Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter III: 69: Daily Shards

- The village was surrounded by a different atmosphere.

On his knees, led by Julius, who droops his head, the face of the Witchcraft Crusader can be seen in the centre of the village. All of them, the degree of injury doesn't seem terrible, and you can think of the surprise attack on witchcraft as a success in itself.

After that, it should have been the course of the meeting for each team to enter the village and provide evacuation guidance.

"What the hell is going on with this?

Unable to grasp the situation, Subaru frowns and asks for an answer to the sight in front of him.

Julius and other crusaders in the centre of the village stand behind them, a group of pedestrians who seem to have just arrived. Just like last time, familiar faces lacking ottoes line their necks, but the colors of anxiety and confusion are dark on their sides.

It is the villagers who stand opposite those factions, and this is all the faces they have seen for Subaru. The kids are apparently hidden indoors, and it's a bunch of adults, starting with youth groups, who are poking their faces at the knights.

And at the head of their villagers, Julius and I meet head-on at the

"- Ram!"

Adorable girl with short cut of peach hair and a poor apron dress. Yet the expression is flashy and very different from that of my sister where I am arming myself with dignity.

The disagreement was felt by Subaru once again, just because she had the same face as her, who was responsible for a large part of the support of her heart.

"Subaru, are you here?"

"... Balth, I'm back"

The heads of the population simultaneously react to that subaru call.

Julius just floated the light when he saw the light on his expression, and Lamb gave rise to a wrinkle that seemed unpleasant with an emotionally invisible expression.

Subaru rushes down from Patrash's back to you, feeling complicated by Julius' welcome mood and bitterly grinned by Lamb's unfriendly demeanor.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, I don't see the situation, but just calm down. Here's one thing, why don't you leave me with the problem?

"To Balth? All I can say is that it's right... but which side did you come back down to in the first place?

"I'm glad your sharpness is alive and well. Don't think it's gonna recess like that."

Even though he sees Subaru with white eyes as he flushes, Ram faintly surprises his eyes when he sees Subaru flush his poisonous tongue. Feeling something creepy about it, Subaru turned to Julius "anyway,"

"I'd like to hear what happened... but before I do, I'll make sure. You can assume the ambush worked, can't you?

"Your launch signal won't delay, will it? This one was out of the hole, so I couldn't do it without waving my sword."

"There's been damage over here. That's good. Well done to us too. Mr. Wilhelm is the Bishop of the Great Crimes."

As I point my finger, Wilhelm raises his hand, forming just a short distance from the hustle and bustle. Beneath it rests a wrapped petergius, and Wilhelm's one hand is always on the pattern so that he can hit it instantly, if anything.

Seeing it, Julius spilled a soothing exhale saying, "That's right,"

"Approximately, the previous phase of the operation should be called success. But there was a problem."

"Like, right. I don't know what you mean..."

That's where my gaze pierces the back of my head where I whisper and secretly interact. Turning to its source, it hits a ram that is about to arm up and burn Subaru with his eyes.

exhaled, Subaru shrugged his shoulders, saying, oh man,

"I haven't seen you again in days, but don't worry about it. I'm not even gonna tell you to welcome me with a hug, but you can expect as much as a warm word, right?

"As warm blood floats, do you want a sharp curse of cleavage? I can't go along with Balth's cruelty. This group, what are you gonna do?

"Whatever you mean and shit, you wrote hard, didn't you? The merchants must have arrived from Wangdu."

Subaru, that's the problem.

Subaru leaning his neck in the pursuit of the ram. Julius reaches out from behind and touches this shoulder to present the problem. but subaru can't swallow that meaning.

"Letters… Parent books. Yeah, the messenger did bring a letter. Parent book."

Low, in a quiet voice, Lamb puts his hand inside the service clothes.

Subaru sounded familiar with the lack of discouragement in his voice and blinked him as to what was going on. It is a foretaste of Ram when he is feeling embarrassed and angry,

"A parent book handed to me with a lofty messenger - that it's a blank parent book is a lot of an interesting hobby. Can I ask you what this means, Balls?

The letter, which was offered to stick out, is spread out in front of Subaru.

For a moment, in a blurred vision out of focus, Subaru took a step back to surprise. A letter in Ram's hands - the fact that the contents of the parent book are any blank paper.

"Blank paper!? Why!? You can't be... Because!

"If you ask me for serious rewards and open it, this is it. Besides, the village is only slightly infested by inept people, even armed groups at the end of the sentence. Now it's better not to be alarmed."

