Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter III: 49: The Beast of the End

- I wonder if blood reflexes and tears have squeezed out of my body this time.

How the hell should I cry?

What the hell, how much should I suffer?

Have I done something so, so unacceptable? What didn't you care so much about what you did? Why doesn't it make it easier for me to think about it?

Wounded, trampled on the heart, deprived of loved ones, unable to save those to protect, the lives of the most important were to be unbroken with this hand.

- Who the hell is this punishment for?

"Oh, my..."

I was wrong. I was wrong. I was on track.

I considered The Witch's Curse, stuck to my soul, available enough to be taken backwards about once successfully. The frivolous idea of being able to return even after death fuelled it, with the result of underestimating the abominable existence of a 'witch'.

Those piles are the tragedy now in front of us.

He collapses, puts Emilia on his lap and Subaru wanders his vain eyes.

How long has it been since Emilia lost her life? Her body to touch was only getting cold, and the blood bathed by Subaru from her mouth was also losing heat and cutting cold.

Everywhere in the soft limbs is starting to harden, and I push Subaru to understand that that in front of me is a reality that no longer has the elements to deny.

Still, understanding that doesn't bring up any reason for emotions to move.

I'm tired already. This is all I've suffered, isn't it enough? How many people in this world have felt as bitter as Subaru?

I tried so hard that I couldn't think of it compared to myself before, and I tried so hard to do something about it. Still, the worst is inevitable, and disaster mocks this one.

Whatever you do is useless, for no reason, meaningless, even if it's over here already -.

"- It's like I'm the unhappiest person in the world. But it's just a face."

It looked down at Subaru, nestled in awe, and sounded as a voice that did not hide contempt.

In a room where no one was supposed to be, Subaru sounded like a phantom. Face it and gaze towards the entrance of the room.

Loosely, his neck sweeps at any slowness. That's how one girl was finally looking at Subaru in her focused vision.

She is a beautiful girl with long cream-colored hair wrapped in two pieces and dressed in a luxurious dress like a western doll.

It is what lives in this mansion, and it is also the last person who should be in the mansion for repeated days so far but did not see his face.


"After a while, I wonder if the funeral surface has become even more funeral."

Spicy abandon, girl - Beatrice puts her thin arms together, lifts her chin gently and looks over the misery of the room. Look at the blood-coated floor and Subaru, and Emilia sinking into the sea of blood,

"It's been a long time since I've flaunted you."

She criticizes the condition, very lightly and with exhalation.

Can you only think of Subaru holding Emilia, who stopped moving, with her empty eyes, like that when you look at it?

Even such a slight objection does not spring up in the present Subaru.

I don't qualify to be driven by righteousness or anything where I am Teng himself who created this tragedy, and I just get more tired when I leave myself to the passion.

In that sense, instead, Beatrice's attitude nowadays was appreciated by Subaru, who did not change his blood phase and question him. Thank you. It would have been nice if you'd let Subaru beat you up by himself.

"Hey, can't you come out?"

Saying, the girl who walked right next to me bows to her knees. If the little girlfriend lowers her posture that way, the Subaru and head height while sitting are almost the same.

When the girl sees Subaru, unable to move with her vain eyes, and shoots through its side with an unchanged and despised gaze,

"Look for it, but don't ask. It is.... I wonder if I really don't like it because my hands get dirty."

He groans in a small voice like he doesn't feel comfortable, and Beatrice reaches for Emilia on her back. In front of Subaru, who blurred wondering if she would do something to Emilia, who died as she was, her little hand slipped to Emilia's nostrils.

From the mess and her hands and tricks exploring it, I can't feel any magical elements. Really, it's just that I'm pinpointing Emilia's body.

There is unspeakable discomfort in the behavior, and Subaru opens his mouth to blame it. but my thirsty lips just leak a plundering exhale and they don't try to shape meaningful words. And with all that Subaru struggle to spare,

"I hope so."

When Beatrice, out of her hand from her garment, turned her palm upwards, there was a glowing crystal on the green. It looks familiar. That's one of the crystalline stones Emilia possesses.

The spirits she contracts - something that Pack used as a cost of dependency and Emilia was carrying around without letting go of her skin.

That crystalline stone is now,


"Even though the broken tenacity is white... you don't seem to be aware of it"

It went straight into two on the palm. Seeing it lonely, Beatrice drops it on the floor. Making a light noise, the stone sank in the blood on the fallen floor. The brilliant green light was wet in the color of fresh blood, and when can the dull light disappear?

