Kostrisi did not find a victory. He began to consider the positive confrontation of the wind group and made an article on the market.

But Uber can consider the first strategic to exit some markets as a webline platform, and another company is not.

That is Google.

Google's current focus is on the unmanned driving of the Ministry of Defense against the Ministry of Defense.

Many people know that space explore the company's relationship with NASA, but many people don't seem to know the relationship between Google drone and the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense.

In fact, both are similar.

This is also the key to Google dare to bet. Therefore, it is therefore, the whole of February, Google's high-rise is frequent in the country.

What will I go back to Google? The new history will give an answer sooner or later.


At the end of February, the wind group opened faster and faster through 5G + open overseas, and in the country, the water that had just been crowded in Hangzhou, and was all people.

Seeing the new first-tier city in Hangzhou, the old-cents of the country can't sit in, Yanjing, Shanghai, and the deep city have introduced 5G smart city construction plan. The deep city has just begun in the year. Driving the bus main city test.

Shanghai has become the second cloud game open city, and will host the "Ancient War" global competition in 2018, and the contest will be fully introduced into 5G technology.

As for Yanjing, we will focus on 5G + traffic, used to relieve the traffic pressure of Yanjing.

The 5G + contest between the domestic cities has started.

At this time, the wind group is also experiencing high intensity internal competition.

2018 is the 18-year-old new deployment plan of the Great Breeze Group, which is designed to sprint the fourth industrial revolution, and a large number of R & D personnel want to go to the global laboratory.

In fact, including the company's internal wondering, there are also social or schools, because the number of applicants is too much, the wind group has to take a strict selection process.

The next day, the next day, this selection started, and the entire selection will last for a month, and finally selected the first batch of people entering the global laboratory. It is expected that six thousand people, and the number of participation in the selection exceeds 6 million.

Meng Qian also learned the latest situation from time to time, on March 6th, Meng Qian is busy working on the work of the hand, I am thinking about seeing today's selection, Fang Chen suddenly came to Meng Qian's office. Slightly excitement of God.

"What happened?" Meng Qian was rare to see Fang Chen had such a expression.

Fang Chen directly put the plate in front of Meng Qian, Meng Qian looked at an eye. This is the latest "Natural" magazine, and the two-text report has reported the major discovery of graphene superconductance.

The first author of these two "natural" papers is the Ph.D. students, Huaxia, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

"Is him." Meng Qian thought a sentence, nodded very much, "is a talent."

"This talent is now in our company!" Fang Chen's voice has some changes.

"In our company?" This is indeed Meng Qian, I didn't expect.

"He is attending the selection of global laboratories."

Fang Chen explained a sentence, Meng Qian suddenly felt reasonable, like this top-level talent certainly wants to go to the top world-class laboratory, let alone Cao Yuan can make a decision to return to China in the past context, not to mention this world The Huaxia is too friendly to talent.

"You want to let him pass it."

"If you rely on these two papers, I believe it is also enough to let others take it."

Meng Qian screened Fang Chenjun, "This child has the ability, naturally through this selection, you don't have to be so anxious, if you want to cultivate him, you can wait for him to enter the laboratory."

Fang Chen has a little doubtful look at Meng Qian, "Meng Mong is the most intended talent, how do you think this time?"

Meng Qian means a deep smile, "Honor, this child is still going to school in Miki, I am now too much to express him, do you not afraid that he encounters trouble in rice?"

"This ..." Fang Chen's expression became worried from excitement.

"There is still a little, you are clear, developing this kind of thing, need strength, also need luck, and I never think that luck is part of strength, luck is luck, we will not be too minded for luck.

For Cao Yuan, his strength and luck have encountered it. He is a very talented person, and it is also a very fortunate person, but there are many people who have little luck.

Do you ask me that Cao Yuan is talented like this. Of course, I don't want to go now, but I am at the perspective of the overall talent plan of the Great Breeze Group. When we are still weak, we have to ask for talents. Help us, but when we are strong to this point, we should help talents improve their luck.

With the platform we prepare, we prepare equipment, we prepare the information, our prepared technology, our prepared environment to help them improve the R & D success rate, let more talented people have returned, this may be my present More care. "

Fang Chen listened to Meng Qian's meaning and nodded silently. "Then I waited for him to pass the selection, I went to see him again."

Meng Qian is not talking. After a few days, Cao Yuan did adopted a selection.

Meng Qian was to listen to this group of assessments, and also met a thing.

