Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter III: 67: The Spirit Knight

- There are countless things to think about.

There are two main things that must be done by the Svalbards, who will resume their march into Mazers territory and cut the wind.

"Keeping Emilia and the people of the village away from danger"

"Fighting witchcraft planning raids, and tailoring 'laziness' Petergius"

Last time, priority was given to the latter, and by accomplishing it, the former's aims were also attempted to be achieved at the same time, but that was hampered by the unexpected fouling of Petergius' life.

I don't know how far his possession goes, under what conditions, what kind of opponent it works for. But as a matter of fact, he was ahead of the Subaru and ambushed us in that place, causing us that catastrophe.

Overconfidence is forbidden - no, you have to hit all the help you need to be able to hit it.

"Then, after all, temporary evacuation - worst of all, abandonment of the mansion and village is imperative"

Subaru and I can understand how ruthless a decision that is for them.

It's not something you can do like throw away the living foundation you're used to living in and convince yourself to run out wearing it. But I need you to do it.

- You shouldn't be able to replace your life.

Although we know that sometimes life has to take precedence over life, nevertheless, life should still be a top priority, except for the extremely limited possibilities.

That's all, I have no intention of giving Subaru away either.

"When it comes to time, evacuation and witchcraft strategies have to be done at the same time."

It's unclear how far Petergius is prepared for the perimeter, but it's too convenient not to notice any more village anomalies than lurking a group that size around the mansion. Ten eighty-nine, you should think of it as standing guard, as you did when you attacked the dragon cars of the Subaru's going down the street.

If we rush the evacuation, it is more likely that it will crack and move by witchcraft. If so, witchcraft needs to crush it before it can be moved.

"The procedure should be pretty much okay since last time.... I care that I only found eight asides, but if I could discover the rest of them this time"

The odds of winning are much higher. At the very least, only the possibility of being ambushed by witches we haven't seen yet can be completely eliminated. If the threat to be addressed is limited to Petergius, it can nevertheless be considered sufficient.

And to deal with Petergius, the biggest concern,

"I can fight an invisible hand, without me, I wouldn't be talking."

- That was the only line I could never give in.

Last time, the story was prolonged to draw the attention of Petergius, and the ambush of Wilhelm made it possible to defeat Petergius the first eye. This time, as a flow, it would be fine to follow it. The problem is if you encounter a problem after the second person -,

"No, should we think about a live catch? If you're going to die and possess, you have to let him die..."

Try it on your mouth and don't feel like that was an unexpected blind spot.

Previously, Petergius acted possessively twice. They were all limited when the body that was on the move received death, and did not squeeze the conditions in terms of the subsequent possession subject, but the story would be different if we could create a 'don't let it possess' situation in the first place.

And if an ambush fits well, isn't it so difficult to create that situation?

"That's right. You don't have to think about killing everything you've done! Sealed...... I don't know if there's a way like that, but if that's possible"

I think so.

If you let him lose consciousness in an ambush, all you have to do is play a monkey and put it in brackets on a tree. If you isolate them at a distance that you can't even reach unseen, Arre will be just a helpless lunatic screaming.

After that, it would be nice if you could ask the pack to put it in an ice-soaked state of provisional death and decorate it with some secret out of the reach of people.

"Something looks like you're thinking bad, you."

Julius says to Subaru, who sees the light and distorts the edge of its mouth into a wicked grin. Side by side, he'd been silently watching Subaru sink into his thoughts until then, but I guess he realized he saw a crackdown on that change in expression.

faintly breaking its flanks and gently stroking her windy hair with her hands,

"If you've got your thoughts together, let me hear it. - When you fight, you make your decision."

"I might have a hole, so I'm packing it up a little bit... it's a waste of time, but Moppen, should I ask everyone to stop?

In any case, a number of supplements and changes must be made to the earlier explanations.

Speak up to each of the marching faces, and gathering in the wheelchair again is quite a process of eating time. Now that I'm running out of time, that's going to be a little frustrating...

