Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 937 Another masterpiece

After coming from the purple light, everyone started to visit more Huaxia chip companies, see more about Huaxia chips, especially the development of Huaxia AI chips, some things are actually understanding in the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, this It's more confidence to come to the scene, which confirms that Huaxia Enterprises are not bragging, but really has developed to this point.

Visit the chip design enterprise, you will naturally pay attention to the situation of the chip founder.

"SMIC has not been very good recently."

"There is no way to use too many rice technology in the early years, SMIC has no way, and now I can only be in a bit of difficult position."

"How do Sikin International do not learn to get a way to mean?"

"In fact, it has already begun to get rice, and SMIC has recently planned two production lines to say that it is to get rice, but ZTE International is not compressed by the limit, nothing to do.

Now SMIC International is the third largest foundry in the world, why should I be so bokey? "

"Also, Miki said that SMIC has no evidence for half a day."

Everyone talked to the SMIC's R & D center.

"SMIC has the latest market share has reached 21%."

"That is to say that the wind semiconductor with the core international adds more than 50% of the world's market share.

Huaxia This market is really big, once a domestic company has leading manufacturing capabilities, it is really not orders. "

"So, who doesn't care about this market."

"If you count more than 30% of the market share of the power outage, Huaxia Enterprises accounted for nearly 85% of the chip foundry market, and they are more monopoly."

"The most important thing is that market share is complementary, you see that SMIC has put 3 nm craftsmanship."

"SMIC has already set 5 3nmeuv lightning machine, the ambition is not small."

"Hey, this is ... SMIC International with BYD cooperation project?" Someone discovered a detail when SMIC visited.

Another person will go to Lenovo immediately after seeing this detail. "Is it true that the previous rumor is true?"

Many people know this rumor and go straight to BYD after SMIC.

And in BYD's R & D center, you found a certain answer: BYD did build a chip foundry.

Everyone in BYD's R & D center learned that BYD has broken through the monopoly of Mitsubishi and Fuji in the IGBT chip this year. Next, BYD should go further in the field of chip foundry, and target SMIC TSMS high wind semiconductor. .

Moreover, BYD has a special feature of the foundry for the construction: national production.

"National production and deminening can be completely two different concepts, and if the national production chip manufacturing line is true, this is not."

"Yeah, even the wind semiconductor has not achieved national production, but it has achieved it."

"And Huaxia has already had wind semiconductor and SMIC, BYD actually has to enter this market. Why is this?"

"This shows that the future of Huaxia companies is very optimistic about the future of the chip founder, the market is large enough, BYD is not afraid that there is no order as long as the technology is passing."

"This market is not ordering, but there is an ability foundation, as the production line is increasing, more companies do not dare to invest, this time has the ability to have the future, once successful It is lying and making money. "

Everyone talked to walk into a VR display screen, and you can see the BYD chip production line that is building on the big screen. It is actually in the installed phase.

"Is BYD really have this ability?" Many people don't know the answer now.

With the uncertainty of BYD, everyone turned to the R & D center of Shanghai Micrograde in the industrial park. The first sentence to see by everyone is: Shanghai micro-resistant has completed 1 nm lightning machine the design of.

Moreover, there are many detailed details of 1 nm photolithography machines.

For example, 1NMEUV lightning machine is a industry ceiling in many technologies. At present, the future production capacity of microelectrics in Shanghai is likely to create only one 1nmeuv lightning machine in only two to three months.

"Canon and Asa wheat seem to have no 1nmeuv lightning machine?"

"Nothing, and I think it is expected to be a question for Astrol, and the core member is now basically going to Shanghai Micrograde. Intel is not achieved at all from the new group of so-called talents from Miki. The so-called effect. "

"Can Canne, no matter how talent is in a short time, it is difficult to compare with the microelectronics in Shanghai. The future pattern is likely to be a supplemented supplier in Shanghai Micro 5, after all, the overall demand for EUV lightning machine The amount will always keep a height for a long time. "

"If this is true, the late wind semiconductor, SMIC, TSM, re-calculate Shang BYD, at least 4 companies will compete for 1NM optical technology supply, such low capacity, when I arrive in Shanghai Micro Will you give priority? "

"Now, the most anxious should be Tajor electricity, in case ..."