- What happened to the broken crystalline stone and the Spirit who should have been in it?

What happened to that spirit who now called the girl who sleeps in her arms' daughter 'and loved her more than anyone else? What do you think?

"Don't worry, I don't know if he's going to die. I lost my dependency, so it's just gonna take a little while to get over here. - Is there not so much respite?"

Answering the silent Subaru question naturally, Beatrice flushes her long hair back. Subaru was relieved as her vertical roll sidelined her as she rocked to bounce.

If that Spirit is alive, he will come to this place, I'm sure.

"- Do you have something to say?"

Subaru breathed a terribly misplaced relief. With that height of gaze with him, Beatrice asks Subaru in a calm voice.

To the calm of that voice, Subaru gained doubt that she had no emotion whatsoever for the situation. But I don't feel like trying to talk about it.

Moving his mouth with his thighs, Subaru's mouth spun was not such an inexplicable question to Beatrice, but more purely selfish,

"Drop it."

It was a sweet, sarcastic, unfettered word for her kindness.

I wanted you to kill me right now.

I'm sick of everything. I'm tired of everything. Loved by all things. There is no more hope in this world.

I wanted to die. I want to die and end everything. Even if I could die and start over, I'm sure it would end the same way again. I don't want to be in this world anymore, at least, even if I could die and start over.

Emilia dies, Rem is erased from existence, Subaru is rewarded for nothing.


"Kill me, give me..."

Only the end was the salvation of Subaru now.

If hating an object to hate, acting for an object you wanted to protect, is no longer an excuse to keep your mind alive.

If there's anything you can do for me, peck this helpless life.

Trample on the dignity of the life involved, blame your thoughts, burn down and destroy this pathetic and stupid self who has been abandoned for everything.

I should have been able to do that if I had been the girl in front of me, with supernormal powers.

She would have hated Subaru, and if she were to say that she would listen to her wishes, she must make Subaru miserable and give her the end she deserves for her stupidity.

A foolish human being named Subaru didn't change anything when he died nine degrees.

This is the tenth time. I like Kiri. God, Buddha, Goddess, Witch, it's a good time to give up your love. So,

"Here, kill me"

With Emilia's remains, Subaru pleads with Beatrice.

If this is the last place I want to be, I want to end up holding her remains. Selfish selfishness to the end of Subaru, who went through all the selfishness and resulted in the worst.

With all her strength in her arms holding her, Subaru gazes and waits for the end.

So, would the time for silence have fallen for a while?

It sounded like a fumble to Subaru, where only one of them dropped himself in a casual time.

"... of"


He had a small, weak, faint voice.

Unexpectedly listening back, Subaru opens his lid, which was closed, and looks up at the girl. The girl who was succumbing next to Subaru stands up and looks down at Subaru.

Hold that little body with your own hands, as if you're feeling it even in the cold.

"I can't believe Betty killed you... that's so cruel..."

Said with a crying face and voice, Subaru couldn't figure out why.

Blink, do it again and again, and wait for the look of the girl standing next to you to be repainted. But no matter how many times I repeat it, it doesn't change that something colorful and tragic dwells in her expression.

That was something different from any of her expressions, Subaru knows.

'Cause she hated Subaru, and she always lost it, and although the occasional favorite part of her that couldn't get this one's feelings unhindered was hidden, she basically thought she was someone who could be terribly thorough.

Whether you have nothing to accept lightly or think you might be rejected, it is something that should be thrown with scorn and ridicule.

"I don't know what... you don't know what..."

Because I didn't think that killing Subaru would be rejected with such sorrow.


"I'm not going to ask you one thing about your wish. If you want to die, you can do it on your own… Betty's a wish."

Shaking his head, Beatrice slays his expression with both eyes closed. Floating tears are hidden behind your eyes without flowing, and when the girl lifts her arms,

"The view......!?

It started to distort.

Subaru saw the space around him distorted and cracks running. It also seems like a sign that the world is going to collapse, cuddling the cold limbs in your arms without thinking of the finesse.

looking down at it, Beatrice murmured "lowest" in a vanishing voice of temperature,

"Anyway, I can't do anything anymore, but if I can stay here with you, I might get in trouble. - At least let me protect this mansion."

"What... No, Beatrice, you..."

"- I wonder if Betty is different from Roswar. Even to get a future, I don't like everything that hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it's sad, it's scary."

An unanswered answer is returned to an unanswered question.

