Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

"My concubine looks like this, and surprisingly, she likes books."

That's what the girl, sitting in a lavish chair and with one hand on her elbow, says.

I had an elaborate fitting book open in my opposite hand to the arm I put down, and the way I ran my eyes on it, which was already worse in the second half, was somewhere different from her atmosphere until then.

Sleeves through thin clothes like negligee and a white cloth of the same color as clothes on his shoulders. A state in which the curvature of a busty body is exposed in front of you with no hesitation, but there is no way the girl has become aware of it even as she puts a man's gaze in front of her.

I was so naturally immersed in the world of books that I didn't think I was welcoming visitors.

The carpeted floor is trampled with sneakers, and the abandoned Subaru is on the way.

Though it is good to have been let through inside, the lord of the pivotal room is not interested in Subaru. If I tried to start talking forcefully, only a word at the beginning came back.

Are you telling me that this is a book I'm almost done reading, so wait for me to finish reading it?

"Whatever it takes. It's..."

And, it takes me to deny the idea that sprouted up in my chest, but I can't dispel Imaichi anxiety when I watch him turn the page slightly.

In fact, Subaru knows that she is such an irrational person.

Flaming red eyes that burn everything in their eyes to an orange hair that reflects the sun. Clear white skin with feminine undulating limbs.

The beauty of not opening your mouth and quietly leaning your gaze on the book has no other words to describe.

So how unfair would God have been to her if that character had not been raised to harm the mood of others?

The girl's name is Priscilla Burriel.

He was also one of the candidates for the King's election and the next person, to whom Subaru took his feet in search of cooperation.

Subaru was informed of the fact that Reinhardt was absent from the Wang capital at the mansion he had used as his residence while in the Wang capital.

In the story of the old couple, who are a separate residence used by the Astrea family, which is also Reinhardt's raw house, and who are entrusted with the management there,

"In preparation for this king's election, we are now returning to the main house with Lord Felt and his family. It is possible for this place and the main house to have a conversation in a dialogue mirror…"

The key Wang Capital and Astrea main road are said to take nearly four days to get around the dragon car. Two days before Reinhardt left King's Capital, he has not yet arrived at the main house.

Plus I heard the location of his main house, and it was as little as five days to rush to Mazers territory - no matter how he scratched his feet, his entry into the war was hopeless.

"Both Roswar and Reinhardt... they're useless at the heart of it...!

Saying goodbye to the old couple, Subaru holds his head where he can no longer see the separate residence.

God is the evil between them this time. With the disappearance of a candidate who seemed to help me unconditionally, there was a real loss of room from Subaru.

It hurts that before I was turned down, I didn't assume he wasn't there. Not to mention that if his departure was two days ago, he wouldn't make it as of 'Back to Death'.

If we were to ask for his cooperation, it would have been possible to spend two days before 'Back to Death', essentially only in the first world. But I don't know the tragedy that awaits me, and I just can't talk to Subaru about spending my days carelessly.

"I can't help it if I don't... think, think, think, think, think, think, think, I... I don't have enough power, number, or time. The only thing I can do is twist my head."

Desperately spinning his head, Subaru thinks diligently to pop out the next good measure.

If Kursch is no good and Reinhardt is no good, Subaru, which has few known figures in the King's capital, has few cards to choose from.

If you are questioned about the credibility of what Krush pointed out with regard to the newspaper of witchcraft emergence, it seems unlikely that you will also get help to push it into the Knights' stuffing.

More importantly, as things stand, Subaru's position is not in a position where direct adjudication to the Knights of the Kingdom is possible, and it is expected that he will have a very poor memory from the Knights before that.

Subaru has not forgotten the ugliness of those who cheered and stood up to be defeated until Subaru was worn out in a soldier field showdown with Julius. I didn't think those guys would lend a hand to Subaru, and I don't want to borrow them.

- Until then, when Kursch, who thought he was treating me honestly, left me with a whirlpool of suspicion about others in Subaru.

As a matter of fact, there were no cheering knights in the second half in one case at the squad yard, but rather a lot of things frowned upon Julius's doings - that could not have been passed on to Subaru then, nor could he have afforded to ascertain after another subsequent interaction with Emilia.