"I also think, and regardless of other, the wind group can be the shareholders of SMIC and BYD, will not give priority?"

"Today, once this news passed out, I am afraid that the power is even more easily connected to Intel and Qualcomm."

"The price of 1nmeuv lightning machine can now be revealed?" Someone suddenly asked.

The politeness of the staff of Shanghai Micro 5, "There is currently no final pricing, but I can disclose a little, it will never be less than 3 billion."

"A photolithography machine is 3 billion ... the future chip industry new company is really harder and harder."

"If it is more than ten years ago, Huaxia is chasing rice in the chip field into difficult mode. Then, the chip is going to catch up with Huaxia almost hell mode."

"The turning point of EUV was caught by Huaxia, and the rice did not catch, what can I have?"

"This is also the most interesting place in history, and a key node may change the overall situation."

"You don't forget that there is another thing, Shanghai's microelectron is still playing, and Astrol can not get the lawsuit now is hard to say."

"Right, talk about the lawsuit, have you seen a news today."

"What news?"

"It seems to be an etched machine enterprise in Huaxia, which is awarded the Tanglin semiconductor."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, Yes, this name, this company feels not heard of it."

"Medium micro-semiconductor R & D center is on our side." The employees in Shanghai microelectronics took a sentence, and everyone decided to see what kind of company is a single company's floodlin semiconductor.

When everyone enters the China Micro-China R & D center, I saw a striking line, the medium micro-semiconductor is the world's first company that successfully develops the 5nm precision etching machine, and the world's first successful development of 3NM precision etching machine. Currently, the 3NM etching machine of the medium microsystem has passed the verification of the wind group.

"This company is also too low, wind semiconductor, SMIC, TSMP 5nm etching machine is originally purchased from their home!"

"Look at the company's development experience, before developing 5nm etching machine, the company has been caught by the Mi Dynasty floodlin semiconductor, neon application materials and Tokyo electronics, and the 5nm etching machine makes it true. I started to turn over. "

"Then there is this 3nm etching machine, and this company is destined to take off."

"Photolithography, etching machine, these two core equipment are in Huaxia, I can't really."

"Wait, now I will think about BYD's national chemical plant."

"Go, go out."

After all, everyone will go to the Huaxia ion implantation machine, single crystal furnace, wafer film, gas phase extension, oxidant, and then go to see the material enterprises including the illuminating machine.

And this turn turns down, everyone has already understood one thing.

At this time, in addition to the second truly equipment giants in the Shanghai Micro, in the morning, Huaxia Enterprise knows the huge gap between the equipment and international enterprises, and is another development route. : Each company specializes in one direction and makes a direction extreme.

So although there is no more equipment giants in Huadia, you can take at least one business that can compete with the world giants.

And these companies do not work with international giants in a small size?

It doesn't matter, the wind semiconductor and SMIC will procure their own equipment, protect orders, guarantee income, and ensure long-term development.

"When I came 10 years ago, the factory is from overseas equipment brands. I didn't expect it. After 10 years, Huaxia has been able to build a national production line, this change is really too big."

"That is, the current China's construction of the entire semiconductor industry is not a simple domestic replacement, but a domestic leader.

This is a deep meaning. "

At this time, a Huaxia guided the emotion, "All this, thank the Chinese semiconductor ten-year plan.

Ten years, the Huaxia semiconductor industry has undergone earth-shaped changes, and all the Shanghai integrated circuit industrial parks are now the place where the miracle is born! "

As the great general of the unknown generation, this is another masterpiece of Meng Qian, Huaxia Semiconductor Decade Development Plan.


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