Subaru, however, is unable to make a word for the painful emotions that are engulfed in that word, and involves its flesh in the twist of a distorted space. - No pain.

"At least I want Betty dead out of sight."

The last squeal was accompanied by a grisly lonely smile, pretending to be thin.

I can't tell you anything, I don't know anything. There was only one thing that came through.

- Beatrice was saddened by Subaru's decision.

The distortion reaches its limit and erases it so that the squeaky space can play.

Differences such as noise running in sight swept the world only for a moment, and shortly thereafter, there was no distortion of the atmosphere and it was no longer found here.

All I have is remnants of Subaru and Emilia who disappeared, determined by each bloody floor.

The place where the two disappeared, Beatrice standing beside him, lays his hand on his forehead as tired, covering his eyes with his hands to hide himself from the world.

- Mother, how much more Betty?

- It was a pile of folded mossy grass that took Subaru thrown out of the rift of space.


Stick it through your face without foreshadowing it, feel the taste of grass in your mouth and raise your face. hastily spit out soil and leaves from his mouth, bugs caught in his front teeth,

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... is this...?

Svalbard wrinkles between his eyebrows as he shakes his cheeks off the disgust of being crawled by insects and looks around.

It was a bunch of dim trees that entered my sight, and as a result of one round my neck, I see no sign of those streaks breaking off. In other words:

"Forest... it's night forest..."

Fortunately, thanks to the unobstructed moonlight, I can barely secure my sight.

The world, where the wind strokes the leaves and the sound of the bugs reigns, must be a forest of night and darkness. Thinking that far, Subaru finds himself spending a full half day waking up in the mansion.

At the same time,

"Is it okay to recognize something like spatial transfer..."

The atmosphere was distorted and thrown into the forest by the resulting cracks.

Unless this is also the stage to be called the backyard hidden in the mansion, it would be fine to assume that it was moved somewhere far away. If it was Beatrice who did it, it was because she fitted in with the possessor of the power to connect her library to the doors of the other rooms of her choice.

But where I could understand that, I still don't know what she meant.

Refusing Subaru's wish to kill her, she was forced to fly Subaru outside the mansion on a space transfer. - Even now, that crying face won't leave the back of your brain.

If I were to say no, I just thought it was something that would be left out if I didn't like to see it either. Yet she looked at Subaru as if she had even been disappointed...

"Well, it's like..."

Isn't that what you were expecting?

Subaru shakes his head and denies that it is too selfish and his own way of thinking.

I understood that I was already a plague god who could do nothing, I was convinced. The world is helpless and merciless, and the people who tried to save it all come to an unbroken end.

What do you expect from Subaru, who knows it and can't even stop it?

You can't expect it from yourself, so someone can't expect it from you.

Not to mention the 'arrogance' of asking for it even to the person you were supposed to hate.

"There's nothing I can do, I'm the one..."

With a rough grin, Subaru slowly kneels. And, after a phase where it doesn't move as I thought it would, I notice things that are too late.

- It was no different than a mansion room on my lap, and Emilia's body was on it.

"Ami, Ria..."

In a dark world, a blue and white face illuminated by moonlight.

The Dead Minister was not distressed or at peace, only full of confusion such as not knowing what had just happened. Living in a world where time stopped crushing my heart. I'm even suspicious that I had time to understand the pain.

I just didn't think that would save me where I wasn't in pain.

Subaru with less immediate death experience, but about nine times more dead experience than regular people. I don't want to think that any of those deaths were tranquil, and I don't think death will ever be salvation again. - Except for myself now, though.

"I'm sorry. Sorry, sorry, really... sorry"

As I look down at her face, a droplet falls on that white cheek.

The tears that I assumed were dried up swept up, and I began to push my never-ending blame bitterness to Subaru again.

I hear voices. A voice that disputes itself. All the people I meet curse at Subaru with cold anger.

Some of them are silver-haired girls, blue-haired girls...

"Somebody... Anybody, okay..."

- Kill me.

In an indelible curse, Subaru stands with Emilia in his arms.

He stepped straight on the grass, broke the branches, and slowly began walking through the night forest.

Far away, I can hear the howl of the beast.

If it were now, I'd feel like I'd be smiling and accepting to meet that horny black demon dog. I want the flesh, the mana, the roots scattered and killed.

I don't deserve who I am right now, such as a beautiful way to die like Emilia.

I want it to be miserable, to lose dignity and so on, such as the shape of a person, to trample and kill him.

Otherwise, because if you don't, Natsuki Subaru won't be saved.