The knights were both shameless and wicked to be cursed in Subaru unchanged, and where they chewed the humiliation to death and asked for it, they were opponents they did not expect to listen to sincerely.

Subaru therefore has no choice but to even bloody his eyes and work out his next best course of action, pretending not to realize that he is narrowing his own choices in his own previous deeds.

If the Knights of the Kingdom cannot be relied upon, there are no longer two known men known to Subaru to know in the King's capital. And on one side, for the same reason as the Knights, it's absolutely impossible to bow your head or something.

When that happens, there is no longer only one candidate.

"Subaru, what do you want to do now? Rem..."

"I'm fine. Leave it to me. Rem doesn't have to do anything. I don't have to. Stay behind me forever."

Rem says something when he sees Subaru thinking about it.

Subaru kept thinking as he blocked it and pointed a weak grin at her.

It's dangerous to put Rem on the arrow.

She throws herself out if it is to protect Subaru, and we know she will not hesitate to use it for throwing stones until her life.

That's the result of Subaru's deeds that saved her and made her dependent, so it has to be spoiled and accepted. After accepting it, we must only avoid the consequences of her being lost.

To that end, Subaru refuses so hard to let Rem try to come forward.

Subaru has to do it himself. Otherwise Lem cannot be protected, there is no point in rescuing Emilia or the people of the village, nor clearing up his hatred of Petergius -.

"Oh, something..."

For a moment, I felt something terribly noisy come to mind and Subaru touched his temples.

Now it is as if to give priority to the murder of Petergius over the saving of Emilia and the others. Besides, I can't believe Emilia's life has to be protected in her own hands.

I'm temporarily lost. Kursch's remarks are more out of focus than he can be aware of them.

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm doing the right thing."

Subaru affirms himself, as he tells himself, to include bites, to put a lid on the abyss, as he decides not to have seen what he saw.

Because if you're not positive, you can't keep it sane.

The next morning, when they revealed the night at the inn, the two were visiting Priscilla's mansion on the edge of the king's capital.

Built outside the aristocratic quarter, it is the Burriel mansion and also the mansion where an old man named Leip Burriel, the deceased husband of Priscilla, originally lived.

He seems to have been in quite a position at the Royal Palace, and he was as deceased as even Lem knows his name...

"At least this won't be that dead grandfather's hobby"

From a distance, it is clear that the ruggedness of the mansion, reflecting the morning sun, burns in the eyes.

Whether the roof was repainted very recently or painted gold, they are as luxurious and glowing as if they were sprinkled with gold leaves. Assuming you try to maintain this brilliance, you will need to repaint it frequently.

The walls of the mansion, which can be seen on the other side of the gateway, are not less flashy than the roof, and many of the windows that point this way are carved artwork of design.

I don't actually have the experience of seeing a gold hobby or anything like that, but there was something pressing from my sight that I wondered if this was such a kind of use of gold.

"Ma, ma, ma, actually, this is the princess's hobby. We did this through piercing, didn't we? It was only a month before he arrived in King's Lands. I sympathize with the people who worked all night, but I can't even complain if they slap me in the cheek with a gold bag."

"No, it's no different than beating him up if he cheeks with a gold coin bag. Don't try to flush it in the same atmosphere as a bunch of bills."

In mystery overflowing with alleys, socks are even filled with sand to make them blunt instruments. Causes of death, such as getting beaten to death with a bag of gold coins: the money is a good place too.

"I don't know," he said, tilting his neck, scratching around the nod from the gap in his helmet is Al. He is a mercenary hired by Priscilla and apparently a compatriot who, like Subaru, has been summoned from Earth to another world.

The consistency is high from the frequent modern language and the bizarre fashion sense, but the generation gap is undeniable because we hear that his summons was nearly twenty years ago.

Either way, such an inner part of Subaru is spared, Al, who welcomed the two in front of the gate, leaked the absence with an alertness and a good spot,

"So, what can I do for you from all this morning? As you can see, I have low blood pressure, so I'm seriously weak in the morning, right? It's a good fight with King of Coys."

"I'll shoot a crusher beam when I get to the level. I don't mind talking about a super lousy guy. I'm sorry I pushed you without an appointment, but I need to talk to your princess."

"To the princess?