Cao Yuan is through the full ticket, there is no controversy, but this group has a very controversial.

Meng Qian, who is listening, can't help but ask, "What is this Mu Yuankai?"

"Meng Zheng, Mu Yuankai is a civil scientist, it is recommended by the Pure Land Laboratory. He graduated from ordinary undergraduate university. After graduation, he has been engaged in sales work. He suddenly began to develop, thirty-three years old. Entering the Pure Earth Laboratory, last year, because some evidence of quasi-crystal superconductivity was recommended by the Pure Earth Laboratory.

However, the foundation of this person is too bad. There is no educational foundation for the system. The experiment is a wild road. In the pure land laboratory, it is still very suitable, but if he lets him go to the global laboratory, we feel less suitable. "

Meng Qian readily looked at Mu Yuankai's information, a strange emotion began to do it, "I want to see this person."

Everyone has some unexpected, but there is no more speaking, but later Mu Yuankai came to Meng Qian's office, Meng Qian saw the bureau from the face, "Sit."

"Thank you." Mu Yuan Kobe is only a little one year old, but it is very nervous in front of Meng Qian.

"Do you know why I am looking for you?"

Mu Yukai shook his head.

"I want to talk to you."

"to chat with?"

"Well, I am a little curious about your experience. After you graduate, I have been doing it. Why is it forced to engage in research and development in more than 30 years?"

Mu Yuankai's eyes suddenly turbid, "I am very interested in physics from small, but my family ... Let the two words that make money gradually replace the physics in my brain.

Not right, can't be alive, it is tangled, that is, I really want to make money, but I want to engage in physics, but sometimes I will think, I should not be so love, if there is such a love, I should not consider the money. Things, but every time I want to give up the physics, I will be reluctant, I have been tangled for a long time, even after graduation.

After graduation, I also chose sales work because people always live, but ... really is very painful, not the pain of work, but to make money to make money.

Meng He, you have always encouraged research and development, encourage everyone to go to school, I admire you, but my most admire or you have been adhering to education for poverty alleviation, I have to study, I am a luxury, not to Say research and development, especially the kind of interest based on interest, too extravagant.

Originally, this life may also have this past. After all, I have been convince yourself, I have been convinced that I don't like physical. After all, the poor will love the qualifications.

But when I thought I had already completely accepted the reality, the Pure Land Laboratory suddenly fired, I learned about why I didn't know why I chose to resign, I am now also I can't say why, but I still can't help but resign.

Because I was 30 years old that year, I really ... I want to do something I want to do. "

"What?" Looking at Mu Yunkai suddenly silently, Meng Qian took the initiative to ask.

"Then I realize that I am so ordinary, I don't even have the most basic experimental equipment." Mu Yuankai's eyes became more and more turbid, like something to cover his eyes.

"But you have a very important discovery last year."

"That is what I fight for it." Mu Yunkai still didn't talk to his experience in the Pure Land Laboratory, perhaps he didn't want to recall, maybe he didn't want to sell in front of Meng, "But I got to this place, I heard that someone in Neon is also developing this direction, and they have more significant discovery than me. "

"Then why do you have to come to the global laboratory?"

"Because I am not willing." Mu Kaiyuan out, "I realized that in these years, there is no fairy tale and counterattack in the world of adults, but ... I would rather die on the way of counterattack, and I don't want to give up. "

"Do you just say that neon national people have developed as you?"


"The other party should be very powerful."

"Is a well-known university."

"It's better, you have been desperate for so long, if you can fight for a while, if you can get this discovery before the neon country, I will let you enter the global laboratory, and if you Don't disappoint me, only one year old, I have a discipline plan now, I like you very much. "

Mu Yuankai looked at Meng Qian, "What is Meng Mong ...?"

Meng Qian revealed a gentle smile. "You have just said that there is something wrong. Adults are not a fairy tale and counterattack, but almost no fairy tale and counterattack, so those very few fairy tale and counterattacks like It is only one of the night in the night.

We want to make the world to see the world's black, but we must also let this world see this black light, this world is easy to disappoint, but never desperate.

So when I was fortunate to find a light, I would like to make this light more shine. "

Mu Yuan Kaizhong looked at Meng Qian, I can't calmly, "Meng Zhong ..."

At this time, Meng Qian looked at the congratulations on the side of the world, and looked at Mu Yuankai. "Do you dare?"

Mu Yuankai suddenly couldn't help but laugh after two seconds, "Do you dare? I still don't dare?"

Meng Qian also laughed, "Then it will be said."


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