"No, that's not necessary. I'll take your word for it."

Shaking his head small, Julius said Subaru's judgment was unnecessary. The intent of that statement could not be read and Subaru frowned faintly. And in front of him like that, Julius gently played the lifted right-hand finger, and the next moment - the light overflowed.

"Nah -! You, that's..."

"Full of atmosphere, a glow of pale will. You've seen this beauty beside Emilia, haven't you?

Julius laughs proudly. As it surrounds him, a pale glow swims and follows him leaning over the ground dragon.

And Subaru knows who that light is. Because over and over again, I've been watching it up close, beside my dear girl.


"Minor Spirit..."

"Precisely, buds before you get your credentials as spirits. - Even a quasi-spirit."

"Quasi, spirits... don't talk like quasi-knights"

Subaru manages to respond to the restraint of the way he calls it, pulling the edge of his mouth.

The corresponding face draws on nothing because it depressed the Doya face released from Julius' neat appearance compared to his own. clutter about it later, and what Subaru thinks is Julius' prime name with quasi spirits - which means

"You were a spiritualist!?

"I am also a spiritual magician, should I say that is correct? As a knight, polishing the arms of a sword is not going to lack effort either. If you're going to call me more precisely, here's what I want you to call me"

Meditating on Subaru's surprise, Subaru opens his mouth to Julius, who makes a slight tame.

This flow, and the next dialogue to be spoken of in this development -,

"The Great Mage -!!"

"With the Spirit Knight... hmm?


Julius looked surprised at Subaru, who shook his voice and glanced at the famous dialogue. Subaru panicked, gesturing and deluding that he was about to turn red in embarrassment, "Oh, no, no," while deluding the lethargy.

"Oh, uh, hon. So, Spirit Knight! Yes, Spirit Knight! I see. Huh, wow, I'm convinced. Yeah, really. Spirit hey...... Spirit Knight!?

"More than anything to surprise you. I didn't expect that to happen."

Julius laughs bitterly at Subaru, who pretends to be calm, swallows and understands, and then spits in surprise.

With his arms gently stretched forward, the lights began to gather to stop and sway their arms as trees. It is each of six kinds of spirits that emit different colors of light, and Subaru realizes that fact.

of six colors, each following a spirit of different colors means that

"No way, you can use the magic of all six systems?

"- I see. You realize that without prior knowledge, you rotate your head pretty fast. I see you weren't spending time under Sir Mazers on Dada."

"No, nothing. The experience I got from Roz is like a magic trick... uh, was there just a little bit in the bathroom"

It's also a distant memory now that we got a little magical lecture while letting each other hang around our groin bumps. In retrospect, that is also a lost experience in this world.

Put aside the whining that only such Subaru time retroactors can understand, and Julius shows here the spirits surrounding its arms,

"As you can guess, I can handle all six attributes with the cooperation of these kids. Now he is still a bud quasi-spirit, but eventually there will be a day to bloom as a beautiful flower. That's when me and them should stand truly as spiritual knights"

"I'm sorry I'm soaking up, but what about gender in the quasi-spirits? When it comes to spirits...... I wonder if spirits are settings where they all have self-asserting intense bodies and stuff like packs. In his case, he seemed to know he was a man or a male."

In the case of the pack, it would definitely be about gender because he seemed to recognize Emilia's father position. Occasionally it also seemed to bring together the complex feelings of being a female parent, although there were some parts of me that gave me quite a glimpse of the struggle.

Either way, Julius tilted his neck as a matter of course to Subaru's such inquiry,

"You can't possibly not treat such beautiful shiny children as women. What are you wondering?

"Something just made me feel bad about being able to understand you! Can you go ahead because we can't talk about it!?

"Just kidding, graceful mind. - So, In and Ness. Please."