Weak, and loose in a motion like no bone, Al stretched out his back and gazed at Subaru and Rem.

On the other side of the black helmet, the sharpness of the indelible gaze from this one is unknown, but I can't help but feel uncomfortable with the way it is viewed as being ordained. a lot longer, and if you noticed that, too, he was just watching Lem. Al rang the joints of his helmet,

"Uh, Maid, I've replenished the ingredients, and I'm ready. I'm not going after you."

"You go to this mansion about the maid. And that's a mild reaction."

"Come on, you don't know about the princess. The princess who thinks she's the cutest doesn't hire maids or anything. Deacon Shota is the only one who goes to the Mansion."

"That sucks to hear... it's a downward rating, just keep it up"

Heh, and in response to his uncomfortable voice, Al disappears into the mansion.

Rem beside him took a step back and defended his silence, keeping his expression faceless. But there's an unstoppable anxiety sticking out from the way you picked Subaru's hem properly, and even if you want to comfort it, the same anxiety dominates Subaru and you can't help it.

Even though I couldn't think of anyone else to rely on, I still can't do so much to incite anxiety just by interacting with my squire before he appeared.

Even though this is the last fort for Subaru, who cannot afford to be choosing the means.

"But it could have been a failure to come at this hour. In the case of Priscilla, interrupt the precious sleep time of the concubine - or normally say," Hey, meet me. "

Words that were leaking, stirred by anxiety, were blocked by Al's shouting as he rode his half out the front door of the mansion and waved.

For a moment, after being taken aback, Subaru pushed open the door to the doors, and walked over to Al, who was inviting me.

"No, you got a lot of light appointments, didn't you?

"Surprisingly, Princess, it's actually strong in the morning. Instead, the night is messy. Anyway, this way, this way."

He laughs at Subaru probably from beyond his helmet, and Al directs him inside in an effortless manner. Stepping inside the mansion according to it, I see. It's the same as the exterior and the interior has made quite a few modifications.

The hallways where the artwork is still arranged are rather in the way of walking, and I even feel madness as if they are decorated with precious metals leading up to lighting and framing.

"I don't know if my eyes are ticklish at first, but I'm used to the rest. It's morning now, so it's better, but I'm seriously scared of the hallway at night or something."

"You're not a child, so don't tell me you're afraid of the hallway at night, good adult."

"Eyes of stone statues and all that glow at night, huh?

"That's your husband's crazy mind"

Looking up, it's embedded so much like a gem in the eye of a stone statue that stands to pinch the hallway. When it gets dark, I guess that glows. Madness.

To Subaru, who quietly overlooks the blasphemy of those arts, Al tilted his neck as if he remembered something even uncomfortable, but makes no particular mention of it.

Subaru was trying to take care that the lem that followed from behind was not thin, but the lem that picked the hem and followed was sniffing steadily from earlier, continuing to send a gaze to the back that led him as if to see something suspicious as well.


"The princess is on the top floor of this mansion. It's a luxury specification for a whole room."

"You're looking at some hotel suite. Can I come up?

And it came to pass by the stairs, and when he asked Al, who showed him above with his thumb, he nodded and answered with meaning, "Brothers, nah."

When Subaru looks surprised at the answer,

"No, no, no, I'm not saying it in a mean way. The princess says only brothers meet. Your daughter will show you to your room."

"Do you think I can keep it from the guy who said something about made-up ingredients earlier...?

"Don't worry, I was told to wait in front of the room. I'm sorry to hear that, but your daughter's guide is Deacon Shota."

Ahead of Subaru's concerns, a blue-eyed boy appears on his blonde curly hair from beyond Al, who gracefully gives way. Beautiful boy, a boy who seems to only apply the adjective, wraps himself in a small size butler's clothing, giving him something that even sees a smile that stretches out somewhere.

"Well, it's like the customers don't have a crude look."

When Al taps his shoulder with ease and directs, Deacon Shota tries to escort Rem with a "come this way" and a streamlined trick. Rem saw Subaru as only bewildered for a moment,

"Sorry, just wait till we're done talking. I'll keep the dangerous people together, including the guy there, upstairs, so you can relax."

"Dangerous people are not, bro. I'm often called a suspicious person."

"Which is because the suspicious are lower ranked."

