Strike the white whale...

If the pre-negotiations are concluded and the two letters of that crusade give us specificity, then the subsequent movements of those involved are quick.

Russell and the two Anastasian merchants, as declared, run through the capital to gather their own weapons and tools, convocate crusaders who had been preparing since the Krush was also taken, and run to secure a dragon car, a means of mobility.

Subaru understood the reasons for how, in the world before, arranging dragon cars after three days would be difficult. The news of the emergence of the white whale reaches the king's capital, and it is in the daylight around it that Krush moves to deploy his troops on the streets.

Watching people run around dizzily one after the other, I can't be jizzy enough to say it's almost nightfall already.

"Me too..."

"Aren't you sure what you can do?

And, in advance of Subaru, who tried to offer some help, there is someone who breaks his mind. Ferris puts his hand on the mouth around the lacunae and weeps in his eyes.

When Subaru glanced at the woman's face with his hands and eyes, he pinched the chestnut cat ear on its head.

"Arranging supplies, organizing crusades, subaru's share, right? I can see scratching it and making it sneaky, so I have to make it big time, sir."

"That's why I'm going. Everyone's moving around so much because I said I'd do it. I..."

"Yes, that's the Matigai"

Stick your finger in Subaru's mouth and Ferris blocks the words in a sharp tone. When Subaru narrowed his eyes when he was forced to cut off the words, Ferris played this nose with a finger resting on his lip,

"I don't know how to think about it because of you, Ferri. I don't know if you like it at all."

"Why not? In fact..."

Isn't Subaru's statement the starting point for everyone to work through the night?

I started making him do it. Ten people are waiting for me to get soaked, etc. -

"Master Kursch decided to crusade the White Whale for Grandpa Ville, sir."

Boosh, and Ferris squeaks abruptly in a small voice.

Subaru couldn't help but say, "Huh?" and responded with a lost voice,

"The White Whale Crusade is Grandpa Ville's grief. My predecessor Kensei - when Grandpa Ville's wife was hit by a white whale, it seems Grandpa Ville couldn't stay by his side."


"I gathered information about the white whale in a madness to death. Where I left before, then where I left after. I finally grabbed something faint but legal by arranging the time, time, weather, and all the other conditions. But no one has to listen to you..."

Lonely, alone in a book, Wilhelm turns to the literature to become a bloody eye. How many nights has that old swordsman crossed, aiming for a chance to avenge the monster who killed his wife?

- That obsession bore fruit, and Wilhelm gained a slight light in the footsteps of the white whale. That's what

"There was no more such temper left in the kingdom for a crusader with the addition of Kensei to challenge a destructive opponent. or debris without any other attempt to recruit supporters. I think Grandpa Ville's mood was hopeless, yo."

I can't even reach under the feet of that hater, even if I try to avenge him.

Subaru knows the despair for himself that that feeling of powerlessness creates. Because the sin of weakness never lets you get away with it.

"I think I've given it all away and thought about challenging the white whale alone, sir. I think it's more shameful not to be able to fight than not to win. - A man is an idiot, sir. I'm sure your wife doesn't want that."


And, it was Lem who stood next to Subaru who gave Ferris his consent.

Until then, she was silently listening to the story, shaking her blue hair, and staring softly at the side of Subaru, she put her hand on her chest,

"To those who loved me, I want Rem to be well all the time. Even if Lem is gone, I want you to smile and remember about Lem"

"... it must be too soon to talk about it as a memory."

Out of sentimental Rem's words, Subaru gently pokes that blue hair. Then I turn the fist I hit into my palm and slowly insert my finger into my soft hair and stroke it.

Rem narrowed his eyes thanks to love as he received such Subaru's abusive manoeuvres,

"I spoke to Mr. Wilhelm."

"Master Kursch, it's a nigga, sir."

well, and Ferris leaked an admirable exhale as he recalled that time,

"Master Kursch is a really sweet person. Even with someone desperate, mournful, and still no-one to look to, Master Krush reaches out. Like that time..."

