Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter III 58: The Misty Threat

- A laugh echoes on Reefaus Avenue.

The white whale, which lets the giant swim loosely into the sky, drips treble from its mouth, an open mouth all over its body. Unlike the roar that seemed to rock the earth, the sound leaking from countless mouths of inconsistent size is sharp as scratching the wind 27615;.

Subaru can't afford to feel the disgust of having his whole body poppy in a different sensation than being punched in the tympanic membrane.

With so much preemptive strike and the vigor of Wilhelm and the Beast Mercenaries, the damage done to the White Whale has never been less.

The total firepower will bring change even if Subaru dies a hundred times, and the power that even a bunch of juggernauts can likely wipe out ten times if we bring more comparisons to Warcraft.

I showered it all over my body as I stood. So I didn't have to settle for it, but I expected it to fall to the ground with the corresponding damage -

"Yabe, the fog... ugh!

The countless mouths of the white whale at the same time are scattering 'fog' as the golden cuts are emitted from the entire body. Throughout the streets, the erosion of mist falling from the sky invades the world, gradually replacing its vision with something gradually whitened.

This is the main command of the "Mist" Warcraft.

The streets are full of fog, vision is covered and individual collaboration ceases to engage. More importantly, its white body is huge enough to look up, yet disappears to blend into the white sea where the mist originates.

"You're lying......!?

"- Subaru-kun, save your life for Rem!!

Lems leaning forward scream in front of Subaru, who trembles his throat at at the shock concealment. Subaru sank herself deeply into her hips sitting in front of her as an answer to it.

Ground dragon turns himself according to Rem's quick handrail judgment and begins walking sickness as he shreds the ground. Ferris, who was next door until earlier, likewise turns the head of the ground dragon inside the fog after a sharp turn. Fighting back is imperative if the white whale is in combat. Naturally, it is inevitable that there will be injuries. Then that's where his show is called in the name of 'Blue' -,

Immediately after,

"- All personnel, evacuate!!!

An anger echoes from the other side of the fog, towing this one who was about to jump into the white darkness. The voice I hear is the voice of the unmistakable Krush. What, sooner than Subaru tries to raise his face,


At a moment's judgment, he changed the direction of the ground dragon, and his body swung to the centrifugal force moved to the left. forward, the equally rapidly swirling Ferris ground dragon to the right. The progression of the Subaru, which takes the form of a parting left and right, in the middle of it - fog with dense masses blows through at once.

The extent of the fog that pushed him over was enough to cover his sight, and if the evasion was even momentarily delayed, he would certainly have swallowed up the Subaru's in both ground dragons.

If you hadn't seen it in front of you, you might have laughed, but if you actually saw the heterogeneity, you wouldn't be able to speak lightly.

The fog decides to dissolve the ground of the stroked plain, placing what is on its path in its uprooted belly and literally fogging.

If I had been bathed in an array, I would have been wiped out of nowhere in the world.

"This is Seriously 'Fog'......"

Some content previously informed in Crusader's Briefing about the horrors of the white whale. One of them is the power of 'fog' with this destruction.

There are two types of fog released from the mouth of a white whale, one of which is a diffuse fog that purely covers your vision and expands your range of action. And the other is an extinguishing fog that has just quietly vanished the earth in front of us.

The latter is used by the white whale as a means of attack, whose fog horrors are unprotected in power and damage, of course, but the real threat lies elsewhere. It's

"- Let it go!!

A flash of temper, a brave voice arrives from the other side of the fog, and the fog that was covering his sight at the next moment is abruptly struck down.

Beyond a clear vision, Kursch, standing on the back of the ground dragon, shook off his arm. Perhaps with the application of an invisible blade, he cut open a full fog to ensure his vision.

She brutally wipes her sweaty forehead and looks around as she falls back on the running ground dragon's back. As it marked her, when the scattered crusaders gathered, Kursch opened his mouth to the faces running at its head,

"- How many have been hit?