He shrugged his shoulder as Julius was distracted by Subaru's cry, then two lights stopping at his fingertips - a voice in the white and black glow, the Spirit began to strengthen the light with ease,

"It's In and Ness, the quasi-spirit who directs Yin and Yang. When we reconcile the interplay of phylogenetic magic with interference with the two manas, we can do something like this that is supposed to be difficult"

"When did this happen..."

"The willingness to communicate without words - that is, the high magic 'nect' of communication of wills"

Wink at one eye and dye up a group of light rushing through.

And behind Subaru's brain swallowed in the light, it began to reach the fuselage -,

"I'm hungry -. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Rigger's hair is not warm, Nemo, but he'll be pissed off. Tibby, as soon as I get angry, I'll give you a snack. Nah, it's terrible, Mimi's a lady, but, boo, boo, boo. I want to tap Ringa - '


Distances that could not have reached and waves of thought in the mind poured into Subaru with tremendous momentum. It was a wave of minds that I never had to think about who it belonged to, but pushing it over as a wave tao. That doesn't end with just one thing. Yes, sir.

"It's roughly two hours to Mazer territory, and then it's going to be a battle with witchcraft. Will the visit of Theresia's tomb take place when he returns to the King's capital?" "Akan, the wounds are getting worse. I may not cry, but if I can't stand it, I might have to be serious." "I look at your sister when she's hungry. I should spoil it, but I feel troublesome if I don't spoil it. I have to struggle like this because I don't have a brother." "I don't know what to do because I'm ordering you to, but I'm worried about Master Kursch. I wonder if you will return safely to the King's Capital. You could have defeated the white whale, and now it's like choosing a king and stabilising on Master Krush's own? Uh, I went home early and got compliments." "Chikuwa Daimyo."

"Who is it now -!?"

"It's you. And let's just diminish empathy a little bit. Maybe you're a little weak on mana. [M] It's too effective, because it's a problem."

Seeing Svalbard, where vast amounts of information are going to pour in and flake at once, Julius directs the opposing Spirit to weaken its momentum.

Once again, Subaru looks back at Julius, confirming that the situation has somewhat subsided in which the superficial thought of others flows in, allowing him apparently to make round-trip choices of information,

"So, I mean, this nect is magic... why don't you stop"

"It's a great magic for an ops conference. The effect is not so long as to be widespread. Additionally, there has to be some trust between us to share consciousness to some extent in this way. Whether you're forgiving your mind or not, it's also going to be a test stone to measure it. It's hard to apply to combat."

"Really? You know, if you could hear your heart, if you could use it in the middle of a fight, you'd look super strong, right?

Even in comics and cartoons, it is no longer a promise that the mind reader is the corner of a strong character.

but Julius shook her neck sideways when she smiled thinly at Subaru's such cheap thought,

"I thought you said it was empathy. If you are too weak, you will not receive your thoughts as you do now, and vice versa, if you are too strong..."

"What if?

"I don't know my borders with others anymore. Don't you think it's a somewhat frightening imagination to be slashed to death by yourself?

"Ugh... is that what it is"

Besides thoughts, it seems dangerous to sidestep into the thoughts of others.

On the other hand of convenience, Subaru gets smaller for having such difficulties, but Julius goes on to say "But…" to Subaru like that,

"It's unusual for Inn and Ness to misidentify Nect's magic. A little bit, Subaru, maybe you have a lot of affinity with the Spirit."

"Is affinity with the Spirit compatible?

"That's what happens. All this has great qualities to be born with. Whether or not you can be a spiritual magician lies, for one thing, in being close enough to make a covenant with the Spirit. Haven't you ever noticed anything like that?

"And I don't care what they say."

I can't put my arms together because I'm holding the reins, and I lean my neck tightly and think about it. but the very existence of the Spirit is not recognized in the original world in which Subaru has lived in the first place. I haven't had a chance since I came here, to ear the Great Spirit rushing me to a critical situation, or my experience in contact with the Spirit in the first place.

