Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 909 Historical New Height

Miki will not join the world's science and technology trading agreement, I hang up all day, match it, and yesterday's twitter, clear and clear, we don't need to join anyone I have to fight against the world.

However, things have not ended yet, the latest news confirmed, starting on June 1st, Migo will launch trade war against the EU, Canada, Mexico.

The EU experienced negotiations for half a year, and eventually failed.

Then, more and more melons, such as "Washington Post" exploding a big queue.

In April this year, Mi Dynasty said to France, as long as France withdrew from the European Union, Mi State did not launch trade battles for France and will give French benefits.

Global netizens suddenly feel that this melon is getting better and better.

"What happened in just two days."

"One side picks the world, one side is working around the world, this is a bit meant."

"Everything is on this, the EU will not see the realism?"

"The European Union has been clearly very clear. In 2003, there was anything like it. 15 years ago, the EU can still plan to be a world boss. It is necessary to blame the EU to blame the EU has not grasped the foundation advantage. It causes it to be a choice of hesitating. "

"Speaking of the bottom or interest problem, the EU can get more interests from the end of the EU is the key."

"You don't forget that there is still a big thing, Mi State withdrew from the Iranian nuclear agreement, almost did not give the EU to gas, first not to say nuclear security issues, the EU, Daimler, Volkswagen, Airbus, There is a British oil, British Airlines that retreats for a long time, British Airlines, which one is not doing business, tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of euros, don't? "

"What happened to the European Union, just so don't fight against it ..."

In the continued discussion on netizens, June 2, Germany stood up and shouting: Europe can no longer point to rice, Europe depends on ourselves.

The next day, France immediately jumped out to shout slogan: We want to make Europe again!

At the same time, in the media of the EU countries, I can frequently see a news, and the Huaxia Foreign Ministry is looking at the EU.

But as for everyone, I don't know, there is only some of the information, such as the German media mentioned that in Huaxia's view, a differentiation and vulnerable Europe also does not meet the interests of Huaxia, China and the Middle Eastern European countries Cooperation is to narrow the gap within the EU, which can help the EU to promote its integrated process, rather than splitting Europe.

For Hua Xia, the better the EU development, the Chinese economy can also benefit, everyone is really good.

From June 5, the representatives of the European companies have arrived in Huaxia, and they came to further negotiate and signed on the World Technology Trade Agreement.

In a conference in Yanjing, Meng Qian has conducted a talks with many entrepreneurs from the EU, some words, Meng Qian and other entrepreneurs are more convenient.

Meng Qian was shaking hands with everyone, laughing with a few words, "I have a question, I want to ask you, I want to hear the views."

"Mr. Meng is modest, please say it."

"From my personal point of view, the industry of rice and Europe is relatively high, but Europe is highly complementary to our China's industry, do not know if you seem to be?"

After the representative of the EU, the French Alstom CEO Berkong took the lead in responding, "It is true from the overall trade data."

Meng Qian nodded, "So simply from the perspective of trade, the EU is far greater than the trade development space between the European Union and the trade development between the EU, is this?"

"If it is only simply from trade itself, it is true."

Meng Qian took out a business data. "Well, then we will talk about industry cooperation. In these years, many people think that a key to the backwardness of EU technology is that there are almost no countries in the chip system Internet. What is too bright.

But I have clearly understood, the EU has its own industrial advantage, just like neon semiconductor upstream industrial advantages, is not so simple to surpass.

The chip system Internet has always concentrated in the rice country for a while, and the EU will satisfy the needs of this aspect.

This is also a situation between Oimi, some industrial collaboration, and a large number of industrial heights.

However, in recent years, these highly collaborative industries, our China, China is actively participating in competition in Europe, and has harvested a good result.

As can be seen from the data, from 2013 to 2018, the proportion of chips exported to Europe from 18% to 39% from 18% to the European chip demand.

From 2013 to 2018, China's high added value-added technology trade volume increased by 565% to the European Union, five times more than five years.

In addition, Huaxia Enterprise and European companies have reached 681% in five years in high-tech industries.

Returning to regular trade, Europe, especially the European Union has exceeded 20 billion euros for our exports last year.

From these comprehensive data we can see a signal, Huaxia has complement each other with the European Union to the most history.

You need more and more technologies that need to be available from the other side of Migra, and we want to export technology, our Huaxia needs, and have a huge market to digest.

Last year, the EU exported exports were close to 2 trillion euros. Our Huaxia only occupied 10%. Under such industrial complementaries, how big is this number of numbers, and you can consider it. "

The data placed in front of him will not be lie, and this data in front of you will be careful, that is, the data of different countries will be listed in detail.

Then all countries will see the progress of other countries with Huaxia, such as the German law has been very fast in the past few years, and the other countries are in the eyes, and there will be some ideas in my heart.

"So Mr. Meng believes that our trade cooperation can be further?"

"Of course, I also analyzed from the perspective of trade, why I dare to say to the world in the world.

Because the best allies of the country have always been an EU, but only from the perspective of trade, Omi's highly industrial coincidence and the advantage of Miki in emerging technologies can indeed let meters have this condition to be separated from the EU.

Only, they ignored one thing. At this time, the company has no ability to threaten EU companies in emerging technologies, even in some future technologies, our Huaxia company is in front of them. "

Everyone will look at Meng Qian, yeah, because this guy has changed this key element.

For the European Union at this time, there is no hope in the technical pressure of China. Unless it is with the rice country, you can have a hammer with this attitude.

Since the light is can't keep in China, why not cherish the market in Huaxia.

As the saying goes.

If you don't do it.


At the level of the enterprise, the government's level is in progress, and Hua Ou relations are moving towards a new direction.

In mid-June, the EU revealed a news, Huaxia will participate in the EU's foreign investigation mechanism.

The EU's foreign investigation mechanism is very meaningful. In 2017, the EU believes that there is a way of all the way in Huaxia, which is divided into Europe, splits the Middle East Europe. In order to prevent all the way in Huaxia, the EU requires the establishment of foreign investigation mechanism, and focus "care" Huaxia investment.

In fact, even in the first half of this year, I often hear a sound in Europe, that is, our common enemy is Huaxia. Is the country should have become an enemy with our EU, and we should join hands with Huaxia.

As a result, China is now involved in a mechanism for Huaxia, which is revealed a clear signal. Huaxia can't go to yourself. It can only explain the EU's foreign review mechanism will not take it against China.

Instead, in a fair point of view, we will maintain the interests of EU companies. To this end, Huaxia is also willing to participate in the establishment of this mechanism, and create a solution that everyone can satisfy.

Not long after the news, June 18th, the country said that it will append a list of 200 billion, and June 19th with the United Nations Council of Human Rights.

Everyone to eat melon people have said that Mi State pushed Hua's relationship to a historical height.


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