He said, "No! These people are Mr. Krush, this man, and Anastasia's mercenary regiment… No, what's in this letter in the first place?"

"Suba-ru, ki-yun"

Take the letter out of Ram's hand to take it away, and look at it as if it eats in with nothing written. Then I try to spew out the excused words with confusion, but that was inhibited by the fingertips that have stretched from behind me on the pretend.

Turning to the ear-catching pain, it was Ferris who put a cat-like smile up close. He bounced the tip of Subaru's nose with the finger of the opposite hand, picking his ear,


"Calm down, take a deep breath, and we'll sort this out. Don and I don't have to rush it, but it's going around pretty well. Hey?"

"Even if they tell me to calm down, this is so calm..."

"Shall I put my tongue in and kiss you and force you to calm down?

"Calm down! I've got a lot of blood on my hands right now! Cool Down!"

Subaru leaves the scene with his spine stretched tightly before his pranky eyes get any closer. Distance yourself in the triple accelerator position and again drop your gaze on the letter in your hand.

That looked like the same letter I wrote with Rem to make Anastasia hold it to the messenger I asked her to at the Krush mansion before the King's departure. Yeah, yeah.

Although the contents seem to have completely fallen out rather than been replaced.

"So, the result of the failure to communicate prior information is this noise? Well, Julius was named for a big voice earlier..."

"I was out of my mind and almost collided. I had no choice but to give it a name and try to put it away. Your appearance also worried me."

stroking purple hair, "But," Julius said, spilling a worrying exhale,

"Now everyone knows I'm Julius the Kingsguard."

"I'm telling you, I know your face and your name, because we all knew you, didn't we? - Well, thanks for stopping me from being on the verge of a riot."

"What, it's a knight's job?"

Julius laughs, not disgusts, at Subaru's gratitude for turning away. Subaru coughed and looked at the ram again, remembering what had been done to that attitude.

I've already had my hips broken over and over again, and the sharpness of the rum's gaze is about two flavors more sharp than it was at first. It's time to whisper a hunch that you're going to be physically cut somewhere.

"What kind of mistake is it that the parent book was blank? There are two main things to do. That witchcraft was lurking for the mansion, and then they got the pedestrians to help them evacuate and prepare dragon cars. I want you to get on it and run away with the villagers to safety."

"Are you going to say these noisy outfits, even with the pedestrians?

"Oh...... no, these people"

Subaru responds to a lot of rams that do not break his sinister posture. but it wasn't Subaru who issued the answer to the last query,

"We are now bound between His Excellency the Duke of Krush Karsten and Emilia, a reinforcement that preceded the Alliance"

Step forward, a chestnut-haired figure on her knees. Sincerely, there is no place for that behavior, and many of the brilliant work is a sure sign of education.

It is the knight in women's clothing with the cat's ears on his head who utters his mouth in a sophisticated manner, unimaginable from the usual blurry, farcical noticeable attitude.

Ferris looked up at the ram standing upright, in a quiet voice,

"My name is Felix Argyle. Make it one of the knights of the Duke of Krush Karsten and it is a name for the Alliance. I will not limit myself to words of apology, such as inadequacies in communication… I would like you to give priority to Lord Subaru's story now."

"… Alliance"

To Ferris, who pierces his polite attitude, Ram sees Subaru when he groans so small. When she touched her thin lips and wrinkled between her brows in difficulty,

"The role left in the King's capital has apparently been fulfilled."

"I don't think you'd have to do this trick if you'd just put it in an easy word to understand what you're expecting from me, too"

Not proud of the results he brings home, but Subaru places that order as an honest feeling. Roswar's secret directive is too difficult to understand. He died three times and got a lot of tips from Lem, so he finally grabbed the thread. It is also a good place to kill for the first time.

"Therefore, the role that remained primarily in the King's Capital has been fulfilled. And then I want to fulfill my purpose of coming back and celebrate tomorrow in full swing. I'd like to rush the evacuation..."

"... I also noticed Ram was lurking in the woods with strange signs. Though I couldn't help but be creepy because it doesn't directly affect Chiriko's eyes. Yes, witchcraft."

Thousands of eyes in the ram are like those that are in tune with the sight of a being that matches the wavelength, and then travel to another sight one after the other. If her words were certain, it seems that not a single witch could find a match for that wavelength. Whether you should be happy or mourn, though the pros and cons are the subtleties.

