Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 905, this scene, I am cooked.

The consensus has been made on the core issue, and the back negotiation will become very smooth.

At the beginning of May, Singapore came that the news will be fully introduced into Yunzhi Lian and 5G technology in the wind group, and launched a total of 5G smart countries in Singapore.

At the same time, Dubai is more urgent to express the willingness to cooperate with the wind group.

Dubai, Singapore, two transportation hubs, two direction different financial centers, two 5G wisdom goals, now all have become the cluster of the wind group.


After the end of Dubai, Meng Qian is planning to play in Dubai for a few days, and the result is coming back on May 5th, because the British moth is started in this time.

"What is the specific situation?" Meng Qian went to China.

"There is a so-called strong attitude on the exit of the British and deactivated 5G. Now the UK's dispute on our strength group issues has entered a white thermal state.

These two days we have contacted me in the UK, I hope we can do something on this.

They are now in a serious state of confrontation. "Xiao Bo tells Meng Qian in the latest situation.

"What do they want us to do?"

"We have triggered a lot of concerns about IBM and Motorola, and we are still very tough, so ..."

"So they hope that we can adjust the relationship with rice companies?"

"Almost this meant."

Meng Qian smiled, "You can question why do we want to show it?"

"Perhaps, they think that we will compromise in order for the overall situation.

This is better than everyone who is always habits, those who will not refuse their own. "Xiao Bo knows a class ratio.

"That may be a little deviation for our awareness, but since they want us to make a point, we can't agree."


On May 5, Meng Qian was returned to the country, while the other side of the rice country, Cook recently had a very good mood.

When Meng Qian was in Dubai, Apple opened this year's conference, launched this year's Apple mobile phone, iPhoneXS, iPhoneXSmax, and iPhonexr.

Apple has now given up the programs that have been arranged in Hongmeng after seeing Hongmeng's selling point. The current Apple release will be held in front of the year.

This year's Apple mobile phone has a 7nm A12 bionic chip, which is based on TSMC. In the process competition that is gradually behind, Apple is not too falling.

At the same time, there are two mobile phones to replace the OLED screen this year, which is also a change in Apple phones.

In addition, Apple continues to lower the price, starting iPhoneXSmax in another time and space, now in China, in China has become 5999 start.

But even if Apple still has no sales in Huaxia.

And now very little to see Apple's publicity in Huaxia, Apple that is less than enough than the lack of lack of lack of lack of apple has given up the market in Huaxia.

Apple puts more energy in the rice country and some European countries, where Apple still has cultivated its own user base, and the sales of the popular market after the launch conference will really begin to explode.

After ten days of the press, Apple mobile phones have handed over a good transcript. Cook will expire the employee a lot of bonuses.

Apple stocks also rose.

Not long after the Cook, on May 6, a collective complaint suddenly stated in front of apple.

Great wind group, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, ZTE five Chinese mobile phone companies collectively prosecute Apple unfair competition.

The reason is that in the past year, Huaxia mobile phone brands have been carried out by one by one, and now the rice users can only choose Apple or Motorola, and Naka is lifted.

Under such a background, Apple is obviously the biggest beneficiary, so the Huaxia mobile phone brand teamed up with Apple.

This is not, many people in the rice market began to say that the original Apple sales is because the Chinese brand is not there.

In the face of the lawsuit from Huaxia, Cook is still calm.

"In fact, these things are not our apple, so don't have to worry too much, Huaxia Enterprise is a noisy." Cook comforted other shareholders on the board of directors.

"But our share price has been affected."

"This year, the capital market is not swaying. Everyone is easy to be affected by some winds and choose a conservative strategy.

At this time, Huaxia Enterprise itself is in order to bring us public opinion pressure. We are already planned to announce, this impact will soon passed. "

"But you don't think this purely put pressure on public opinion is not very like Huaxia business, especially the wind group's style?"

"Meng Qian has always wanted justice on public opinion, isn't this his style?"

"But Meng Qian always has some substantive results every time you seek the justice on public opinion, not simple enough."

"But this matter is indeed unrelated to us. What do they have?" Cook still believes in his own attitude, "The court can't give us a dangerous charge?"

In the face of Cook in handling this matter, the other people of the board no longer say, no matter what, Apple's sales have indeed gained in the rice country.

Coupled with Apple's recent frequently spreading the car to the car, the overall expectation value of the market is part.