And Ferris put his hand upon his mouth as he panicked, and plugged it, and when he sealed the end of the word, he uttered his tongue laughing lightly,

"Yes. None more. I mean, you want to say to Nha, thanks to Subaru."


"Horizontal. That's what we talked about at first, right?

Subaru also remembers topics that the story flew to Wilhelm's past and which he had lost sight of. It was originally about the beginning of the rush to prepare for the White Whale Crusade.

"Not 'cause', but 'because', sir. These two look alike. Not at all. Yo? Now Grandpa Ville can finally reward his wife. He named his family..."

"Ferris. A little too light-mouthed."


Ferris jumps small on the voice from behind, looking back at the front with a bad face of a bunch, where an old gentleman stands with his hands behind his back.

He stared jizzily with his narrower eyes at the smaller Ferris,

"I don't think it's a good hobby to talk too much out of people's shame?

"Past exposures, Ferri, are you talking about Grandpa Ville's new book of demolition..."

Poke your fingers together, Ferris stretches her tail and mesmerizes with her lips pointy. He looks adorable. He's a cat ear, so he's going to be confused, but he's a man.

Naturally, Wilhelm can't even get through that color trick.

"Either way, it's not a peppery conversation without our permission."


Truncated without a nibble, Ferris disperses amazingly when he drops his shoulder. Silence that drops off its back and falls indoors as soon as possible.

I unintentionally listened to Wilhelm's past, and Subaru couldn't help but be fiercely awkward. I thought I'd smash my black history around here and offset it, but that sounds like a cornered communal disorder, close to abandoning it.

As a result, silence continued, Subaru squeezed his head and looked for another topic -,

"I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It's about the boring, reckless time of old bones. Forget it."

but Wilhelm tells that ahead of time. Seeing a bitter grin adorn its mouth without power, Subaru decides in his heart to respect its will.

Don't ask anything, that's what the old man wants. I don't know what to ask.

"- You love your wife."

- Mr. Rem!?

And I'm so upset that I call it honorable in my heart. That's about the momentum, and Lem stuck his foot in the exact minefield.

of that Subaru. In the margin, Wilhelm raised his eyebrows and set aside a beat,

"Yes, I love my wife. Above all, more than anyone, no matter how much time passes."

Wilhelm's confession is heavy just for the years he was put in there.

On several occasions in the past Subaru has heard stories from Wilhelm's mouth about what would be a loving wife's home. Each time, Wilhelm passed on how much he cared about his family, but when he found out it was the deceased, he said he would have another emotion.

"I'm still ready for tomorrow, so now. Both of you, take the night off."

Tell the two people to turn their backs and Wilhelm's back turns away.


On that distant back, Subaru was speaking unexpectedly.

Subaru on his back, where his legs stopped and he didn't look back,

"Tomorrow I'll be in the war with you and Lem."


"Do you have a guy who shuts up and overlooks when his allies fight powerful enemies? You don't have to worry, Lem can fight... even I have something to do."

Arrowheads Line up the words early, and Subaru blocks the words of denial from coming out of Wilhelm. And

"Join forces, let's beat that whale bastard to pieces! I'll do everything I can to help!

Thumbs up and glows his teeth, Subaru vows to work with Wilhelm.

Wilhelm was often silent in that proclamation,

"My wife was a woman who loved flowers."

pompous, which is a different word of fun than Subaru's reply to his vows,

"I didn't like to wave the sword, but I was loved by the sword more than anyone else. I was only allowed to live by my sword, and my wife accepted that fate again."

Knowing the strength of Reinhardt, the modern sword saint, it can be known that his protection is superfluous for a man.

It is so uninterrupted that it narrows to unlimited possibilities until the future of what has been granted its protection.

"I was the one who broke his wife's sword and made her throw away Kensei's name."

Untalented himself, Wilhelm once told Subaru that about himself.

He therefore devoted half his life to the sword to the present realm.

How many times did this old man taste frustration and how many times did he frustrate his heart before he reached that grief? And -,

"I threw away my sword and took her as my wife, who became one woman. So everything forgives her, that she can live as a telesia, not a sword saint. - But the sword didn't let her get away."