Subaru had noticed while walking in the woods.

"Here... over this ditch, so..."

Carefully descend the downhill and use the protruding roots like stairs to tread. Hande, who can't use both arms, erodes health more than expected, but doesn't feel tired about why.

Beyond the limits of his strength, his tormented body keeps him screaming away, and his worn spirit sharpens his concentration. The night darkness tread, which can only be used in the lower body, is invincible and the vision, which should not even be foreseeable a few meters away, is as clear as if the light had emitted it.

Because they are doing everything in their power - and not just because - Subaru's flesh is like a flame on the verge of burning out. It's a simple story, a familiar journey.


Oh, there you are.

A soothing, off-target emotional smile came to my mouth.

It's a raving laugh that only a person whose blood creeps up and softens his spirit floats. What is directed will shrug itself in disgust and a disastrous grin that will choose the option to stay away.

But when they turned it on, they were familiar with the laughter.

- What surrounded Subaru was a group of people wrapped in black outfits that assimilate their entire bodies into darkness.

Spring from the shadows of the woods, they surround Subaru, staring at Subaru with no voice, no sound, even fading their presence.

Hostility, favor, malice and goodwill were exposed to that gaze in which the will was not felt, and Subaru recalled the world that first encountered them.

Yes, at that time...

"Same, right..."

As if trampling the retrospective footage, the black outfits drowned their heads at once.

It's the first time they show Subaru that they didn't have the will, 'respect'.

I don't know the details of why I can turn such emotions on Subaru. It is only clear that they are followers of witchcraft and that the darkness Svalbard brings to himself has something to do with the witch.

- Get out of the way.

I think there were a lot of things I wanted to ask you if it was true.

Before I gave up on everything like this, there were a bunch of questions I wanted to ask. But now even such sentiment is only a useless long object.

To the command of the short Subaru, the black costumes do not differ, but descend as slippery and sink into darkness.

When their presence disappeared from sight, I feel that the world, which was originally sound free, was filled with even more serenity.

If you notice, you can't hear the bugs or the wind.

Do you think everything that lives disgusts them? Even in the previous world, I didn't remember hearing one bug voice on the occasion of the appearance of witchcraft.

Or maybe witchcraft and Subaru's presence means a situation to spit on. - That seemed more like an assessment of suitability to me right now.

Obstacles that are not disorders disappeared, but thanks to them Subaru gained certainty.

From the originally thin footsteps of the stray, the signs disappear completely, the progress of Subaru crossing the roots and treading on the soil will not stop.

The walk eventually opened the woods and led to the rocks where the cliffs continued.

- There's a cave there blocked off the road by a big rock,

"I've been waiting for you, Death. Beloved believer."

A skinny man was greeting Subaru with the same tedious mad laugh.

"Oh, no? Plus, maybe, maybe, but it's a little bit of a hold in that arm... Death who's not a half demon girl, huh?

Stepping on the grass, Petergius tilts his neck when he sees Emilia in Subaru's arms. That's how he kept his neck angle horizontal with the ground, delightfully tongued out and spilled his saliva,

"How dare you lose your life before you take the trials of the eagles...... what a blessing! How unemployed! Oh! And... how diligent you are! Before we move! Half a demon! I didn't know you were taking my life!

Petergius wields his arms and shouts Emilia's death in overaction.

If you notice, at some point the faithful who crawled out of the cave surrounded themselves, all listening with clarity to the madness of Petergius.

It's crazy.

"I... diligent...?

"Yes! Yes, Death! Diligent! Oh, wonderful things, Death! You're not like those eagles who are slow to judge, have a bad tour of wisdom, and lack the decisiveness to move into action! I was the first to embody the will of a witch, Death!

Listening to the plundering whine, Petergius laughed joyfully and ran over to Subaru, knocking his thoughtful hands on the dirt as he knelt as he slipped, "Compared to that! shouting,"

"The eagle and what a slow, stupid, missing Death at its fingertips! Oh! Forgive me! To love, this unrequited misfortune! You're being lazy, you're being unfair! I can't live up to the love that you're giving me, you little loser! Please, forgive me......!

Petergius produces scratches by weeping and slapping his own arms against his rocky skin.

His assault will not stop when blood is splashed on the intense act of self-injury and bones are visible from the wounds on his torn wrist. Instead of stopping it too, the believers around them begin to behave and kneel down at Petergius and show their gratitude for the presence of each heart stick in their own way.

Seeing the madness of those lunatics, Subaru felt nothing.