Cold eyes at Shirazu responding Al, then Subaru turns to Rem again and strokes his head to reassure her.

The lem that can be stroked narrows his eyes to the feeling of being able to mix his hair, reluctantly accepting with a small voice, "OK,"

"Pay special attention to your person."

and told Subaru so, whispering that he would lean slightly.

It was Al whose eyes turned consciousness only for a moment, and I guess the person who prompted the danger now is also about him. The suspicion of appearance is certainly out of the group among those encountered during their stay in the other world, but it's a frowning advice to only those who trust them quite a bit. but

"Mm, okay."

Naturally when it comes to high confidence, Lem is more expensive.

If you think about the exchange of mansions in Kursch, you can't keep your full credibility just because the other person is your hometown. We should also come consciously that this is an enemy land.

When I look down at Subaru, Deacon Shota takes me and Rem disappears across the aisle. to the end, to the exit while leaving untrained to Subaru,

"Hiuuuuuuuuuuu, bro. You're loved."

"If you want to do it anyway, whistle properly. Can't you blow it with me?"

Not as cold as doing a whistle effect with your mouth.

I can't whistle no matter how much I've been practicing for a long time. Subaru has a sense of intimacy, but Al said, "Uh, my lips aren't safe," and made me pull it in with a heavy response.


"It's the one that keeps the lady waiting, and it's the one that keeps the princess waiting too long and touches the scales more. Just go up there or something."

"It helps to talk fast.... By the way, what's Priscilla's mood like?

I want to avoid situations where the other person is in a bad mood in the step of bringing in important negotiations. I think this is a less influential part of someone else's opponent, but if Priscilla is the opponent, the invisible status of her mood is likely to work significantly out of the difference.

Al leaned his neck toward Subaru, who had such a concern,

"I don't think it's good or bad, but that's what I'm guessing, huh? The princess's mood changes before, after, during, up, down, left, right. I haven't decided what I like to talk about, so I need you to get through this with your adrift."

"It's a battle... you're my worst part"

Following comforting advice from one of his squire, Subaru went upstairs anxiously clouding his face.

up the stairs, up and cut through the dance floor. There is a door to the room ahead,

"This is the princess's oversized private room. I wasn't called inside, so wait here before you go."

At ease, Al falls back on the steps of the stairs in front of the door. In doing so, remove the blue dragon knife that was on the back of his hips and put it on his lap,

"Am I in a bad mood? I'm sorry to be so spooked, but if I'm in a bad mood, I'll be shaken up."

"... I'm sorry, but I've come to be so unscrupulous."

In response to Al's petition, Subaru breathes and then pushes the door open.

And -,

And time returns to confrontation with Priscilla at the beginning.

Subaru, who was dropped off by Al and entered the room, encountered her waiting in the hall a while further. but she sits on a chair she puts up high and doesn't glance at Subaru as she gracefully reads the book.

It should be acknowledged that she is more of a visitor than not kicked out, but her lack of action leads to strays in the Imaichi course of action.

However, the passage of time progresses incrementally even while it is so cluttered.

Deciding that the only thing that creates hesitation is stagnation, and breathing as Subaru never tries to cut into the subject,


As I tried to preempt the first word, the thirsty sound of closing the book echoed indoors.

Priscilla, who closed the book in front of her, in her palms, closed her eyes, often silent as she enjoyed the reading aftertaste, savoring with her palms the paralysis that arose when she closed the book. And

"I talked about it."

"Instead, I feel immersed in reading..."

"Burying in the world of books is the right way to read it while you're reading it. And spit out your thoughts after reading through the story. Can you say it's boring without reading?"

In addition to thoughts, Priscilla responds to Subaru's weak penetration as a decent reader.

I like books, they're not false about what you called them. She affirmed that she would not criticize it without reading it, when she brutally threw the finished book into the universe.

"- Ah."

In front of Subaru's eyes, which is distracted, the moment the released book reaches the pinnacle of flotation, it is seared by the high temperatures of the sieve and burns all at once.

The book burned down from the fitting to the contents in an instant with a snug fire, only black ash falls apart after the blink.

"Now, take away your concubine's precious morning reading time. - At least you brought a story that attracted more concubine interest than your current book, didn't you?