How did that woman, who was supposed to have abandoned her sword, join the White Whale Crusader?

But Wilhelm's statement does not touch on that point,

Thank you, Lord Subaru.

Take a breath,

"In tomorrow's battle, I can find the answer to my sword. Let's finally turn our legs around, even before my wife's grave. Finally, I can go see my wife."

Leftover, Wilhelm leaves the room this time.

The remaining Subaru can't help but have a kind of respect as the same man in Wilhelm's readiness.

Man is so sincere and piercing of love by then.


And, of the two remaining in the quiet indoors, Rem's voice falls to the sieve.

silently turning her gaze towards you, her gaze and gaze just looking up at this one tangled,

"When Rem is gone, will you remember me for as long as I can?

"... I don't want to answer you because I'm not even close."

With a loud voice, Subaru gently fingers Lem's forehead.

When she put her hand on the touched forehead of that finger, she laughed happily as if she had obtained the answer she had been looking for.

The next morning, the time limit to the White Whale crusade - seventeen and a half hours.

"Best wishes, brother!!

Its cheerful voice echoes loudly in the gardens of the Kursch mansion, where the cold air lingers in the early morning.

It sounds like it could reach from corner to corner of a large mansion.

Subaru didn't accumulate because he showered it from close range in front of him. Put your hands on your ears and let your face flourish. But make a stare in protest,

"I've heard from your daughter. Please! I'll ask you to mix them up with whale hunting today too!!

"You have a voice!! My action isn't in those crushed eyes!?

The audacious wind is spoken with a blowing voice, and the opposing Subaru's voice is unwittingly louder. It is the beast man with the dog's face who takes comfort in that Subaru's full voice and laughs with his sharp fang-lined mouth fully open.

The whole body is surprisingly covered with red, short body hair, with slightly darker scorched tea hair adorning the longitudinal head like a Mohican. His eyes were sharp, his mouth lit with bladed dog teeth shifting, but he had an affection for loosening his eyes and laughing silly.

However, the upper back is about two meters light, and the appearance of the musculoskeletal flesh wrapped in leather and black clothing is overflowing with the feeling that the wild and civilization reconciled at the end of the beating.

I called myself Kobolt, but I don't care what you think, it's not Kobolt's physique. The image of Kobolt in Subaru is a dwarf walking on two legs in the face of a dog. Even the two characteristics match, but the last one is just different. Does this also change the impression?

"Akano-kun, Natsuki. Ricards don't sound convenient because they have ears. The trick to hanging out well is to talk properly at a distance"

"That's why you're standing so far away from me even though I'm the one who introduced you! My hairstyle is messed up because of the set! Not long enough to set it up, though!

He exclaims as he strokes his short hair back and forth, and Subaru complains to Anastasia, who does not hide his laughter at the distance.

The beast man on that Subaru look - Ricard smashed this shoulder with his big palm,

"How clever of you to be a lady, brother! He said he was a little nicer from Wye's employer!! Basically, you're starving for normal friends because no one else can talk without a money account. Hey, now!

"Ricard, you shouldn't speak ill of yourself because you're not meant to be hidden, right?

"Bad mouth, no!! Don't worry, young lady, Wye! Come out of Kararagi. I don't even know you very well. Do it meticulously!? Let's get out of here! There you go! Stay with me, friend number one!!

"Don't talk so much about pinching people between you! And don't give a crap about people's heads! My neck!

Constant detachment - in this case, the head is wielded with an outside arm force in the correct sense, leaving the spot because the neck joint makes an odd noise in the magic.

Trying to roll and escape the range distance of the recard, Subaru checks his muscles by teasing the angle of his neck, which was forced to turn,

"Danger, danger, it's before the showdown, but you're chatting and you're not laughing at wounded leaving or anything. I'm in such a good mood, and I can't accept that prick...!

"Oh, my god, my fucking brother. Let's get along. I'm just saying."

