At the end of the afternoon break next morning, Yang Mengfei's academicians came to Meng Qian's office in the future town, specializing in the meeting during the General Assembly.

This Yang Mengfei is the total designer and general command of Chang'e No.5.

"Meng always actually convinced them." Yang Mengfei's expression is very complicated.

"Sorry, I didn't know this matter in the first time, because in fact, it is just a few days ago."

"It can have this result is really great." Yang Mengfei has some excited clenching fists. "The landing of the moon is more difficult than many domestic research projects, because almost no short-term benefits, even long-term benefits It is not clear.

But the truth, the business manned plan of the Great Breeze Group has been in my expectations, I can have a moon travel plan, I haven't thought of it.

How does Menmens persuaded them? "

Meng Qian thinks about laughing, "When the last meeting, there were several leaders asked how much GDP, I asked, I asked, why did I rush to the moon with Russia? Suddenly It will become very quiet.

In fact, it is not only leaders. After you see this morning, there are many netizens on the Internet, and there are also many netizens who are going to do what we have to do, think that our steps are too late to teach eggs.

Standing on your point of view, you engage in the moon plan, you are a yearning and curiosity of the moon, and standing in my angle, I will drive the moon travel plan, for more attained significance, these additional significance, will be in soon The future will play a huge value. "

"You always want more."

"We used to think too little. There is always someone thinks more." Meng Qian turned the computer, indicating that Yang Mengfei came to see the afternoon in the afternoon.


On the morning of the next day, everyone saw a lot of less familiar products, reaching the afternoon of the conference, still in such a situation.

The first product that everyone sees in the afternoon is equally unfamiliar, and is a monocyclic hollow blade.

Meng Qian's previous is wrong, I found it in advance, I haven't planned to spend this direction in this direction. After all, there are too many things that need to be concentrated to do, and the professional people will do it. Just good.

Chengdu Hangyu Super Order Co., Ltd., which undertakes the purification of rhenium and purity, has really completed his mission again, helping Huaxia to achieve ruthenium.

However, after several years, Chairman Zhang Zheng, Chairman of Chengdu Hangyu Super Alloy Technology Co., Ltd. found Meng Qian, told Meng Qian, and there was no big significance in Meng Qian, and about 80 % Is used to produce aerospace engines. At that time, there was no ability to do this in this time.

So Zhang Zheng thought of a way to take the material to change the technology. After all, it is so precious. As a result, I will talk to other businesses. Mi State requires all countries in the world to hand over the aerospace engine core technology to Huaxia, no matter what reason.

Moreover, the country is the largest rhenium consumer, all always control the global sales market.

Therefore, use the material to change the road. This path is fixed, but it is very losing that it is too much, so precious materials can only be changed. It is a bit funny.

So Huaxia began accelerating the development of aerospace engine technology, preparing to digest the bismuth.

For example, Hangyu chooses to develop rhenium-containing single crystal hollow blades, at the same time, Yanjing Aviation Materials Research Institute, the Huacai Metal Research Institute also joined this R & D team.

And in this world, because of the special existence of Meng Qian, Zhang Zhengyi starts don't know if he can get this thing, even the parent company is very rich, this is also a technical problem that is very difficult to overcome, so they are In 2012, I thought of Meng Qian, I came to ask Meng Qian's idea to develop rhenium-containing single crystal hollow blades.

Including the 2012 Great Wind Group is also ready to play in the material, and Meng Qian likes to pick this kind of living, and naturally promise, this has the strength of the wind group with the air, the earliest in the beginning of 2017 Energy-producing single crystal hollow blades, the single crystal leaves of China have become the world in one fell swoop.

With a mono-monocrystalline hollow blade as an opening, the next day, the next day, the first day is the article in the articles.

The wind group has always shouts the most important thing, but what results do it, everyone is not clear, and today, the Great Wind Group shows a large number of materials breakthroughs, and the content is very refined.

For example, a non-volatile addressable protruding memory developed with the wind material with the wind semiconductor, by integrating the polymer-based oxidative transistor and the conductive bridge memory, as a result, the performance of this prototype memory is higher than that of the existing computing technology. Quantitative levels, can support a read and write frequency of a tolerance.