Laughing nastyly and spitefully, Priscilla, who reassembles her thin legs, turns her white fingers to this way.

Feeling the heat stick to his forehead from its fingertips, Subaru feels greasy on his back.

"- Candidate Emilia, I want you to help me break the current situation surrounding her and the situation."

"Witchcraft, or..."

Priscilla supports her head with an arm placed on her elbow and slaps her knee with the finger of her other hand.

I'm just finishing up talking about almost the same content that I did to Krush, and she's meditating by squealing so emotionally.

Subaru looked at the attitude that seemed to have something to think about witchcraft,

"Leave them alone and they will do harm to the inhabitants. I want to get rid of them before they do. Power for that..."

"Kuku, fu"


Priscilla's shoulder trembles as she leans down and hides her face in front of Subaru, who tries to take her consent with a flickering throw. What, in front of Subaru frowning, she looked up in a momentum that she could play,

"Ha ha! Funny! Funny, you. I see, it shook the heart of my concubine so much more than I did in earlier books and such. If we get this far, it's a trick."

Let's laugh, laugh, subaru.

Instinct perceived that it was never a favorable kind of smile, but a kind of smile that a ferocious carnivore would float, that a cat would show when he slaughtered a mouse with his fingernails,

"What's so funny?"

"That's ridiculous. Oh, come on, you. Don't you know how disjointed you are right now?

Priscilla asks pleasantly as she inserts her finger into her orange hair and wraps it around her index finger to her shoulder.

That sounds familiar to me the way I saw through this one. Not many times in Krusch's mansion, it was directed at Subaru when he said he was incomprehensible.

Don't know, Priscilla snorts at Subaru, whose gaze becomes harsh,

"I don't know if you have someone to rely on, but what you're doing is just telling other factions about the weakness of your faction. This is why I don't have enough strength... so much to congratulate you on taking a nap."

Priscilla slaps around the temples with her fingers and mocks Subaru's deeds.

Subaru's thoughts unwittingly turn white at the attitude of looking down on this one. I didn't expect you to be blatantly abusive so far.

And Priscilla looked down at Subaru, who remained silent without being able to organize her emotions,

"I don't care if it's mundane, but I don't have enough ideas. Too much. Drive him into distress in an attempt to help. Your actions are not the work of an incompetent worker. Lost in the end, better dead."

Priscilla, who said whatever she wanted, stood up from the chair, folded her hips and leaned herself, looking straight into Subaru's eyes, opening her eyes, and "sneaking" forward,

"My concubine can slap me in the neck."

At the next moment, a fan pulled out of Priscilla's chest was lightly placed against Subaru's neck muscle.

I can't see the moment of stepping in and I don't even know when I waved my arm over it. Overspeed.

The feeling of the right carotid artery touching the edge of the fan that was warmed by Priscilla's body temperature. Even though it was never a sharp blade, it gave Subaru the illusion that his neck would fall the moment it was moved.

Unexpectedly to the breathtaking Subaru, Priscilla groaned boringly, "Can't you even catch up with your eyes?"

"I can't save you at last if you make me dumb on top of foolishness. … but I only looked up to your loyalty, which is treated so badly, but still acts with the Lord in mind."

Speaking, as Priscilla pulled the fan off Subaru's neck, she opened it and covered her mouth, narrowing her eyes and carrying on the words "there,"

"A concubine is just as good as a concubine to drive you back just to laugh at your deeds. Then I'll give you a chance."

"... Ki, opportunity?

"Yes, it's an opportunity. Honey, it's not like that."

You heard from Al, Priscilla stretches out a folded fan here, manipulating modern language with an ambiguous pronunciation. Straight, quietly coming towards it. For some reason Subaru can't flinch it, and when he presses his forehead, his torso will shake and buttocks as it is.

That's how the two of you with the height of your gaze reversed. The repeated form Subaru tried to look up at Priscilla with surprise and protest.


"Lick it."

I looked up at Priscilla's barefoot with her shoes off, offered in front of me.

I don't know what the word means, and Subaru's gaze between her face and the foot in front of her wandered. Sniffled at the appearance of such a lost Subaru, Priscilla, as she told an ill-made child, spiteful as a slave,

"Crawl on the floor, bite down the shame and humiliation, and lick your concubine's leg, like an unusual and hilarious wild dog. - If I can do that, I'll think about your proposal."