"I know it comes with exercising my powers, but I don't like guys who have a stronger ac than me or anything!

Shaking his head in the Peekaboo style, Subaru keeps his distance while using circular motion from the approaching recard.

Twitching and the two continuing to stare at each other without the distance shrinking. There is an anastasia that bystands those two exchanges from outside the circle, and there is no way around it.

and there,

"Seeing how it goes, it looks like we're done with each other."

As I said, it was the green-haired beauty - Krush Karsten - who stepped down to the garden.

She is not a regular courtesy, but a lightweight armored figure with extremely reduced decoration. the joints in each part are empty, emphasizing ease of movement. That seems to be anxious about defense,

"War outfits should be easier to move. Don't worry, it's an armor carved with soil protection. Unless my mana is endless, I show more robustness than I look"

"As always, it's a world where magic and shelter are cheesy... I'm just not awake yet either, I guess I haven't slept with shelter or anything"

"No matter how long you sleep, you forget how to breathe? Coverage for a sheltered person is the same as that. If you're unconscious, give up."

A long time ago, he had a similar denial to someone, and Subaru sounds his tongue and throws down his aspirations when his lips are pointed.

sideways that Subaru's childish reaction, Krush looked up at the beast man standing in front of Subaru scratching his head,

"I see. I heard the story, but you're more of a soldier than a rumor. Sir is Anastasia Horsin's..."

"Wye are hired. It is the Krusch Han that the real thing is again..."

Krush looking up at the giant with his arms together, Ricard snorts and looks back. He wrinkled on his nose, squeezing his throat and laughing,

"A masterpiece. This is a king's race, isn't it so tough, young lady!!

"There's no place to sell gratitude or anything like that. It depends on how much you can write on the price tag and how much Ricard does his job."

Ricard bursts into laughter as he blasts the sound into a shoulder-shrugging anastasia.

Subaru gets anxious that his flashy recard attitude won't buy Krush's unhappiness, but the relative Krush doesn't even have a bare mind about how such a recard looks.

When she looks at Subaru one way or another,

"Did you get some rest last night?

"Thanks to you, yeah. While Mr. Krush was moving around, he didn't feel comfortable sleeping in swallows."

"The right material. As for Sir's work, I or Russell Fellow last night. It is fulfilled at the time we gathered Anastasia Horsin to conclude the White Whale Crusade. I don't think we're gonna end up here."

Looking back, Krusch stares at Subaru directly from the front.

uncomfortable with its upright gaze, Subaru lets himself shrug, but

"Participate in a crusade, but... can Sir fight?

"You can't fight, can you? If you count me as a force of war, I'll tell you that's a little too stuck in the feathers even if you want to borrow a cat's hand. It's a dog's hand. It's big."

"I was just talking about Wye!?

"I didn't! That's a really convenient ear, Oi!

Yelling back at the interrupted Ricard in the middle of the story, Subaru scratched his forehead to regain his mind, "Just," he prefaced.

"If you're dealing with a white whale, I think I'm useful for human selfishness..."

"Let's hear it. The rationale for this is"

"I don't want to believe it myself... but my body odor seems to have the nature to attract warcraft."

Subaru communicates his plan when he joins the war while subtly changing his nuances.

The leftover incense of the witch emanating from Subaru's body - it is unclear how it is creeping into Subaru's flesh, but you can expect this to serve to attract the white whale in the same way as it did in the juggernaut.

The problem is that the threat of white whales has multiplied the juggernaut dozens of times, and that Subaru alone avoids the approaching of white whales, let alone interceptions.

"So they put me in a fast legged dragon car or something, and I run all over the tip of the white whale's nose to distract me... and I thought it wouldn't hurt and would be an effective way to use it."

Honestly, it's a plan that I wonder if I should be talking to myself.

Swing me the battlefield because I can't expect it as a force of war but it will serve as raw bait. I'm offering. Suicidal aspirations are also a blue-blue role sharing,

"Surprisingly, there's no sign of a lie."

