Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 924 Overseas Live

", B Station, Youku and other websites are investigated for suspected vulgar"

"Short video software such as" Qingfeng fast hand shake and other short video software involves a full rectification "

"Nearly a thousand short video live APPs, hundreds of anchor accounts are sealed"


In August, Huaxia opened the most stringent live short video industry review in history.

"How is self-examination?" Mid-August, Meng Qian asked Gu Junhui.

"Our influence is relatively small, seal some anchor, further improved rules, basically meeting the rectification requirements."

"Well, work hard, this time is also a good management live broadcast and short video industry, and the country will need some policies to be introduced."

"Indeed, vulgar violence and other issues have developed quickly, and no longer have a big problem in the entire industry, how many positive energy anchors are inexplicable because of the anchor of the anchor." Gu Junhui felt sorry for some anchors.

Meng Qian sized Gu Jun Hui to sit down and slowly chat, "Not only that, next time, live broadcast and short video will bear more important responsibility in business development, do not do it in advance, it is more easy to do."

Gu Junhui, I understand Meng Qian's meaning, please contact, "Our layout is going back?"

"Well, live broadcast will become the trend of the next two years, Taobao's early test is also almost the same, this year will force it in the second half of this year."

"Which way they are ready to go?"

"Do your head?"

"Do your head? Is this going to traffic?"

"Taobao is not the choice." Meng Qian drank the tea, "Taobao does not produce products, it is a platform, nature to find the most suitable model.

For Taobao, drainage is the key. If they don't have their own products, they can't make money by the goods themselves, otherwise they don't have core competitiveness once they open competition.

They can only put the center of gravity on the drain, and gradually becomes gradually through the platform flow. "

"Can Ali is not a simple domestic e-commerce leader, but also the domestic Internet corporate leader. If the trend of live goods is led by Taobao, the public will follow the imitation, Taobao has platform, there is a flow of flow, he certainly does not test goods It is making money itself, but other companies? "

Gu Junhui has some concerns, "the development of live broadcasts, its significance should be a new sales channel for more companies, especially SMEs, to create a new business form.

If Taobao is playing, the subsequent SMEs are not all attached to Taobao? "

"You don't have to worry too much. The possibility of live broadcasts is not very large by Taobao monopoly, and you can see it.

For many companies that have their own products, live broadcast is an opportunity. They are not a fool, they will not sit at that, and they will not easily bow to Taobao.

In the era of e-commerce, there is a platform to kill such a platform such as Suning Tesco, let alone this Internet environment, and the variable is big.

A commercial shuffle may arrive, but it is necessary to say that Taobao monopoly is now judged to be fashionable.

At least, our players are still here, not. "

Gu Junhui smiled and nodded. "It is also, there is a development in the direction of our live broadcast and short video, what is the general?"

"I said a big direction of live betting, behind the things still want you to do.

First, use live bands to poverty alleviation, this we have already started, but whether it is a scale or influence, it has not yet been made, now there is related support policy, now you have to dock it, think about doing poverty alleviation A more deeper, especially in the issue of true poverty and false poverty, must be strictly guarded against the death situation, and must avoid false poverty.

Once this kind of thing occurs once, the efforts that everyone pay in this thing are a great blow.

Second, no matter what other platforms, we must build a live broadcast platform for SMEs, and my idea is from the technology products, first build a scientific and technological selection project. We are a technology company, let's use the live broadcast platform to use the technology company. It is easier to create an attractive vertical, and then slowly expand.

Third, the development of domestic developments is important, but I care more about the development of live goods in overseas.

I have read the latest data, and the current overseas day of the breeze app has been very good, and it is very attractive to everyone.

We have also tried overseas for a while, my thoughts are, now you can start.

I hope that I will quickly break out overseas in these two years.

The logistics expansion in the world, the distribution of all countries, the line of the box, the unrequited trade, the direct trade is all, we have done a lot, now we have to bring live band to overseas markets. "

"Meng always wants to die overseas users in his hand." Gu Junhui naturally understood Meng Qian.

Meng Qian smiled and didn't pick this sentence. "I have a lot of mouth, YouTube is actually trying to do live goods, but I have not made a scale, so this thing we have to be quick, otherwise it will give others. Leave a space in the platform. "

"I know, I will supervise this matter personally."