Another new photoelectric diode consisting of a compound semiconductor, which has a high-wind material and strong wind creative jointly developed, has a high sensitivity, fast data transmission speed, and can operate in a weak signal environment and a low temperature environment. Part of the data communication vendor's photoelectric platform, which has a large application space in the unmanned field.

All materials such as such a material show that everyone realizes that the Great Breeze Group has indeed a good job in material learning.

After the material, almost certain things that are essential is energy.

Great wind materials are a very low-key subsidiary of the wind group, and the big wind energy is also a very low-key subsidiary of the wind group.

Since the big wind material is not low, the wind energy will not be alone.

Referring to energy, the center of gravity of wind energy is still in photovoltaic, but today everyone sees the industrial, hydrogen energy of the wind energy, and the elements of the same level.

The person in charge of the wind energy hydrogen energy project said at the scene, "It is well known that hydrogen can be an important carrier for the multi-energy supply system mainly based on clean energy, and the development and utilization of hydrogen energy has become an important part of the new round of world energy technology. direction.

However, due to hydrogen energy in terms of preparation and reserve, there is a relatively large limit, resulting in slow hydrogen development, but even slow, our hydrogen development has begun.

The water of this year's aircraft carrier makes many people to see the rapid improvement of my country's steel R & D capabilities, but almost no one knows that several major steelmaking plants in our country have introduced the hydrogen energy system provided by our Great Breeze Group.

We replaced coal and coke in traditional processes during blast furnace production, allowing hydrogen to directly reduce the pellets at lower temperatures, producing PRI, excluding water vapor from the top of the fins and excessive hydrogen, water vapor Circular utilization can be achieved after condensation and washing. "

Of course, it is easy to say that hydrogen generation is simple, it is difficult to do, and must complete the development of hydrogen growth technology, hydrogen blowing technology, and high temperature resistance to corrosion resistance materials, the project leader has made detailed answers in the scene. .

Later, the project leader launched a product. "We also have a product experiment that is worth exciting to bring a gratifying result, that is, we have commissioned BYD, successfully created the first hydrogen mixed fuel cell car.

The hydrogen fuel of this hydrogen electric mixed fuel cell vehicle is provided by two capacity of 4 kg of carbon fiber storage tanks. It takes three minutes, and the battery can reach 400 kilometers. The opening problem in the city is not large.

At the same time, hydrogen electric mixing naturally has a set of lithium-ion batteries, and hydrogen electric hybrid batteries can manage two energy interactions through intelligent systems, thereby achieving zero emissions. "

At the meeting, the Great Breeze Group also publicly announced the company's hydrogen energy development plan, and the cost of hydrogen energy can be reduced below 2 y or less within 5 years.

As a core exhibition point with photovoltaic and hydrogen energy, the Assembly also demonstrated powerful research and development capabilities on the second day afternoon.

The whole world knows that the wind group is a nearly crazy R & D model, but what is developed, except for everyone's well-known consumer products, everyone does not understand.

So many people have begun to suspect that the so-called research and development of the wind group is blowing.

This 2017 Great Wind Global Developer Conference, the Great Breeze Group did not put the center of gravity on the consumer product, but in the show of more research and development results.

It seems to be in the description of this world, the Great Breeze Group raises 200,000 R & D staff in the world, in addition to the common consumer electronics, what is going on.

Meng Qian has too many prophets that can provide a clear direction, just like the time to make BYD to do pure electricity, determine the direction is always the most important thing to develop, and then cooperate with the Great Wind Group's funds and talents. The Group's success is naturally not less.

But in conjunction with Meng Qian, it is difficult to see the content of this conference.

Meng Qian wants this world to accept new global recommendation pattern, the world's most dependent technology big country is out of globalization, but many countries do not have enough capacity, so you can rely on others? Does the wind group? Do you have to live?

Look at the consumer electronics of the wind group, I really don't know if I can't rely on it, but through the general meeting, I've been different, everyone's feelings are different, but this is just showing, there is no display, there is also a need. Everyone took the initiative to come over.

If this world really needs a new scientific water source, the water source of this technology is only available.

The wind group, this will use action to let everyone see their own "water storage".


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