will give you a science. It has been put into the 8N processor this year. a lot of money.

TSMC is a step directly to 7N, so this year is still the standard of 10n.

Although the wind semiconductor is doing this experience, it is definitely helpful, and it can take a step forward one year in advance, but the 8N processor of the wind group is indeed a bit radical from the benefit, can only say that the wind semiconductor is really Too much money.

TSMC envyed, and because of 7N, it can also be 7n, the TSME performance is calm.

In fact, the wind semiconductor is not because it is too rich, but because Meng Qian knows that this big probability will encounter trouble, it has to spend this money to prevent, but it is also the company's independent economic strength to support this. Thing.

With the continuous sound of Intel and Taiwan, everyone will naturally focus on Samsung, although Samsung has sold half of the home production, but the semiconductor substitute has been staying.

However, Samsung has chosen silence, because Samsung has really no money to fight with the semiconductor in these two years, and the wind semiconductor rushed over the entire industry, which is more difficult for Samsung. .

The image of Samsung once fell again throughout the industry. If Samsung fell out of the first echelon production in chip, the Samsung is now a second-class company.

The world wind rolls, the storm center is a quiet, Meng Qian arranges the company's executives to go through the people who have been ran, and some middle layers continue to promote the Great Global Developer General Assembly.

The next day, everyone saw a lot of "cold doors" products, and the reason why some products were indeed indifferent, some products were also familiar with everyone, they did not belong to everyone. The most common consumer electronics in the next day.

For example, after the opening of the morning, Shen Lin gave you something before he never listened to the wind group, no ship.

"The big style is a civilian unmanned ship with our Great Breeze Group and Hands with the Ocean Institute of the Academy of Oceanology. Its characteristics are the use of the most advanced Yunzhi Technology and Edge Computing Technology to achieve the ship's unmanned voyage.

The large wind is about 15 meters, and the 5-meter-wide approximately 16 meters wide range is equipped with an Beidou navigation system, radar and fire control system, opened a sea experiment before the last month.

In this experiment, the large wind number carrying five research compasses with sensors and scientific instruments. The purpose of this experiment is to verify the feasibility of verifying offshore drivers. On the other hand, this five review cabin will be included. Marine network security marine mammals research sea level surveying and marine pollution observation and other tasks.

After the 15-day sea experiment, everyone can look at our experimental results, the big wind is successfully completed all the established goals, successfully returns and brought back a lot of data.

The success of the sea means that the civil unmanned ocean exploration begins, and there is great significance behind this.

In the future, we will start from the field of environmental protection, oceanography, and ocean safety, accelerate the promotion of marine smart unmanned technology, and activate the huge unknown of the ocean through unmanned ship technology.

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At the same time, we also launched a marine protection responsibility commitment to the Ocean Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and all marine activities in the future, the fundamental basis is not to destroy the environment. "

Many people don't understand why the wind group is going to do any ship, but still in civil grade, this is because many people don't know that the civilian marine competition has quietly started in these years. A group of companies headed by IB in this year. It is accelerating the research and development of civilian unmanned ships, and the relevant companies that are ready to go have been prepared, and they should accelerate the commercialization of marine resources.

But as a result, it was robbed by the wind group.

For most ordinary people, although the competition of marine resources is not very understanding, I am very familiar with some other things on the next morning, everyone is very familiar.

On June 12, 2019, China Manned Space Project Office and the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs announced in Vienna, nine projects from 17 countries have stood out from 42 applications, and become the first batch of Huaxia Space Station Science Experiment. This marks the international cooperation of Huaxia Space Station to enter the new stage.

In this world's 9 projects, a project of our wind group was also selected, that is, commercial manned spacecraft.

Everyone is familiar with commercial manned spaceship. On the one hand, it will mention in various and film and television works. On the other hand, it is also because of the fact that the speculation of rice in the nearby, Mi State handed the business manned spacecraft to two companies. The Boeing and Space Explore Company are

Why is it necessary for commercial companies to engage in commercial manned spacecrafts, in fact, like NAA to hand over more satellite launches to a commercial company to help Mi-Division to establish satellite hegemony, is a resource to maximize the utilization.

Regarding the space station, there are too many contents of the R & D, if all give the national team to go to the national team, the time period is long, just as NAA gradually realizes the use of the non-departure track Continuous promotion manned spaceship still has many challenges.

Therefore, after the development of the Orion, the Space Launch System Rocket Task and the Mars Tour Plan, NAA began to authorize near the track spacecraft and freight mission to commercial companies.

At this time, if you can find a few power companies coming in and play, give some relative things to the business company to do, the national team has more energy to do more more important research.

At the same time, commercial companies naturally want to do their products naturally, then you can use the commercial company's research and development and capital investment, and jointly promote the universe exploration capabilities of a country from both official and business. The efficiency is naturally higher.

So Mars Immigration Plan has always been a NAA plan, but they pushed Mask when they face the media.

On this issue, the China National Aerospace will obviously take a shot, so become Meng Qian took the initiative to find the ASA to talk about this matter. When the people in the people playing the satellite, there were a lot slowly, and now the private enterprises play space exploration, Meng Qian hopes Can grasp the time.

It is good to be more trust in the NASA, of course, the most important thing, the wind group does have this ability to do this.

This time, Huaxia did not slowly, Boeing and Space Explorer also have just recently received the NAA's business company manned task, and now the wind group will also have.

In response to the NAA's Mars Immigration Plan, the Great Wind Group said that Mars is too far, we still want to be more practical, first engage in a monthly drive plan.

In 2017, the Great Breeley Group's moon travel plan was curtains.

For the next morning, many netizens ridiculed the wind group began to enter the sea.

However, netizens just ridicule, because this refinement means that everyone is not so clear, and those clear people, this will be unhappy.

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