"There are twelve members of my team - three, not enough"

"... who got hit"

"I don't know......!

Senpai's squad leader responds to Krusch's inquiry and shakes his head at the ensuing inquiry.

It was a meaningless exchange. Because the platoon leader, who knows the number of crew members, still doesn't know the surname of the fallen crew members.


"This is fourteen, one falls off"

"There are two of us. Unknown as well."

"Six...... sorry! Deep in position, I can't avoid the fog...!

Similar reports have risen one after the other, and none of the squad captains have come up with the names of their disappeared companions.

That anomaly is what makes the White Whale a truly horrible part of its manipulative 'fog'. In other words:

"Extinction fog......!!

Literally, a being that disappears in 'mist' disappears from the world with each of its beings.

Whoever disappeared, the fact remains, no one's memories of it. The sincerity with which Kursch aligned each platoon of the Crusaders in perfect fifteen men at a time is there.

If the platoon is vacant due to 'fog', we no longer even know who was hit. Only to recognize that missing fact, the number of platoons is aligned.

When Subaru encountered the white whale in the previous world, a strange phenomenon had occurred.

It was when Otto, the accompanying pedestrian, erased from his memory the presence of his peers and the remnants of his stalled Rem. At that time, Otto assumed only that he had erased less of a fear and less of a convenient memory, but if you think that was under the influence of the White Whale's "fog," it fits.

The fog wiped out the memories of our colleagues and Rem. As when I was back at the mansion, even my twin sister, Ram, let me disappear from my memory about Rem.

And yet, once again,

"I'm the only one who remembers..."

Suddenly, Subaru speaks of its unsuspecting reality.

Only Subaru remembers the missing pedestrian, the lem sacrificed to let Subaru escape, as Subaru did not forget that time of the loop.

The old soldiers who are captains of each platoon gathered around Kursch - those fifteen facial rashes have already changed dramatically into something different.

The original platoon captain disappeared in the "fog" and the realities that the alternate second seat was the platoon captain have changed. Therefore, no one notices the sudden repositioning.

Again in that unusual state of affairs, Subaru becomes aware that that foggy warcraft is a being in strong contact with the 'witch'.

Tie Subaru to this world, that the black demon hand will not be irrelevant again.

"I don't know where I'm going to get rid of it again than I got stuck in the fog. It is also a downside measure that is dense. - Spread out and use fog-paying crystal stones."

Looking around the face of the crusaders to assemble, Kursch briefly separates the discussion. Subaru looked out when he realized there was no Wilhelm or Ricard on the spot as he saw everyone take the lead on it.

- No way, even those two disappeared.

"Back, Wilhelm"

but such an inner battle of Subaru is denied by the shadow that appeared from beyond the fog.

Slowly shadowing from the back of the thick fog is Wilhelm waving a sword wet in blood at the back of a ground dragon. of a magnificent figure with blood all over his body, he joins here wiping it with his sleeves, scattered across his face,

"I ran too far ahead. - About the damage."

"Altogether seventeen... about one of the platoons is extinguished form. Even the honor of the fallen no longer comes true to protect it correctly"

Disappearance is literally a write-off of existence.

Only a blank remains that those people, who are not remembered by anyone, were there.

Where will the bonds, thoughts, and love that should have been there disappear?

From behind Wilhelm, you can see a bunch of Riggers, some of whom are Ricards riding large Riggers and two deputy commanders. Apparently, like Wilhelm, the group that was fighting to tackle the white whale is less damaging in turn.

"You've got a nasty fog. I don't mind the number of fog-paying crystal stones.... If you use it differently, it's over."

"Again, if just the same intensive attack goes through, it should fall to the ground. This is where we use it, even in the sense of avoiding surprise attacks, than we have lost sight of ourselves. Objection."

Everyone silently expresses their affirmation of Kursch's words.

receiving them and she nodded, and saw the blush in the way Ferris led the support,

"Ferris. Launch the fog-paying crystal stone. Only twice. Handle it carefully."