"Emilia Tan talked to the spirits in the mansion's garden every morning. It's the mountain of Sekiyama I've been watching. Other spirits only have conversation experience with the pack... no, my experience is too low...!

"If you don't benefit from the opportunity, is that even the case? Then maybe I can beg Emilia to teach me after this. I think it's possible."

Subaru wrinkles between his eyebrows at Julius' words that loosen his lips.

Julius didn't break his graceful temperament saying "I don't know," and Subaru, responding "no," distracted himself from him,

"No, I'm cooperative. I wonder what's going on. I thought you had other intentions."

"Spiritualists are purely small in number. It's valuable just to have someone to share the topic with. So don't bother reaching out, I will."

"If you're ready to use it right now, I'm thinking, even on those occasions. Thank you for your generosity."

to the possibilities offered in unexpected ways, but Subaru lags behind in his thoughts. Swords and magic have denied us any talent. Sometimes I couldn't count on my talent as a spiritual artist, but now I'm just purely wasting that time.

"In the meantime, that was a nect earlier...... or that, please. With salted plums that are weak and remain telepathically convenient. I'm sorry people's minds are pouring in anymore."

"The wavelength was roughly grabbed by earlier. There's nothing wrong with that. - Nect."

Julius puts his finger on his lips, and the pair of spirits that dwell there shine out.

Shortly after the chant he seemed disturbed, a pale light pushed around him, as earlier,

"Oh, uh, what's it like, all of you, do you hear me?

Fear, Subaru conveys the voice of the heart. As it arrives, I sent it in mindfully, though a pathetic middle-and-second patient with a head who believes that if magic is incorrectly underdeveloped, there is just a mind reader.

"I hear you, Lord Subaru."

"Don't worry, don't hear me."

"Mm-hmm! I know. - I don't know what you're trying to read about Mimi! I've been around the sardines."

Approximately, Subaru returned the reply as expected. Only slightly one person was supposed to be like a cute middle two patient with a head, but ignored it raw and warm,

"With Julius' magic, I mean, reading stories. That's the situation. I just want to add a few things to the story, so just listen to me. Questions and more will be accepted from time to time '

I am relieved that the willingness to consent has been conveyed by all, and Subaru begins to speak of an earlier draft. Amateur thought, a maneuver full of holes, but if we all think about it, it would be in a better shape.

Do not stop thinking and acting to explore solutions and get the best.

Of Subaru, who can't shake his sword, can't use magic, and can't do anything, because that's how he fights.

'So that's the first change, but I want some people to go into the village first. So I want you to rendezvous with the insurance I asked for. "

"Insurance, is it"

It reaches the mind directly. It is difficult to distinguish between them in voice color, but instead you can discern them with waves of emotion that are transmitted. nature, of a calm shade. It is conveyed to Subaru that it belongs to Wilhelm, and yet he responds by pulling his jaw against the voice of his heart,

"Whoa, I snorted by accident. Here's the Japanese part bowing over the phone......!

"Brother, it's weird to be touched, but the proper effective use of magic. No. If Julius Boy gets angry, be afraid."

'We don't have the same amount of angry narrowness. Though I have to underestimate it in terms of the part where it is purely a waste of limited time'

"Damn, I'll do it right! I was just about to do it! Insurance! We're talking insurance!

Ricard and Julius' shuddering convey, Subaru tastes the strange sensation behind him with his heart before slowly speaking out the outline of the operation.

"Before the departure of the Wang capital, Anastasia and Mr. Russell asked me to touch him like this. - On the way down the street, Sir Mazers wants to hire the pedestrians who are aiming for the Wang Capital. I want you to lend me a leg because I'll buy the load at a price. '

"-! Subaru, it's"

'It will be a painful expense... but it cannot replace the lives of the inhabitants. As a lord, you take it for granted, don't you? Especially that bastard, because he's absent, and it doesn't help in a critical situation.'

It's a matter that can be solved with gold, and if that's not my money, then there's no reason to hesitate. But Subaru's operation seemed to fit well.