I put my hand on my jaw, and Kursch, who was half-hearted or something, pulls out his shoulder strength. "Protecting the Wind" would have revealed the veracity of Subaru's statement and led him to consider the effectiveness of the operation.

She nodded one thing,

"Then let Sir use a ground dragon with excellent foot speed and endurance. If you work with Rem, you won't have a problem with travel. But basically, you're gonna have to follow my instructions."

"Oh, I knew Mr. Krush was going to be on the battlefield, too"

"Do you think I can sit deep in a chair in the mansion and wait for the good news?

Playing the hardware on his armor with his fingers, Krusch grins harshly at his riddled face.

Subaru shook his neck sideways at the man's appearance and said a small apology when he heard what he understood.

- It's about time.

He receives Subaru's apology and Krush squeals so with one eye closed.

As I cut that word off, one person after another begins to gather in the garden.

It was Wilhelm who changed his clothes to combat attire who took the lead and showed himself.

The lightly equipped old swordsman wears only minimal protective gear that only protects the steeple, carrying a total of six skinny swords on his hips, left and right.

Ferris, who follows him, is dressed in a curved knight's armor for women, and armed only with a dagger on his hips. In view of its own abilities, it can be said to be an attitude because it severs it when it is thoroughly supported backward.

It is the dull blonde owner, Russell, who came in late. The look on your face at dawn all night is exhausting, but only your eyes are shimmering to the point of intent.

Anastasia and Russell, who had already arrived in the garden earlier, meet up and laugh furiously with a giant-bodied Ricard distorting his mouth as he sideways begins what is the only conversation.

When the key figures begin to align, what follows is the warring soldiers Svalbard does not know their names. I guess he's a member of a crusade organized by Kursch. Was it only Fumiko, who was the Lord, who was summoned here, whose number is considerably smaller than about ten? That, too.

"You look like a much younger member."

Subaru mouths the thoughts that come to mind as they are.

Right in front of me, members of the crusade are slipping behind Wilhelm, but their average age seems a lot higher. I'm over sixty with a leading Wilhelm, but the knights who follow me are not allowed to go below their fifties.

As a man who knows with Wilhelm's strength, I'm not going to have any anxiety about his old swordsman's skill, but what about all the other faces...

"They say they're all people with white whales."


"Yes, it's Subaru-kun's lem"

Saying, Subaru turns his gaze to Rem, who sprang back next door to him as he sprang to the sieve.

The same faceless look as usual, the same outfit as going to war remains made-up, if you point that out at the morning rendezvous.

"This service garment is handmade by Roswar and is a combat maid garment with protective protection. So don't worry about anything."

That is. Wide range for leisure, cooking, chores and entertainment. But the choice is made-up clothing, so Roswar's sexuality is still there.


"Being on the brink of a white whale... a member of a crusader of the past, or something like that"

"Looks like more of us are leaving the First World War, but you think we've been gathered according to Master Wilhelm's call? You can feel more than enough smell and morale."

"The old soldiers who burn in revenge are in a situation... don't burn"

On the other hand, to say so, is it also the 'kindness' of Krush that Ferris spoke of last night that they have joined this crusade with the White Whale in the past?

If that puts the clouds of the operation itself at risk, it would be the end of the line, but it's not as good a character as compromising on the parts around it. Wilhelm's obsession should also not be as easy as taking a foot job lightly out to the battlefield.

In some cases, the extra shackles may be enough to be broken before reaching the battlefield.

"Think about it, that position is exactly me this time......!

"Master Kursch's Crusaders are like that... but those over there are"

Now put down the subaru that shook your lips, and what Rem cares about is opposite the old crusader soldier. It expands onto the edge of the garden and creates an atmosphere like another space from earlier.

Following Rem's gaze into his eyes, Subaru exhaled convincingly, "Oh,"

"Anastasian private soldiers... I don't know, I'm talking about the mercenary regiment you're hiring. You look unique because you're from Kararagi and have a unique way of speaking."

"You're full of uniqueness. But is that so?"

You'll get used to the way Kansai talks, but it's a problem with the appearance that's hard to get used to subaru.