"I'm already ready, yo. Any time, with orders."

Krush responded with his jaw pulled to Ferris slapping him in the chest, and she looked over everyone's face before the end of the battle opened again.

"This is where we come from! Our attack on the white whale proves the response that remains in Sir's hands! Sure, he's mighty. I don't know what I'm good at. Our death sucks, it may not be remembered by anyone. But!"

The sword of her hips, which would be a useless long object for her to unleash an unarmed slaughter - pulling out the Karsten family's treasure sword, Kursch blazing in the sky exalts her voice,

"For the dead who couldn't leave their names on the grave marker, for the weak who would be under threat of fog in the world ahead, we will argue with him to make sacrifices - follow me!!

"- Oh!!

Each one raises his weapon in the sky and shouts delight at the same time.

The soaring morale shivers the fog and ignites and fierces the sinking war will.

"Fog-paying crystal stone - launch!!

In accordance with Krusch's decree, Ferris' commanding face simultaneously went up the cannon - shortly thereafter a crystalline stone was launched across the fog with the explosion,

"The fog, clear -!!"

The glow that flows from the shattered crystalline stone scratches away the mist that has covered your vision all at once. Besides, not all the fog that covered all four sides of the plain could have been paid for.

It only resolved the state that faded the whole thing and even made it difficult to secure vision. but that alone can be considered a sufficient effect.

- It seems that the 'fog' released by the white whale is a mutation of the mana held by the white whale.

In short, it is given directivity and the spraying of visualized mana hits the 'fog'. The fog-paying crystal stone is a common name, and the correct name is exorcism crystal - possession is such an item that it has a one-time sneak replacement function against magic attacks.

Multiple, simultaneous crushing of that crystalline stone produces effects such as this one. If the atmosphere isn't full of fog, it's a dangerous bet to attenuate even the power of this magic attack.

"Not enough to get rid of all the fog,"

"Instead, it doesn't affect this magic either. Rem's all set."

A small, fist-stiffening lem answers that by glowing the horn over his forehead.

Taste the feeling of the full mana surrounding her on the skin, Subaru pulls his jaw to the fact that Rem is starting to work out his magic again.

"- Ha ha! I can't freak out. I haven't done anything to help you so far. It's time for us to show up!

"Yes! I'm going!

At the bottom of the ground dragon's neck the reins ring and the sway bounces as it hisses.

Grabbed by Rem's hips on the back of a running ground dragon, he wanders his gaze in search of a white whale over the foggy faded head.

Crusaders who ran out on Krusch's decree are also running their gaze in search of their giant bodies as they scatter each, and tensions that don't know when the end of the battle will be cut start to dry out their mouths.

The emergence of the white whale is still unknown. That's similar to what it felt like when we were waiting for the emergence of the white whale in the darkness of the abyss, before the battle began.

"- Fog."

To the lid, a bad feeling ran behind Subaru's brain.

I didn't have any particular basis for saying this. The effect of fog-paying crystal stones and the magical operation in the midst of interrupted effects. At the end of the day, I remembered the situation when I encountered the white whale before, and the anxiety came down.

- The fog of disappearance and its effects are different, but if the fog that covers this area is also the spit out of the white whale again, is the threat of it really just for the sight disturbance?

But rather than that question coming out with your mouth shut,

"- Huh!!!

A high roar echoed faster on the foggy diminished Reefaus streets.

And madness is contagious.

The first anomaly occurred in a group of ground dragons that were side-by-side next door.

Unlike the previous white whale's, the tall roar did not make the atmosphere rattle low, but involved the discomfort of scratching the tympanic membrane into the mess with pointy nails.

Subaru notices the anomaly on the fence as Subaru throats at the violence of sounds like goosebumps floating on his back and even the lem strengthens his body.

"Hey! What's up!?

A butterfly and rider are shaken off the ground dragon running next door.