Previously, if it had been Subaru just a day ago, he would have run to take the life of Petergius in front of him, no matter what.

But now that I saw a man in front of me who was supposed to hate me like this, there was no emotion there, no change of hope.

"Oh, what can a weasel do to you, Death, who has completed a trial, instead of an impotent eagle who can't be rewarded for his thoughts? I want you to tell me, Death. What the hell can eagles do to show love that eagles aren't lazy, Death?

"Kill me."

Subaru quietly told Petergius, stuffed, weeping and pleading.

Suddenly he was thrown such a word, and Petergius the servant was flashed by the look on his face -

"Are you sure about that, Death?

Don't float, poke Subaru at no time.

stepping on the tread, staring at the laggardly Subaru. Petergius makes a tranced look,

"Oh, wonderful, wonderful or not quite! How diligent of eagles to fulfill their trials and bring instant salvation to believers seeking salvation, love Death! Oh, you don't have to be lazy, Death! Thank you! To eagle diligence, love!

Without any doubt about Subaru's contemplative answer, without any blame for his actions, nothing wavers in the laws of the world, and Petergius releases his intention to kill.

Seeing the madman, Subaru glanced at him as he got something to squeeze inside.

- Now, at least, Subaru's thoughts at this moment will be rewarded. So,


Petergius whines about something to Subaru, who feels signs of impending killing on his skin.

"I can't even get past one of the trials, I can't even face one of the great sins, and I didn't expect to kick the first stone in an ambitious statement..."


"- Oh, you, 'lazy' Death!

That was because it was an insulting statement about Emilia's death.


As soon as he opened his eyes, Subaru saw a black shaped palm approaching in front of him.

For a moment, my heart dares to stir up memories of the pain that passes behind my brain. But there's one thing that's different then. My body moves. My legs move. My arm moves. So turn yourself around.

Scratching his looming black palms, Subaru flew to the side holding Emilia. The overgoing palm disappears bewildered and Subaru, who follows it with his eyes, exhales roughly. and

"... you, you're not looking at an invisible hand right now, Death?

With a trembling voice, he pushed open those shitty shining eyes and Petergius watched Subaru.

He inserts his fingers as thin as a dead branch into his mouth, chewing his fingertips down one by one in turn. With every single bottle of meat exploding, the unpleasant sound of bone breaking, dripping blood,

"No Death, no Death. It's crazy, wrong, wrong, just past. The power of the eagle, the power of 'laziness', the power of 'invisible hands' of the eagle, bestowed by grace! I'm not allowed to see anything else, Death!!

He spits blood, chews the remaining nails and bone fragments in his mouth, and points Petergius' blood-running eyes at Subaru.

There was an unmistakable intention to kill, drawing a line with what emanated from previous fanatical emotions. What is included there is purely a sentiment of killing that originates with hatred for the existence of Subaru.

- As soon as possible, black arms erupt like gushing from behind Petergius.

And the shadow of Petergius was divided, and the like of the multiplicity of hands was as much as seven. It occurs when Subaru tries to unravel "Back to Death," a substitute that looks just like the cursed arm, causing fear to run through Subaru's spine, which captures it with his sight.


"If you can see..."

There's nothing you can't do about it.

Black arms are never fast. The length of the range and the power to pull a thousand cuts off the human body are the things to be afraid of, but what is essentially scary is the 'invisible' part.

And to Subaru today, where it does not work, it did not reach Subaru, who, as a burning cusp who burned out his life, demonstrates his physical abilities out of the ordinary orbit.

"WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY... THE DEATH TO BE CREASED!? Can you see Death? This is the eagle's... just the eagle's...!!

"I didn't want you to kill me."

Turn yourself around, clasp your hands, and dodge another fingertip stretching forward. Immediately yield to avoid approaching arms from left to right and to the proximity of Petergius so as to roll in.

I'm comfortable with the madness distorting me in amazement, and the dark pleasure raises my praise.

- I remember. That I wanted to kill this man.

"- Bu!

With the momentum that jumps up, he penetrates from his forehead and punches his head into the nose of Petergius. Petergius, defenseless, sprinkles blood upside down, and Subaru also flies back with sharp pain in his forehead.

The sight of the palms losing precision and slamming around, the blood dripping from his forehead dyed red. My front teeth hit me, my forehead must have cut off. A flashy bleed enters the eye and the right eye becomes blind only for a moment.

- With that gap poked, Subaru's body had been thrown with his grabbed leg at the fulcrum.

