Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 930 Technology Prosperity

If the public does not understand, the entrepreneur of the rice country will not understand that Kz Anni finally arrived at the scene of the meeting launched by Nadra, and said directly, "We have to continue to talk to the above, What is the technical limit?! "

"We are talking about this matter." Nadra's eye is complicated to Kaziannick, "It's really not, we can only apply it."

Kz Annik seconds, and nod, "talk about details."


The other is internally entangled, and Huaxia has passed a news in the second day of the General Assembly. Huaxia will further encourage the development of artificial intelligence industry, and propose ten policy support and billions of funds support plans to protect Huaxia. The artificial intelligence industry is healthy and efficient and efficient.

After the Chinese company just showed the muscles, he immediately followed the policy so that the exhibitors in Huaxia were more confirmed, at least in the artificial intelligence, China is already a strong country, not a simple big country.

For the Huaxia at this time, since it regards self-employed technology as a new economic growth point, the technology has been further binding technology with national fate, and science and technology encounters a danger. The country will shoot, technology encounters opportunities, the country is more To take the opportunity to catch the heart, ensure the advantage.

At this time, the state in order to develop the development of science and technology. In order to achieve a career, it is necessary to die, and the people will die to the development of technology in order to earn more money.

Thanks to the pressing of once, it has stimulated the public opinion of the domestic environment for the development of science and technology.

I can hear the sound of science and technology everywhere, and it is no longer a simple chat after the tea, and everyone will be divorced. Everyone will have a few world science and technology patterns.

At the same time, the capital market has also begun to be hot. In the past two years, Meng Qian himself has completely not stock, because the development of the capital market is completely different from the time and space in the capital.

Although the bull market has not yet ushered in the second half of 2018, the big A shares are basically 3,000 points, and the technology stocks do not decrease under the pressure, but constantly innovate.

Of course, the most powerful is white wine, especially Maotai.

The market began in the market, Moutai chip, rising to nine thousand nine.

"Why will Maotai will rise?" Meng Qian asked several senior investors when we moved in the wind and investment.

Several people smiled, one of them said, "When the real estate fire, you go to those companies that invest in real estate to take a look, just one project team below the table, now there are three or five boxes, now the technology industry is fire, you will Go to the technology company to see, Maotai in the warehouse is piled up into the mountain.

In Huaxia, which industry is in the industry, as long as there is industry fire, Maotai will definitely fire. "

"Hahahaha." Meng Qian couldn't help but laugh, "I really put me for so many years of doubts."

"Meng Qic." Meng Qian is talking to a few investors, and the assistant comes over to Meng Qian.

Just in China's domestic scientific and prosperous scene,

C Suddenly released an article named "The boom on the body".

The article pointed out that "Huaxia's artificial intelligence has indeed developed an extremely beautiful and bustling stage, but everyone only saw the scenery of the surface, but did not know the stem behind.

Under the big outbreak of artificial intelligence, it is a large number of people's unemployment. It is a large number of people's homeless.

Scientists have repeatedly remind artificial intelligence to replace a lot of work, which means that unemployment is about to break out, for China, and hundreds of millions of people will be changed, they are about to usher in the biggest crisis in life. .

Who is responsible for these ordinary people?

Do they live to become the body under the prosperity? "

In order to cooperate with these phonetic words,

C also found a group of pictures, including displaced, family poverty, in the factory, anyway, it is on the artificial intelligence.


C The article will raise the hot discussion, more and more rice domains keep up, grab the unemployment, constantly questioning Huaxia, the prosperous intelligent market is really right.

"Washington Daily" also has issued an interview, an interview with Huaxia Factory, exposes the problems encountered in the development of China's intelligent industrial.

The development of intelligent industries does not think so smoothly.

Because the intelligent industry is in some ways to be simple, it is not only a simple upgrade, essentially a subversion, such as the supply chain.

One of the cores of the intelligent industry is to open the industrial chain, realize the data intercom, the upper and lower reaches of the industry, but to do this, the problem will appear.

In more traditional industrial fields, the interoperability between industry chains will mean contradictions.

Industry like smartphones is relatively smooth, the key is two points, one is because the industry's new, intelligent industrial and supply chain is almost synchronized, and there is no large supply chain stakeholder.

Second, because of the wind group, Huawei has absolute dominance, it is possible to take the entire supply of power, the entire supply chain is willing to obey the data.

However, in many traditional industries, such as clothing industry, supply chain interests is very complicated, and data interoperability will not only break the interests of many people, but also eliminate a large number of small workshops, and the development of things is not as smooth as it is, but it can even say, difficult Heavy.

The "Washington Daily" expanded these contradictions and wrote a pair of Huaxia to constantly sacrifice the interests of ordinary workers in the development of intelligent industries, and began to be Zhang Zhengyi for Huaxia workers.

Some of the European media have also begun to keep up, the reason why the European media is followed, on the one hand, the problem is fault, on the other hand, it has always been anti-artificial intelligence, so I see more artificial intelligence in the media in Europe. More purely opposing artificial intelligence, and as a leader in artificial intelligence development, it is necessary to be attacked.

Of course, in terms of the matter, the interests of intelligent industrial development and unemployment are indeed a big problem under artificial intelligence. As for human destruction, I'm thinking about it.

But though the problem, whether it is a wind group or Huaxia has been working hard, so I saw that the Miogan media speculation these remarks, the high-rise group high-level.

"This is really means of doing something else? Do you engage in such inferior public opinion attack?" Sun Xiaoyi looked at the report and couldn't help but laughed.

"This is simply equivalent to the practice." Xiao Bo scratched hair, "Mi State did not develop artificial intelligence? Take this angle to destroy us, what do their own artificial intelligent companies do? Mi Dog is also artificial intelligence strong country, crazy Is these media? "

"Xiao always forgot a key." Fang Chen coldly.

"What is the key?"

"They are capitalism."

Xiao Bo knows, "Then, the next step is to stimulate contradictions!"

"To, this is a war battle, this is not a technology war, and it will always maintain the level of public opinion, they are disgusting us.

After all, in terms of application level, there is no other country's artificial intelligence in any country to be better than our Huaxin, how good is a good public opinion target.

Besides, the double standard is their specialty. When the development of the company's development artificial intelligence, the media is all closed wheat. "

Gu Junhui couldn't help but laugh. "Close wheat is impossible to close wheat, only when the Mi Dog Media will say, this is the inevitable development of the times, let everyone accept it."

"It is also poor, I have to play this means in 2018." Meng Qian quickly walked into the office, just heard everyone's dialogue, "they are now arrogant to sit in the office in the office. They don't know what other countries really look, if they are willing to spend a little thoughts, I don't know this kind of thing. "

"Meng Zheng, that is this public opinion, do we have to respond?"

"If you don't respond, just like you say, this public opinion is rushing, so this influence is not enough. They don't want to condemn people's intelligence leads to unemployment, we will condemn, and then a little more , I will listen to the whole world, and I am angry about the people of the world. "Meng Qian faces disdain."

"Meng Zheng, so embarrassed, be careful."

"It is also what they die." Meng Qian relied on the chair. "He wants to be disgusting us, I will die them!"


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