When I heard Subaru scream, I noticed a strange Rem turn the grounddragon over to you. Losing his rider, through the ground dragon to the right and left, Subaru went to the fallen men.

"Are you all right!? When you fall, you don't have to get hurt..."

Speaking out worried about the extent of that injury, Subaru interrupts the words unexpectedly.

Because their condition, which fell, was not in such a dimension as asking for the depth of their injuries.

There is a man who is blowing bubbles, peeling white eyes and cramping. There is a man who groans, drools, scratches his arms desperately and bleeds. There is a man who eats and ties his teeth until they are crushed to withstand the pain and punches his head to the ground.

Symptoms are inconsistent, but can be clearly identified.

"This is..."

"To the spirit, directly...... similar to mana drunkenness, but more malicious......!

Hands on forehead, and Rem answers bitterly.

Subaru small-mouthed "mana-drunk......" to her appearance, then looked up ha-ha and looked around - and saw the fog,

"No way, is this fog effect......!?

Surrounding enemies with fog enough to fill their sights, the whole anomaly magic from an inescapable state. - The power and consequences are as you can see.

I don't think it was a few people around Subaru who were damaged. In fact, if you look as far as you can get to your sight, a bunch of people everywhere are stopping to do the same,

"Is there a guy who's resistant and a guy who's not... I don't feel anything."

"Rem is a little bit with an excessive mana density...... I'll settle down now"

Put the lems down often that start to take a deep breath, and Subaru descends from the ground dragon to beneath them under the influence of the fog. At the very least, I try to make you stop just being self injurious.

"Hey! Don't do any more! The wound... ooh!

"Ahhh! Ahhhhhhh!

I reach out my arm to stop it, and I get scratched around those two arms without a clue. Groaning at the pain of the meat being shallowly decided, Subaru leaps away and takes his distance. and the man began to resume his attacks on himself without further pursuit. Blood is scattered and a sobbing voice is chained.

"Does it hurt, isn't this pretty bad? If you're bad, you won't stop till you're dead, this!

"Subaru! What about the wounds?

"It hurts like a little crying, but it's no big deal! More than that, if we don't do something about this, we're all going to destroy ourselves! Can't you do something about it?

Ask that to the calm Rem, but she shook her neck sideways with a difficult face when she saw the stuffy knights on the ground,

"Unfortunately, how effective is Lem's treatment...... Anyway, if it's just a simple trauma, it's interfering directly inside through the gate. Powerful mana contamination so far without as much arm as Master Felix..."

"How long have you been able to resist this mental contamination in the first place? This one's almost wiped out except for me and Rem!?

One squad, which was heading in the same direction as the Subaru's, is almost devastated - only the platoon leader and the two of them are looking safe and making a leap to stop their self-inflicted companions, just like the Subaru's. When more than half a dozen or so people are contaminated, the effect of the

"If the key Ferris is eating contaminated, it's completely packed, what do we do..."

Subaru and the rest of the platoon are in a similar state because of this. If the need for support falls for the main players like Krusch and Wilhelm, like Ferris, that's the only thing that can be done.

"Anything that can move puts the wounded at the root of the great tree! Some exercise of strength is unavoidable!

Even beyond the thick fog, Krusch's voice rises, and the corresponding voice sounds like he keeps standing. Apparently, she's not affected by the pollution, but I can still see that she's struggling to get things right.

It's a policy shift right after the directive to attack the whole thing. It conveys teething emotions all over his voice, and he even springs anger at the White Whale's modus operandi, which doesn't immediately push him into a state of non-combat.

"I've heard that it's easier to crumble the front than kill an injured man... but that's what monsters do."

"Master Felix seems safe. If that person's treatment turns to the whole thing, it should at least strip the effect of contamination..."

Subaru also understands what the mumbling lem is trying to say.