Instead of shrugging herself, Subaru held Emilia's body hard as she remained in her arms at the moment when she was slapped by the trees.

Not to shrug, but to protect.

"- Eh!

He clashed from his back thoughtfully and had the feeling that his spine had gone.

Multiple ribs annoy at the same time, and some of the wounds that were repaired and standing open simultaneously to begin a great chorus of severe pain, and Subaru cramps like a bug on the ground that fell.

"Dear Death, it's not unusual! Oh, good. I'm so glad. If the eagle is' lazy 'or something like this, Death is where the eagle's deeds become unnecessary. Oh, the eagle is still diligent, striving for love..."

"Ugh, yeah. Dumb..."

Highly, Subaru curses at the madman who tried to laugh at his advantage.

I feel the sound of breathing was strange and there was a lot of damage to my lungs. The pain in his abdomen competed verbally over which was the best, and his consciousness was white and bright.

Still, Subaru spills blood from the edge of his mouth, let's go.

"What is love, huh? You should have gotten it, love, what the... I can see it too, can't I?... cheated on me, Za."

"What! Say it... Say it, say it... My brain's shaking. Run."

Spilling bubbles from the edge of the lips, Petergius becomes fierce.

As he walked right over to Subaru, he kicked Emilia, who remained in his arms, and kicked the body away from Subaru thoughtfully.

Subaru couldn't grasp Emilia, who couldn't get through her fingertips and would be kicked.

Emilia rolls, hits the roots of the trees and stops. the side of her flesh, and Petergius tries to be cruel,

"I will not allow you to insult the love of the eagle, Death! Oh, I made up my mind, I made up my mind, Death! The half demon that should be given the trial has died, but shallow still lies the sins of those who concealed and took up the half demon, Death!

Screaming, he exhales his anger, which is only eight hits, and Petergius tramples Subaru. Black palms stepped through his palms on his heels and tightened Subaru's neck trying to raise a scream.

Svalbard, whose breathing is interrupted, his torso that his neck itself is likely to be pulled a thousand times, and his core bone is chatted, cannot even speak up to the severe pain.

to its Subaru appearance. Petergius looked somewhat like he had lowered his drinks,

"First to eradicate the officials in the mansion, then to ask the nearby villagers to sacrifice their lives, Death. Leaving nothing behind, clues are a testament to the 'laziness' of things. A hard-working eagle and his fingertips take everything away and give it all down. - The blockade of the streets is already complete, Death! No one can cross the fog and get out of my way, Death!

Spitting in the state of excitement, Petergius spreads to Subaru.

Then he exhaled a stinking breath at Subaru "before that,"

"Death seemed to hold me dear for a long time... if I destroyed that half demon's flesh, how good a voice would you sneer at me, Death?

Petergius leans his neck, bends his lips and glances with curiosity. From behind him, another five arms lift up from Svalbard's neck, each in an independent motion to Emilia's body.

each holding a limb, and grabbing her neck in its palm,

"Are you seeing Death? You know what's going to happen, Mass?

"... hey..."

Fear because it was visible was now attacking Subaru.

When I can't see it, I'm keenly reminded of what that man's black arm did to Lem's body. And that was now directed at Emilia's flesh.

Subaru's outlook on death is thirsty. The flesh that has lost its life is a mass of flesh, and there is no possibility of a soul dwelling there. There must be no heaven or hell, and when you die, it's just darkness waiting.

That's how I've lived with a thirsty outlook on death and I've never changed my mind about it since I got down to this world.

I regret that now.

Even if her soul did not dwell in her flesh, the flesh is Emilia. There's no way the soul won't scream sorrow at being humiliated about it.

But now, Subaru has no power to stop it, and Petergius deepens that mad laugh more,

What are you doing?

The voice descended upon the eardrums of everyone on the spot, as it poured out of heaven on the lid.


Petergius changes his expression and lets his gaze wander in search of the Lord of his voice.

By then the voice had been filled with high pressure forces and a sharp rage that would freeze her body as well.

Thus, Petergius, turning his gaze, finds it.

Late, Subaru also saw it in his blurred vision, embracing the compression of his neck.


- I have a cat with gray body hair, taking a squeaky amount of ice columns that cover the sky.

The absurd breath was white, and the cold air that freezes the world swept through the forest.

Petergius, whose black clothes kept kneeling, was laughing wildly, loses his words.

"What are you doing to my daughter?"

- Dye the world white, the beast of the end has now come to end the world for the tenth time.

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