"Nah -!?"

"If you don't like it, why don't you? If you want to prioritize your tiny possessions and abandon your tail-wielding husband, that's fine. It's a pleasure for a concubine."

I can enjoy myself either way, Priscilla laughs as she hides her mouth.

Subaru's guts simmered with anger at that pricilla's only malice. but it is on the brink of ridiculing my voice and behaving like an emotion.

If we leave it to our emotions here to run, the negotiating ground will collapse.

More importantly, you must have drawn a concession from your opponent.

Look at Priscilla's face mocking her legs as they are put out in front of her and this one.

If you close your eyes, the girl with the silver hair and the maid with the peach hair. Then the faces of the children and adults of the village float one after the other, and the boiling magma quenches the fire one by one.


"Wow, I get it... oh"

In humiliation, Subaru took Priscilla's foot.

How much is it about Emilia or the humiliation Subaru will taste on this occasion, given the painful death to which the villagers will be subjected? If you can avoid that future and see the world to reach, it doesn't matter if it becomes a dog or whatever.

trembling lips approaching the back of a white leg, touching its sucking skin - on the verge of

"Oh, you really are - you must have fallen back on being a boring man."

The nose had been kicked from the front and Subaru had been lightly blown away into space.

It spins, and Subaru doesn't know what's going on as his vision goes around. His head was shaken by the snubbing shock and his consciousness didn't come together, and the floating sensation he visited was interrupted by the feeling of something stiff being slapped all over his body that came shortly afterwards.

After a lot of silence, I finally realize that it's a big letter on the ground. Instead, the adhesive liquid was dripping heavily from the nostrils.

"Your is neither loyal nor loyal. Dirty, dog-like dependence and pig-like desire. You lazy pig who just wants it. Pig cravings are the ugliest."

Constant tinnitus and vomiting bounce endlessly around the skull.

I can hear Priscilla from somewhere, but the content doesn't come into my head.

It's just...

"Even if you leave witchcraft, your concubine will destroy you where you are exhausted, such as a faction with a subspecies like you. Your recklessness made your concubine decide so."

A small hand grabs the sleeping chest barn and pulls it up abusively.

More blood runs out of Svalbard's nose awake his torso, and more intolerant words bathe in Svalbard coughing into his breathlessness.

"- Be proud. I thought you were going to invite that woman to ruin Emilia."

Thoughtfully thrust, Subaru's body slipped through the floor to reach the front of the entrance door. After the roll, it leaves a slight trace of blood, but Priscilla looks more unpleasant looking at Subaru herself than that trace.

"- Aldebaran!"

When Priscilla screams in a sharp voice, a loose door that connects with the outside opens from the other side.

It was the person with the pitch-black helmet who was invited by the call to show his face.

He looks indoors, sees the bloody and rolling Subaru in front of the door or does a ship arm to his head,

"Dude, what the hell..."

"Throw out that unpleasant bollocks. Whatever, I don't mind slashing it."

"Sora, you know what... Look, let's go, bro"

Without resisting the outrageous Lord, Al grabbed Subaru's body, which fell, lifting lightly with one hand and shouldering him,

"Don't be so angry, princess. Pretty face will be devalued by ferocity, huh?

"If you don't want me to destroy your collapsed face more, take me with you. I won't tell you twice, Aldebaran."

"Don't call me that name."

Put it to the throw, Al leaves the room with Subaru in charge.

As the door closed quietly, Al started running down the stairs early enough,

"In the meantime, you should run away early. It's about the princess. I can't tell you to change your mind right away and drop your neck or anything. You don't have to kill him. Run inside."


"No, this is it. Bring me the lady, and then do something about it."

Al moaned with a shrugged shoulder of his arm at the still hazy appearance of Subaru, and went down the stairs to increase his speed even more.

"- Subaru!

Rem rushes over slightly changing its complexion to the misery of Subaru, who was seated leaning against the gate.

She began chanting healing magic, "O mana of water," touching Subaru, weak and immobile, ascertaining the extent of her injuries.

"What happened?

Ask the suspicious man of the ship's arms standing beside him, touching Subaru's face with a pale light.