What matters is that it blocks Ferris' hand and that his hand is broken to retrieve the wounded. And more importantly -,

"We don't have enough time. We can't just wait for the whale to attack defenselessly until Ferris' treatment turns to everyone."

"Worst case scenario, the white whale might swallow the whole gathered one with fog. I hate to think you're that intelligent... but more than I've made this situation, I'm optimistic."

"It's possible I'm making fun of you by instinct... but no, either way, you can't lick the way you hunt wild"

Ready for danger, Krush will be ready to put together a crusader and let Ferris cure him.

Naturally, you understand that you have to let go of some crack at buying time. Whether or not something effective comes out is quite, I think, difficult.

"- Huh."

Exhale deeply and empty your lungs.

When I removed oxygen from my body to its limits, in my chest, which becomes naturally cramped - I found myself carving a slow, definite rhythm of my heart.

Surprisingly, I laugh at myself when I find myself calm.

The beat was a recurring outburst, as if it reflected Subaru's mood, always remaining flushed by the situation and flirting with the situation in front of him.

How is that so calm now before making a decision?

"... even borrowed, do you mean courage"

Slap him in the chest, Subaru breathes heavily in. Stop once, hold your eyes, then exhale and open your eyes. Turn forward. Front, Rem riding the ground dragon overlooking Subaru.

As Subaru waits to see what he says and what he wants.

"Rem, I need you to stay where you're most at risk"

"Yes. - Anywhere"

Rem accepts Subaru's request without hesitation, even smiling.

With it Subaru rushes to the earth dragon, and as he flies across its back, to the knights who remain on the earth and control their rampant companions,

"Me and Rem attract the white whale. In the meantime, get Ferris treated. They're gonna be fine. I left them with Ferris, and then you can rendezvous!

"Attract!? How the hell..."

"Here's what we do."

laughing at the old soldier raising his suspicion, Subaru breathed in and opened his throat,

"- Those who hear you, block your ears!! Not the other way around. Keep them up!!

The utmost vocalization echoes in the fog.

Rem hears the fury of Subaru comfortably, then puts his hands on both ears. The knights who were nearby hurriedly blocked their ears, and perhaps the faces of the crusaders who were nearby where Subaru's voice could be reached should have blocked their ears as well.

Briefing before the operation, exactly as Subaru asked.

And -,

- I said, "Die."

The moment you mouth it, the gushing fear intertwines Subaru's heart and soul.

If the prospect goes off and that black demon hand reaches out to his surrounding companions, to the lem in front of him...


- My heart would give it to me, give me a hand!!

I opened my eyes, pushed my weakness to death, Subaru screaming in my heart - shortly afterwards it came.

"I love you."

That's a weak, small, thin voice whispered in your ear.

But what's with the feverish emotions that make your chest tremble in there?

Subaru can't indulge in that kind of emotion, like tears on the edge of his eyes by accident. Follow the shadow of your voice far away and immediately be driven by the urge to hold it in your arms.

In the overwhelming heat of love filling your whole body, your consciousness burns brightly -,

- I'm back.

After an instant encounter, Subaru's consciousness awakens to the real world.

The feeling that dominated Subaru's consciousness to the brink kept him away, and I can't even remember what emotion he was getting there. Only such an incredible sensation lingers, like the severe pain that I should have been prepared for didn't come. Still,

"Rem, what do you say? The smell of a witch from me..."

"Yes, it stinks!

"Right on aim but not in a bad way!?

With Rem's ink, the aim is achievement, albeit uninterrupted.

Subaru solidified his fist and looked around,

"We're leaving here right now! I'll make sure you stay away from the roots, so you'll get along well with the Krushs!

"Wow, okay! Pray for good luck!

"To each other!

Sent out, Lem runs the ground dragon when Subaru slaps him on the shoulder.

As it stands, there must be a fresh leftover incense of witches from Subaru's body - literally, a smell full of contradictions. The question is how effective this will be on white whales, though.