Comfort the members of the board, Cook returned to his office to continue to work.

"Cook" just opened the computer, Apple's chief operator Williams broke into the Cook of Cook.

"What happened?" Cook looked at Williams.

Williams directly put the phone in front of Cook, "our OLED screen is supplied!"

"OLED screen supply?" Cook realized what, pick up the phone, seeing, "big scenery ..."

"The big scenery suddenly issued a statement, indicating that it is no longer supplying OLED screen to some Miki companies, including us!"


"Tariff is too high, normal adjustment."

The Cook expression quickly changes, because he sees the seriousness of the problem, if the big scenery suddenly does not give an OLED screen for Apple, Apple can tell him now.

The problem is that now the big-style OLED screen is in the face of high tariffs. At this time, the company has adjusted the global supply chain, transfer the OLED screen to other competitive environments and more fair markets, and transfer to other more conducive to follow-up development. The market belongs to a normal business behavior.

It can be like Huaxia Enterprises to be lifted out of Migra and Apple. The big wind-moving electricity is not a high tariff. This matter is not apple. Cook is now the most confused. Why is this incident on apple?

"The recent wind group is amazing in the UK." Williams guess the road.

"What is the British thing to push the war to our apple ?!" Cook felt score.

"From IBM to Motorola, you haven't understood it ..." Williams frowned, "said in Huaxia's words, there is a master, the wind group is to count the British things to our head. "

Cook shakes his head to express it, "" What is the matter of Australia with neon? "

"The two things to the last rice companies are also damaged, not to mention the meaning of the UK can be completely different, and the British domestic enterprises will not be good."

Cook I thought for a while, and I didn't sure this is the big wind group simple for Apple. It is still a counterattack.

It is a bit uncommon to accept Apple has been mixed into a cannon.

I didn't think about a result, and he no longer tangled, because he is more interested in the solution, "Can you find an alternative company?"

Williams exposed a more uncomfortable expression, "Now the problem is ... No."

Cook unconsciously looks at Williams' expression, "How?"

"OLED screen has always been the main family with Samsung, but Samsung has sold the OLED screen until last year.

Now the entire OLED screen market, the wind group is only the king. "

"What about neon?"

"The quality of the products on the neon, there is no way, and the neon LCD screen is a good alternative, but the neon OLED screen ... is a bit.

If we choose a neon OLED screen, it will definitely affect our product quality.

And it is impossible to estimate the reaction of subsequent users. After all, we have just tried the OLED screen this year. If you can't give your user a satisfactory experience, follow-up things will be very troublesome. "

The more wrinkled, the more wrinkled, "Samsung completely waited for the OLED screen, there is no suitable alternative?"

"There is an alternative to consider."

"Which company?"


"..." Cook is uncomfortable, but suddenly feels that it can be, "as long as the product is passing, then the Ocean is now guaranteed to ensure the operation of the production line."

"But ..." Williams is some hesitated. "Jingdong is short-year, we don't dare to determine if Jingdong is the same as the big wind,"

If we choose to choose from Jingdong, it will come to the east, and the impact on our influence will be greater. "

Cook finally couldn't help but hemirened. "So now there is no way?"

"Now the most insurance program is also the use of neon products, gambling users."

Cook also couldn't pay attention to the time, decided to learn about this matter, and asked Williams first pressed things.

It is not only not pressing, but it is increasingly fermented.

What is afraid that the country does not have a letter, this thing is still because of the topic of itself.

"Is there any OLED screen that can't make it? Just blowing one of the greatest enterprises this day?"

"Laughing, a rice technology giant result is indifferent to the screen, can you get a screen?"

"Cook is not blowing every day, is the most cattle industrial chain? One screen lives in the industry chain? Why do you say that you are the world's most cattle industry chain?"

"Silicon Valley companies are not to operate every day, and even a whole-industrial chain company is not. If Samsung has been Andrews pit, Asia has two full-industrial chain companies, and Mi Dang did not even live."

"Apple's screen, camera, battery, which is your own? The chip is still a desktop, and there is no book on the chip, garbage."

"Isn't Apple not assembled? The earliest system is not stolen?"

"Apple mobile phone standard low with high price, cutting rice, leeks special machine."


In a conference in Huawei, there is reading the news of the news.

I am familiar with this scene!


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