In response to that inquiry, Al tapped the ground with his fingertips as the punishment seemed bad.

"Uh, it's me. Hi, I hear you've spoiled our princess's mood. Be careful not to. I cautioned you... well, predict perfectly the mood of a cat to a human being. I can't even do that."

Though the punishment seems evil, Al's story has no guilt shards.

Even if there is sympathy for Subaru, there is no apology for the Lord's outrage. Rem, who saw it, beckoned, then tried to raise his voice of protest,

- Rem, okay.

"Subaru kun. Consciousness, are you okay?

Subaru spoke to Rem as his consciousness began to come together as the concussion healed. Rem, who brightens his face to the matter, glances at each other to concentrate even more,

"Subaru is really a blind person. I've only been away for an hour, but I'm coming back with this injury."

"I don't want to..."

When the blood patrol begins to be normal, blood flows out of the nostrils again. When he received the blood dripping with his bare hands, he gently put the hand wipe out of his nostrils on his face,

"Hold it down. Once the wound is healed, the bleeding stops when it runs out."

- Oh, no.

Pressing his nose as Rem said, Subaru embraces healing as he savors the sensation of twitching and fever creeping in.

And Al, who was looking down at that, said, "You're okay,"

"I can't help it if I'm here, and I'm going back. I don't know what you were talking about, but it's not as good as it looks. When you get back late, the princess really has to bust her brothers out."

"Kill Subaru kun......!?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't look at me, lady! Talk about it! So go away before they tell you. I didn't do it, either."

waved one hand aloft to the overreacting lem and denied, then Al pulled out his shoulder force sloppily and stepped back in a sloppy position,

"Well, cure it, brother. And that lady over there...... uh, did she rum? Nice to meet you."

"- Ram is my sister's name. Lem's name is Lem, Master Al."

Say goodbye in a mild tone, and that's what Rem calls Al when he turns his back.

As soon as he did, Al's leg stopped.

I stopped his leg. He looked up faintly, then slowly looked back at this one,

"Don't be silly. Lamb, right?"

"It's Rem.... Excuse me, is Master Al with his sister somewhere?

Rem threw such a question at me for being mistaken for the two melons sister, but there is no answer from Al on the side who got it.

He touched his helmet covering his head with lifted arms and groaned, "What do you mean..."

"The lady is a lem...... my sister is a lam"

"Yes, it is"

"When I ask you this... is your sister alive?

…… I don't know the intent of the question, but my sister is a natural survivor. "

The moment Rem responded that way, Subaru's skin popped listening to the conversation in silence.

Subaru shudders her shoulders without forbidding to be surprised by that mysterious reaction that occurs to her skin.


- No kidding, man.

Low, cold, the words beat the tympanic membrane with a heavy sound.

Those are words squeezed out of Al's throat bending over as he touched his forehead over his helmet.

At the same time, Svalbard realizes that the identity of the chills that struck Svalbard's skin is due to inexplicable temper emanating from Al.

That sign that instinct sounds the alarm that you should not be here. That was apparently felt the same way by Lem,

"Subaru, can I stand if I lend you my shoulder?

Rem interrupts the treatment and leaves his hips bent asks about his vigilance in the open.

Pulling his jaw and nodding at the words, Subaru waits for Rem to move. As she escapes, I need you to get her out of here.

but such a vigilance between the two,

"Don't worry, I won't do anything."

He shook his head and was worried by Al, who held back the impatience that had been emitted.

As soon as the chills disappear until then, Subaru understands the fact that he also forgot to breathe. Rem also relieved his faceless expression slightly enough.

And Al where it's the cause of those two reactions,

"I'm sorry I just unnerved you, but go away. I think I know now, but I'm in a bad mood, too."

"- Okay. Please take the time to say thank you"

"Aye, roger. Careful."

Exchanging some cold social dictionary, Rem walks out with a shoulder to Subaru.

Subaru moves away from Burriel's mansion as he deposits his weight with his little girlfriend. Down the hill, the gate and distance of the mansion opened, and Fu Subaru turned his gaze only for a moment behind his back.

- Al still kept staring at the two of them, at Subaru's back.

"Don't be ridiculous. You think I'm gonna throw up again?"

That grunt of a crease only echoes in a pitch-black helmet.

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