The mercenary regiment led by Anastasia starts with Ricard, the compiler, an animal that all walks on two legs - that is, a legion of beastmen and hardened soldiers.

A highly combative recard at first glance. Some are bear-like beasts with fluffy white hair, with back-length only as far as Subaru's waist, from the owner of a body that seems comparable to it. Seeing where you have the wand, you probably specialize in a more magical direction than direct combat.

There are about thirty of them lined up like that, stirring up the otherworldly fantasy for Subaru in a good way.

"Anastasia, it seems that the power of gold lends itself to those who can't fight. I'm talking about Ricard wandering around me, so don't get into a fight."

"If you're not going to do anything to harm Subaru, I'm not going to ruin things from Lem. Subaru, there's a mess in your hair that I fixed for you."

"Oh, this was just squeaked by the Ricard bastard. Come on"

"Let's bust it"

"That's a quick conclusion!?

Much undisturbed hair is about to spark and Subaru rushes to stop Rem.

Then check the time - it's time to leave.

"And before that,"

The tingling air starts to strain in the garden, becoming an already aligned crusader and one after the other the people involved start to correct their posture. The atmosphere began to flow as Krush came forward to start his mouth before he left.

Scratching between them, Subaru goes under two merchants who converse Lem for you.

"Merchant the two of you - I just need to talk to you for a minute, in anticipation of being the owner of my heart who listens to me."

For one thing, I decided to hit 'fabric stone' before the white whale hunt.

- Four hundred years.

It was a fixed time, and the word began in front of the warriors gathered.

Heavy sounds, strained air. In a sharp sensation of pain running on the stretched spine, Krush dignifies his chest as he receives attention from everyone gathering in the field.

Pointing the treasure sword engraved with the Karsten family engraving to the ground, Krusch, who lays his hand on the patterned butt, looks over everyone's face in a breath,

"The worst disaster that ever struck the world. The journey of" The Witch of Jealousy, "the white whale created at the hands of that witch made the world a hunting ground, ravaging the weak with our faces, so many months passed"

A jealous witch who destroys half the world in the past and still leaves behind a tale of fear and grass.

A foggy warcraft that sings about freedom even now that the Lord has defeated me as his witch. A real monster who made too many sacrifices and swallowed up so many wars.

"With the white whale, countless lives have been taken. It should be said that the spiciness of its fog nature goes hand in hand, and that no one knows exactly how many victims there are. After four hundred years, the number of inscribed tombstones and tombstones that can't even be left with an inscription only increases."

There is an old soldier who looks down at Krush's words, eats and binds his teeth and whimpers. There are old soldiers who stick their nails up their clenched fists and stir up blood.

There is an old swordsman who has accumulated an inexhaustible amount of enthusiasm inside his chest, and yet continues to wait for the opportunity to quietly explode that anger.

Their carelessness is beginning to surround the darkness that starred darkly in the garden air as only a few of the bodies have been piled up. - But...

"But those thoughtless days will end with today"


"We'll end it. Let's fight the white whale and put an end to the many sorrows. Let us give you the opportunity to tear rightly to grief that you could not even reach"

"- Huh"

"End the wretched warcraft who has already lost the Lord and still obeys his never-ending commands"

My chest gets hot.

Silently, it conveys that everyone has feelings similar to Subaru's in their chest.

An old soldier who was looking down, an old soldier who was consolidating his fist, an old swordsman with his eyes closed, now opens his eyes and stares at Kursch, who stands in the front.

Under the heat of those gaze, Krusch sticks his hand forward and louds his voice.

"We're going out! - The place is Reefaus Avenue, the great tree of Frugel!

"- Whoa!!

The corresponding voices overlap, and the roar of treading the earth creates the illusion that rocked the garden.

Floated by the fever of spraying war, Subaru also chants aloud.

in which a strong, high, Krush pulled out sword up against the sky,

"Tonight, with our hands - take the white whale!!

The White Whale Crusade - the biggest operation since it was summoned to another world, now begins.

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