In fact, a small number of pedestrians had gathered in the last village to prepare dragon cars and ground dragons side by side at the end of the village.

- Emilia and the villagers, prepare to evacuate in unison with their figure.

"In the form of the Parent Book…, at first, I am letting the Messenger, who asked me to leave from the Wang capital, hold the letter. Witchcraft may be attacking us, and they want us to take refuge in the dragon cars of the pedestrians. I don't know if there's a handwriting appraisal or a small, difficult decision here, but I think Emilia Tan would make a good decision. '

Exactly, I think there should be confusion at first.

In fact, I also understand that Subaru has just arrived safely and that its contents are not so swallowable. So I think the problem lies more elsewhere.


"He said we should let him go not only to the pedestrians but also to those who know exactly what the situation is in order to get a quick decision on the contents of the letter"

"It swallows fast and helps. In fact, it is almost certain that the villagers and the pedestrians will be able to do so. I want to ease there and evacuate it quickly. To tell you the truth, I know it's the quickest way to get there. '

If Subaru is familiar with the face and wins the trust of the villagers quite a bit, it is only with heavy acceptance that the persuasion does not require so much time.

There is no fighting power, going to the village as a messenger and convincing the Emilias in the mansion is definitely the best way for Subaru to go. No, but that's not good.

If Subaru turns that way, the witchcraft opponents will inevitably leave it with the remaining protagonists. I don't even think about them losing or anything to fight just witches, but only Petergius has a different problem. To oppose him from the front,

"You don't have to have me to deal with the Bishop of the Great Crimes. As it stands... you can't beat him without me and Mr. Wilhelm '

'- Would you mind if I asked you the rationale? I'm not complacent, but I'm not going to be Mr. Wilhelm's foot wrapper either. Not to mention letting you go to the main battlefield.'

It was Julius who brought an immediate objection to Subaru's words.

Subaru understands the meaning of his complacency and his corroboration. Indeed, in terms of simple skill, Petergius' opponent would also serve Julius. But you can't do that.

Because to confront that lunatic, skill, aspiration, etc. is not an issue.

"I don't know what trick the Bishop of the Great Crimes is, but he uses a strange technique. It's like losing the sanity of the person you ate and making it impossible to fight. I call mental contamination, but it's just me and Mr. Wilhelm who can stand it. '

'When it comes to mental contamination... it's like a fog from a white whale?

A voice comes from Ferris, and Subaru sends the idea of consent to it.

On top of that, he turned around with his mouth shut to Julius walking side by side,

'Cause you lose your sanity. That's what the white whales have been using. I have eyes for those who didn't lose their sanity in that fight... but I don't know what your resistance is to the white whale.'

"If you lose your sanity on the spot, I will be the shackle of your battle... you know what?"

Julius meditating sparingly, but I guess I can't think of a logical rebuttal.

His painful inability to join the battle against the white whale was painfully apparent, as bitter expressions and strong feelings of remorse were transmitted directly now.

any more direct contact with that emotion, Subaru looked away as he was going to have trouble,

'That's why Mr. Wilhelm. With me, you fight the devil. "

'We are now Lord Subaru's sword. You grip, I slash. - Let's not ask that path how prepared we are.'

"What the fuck is that, too sinister to get wet"

"Where? What is it?

Your sister will be quiet.

I've been decided to look as good as I want to be held, and my sister and brother are doing comic talent with trembling Subaru in the margins.

As an operational meeting, I must say it is an even careless flow, but this can also be described as our own flavour now. In the first place, it's not acting as an army, it's just a bunch of rogues with the same purpose.

It's who I am when I'm apathetic, helpless, ordinary, and the lowest personable person to take the lead and pull it off, so that's what I'm gonna do.

That's why Subaru doesn't get lost, and he doesn't feel more than he needs to.

Let's keep where we can, do what we have to do, and do something about it all.

'Then do me a favor. - Rely on me and let me hold you.'

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