Meng Qian said that it is necessary to change a place, and it is a weft park in Singapore.

Singapore weft is the most famous science and technology park in Singapore, known as Asian Silicon Valley.

In 2000, Singapore made a set of active community concepts integrating work, learning, life, and leisure, and then had the prototype of Weier Technology City.

At present, more than 400 global large and medium-sized enterprises and global institutions, more than 700 small minimal and medium-sized enterprises, 16 public research institutions, and five enterprises or colleges.

But because the Great Breeze Group opened its branch in Singapore, it was not moved after it was delayed because of various reasons.

Sure enough, when everyone arrived at the destination, Singapore's representative is that "the wind group can take into account the weft."

Meng Qian, etc. is this sentence, smile and shake his head, "The wind group is not suitable for this."

"Why did Mr. Meng say this? Is our policy not attracting the wind group?"

Meng Qian shows that the family is talking to the side, "I really have related to this policy, but not the policy of this is not attractive.

Weilan is indeed a very successful technology park, but we can not deny that the projects in the weft park are too concentrated.

Entrepreneurs, whether it is Kobang or other innovation, more than 99% of life is profit, and for most people, the most robust mode is to be lazy.

It's so good to find a famous actor before looking for an actor. I rarely have someone to spend my mind to excavate other potential actors. I will not go to spend my mind. I can make a profit. Why should you take a risk?

The weft is like this, because Singapore's support item is too clear, and the support of the support project is very strong, the company who is entrepreneurized here will drill the policies, which will account for the advantage of the industry, which is caused The latitude is now in the current situation, it seems to have a lot of talents, but it seems that it seems that it seems to be found at all.

I have seen the reasons for the global talents to latitude, the first thing is that the policies are good, the second environment is good, and the third is good.

Therefore, this is a violation of the spirit of our strong wind group, we like to cultivate neuropathy, where there is a difficulty to go, weaites, weaitan, and our gas field is not. "

Meng Qianyi sees blood, but also makes Singapore's generations of people.

After a relationship between the eyes, they asked very humble. "What changes should we do in the environment that Mens, who wants to cultivate a more conforming to the spirit of the spirit?"

The other party is humble, Meng Qian naturally made a humble expression showing that he said only a personal opinion. "In fact, it is definitely clear, your country's project is dominated, then expand the project. Bring the project, then cooperate with the policy, environment, and geographic advantages here, and possibly more than now.

Of course, I know about Singapore, but the geographical location of Singapore is really good, especially for Asian talents.

Recently, Asian people have encountered some things in their hearts.

In such a large environment, it is the time when Singapore should increase the talent. If you miss the talent, this opportunity is to wait for the next time. "

Everyone revealed the doubtful expression, and even someone couldn't help but directly put forward the confusion. "Mr. Meng should not want talents to go to China?"

Meng Qian is a saying that it is explained, "I didn't think of the people in China to install the world." I still have this basic cognition. "

Some people have gratified the meaning behind Meng Qian, "Mr. Meng wants to do something in our Singapore?"

"Just said, Singapore now needs more projects, especially for future technology, if you say that your country has this idea, but it is not dare to let go of your hands and feet. Perhaps our wind group can have a further cooperation space with your country on this issue.

For example, we can build our Sword refers to the Asian Laboratory of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Singapore. "

The face represented by Singapore has been completely changed. Why does Mr. Meng do not put this Asian laboratory in Huaxia? "

They feel that Meng Qian's thoughts are very strange.

Meng Qiao smiled slightly, "I have built a global laboratory in our country."

This explains, let everyone feel reasonably and overbearing. "Why do China want to put the Asian laboratory in Singapore?"

"Of course, for technology development, it has just been repeatedly said that Singapore has the foundation of talents, there is also an environment that gestate entrepreneurship. It is to do some capital and courage that may be almost trying.

Ingenious, our big wind group is the least capital and courage, no matter enough R & D, the absolute confidence of challenge, we are now ready, so anyone who can help us complete our dreams. Also, the company is good, the country is good, we all want to cooperate. "

Shortly, I just said that I had to rush to the fourth industrial revolution. Now he explains the people here, it is natural to understand, as Meng Qian said, talent cannot go to Huaxia, very unreal, One of the countries that are easier to attract talents here are certainly in Singapore. Meng Qian is attracting those who are willing to come to Huaxia in the country. In Singapore, it is unwilling to go to Huaxia. But People who are willing to go to Singapore.

This is also a group of talents for the wind group, which can be said to be borrowed.

As for what Singapore can get, this is what they are now curious now, "What is the specific cooperation model of Mr. Meng?"

"We have established projects in Singapore, we invest in funds in Singapore, Singapore suggest talent, Singapore's policy support, as for final research and development results, of course, we share."


"Since it is a cooperation, the results are of course shared, otherwise how to say it is cooperation." Meng Qiyi is of course the same.

It is inevitable for the representatives of Singapore, and the Chinese people who can't get from the company in the company are the same in Singapore. Singapore has a bunch of rice companies, but Singaporeans are also unable to contact the core technology of these rice companies. Department, even if it is a cooperative project, everyone is a tool state.

Under the rules of the company, everyone has been used to it. Now suddenly, a big wind group is willing to share results. Everyone is a bit of a little unable to adapt. They think that Meng Qian is going to further help Singapore attract talents. Singapore develops GDP, and help Singapore improve the scientific status, this is already very good, now add a technology sharing, simply let Singapore can't find a rejection.

However, when they fell into this accident, Meng Qian added, "But the cooperation, it is always necessary to establish an equal premise, and the final results sharing must also comply with the basic principles of more than a lot of work, but There is a big premise that everyone must be conceited, if they can't be conceited, then there is no meaning. "

Meng Qian suggested some additional conditions, but also let Singapore delegation calm some, but they still feel that Meng Qian's inclusiveness is great, "Mr. Meng is really not worried about being surpassed by her technology."

"Of course, I am worried, but this is not because of cooperation, the final result of cooperation is to die, that is, everyone stands on the same starting line, why should I be afraid that everyone stands on the same way?

What inferior and incompetent talents will be afraid that others stand with themselves running on the same way? "

Meng Qian's ferry has attracted a few people.

"The wind group is fully capable of establishing a more stable position in another way, why is Mr. Meng?" Maybe it is curious, the future may not necessarily have a chance to talk to Meng Qian, someone I can't help but ask my heart, "Do you have a selfishness?"

"Private Heart?" Meng Qian haha ​​smiled, "I have trillions on the price, what is true, why do you have to rely on these small means.

Everyone watched Meng Qian, and the eyes were more uniform than when they were in the company.

In mid-October, Singapore is suddenly expressed, it will not give up Huaxia 5G, because Singapore will not give up the technology that is beneficial to himself.


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