"When I think of Juggernaut, it worked about as well as covering the whole forest, but how about this one... Honestly, I'm unknown"

When we last encountered the white whale in the world, the white whale has persisted in targeting Subaru, who moved to Otto's dragon car. In view of the fact that Subaru has not made any witch-related remarks at that point, Subaru, which emits a stronger odor then, should be the bait of the outfit for the white whale -

And right after I thought.


Bringing his neck sharply as the ground dragon who was moving forward noticed something, he swirled at once at his own discretion - Subaru about to be blown away by centrifugal forces saying, "Whoa! He screamed, and hurriedly held the lem in front of him,

"What... ugh"

"It's a white whale!!

A huge mouth reveals itself by piercing the mist through the fuzz directly next to the screaming Rem.

One hair at a time, avoiding the Subaru who were off the path, the jaws of the yucking white whale chewing the earth as they glide just to the left, swallowing the meadows that were on their way round.

Running through the rock-skinned, rugged outer skin, a white whale lifting its jaw behind the Subaru's straight through the side lowers what is in its mouth all at once to its stomach.

Then the Warcraft made sure that the object was not turned around in its chewing, and turned its neck toward the Subaru, who would turn away with all his might when he flipped the giant.

And then the roar comes after me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!?

pressure from the overwhelming mass looming from behind.

A ground dragon with a shouting Subaru kicks the earth diligently as he is chased back by a feeling of compression that is about to crush him. But the speed of the chasing white whale is unusual.

Swimming through the sky in giants like mountains, the distances clog at once with momentum that overtakes the wind.

Gungu and the white whale approach with the momentum to swallow the world.

Its nose was right around the corner, to a distance where its breath would reach its back,



In response to Rem's chant, three ice spears protrude simultaneously from the earth.

That didn't go wrong, wearing the white whales that were chasing the Subaru from directly below, hitting the relatively soft lower abdomen even in their stiff outer skin - skewering them and trying to stop the movement.


"It won't stop - -!!"

Ice spears as thick as a hundred spears bundled are broken from the roots, making a tall noise and the sound of crystals smashing and scattering rings. At the same time as the destruction, the ice spear is reduced to mana and blood erupts from the wound of the white whale who has lost what blocks the wound, but there is no stagnation in its movement.

Where is the end of endurance that is so wounded, bleeding and still indispensable for glory? Again, battle to the height of the difficult hurdle of dropping a white whale.


"Unlike when I was a juggernaut, this is not a Tyman!!


Subaru provokes a distant white whale with his middle finger up. Even if the white whale doesn't know what that trick of Subaru means, he opens his mouth and growls as if he is feeling angry.

that giant,


Straight from the side, Wilhelm's slaughter, leaping and jumping on his back, broke vertically.

Wilhelm's blade, which lands in the middle of the white whale's back, wears deep meat, and the blood erupting from the open wound creates blood mist.

And a two-headed Riger aiming over the back of a white whale wet in its blood. Riding that back is an adorable kitten beast man who looks just like him...

"Sister, go with it!

"Let's go - HEATALOW!!

Rigger raised his back to intersect from left to right, two Mimi and Hetallow jumped from that back and took each other's hands over the wound made by Wilhelm. And when they look at each other and open their mouths at the same time,



Shortly afterwards, the white whale bleeds again from the wound of his whole body, shaking its giant violently to drop altitude all at once.

A white whale stuffed with bitterness, voiced in pain and barely escaped the crash. The twins jumped across Riger from its back, out of breath,

"Trump card, cu!

"Captain, please!!

"Whoa, leave it to me. No! If all the little ones worked hard, I don't want to do Wye either!!

Alternating with the two descending, a large rigger climbs from the tail to the body of the white whale.

The fog looms on Ricard's rigger, which runs like a wind, turning the rock skin on the way with a big natta to create scratches.

Targeting Wilhelm and Ricard riding over his body is the thick fog that is thrown out of his mouth that opens countless times to the body of the white whale. Dark in color, that's what you can think of as the 'fog of disappearance' that erases what you touch from existence.