"Well, global operations you have experienced now, I am also assured."

"Then I will go first."


After Gu Junhui, Meng Qiao was really very relieved. This matter handed it to him to deal with it. On the afternoon, He Jing came to Meng Qian, and he couldn't help but ask questions during the period.

"Master, I heard that the short video will become one of the future of the big wind and entertainment."

"Well, inevitable trends, what happened?"

"Yes, we have recently studied the process of artificial intelligence, short video is a case where we often take it as a reference.

Since artificial intelligence is applied to the recommended mechanism, personalized recommendation has become a normal, but personalized recommendation has not been well solved.

With the rapid development of short video, because short video pursuit is fast and outbreak, this has led to a further shortage of personal recommendation to one extreme.

Because this personalized recommendation, the Volkswagen's vision is getting narrower, and the world can see is getting smaller and smaller. If you have been letting, you will live in a very self-of the world, so that the public Increasingly extreme. "

He Jingli hit the god of Meng Qian, and He Xiang continued. "These years have become the paradise of the extremes of the extremes, not only because the objective people are more and more silent, but also because of many external factors development of.

When the Internet has just appeared, its purpose is to let everyone have the opportunity to get in a bigger world, but now, artificial intelligence is pushing everyone to a small world.

What makes me feel more terrible now, many people know this problem, but they are not willing to change.

As Zhang Gu said, the past Volkswage likes to receive the gift given by others, this is a surprise, it is imagined, you need to leave your comfort area to watch, but also to look at the manual.

But now everyone is more accustomed to picking up the express delivery, my own order, know what is something, I am eating yesterday, today I have, I will not move in my comfort area, and continue to enjoy.

It is two times in the era of collecting someone's gifts and the era of removing your express delivery. "

The words of H. Jing have inspired Meng Qian's exploration, "So you, what do you think or say ...?"

"Since the issue is recommended in personalization, we believe that the first algorithm must be changed, in fact, in many companies are also doing, our current idea is to extend."

"Association extension? What do you mean?"

"In essence, everything in this world is associated with interlaced. We must let artificial intelligence learn to extend, such as a person who likes to watch technology, we can extends from technology to more fields.

At the same time, the opposition is also a relationship, we must let the algorithm learn to balance the view, rather than let the public live in a point of view.

We need to stimulate users' self-thinking consciousness, of course, this self-thinking is conscious, rather than recommending the user to the user to debate. "

"Have you reported this idea?"

"It is planning to make a detail, soon will be handed over."

"This idea is good, I support you."

He Jing has been silent for a few seconds. "In fact, we still have an idea."

"what idea?"

"We want to do a comment without comments, there is no personalized recommended news app."

Meng Qian put it down, "Without Comments, there is no personalization recommendation? This is not the early newspapers. The more live it, the more live?"

"WeChat can be fire, is it in a sense because it lives back to social software original? Moreover, a line APP, at least the newspaper magazine is still more functional, you can see the content It will also be more than the order of the newspapers, it seems to be more convenient than the newspaper.

We are just thinking, one is simply objective, as much as possible, as much as possible, actively initiating the appeal and provides feedback news APP, perhaps, it will make everyone feel very interesting, at least, the extremes don't play there.

Since the objective people don't talk, why should I let the objective people listen to the extremes? "

"What about business model?"

"This is the problem." Hi Jing smiled and smiled. "In order to ensure that the objective is purely, we want to go to the route, the pre-periods of the user can consider the first time, so this business model can have a lot of success. Doubt.

However, in recent time, domestic attitude towards piracy against counterfeit fake and stronger, a few years, domestic payment environment should be better and better. "

"But there is still a problem here. If you have a comment, if you have any questions, if there is a problem, I can't do it for the comments of the non-extreme purpose."

"So we do the news app, which is mainly based on objective facts, do not bring a subjective concept. If there is a problem with news, then there is often an error on the app, you can abandon this app.

It's rare to have problems, we just open an error function, I think most of the objective people will not say two words because of the APP. "

Meng Qian thought about asking directly, "How much is it to do this?"

"It is more than 1 million in the previous period, mainly for long-term media resource docking."

"Then go out first, first look at what feedback on your idea will receive in the company."

He Tong immediately, "I understand, I will discuss details with them today."

Meng Qian nodded, "At least for me, it is still a bit attractive."


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