Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 864 is like Taishan

What is the Samsung at this time, Meng Qian does not know, Meng Qian can only wait.

However, it is possible to confirm that Li is not very good, seeing the mad excavation of the neon country, Li is in a somewhat uneasy coming to Samsung Electronics, I thought that Samsung Electronics at this time should be dead As a result, Li saw a happiness in the door, many people smiled, and the work atmosphere was very pleasant.

"I have received Sony's offer, I can go to Sony to work next month."

"Congratulations, Panasonic also sent me offer, so good, we can go to neon country together, and often contact."

"How are you getting Offer?"

"The neon nearest neon countries are in people, and experienced past must have, and Sony has set up a special interview point in Gaoli."

"Really? That's great, I can finally leave Samsung."

"Haili has recently layoffs with LG, I was still worried about what to do, this is good, I will go directly to neon."

"Unfortunately, the wind group has not recruited recently, I still want to go to the wind group."

"In the early years, the wind group came to Samsung to dig many people. At that time, he would turn this in this year, and he knew it early."

"No matter what to say, I finally solved the problem of the following, and we are all from the neon country, now I am going to drink a cup in the evening."



Li's face stood in a corner listening to everyone's dialogue, and his face became more and more ugly.

"How is this trip to this?" Li was inquiry in the office of Li Runwei.

"I am afraid this time this time I really have a little problem, Intel does not have anything else, and they have become reality behind the EUV lithography, and Asa is not acquired after being acquired. There is an imaginary development. "

"Microsoft and Intel have been strange, what is the company's acquisition of Huang!" Li is in a good thing, the whole world wants to pass, in fact, Meng Qian can't say something, it is so magical. .

"The only industrial base advantage we now is in the semiconductor industry. If you want to maintain our market, you must now make a choice."

"What do you think?"

"Toshiba has begun to contact the wind group, and the people in Panasonic have recently resident Hangzhou Hangzhou. I believe that from the technical level, the wind semiconductor does account for two big advantages ...

Secondly, I am very concerned now. In the basic level of rice companies, I think they have the possibility of the big wind group. It is the problem that the current rice is to see their realistic attitude towards the world. Things are a bit trouble.

Mi-Dang goes to the new globalization in Huaxia, and the results are also ingenious to catch up with the technology leading to the wind group. Now we don't think about working with rice companies, it is difficult to achieve the previous model, look at Europe The recent treatment of the enterprise will know.

We may not be able to become a victim in the direction of the preferential policy in the rice country. "

Li was silent for a long time, and made a decision. He evening, he sat on the plane to Huaxia.


"Mr. Meng is really a legend." When you met, Li was sighing, because he really couldn't understand how Meng Qian was created with such a wind group in 17 years.

Meng Qian's face is indifferent, "I have another thing in a while, and if I have anything, I've said."

Li was in the attitude of Meng Qian for this interpretation, but still tried to maintain a smile. "Mr. Meng said, we have already discussed it. Today, I want to talk to Meng for details. "

"I have said before? What?" Meng Qian deliberately stupid.

Li was twitching his face, "Great wind group entered Samsung ... Group's things."

"Oh, you said this thing." Meng Qian has a long time, "I have been so long, I thought you didn't think about it."

"This is not a small thing, Mr. Meng is clear, we need to consider a lot of problems, but also need to communicate with many people."

"Maybe, what does your company mean now?"

"Mr. Meng, our Samsung Electronics Semiconductor Industry Strength You are clear, and we have previously developed the process development of the 10nm and EUV lithography, if we can cooperate with the wind group, I must be a win-win thing "

Meng Qian didn't accept the phone, and Li was saying that Li was talking.

"Now the entire semiconductor process, the wind semiconductor is in front, and after the followers are TSMP, although the TSMC is a partnership, but according to what I know, the wind group has always taken the shares of the power supply, Tajim electricity It is a large number ... the intervention of Western capital, the future will not be a threat to the wind semiconductor, this is difficult to pre-.

In the past, in the face of Intel and ... our cooperation between our Samsung, the wind group and Taiwan's power is reasonable, and it can be reached at this stage, the pattern has changed, and cooperation should also be replaced. "

Li is clearly clearing the problem, TSMC is indeed a hidden danger of Meng Qiao, but Meng Qian pointed out a problem, "Samsung does not have the intervention of Western capital."

"Mr. Meng presents shareholders who want to be our Samsung, not because Mr. Meng is very clear, how much is our autonomy?" Li was in the words of Meng. Vulnerability, Rapida counterattack.

As a result, Meng Qian had a mistake to respond, "Oh, then you think more, I was put forward the acquisition of Samsung, mainly to apply to Toshiba."

Li was in a dead, and I didn't think that Meng Qian said that this is so straightforward.

Successful for a few seconds, Li is recovering emotions, "Mr. Meng, the situation of neon semiconductor industry, you should be very clear, cooperative, shouldn't be the ultimate interest to maximize?"

"But at least business such as Toshiba, their shareholding structure is clean, I don't have to consider follow-up to resist the power with some Western capital."

Li was caught in a pensive.

Looking at Li, I have a little bit to give up, Meng Qian grabs the opportunity, "If Mr. Li is really intentional, then I hope that Mr. Li can take a greater sincerity."

"What kind of sincerity I want Mr. Meng." Li was aware of the consciousness.

"Samsung Group, as long as there is a quarter of the decision-making right, after all, we are a technology company. I am actually not interested in many industries for Samsung. It is better to put the Samsung Electronics, and give me a Samsung Electronics. Shareholdership. "

"Mr. Meng!" Li was a little stretched, "" Cooperation is not talking like this? You want to swallow and we! "

"This world is like this, the opportunity is by your side, you caught him is the chance, you can't catch anything, or you need to pay a bigger price to save this regret.

I don't owe you, I have no reason to wait for you, since Toshiba chose cooperation first, I just came to the attitude, this is the most fair, unless you can give us a little different chips.


And I have to have a big shareholder of Samsung Electronics now, do you really feel that you lose money?

If I really want, I don't even need any allies, I can completely turn the Samsung Electronics into the abyss, this is better than I have to hit your capital, I now let you cut half of the city to give me, I put the city and The other half of the city is left to you, do you still think that I bully you?

Mr. Li, I don't talk to you if I really want to swallow and talk to you.

I have already gave your face, which is also a balance of global development. I have always left a line in the competition of Samsung. If you are not grateful, I still think I am excessive?

If you don't know how to stay like this, this world is not a Samsung. I also want to see, I really don't leave you a little bit, Gao Liku can save you! "

Meng Qian does want Samsung to participate in the balance, but it must also be a good fried Samsung.

And Li is looking at this man than himself, but it is like a Taishan standing before, let him feel the feeling of oppression.


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