The speed itself is not fast enough, but more importantly, only the number of mouths opens the barrage. Ricard's Riger twirls himself in distress, Wilhelm also avoids the fog with a quick body appearance, and the blow of the great natta and the slaughter of the sword continue to dance on the back of the white whale.

A vertical slash cuts and crushes the mouth raising a distorted laugh, and the great natta ravages the inside of the mouth and smashes the function. Reiger's claws were also holding the attack back with slight force, and more importantly, the cannon barrels of the Beast Mercenary Corps, which had caught up with him, began to attack his entire body again with bombardments by demon ore.

The white whale begins to be pushed again by the crusader's offensive power. If you twist that giant and see that the oral cavity has begun to prepare for spewing mist,


Lems circling the ground dragon faster than Subaru's call makes Subaru run around the nose tip of the white whale smelling like a witch. and the white whale, disturbed by it's concentration, turns its neck reflexively toward the Subaru's - to slaughter, to thwart its prospects.

"- Huh!!

"Don't do anything inconvenient for me, such as the aftermath. I've been following you for fourteen years."

Wilhelm's movement stops when the spike pierces the white whale's forehead and enters the stiff part of the blade. but instantly as he looks at the third sword, he kicks the letting go sword pattern thoughtfully to protrude the blade even deeper, holding the fifth sword he has pulled out to his right and turning to his back with the blade of both hands seldom cutting off the head of the white whale.

The mouth on the way is also literally silenced with one blade after another, joining Ricard running the rigger endlessly vertically and rambling around. The beast man in the dog's face smiled joyfully with a bloodthirsty face,

"I'm having fun! It's tougher than I thought, but it's no big deal!

"No... a little too unresponsive"

Wilhelm bites his lips as he responds low to the lifting recard and continues to carve his back as he takes light steps.

Ricard peeled off the white whale's back protrusion with the big natta he shook up, poking a flat tip inside it and choosing, squeezed one eye,

"What, are you anxious?"

"I have a wife at this level of warcraft...... it is hard to believe that Kensei took the delay. Even taking into account that we were able to control the flight ahead of us or that we were not separated by the fog at the first point…"

A white whale moves heavily on the fence as Wilhelm discusses it as he waves the blade.

Until then, in an attempt to peel off the Wilhelms on their backs, the stuffy movements suddenly changed. When the white whale turns its head upwards, it rises altitude at once to the sky.

In a steeply leaning scaffold, Ricard instructed Riger to cleverly run down the rock skin and manage to leave before reaching a dangerous altitude. And Wilhelm,

"Before I go down, I'll have another one -!"

Turn yourself around and the old swordsman leaps over the giant in a light motion.

Wilhelm climbs upside down as the white whale ascends. Weight movement and forceful postural control that protrudes the blade. Running down the body of the white whale with body judgment due to years of accumulation of experience, Wilhelm's slaughter is shaken big and vertical at the point of reach - one of the white whale's backs floated a number of mouths to the surface, which blows it from its roots.

"- Huh!!

Hearing the white whale scream, Wilhelm kicks his rock skin to the ground.

Falling from ultra-high altitudes is a desperate occasion if you normally think about it, but Wilhelm, who pulled something out of his nostalgia on the verge of falling to the ground, throws it directly below - a small blast of demonic ore creates wind from directly below, and a ground dragon exposes Wilhelm from the side, who gets a loose delay.

"Mr. Wilhelm!!


Subaru raising his voice to make sure he was safe. But Wilhelm doesn't fit in with it, and his gaze is tilted straight up his neck and overhead.

Svalbard, who is followed and looks up, captures in his sight the tail of the white whale swimming far above it.

War will not fade from silent Wilhelm, beside the blood dripping from the cut back area pouring down like rain under violent momentum and dyeing the grass of the plains to a pearlescent color.

