Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 907 World Science and Technology Trade Forum

39 representatives gathered together, everyone wanted to talk about science and technology trade today, but how to talk, from where to talk, the negotiation scale is, everyone is unclear.

And as the focus of the technology war, it is the representative of the host China Tech Enterprise. Meng Qian must take the lead. "I want to ask everyone a question. Do you think that this world will have a wide range of war?"

Meng Qian came asking such a question, I really showed a lot of people, but everyone unconsciously shook his head and did not think so.

"If everyone thinks that it is not, then we have reached a consensus. This world will not implement the Star unity through war unity in a short period of time, then it is only possible to achieve a certain degree of rules."

Meng Qian touched this sentence, many people listened.

"There have been a lot of things recently. In fact, many old friends have met with me last night and asked me about it.

Obviously, our wind group has recently started counterattack, I admit that only in more people think that our counterattack is to strive to strive.

In fact, we want to let everyone see a matter through this way, why do our chips, our systems can't enter rice, but our screen can enter rice.

If our system is not safe with the chip, is our screen safe?

Why is the same software, our intelligent industrial software has achieved so-called 12-month temporary access, but our computer system is completely excited?

The truth is simple, because Intel can make chips, because Microsoft can develop the system, but they don't have companies to overcome high-end screens in a short time and our intelligent industrial software in some areas.

So, behind a lot of things, is it really safe? "

Meng Qian's opening has set a tone for the forum, which is to clarify the words, only to clam the words, it is possible to truly solve the problem.

It also reflects the establishment of the World Science and Technology Trade Forum to achieve the determination of value, rather than gathering together.

"But the words come back, the competition of the company is good, the national dispute is also, playing some so-called means is also a common thing, but I think there is a premise, that is freedom.

Freedom has many definitions, from modern free learning, oriental freedom and Western freedom concepts are different but there are also common.

There are two critical in Western freedom. The first is not affected by external factors. Everyone has free choice of their own life, their own right to think, and any way can anything can affect this freedom.

The second is the free responsibility, and the freedom of the West, the freedom of speech, that is, I can speak freely, but I will be responsible for my freedom.

The Eastern freedom emphasizes social freedom, emphasizing that we have to build a free social system, with free social identity, enjoy free social welfare, and feedback to individual freedom through the freedom of society.

One is the freedom of ownership, one is the freedom to be dominated by collective.

But whether it is Western freedom or Eastern freedom, of course, there are still some countries with their special free definitions, we can extract two key.

First, freedom is not imaginary, not absolute, is limited, the second is that freedom is individual and collective, whether you pay more attention to individual or collective, but your freedom will inevitably connect individuals and collective.

At this time, I will see our current technology trading environment. The arbitrarily suppressed suppression does not assume any responsibility for the lie. In order to achieve the individual's greatness, the fate of the individual, whether it is from the perspective of the Western freedom or the freedom of the East, at this moment There is a biggest problem with the technology trading environment we face:

no freedom! "

Everyone will guess what is the point of income from Meng Qian, most people really don't think that Meng Qian's entry point is free.

"So today we are sitting here, since we are in order to explore how to solve the current technology trade problem and promote the good development of future technology trade, my suggestion is that we must first set a core baseline, which is an international trade with binding and responsibility. Free system.

Saying, the future, the future, multinational companies and countries will also compete, but this competition must be binding and responsible, such as you can go to others, but as long as you prove, you have to defamate. Be responsible for,"

Meng Qian's words have been very straightforward, which inspires more people who want to move the heart.

The representative of Singapore took the lead in saying that "the biggest problem in the technology" is to press the pressure, just like Miss Meng, this is freedom, but this is a free freedom.

We can no longer make it so excited, there is always one who must comply with the rules, otherwise this world will never be peaceful. "

The French representative said, "In fact, if it is just a pure technical competition, it is a good thing.

I am the simplest example. Today, Intel is purely tuned with the wind group, which is absolutely a great advantage for the global semiconductor industry.

Because this competition will drive the accelerated development of the chip, pull the early sprint of the entire semiconductor industry, and because there are two companies' hidden competition, they can give double choices for the corresponding market.

But what is the current competitive mode?

We can see that the global technology market will down every time some large enterprises have contradictory. Last year, the total of global technology trade is a new history in recent years.

Nothing is beneficial, but it is just a mess. "

"There is still a problem now." Everyone said that it is so straightforward, and the neon representative can't help it. "More and more technology companies are forced to be involved in the battlefield.

Not only is the negative response of the market, sometimes some of our neon countries have lost their right to choose.

This freedom does lead to great uncontrollability, which has triggered the chaos and the strategic shrinkage of the enterprise. "

Everyone's Tucao begins to enter a point of unpacking, almost every country is can't help but say, everyone has been very big by the chaos of this world, it is rare to be open today. I have a chat, everyone feels happy.

And Meng Qian continued to listen to everyone's voice, "seeing everyone has a lot of uneasiness and even dissatisfaction with the current world science and technology trading situation, which means today's meeting is valuable, establishing A new order is necessary.

At the same time, I want to add a little, and a new order should have a factor, which is the possibility of deprivation of hegemony.

In fact, I often see a saying. If one day the wind group has the strength of absolute monopoly, who can ensure that the wind group is not overweightened?

Therefore, one thing we specially want to do in the new order is what you are constrained, through the agreement, through rules, through extensive and in-depth cooperation, to eliminate the possibility of hegemony.

At least, if one day the wind group really embarked on the way of hegemony, everyone can teach the wind group to be a person, completely isolate the wind group, so that the wind group feels loneliness and loneliness. . "

"Do you think how to promote a new rule?"

Some people have put forward such a problem, everyone puts their eyes in Huaxia, "China represents the opening road," The appeal of our 39 countries will definitely represent our 39 countries, which is the resonance of more countries.

This is the meaning of the World Science and Technology Trade Forum. Many people have worked hard to promote cooperation, but because there is no real-in-law, the development of this cooperation has been dispersed, spontaneous Lack of common management.

But I also thank these dispersed, spontaneous cooperation, win-win cases, let more people see the possibilities and advantages of cooperation and win-win.

So now we have to do, it is to organize and introduce a global common agreement with a system. "

As Huaxia representative said, the reason why it can set up this world science and technology trade forum today, and there are more than ten developed countries to participate in the organization, which is because everything happened in the past few years. Certification is good for everyone.

Everyone saw it, everyone will move.


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