Nadra had a few glasses of Cotz Annik and decided to fly directly from Germany.

There are three days in Huaho Electronic Consumer Exhibition, and now I have just launched for two days. One day, the two decided to go to the scene.

However, the two were stopped by the security guard at the exhibition.

"Sir, do you know who we are?" The assistant of Nadra is with security theory.

"Of course, this world's monopoly king, the two CEOs of the Wintel Alliance, how can I don't know you, but I am sure that you know more about me, after all, you only need to move your mouse, you can I have transferred all my information. "

On the side of Nadra strategic, "said Mr., We Microsoft has never infringed user privacy."

"You don't have to explain to me, you need to explain to those injured in the riots, they really want to know how their own information is exposed."

"So this is what you stopped?" Costiank is a bit impatient.

"Two, work and personal emotions, I am also a clear, for security, all our admission tickets are real name system, unfortunately, you have no admission ticket."

Côte d'Ivanik raised the brand in the hand, "This is a VIP pass, you should know."

"Sorry, this is the vip pass of the exhibition personnel, should not appear in the hands of the entrepreneurous in the country, maybe two can explain, do you steal who?"

Aware that the security captain in front of you is a firm Wintel opposition, Nadra dedicated assistant to talk more nonsense again, directly dial the phone of the leader of the exhibition.

A few minutes later, the leader of the exhibition came over to meet Nadra and Coz Annique, as an exhibition company, is definitely no reason to sin and Intel.

The big leader is coming, security guards can only release, but they have not given a good face.

Nadra and Kissiannik opposed to the eye and had a matter of security, although this is not a bit complicated behind the emotions behind.

"I brought two things to go." The person in charge of the exhibition took the initiative to work.

However, Nadla and Cos Annique did not want some outsiders to accompany them, Nadra asked, "There should be some key points today."

"I remember that there are several private medical equipment about personal health, and there are consumer intelligent robots, and then there are BMW, Daso, and Huaxia's Great wind."

"Great Feng Hua has brought a lot of products this time."

"Yeah, Germany, the biggest platform is the wind group, this company is really unhappy." The person in charge of the exhibition just confessed that it was wrong, busy smiling, "then let us first Go to see it. "

"Don't have trouble, we will take a look at it."

The leader of the exhibition sweeping his eyes and dressed today, and thus judge that the two should do not want to accompany himself, and then leave a few words.

Nadra and Kz Anni were on a look, and the beginning of the tacit understanding.

The whole turn is turned down. The two emotions have always been suppressed. From the scene results, Microsoft is not in the market, but at this time, Wintel said that it is not alternative.

The two have walked through the booth to the wind group, but the products of the wind group are very familiar, but they are very boring, simply turned to see the partner.

The result hit an acquaintance.

"Romei? How are you here?"

Romei is equally surprised, "How are you two?"

"Let's take a look." Costianki even thought a little shame in a moment.

Rometi is talking about two words, "You are because this exhibition is from the impact of Wintel?"

"Accurately, it is not just this exhibition, but the most recent situation in Europe." Nadra is straightforward, "" Exhibition is actually the same, mainly to talk to some of the old friends here, at least I am now Sitting in the office is not stable. "

"I understand." Romei nodded, "Who can't think of when Europe is selected, they will flush with us so much."

"The new globalization of the Great Breeze is a kind of balance, I am not unexpected." Kz Annik's explanation of new globalization is actually the old Moore to tell him, "But I am still more accidental How can you have this, IBM is also troublesome? Is it because of the cancellation of the chip order? "

"We are now facing now, and it is not clear for a while." Romei squeezed a smile, "As for the coming here today, it is mainly going to Huawei."

"Huawei?" The two were very surprised. Although Huawei is also very cow, everyone still consciously considers the wind group first.

In the face of the doubts of the two, Romei took two people to Huawei exhibition area, and then referred to a product.

The two immediately came close to it. "This is the server chip? No, high-end server chip! What time is Huawei start?"

"Not only Huawei, there is also a wave, dragon core, winning the kirin, of course, must not have a strong wind group."

"These companies ..."

"Yes, that is, recently the most powerful Chinese company that is tossing in Europe. I started to think that only a Huaxia company for the business competition behavior of Google, and later it is only Huawei to revenge in revenge. Everything, but over time, things are getting more and more wrong.

Chip, system, hardware, communication, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Ericsson statement, Standard organization is established, the EU anti-Wintel sentiment once again, two, understand? "

Romei is like this, both people naturally want to understand.

"So what is the level of Huawei's server chip now?" Ksiannik asked directly.

Romei thought about how to describe it, "When a big wind group just started to challenge the computer CPU, there is also a gap with us, but they have also overcome the core problems.

And I have to remind Mr. Nadra, their recent server system is a winning bidder. "

Nadra unconsciously smile, "I may feel strange, I don't know why, you tell me this now, I think this is normal."

Three people are silent, they have thought, Romei took the lead in breaking this silence, indicating that everyone will go out to eat a meal, slowly talk, the two are naturally refreshing.

Three people walked to the exit, a lonely booth staff saw that people hurriedly introduced their home products, "Several I learned about our home intelligent cleaning robot."

Perhaps it is attracted by the enthusiasm of young people, perhaps out of emotional release, three people stopped, Kz Annik asked, "Is there any special place in this product?"

"Mr. You approach, our smart cleaning robot is the most obvious feature is functional, unlike the current market basically a single smart sweeping machine or intelligent wi-sweeper, we will collect most of the family cleaning work. A robot body.

You can watch this video show, our smart robots can identify the ground and sofa, when he completes the ground cleaning work, will enter the standing form and use exclusive cleaning tools to clean our sofa.

Moreover, in addition to the function, our product is in line with the Huaxia standard, you can use it with confidence. "

The three-person expression changes at the same time, "China Standard?"

"Yes, our products are definitely the Chinese standard."

"When is the product as the standard in China?"

"Hey ..." The staff is somewhat weird to look at the three, "I don't know, the smart products are now the highest standards in the Chinese standard, and the international quality standards for smart products are also in Huaxia. "

"Hu said!" Kz Annik directly exited the booth, "how the Chinese standard may become an international quality standard!"

After that, Kz Annik left directly, the rest did not have such emotional fluctuations, but they also followed.

The staff was inexplicably inexplicably, looked at the back of the three people, and the foreman didn't want to join this exhibition! Waste Quota! "


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