Neither does Subaru think the white whale will escape like this, but the aim of the white whale toward the sky is unknown so far.

Although each of the Beast Mercenary Regiments has gathered and the situation of the wounded gathered at the root of the Great Tree is in jeopardy...


Small, Wilhelm looking up at the sky squeaks.

With his eyes narrowed, everyone's vigilance was lifted to its maximum at once by the appearance of an old swordsman holding back his two-handed sword. And wait for movement by swallowing solid- regret it.

He didn't wait for the action of the white whale floating overhead, he said it should have been scattered immediately.

"- The fog is dropping!!

Scream as far as your voice is concerned, and no longer silently, Rem flips the ground dragon all at once, leaving the front.

The surrounding ground dragons and riggers rush out the same way, but we can no longer even afford to be looking up to make sure anything else is safe.

- "The Fog of Disappearance" swells up with the momentum to cover one side of the sky, falling for this one.

It's as big as the clouds themselves fall. That's nothing but escaping range to avoid. In an attempt to shield rocks and trees, resistance is powerless before the destruction that swallows them each.

We have to rush out and run in prayer in time.

There is even a horrible look up over the head, only a sense of oppression with a noiseless end imminent from the top.

Stick hard to the back of the ground dragon, lower your posture and run to the limit -.

"You're out!?

The brightness plugged in like it had gone under a black cloud, Subaru looking behind his back.

There are multiple shadows swallowed in time on the earth crushed by mist.

Hardly, a human being engraved with fear and anger in its shape disappears swallowed by mist from his head.

Every ground dragon disappears and nothing remains after it falls to the ground and spreads mist. No one remembers, not even a name. Only Subaru remembers that death.

"Ugh... ah"

The face of Subaru, scattered with mist, leaking a small groan, is far away.

It is also clear that the number has been much lower than it was in the previous offensive. The face of the Crusaders, as well as the Beast Mercenaries, cannot be intact.

At least only the main force, and Subaru turned his gaze around,


I barely caught one hand on the back of the ground dragon and found Wilhelm escaping the fog range. I tried to speak to that figure - I noticed.

- From the other side of the thick fog, a large open mouth warcraft approaches Wilhelm.

"Run -!!"

"No -!?"

It was almost simultaneously that Subaru's cry and Wilhelm noticed the imminent threat behind it. But that was just a reaction at a time when we couldn't make it already.

The mouth of a white whale approaching without sound swallows Wilhelm and his dragons from earth to earth.

The ground was shredded and the whole ground five meters square was decided, all in the mouth of the white whale.


Before that shocking sight, not only Subaru but even Rem loses his voice to surprise.

I knew of his old man's obsession, but the sense of loss is therefore unusual. More importantly, the situation follows a path of deterioration to the loss of the main force,


And now another person's voice rose up close.

Faster than responding to that voice, it is blown away by Riger, whose subaru and his earth dragons have been bumping into each other with fierce momentum from side to side.


Every bitter ground dragon falls to the ground, beating it all over the place and putting his face in pain. The sudden outrageous bad guy is a recard from his voice, but before questioning its sincerity,

"- Eh."

Ba and Subaru saw the red hua scattered in front of him.


Thousands of cuts fly, and the debris of Riger, who splashes pieces of flesh, rolls onto the plain. And the big beast man, who was supposed to have spanned it, left a lot of blood and disappeared.

Waving its bloodbathing tail of recards, the white whale sways the giant and swims through the universe.

sheltered, or what happened to Ricard?

Various questions have come to mind, but more than that, facts that cannot be ignored appeal to Subaru.

Swimming in front of you, the white whale with the ricard tailed off. And

"Lies, you know..."

Looking back, I see a white whale swallowing Wilhelm by the ground is starting to chew.

right in front of you and behind you - there are still fish shadows shading the sky above you looking up,

- Three white whales tremble its entire body mouth, laughing up and stirring despair.

Svalbard was feeling twitching, twitching, despair tightening his mind again.

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