"For the most part, 80% of them have been destroyed. Enemy commanders are also caught over here."

That's how Subaru reports to the grumpy rum on his achievements as they stand. and the Ram who heard it blinked his eyes as surprised for the first time on this occasion,

"It's almost devastating."

"I think it's right that if I saw one of these guys, there would be thirty of them. You won't feel safe until you hunt it all out. Why, evacuation is imperative in order to be complete"

"Cage Castle at the Mansion, is that a lower policy?

"I'll take it for granted that the fire won't release, those guys. If you don't want a mansion full of our memories burned, you'd better get away with it."

Even if I bring up the story, I look blatantly disgusted by the rum. Apparently it reacted around 'burning', but maybe it's also a bad memory of the fire. Huh, something Lem was saying plundered the back of his brain, but it didn't get to me by the time I remembered.


"The villagers and the three of the mansion, we secured enough personnel to let them ride and be okay. Roswell's not here, is he?

"Yep. Master Roswar is now in the sanctuary...... because he's heading out to Garfield's. Lamb is hereby ordered to await Emilia's decision."

"Emilia Tan..."

Turning his gaze to Ram's answer, Subaru searches for the silver girl. but apparently it hasn't come down to the village yet, and I don't see that around.

to its Subaru tricks. Lamb leaked a small exhalation,

"Master Emilia would be off at the mansion. - It's a little too much to indulge."

"Can you?"

"To Balth, too, we'll soon find out."

I twist my neck to Ram's words that I don't get the guidelines for, but she doesn't try to go on with the words any further. Subaru decides that the attitude doesn't reveal itself, and he claps his hand and draws attention, trying to put it together and put it in the dragon car anyway, even if it's just the face of the occasion.

"Yes, attention! Good morning, everyone, long time no see! My name is Natsuki Subaru! Just... a week. I hate to think I was forgotten there, but I'm back!

When I call out loud, the villagers who were watching this one until then on a faraway roll start to peek me in the face continuously. When the surprised expression captures Subaru, it begins to create some unnerving faces by perceiving the appearance of the person it sees.

In the signs that the severity of his gaze would thus ease, Subaru circled on the spot with his hands up so that he could see everyone,

"So, I'm sorry about earlier, but I need you to do me a favor. It's a simple story. That's a little picnic. I rented a dragon car and reserved everyone's seats. The chair is stiff but not so shaky. It comes with special specification protection. Get in there and make a group of friends. Half a day, maybe a day, and it would be great if you went out and played with it."

Subaru decides his old wounds by telling himself stories like "Yes, group with whomever he likes." If the flow began, it was immediately thrown into the extra group, and yet it was the sociability of a person named Subaru who floated there.

Beside remembering such depressing stories of the past, the villagers look at the call of Subaru today,

"Why do you have to run away like that?

Best of all, it's the pruning guy who's been asking questions like that. The man, the epitome of the youth group, looked at Subaru with a firm touch of the sword pattern in his hand.

"I'm telling you not to get bright and dark, but that means running away, right? Abandon the village... why should I do that?"

"This is my vegetable, so I don't need to be exaggerated about abandoning the village or anything, even if they're looking for me like that? Really, if you just give me half a day..."

"- Witchcraft, what is it?

When the pounding, and the pruning youth spilled so, the upset deliberately ran all over the village.

That's the same for the villagers as well as a bunch of pedestrians who watched how the outcome of the discussion leaned. When they are all together and engrave urgency in their expressions, they tremble their lips,

"I knew it was witchcraft"

"Terror or... why such noisy people"

"It's settled. That's settled. Shit, lords do that too..."

"How could you give me half a demon... a half an elf..."

"Hey, wait."

Subaru turns his hand to the words of the villagers who secretly, but certainly tremble the atmosphere.

Feeling thirsty and tense in the back of his throat, Subaru moves on to those who hear his current voice. and face one of the skinny young men,

"Oh, my God."

"You didn't say anything wrong, did you? In fact, they're coming..."

"I am now! That's what I heard you say!

A keen-eyed Subaru yells at me with a sword screen that seems to grab me.

As soon as he was struck with anger, he pitifully swims his eyes and turns his neck around to ask for help, but everyone turns down and doesn't respond to him.

abandoned to a thin surrounding, he stared back at Subaru as he had given up,

"is that when you get involved in a half elf, the witchcraft guys make a scene. That's common sense. It's a story that even kids know. But the lord said he recommended a half-elf with silver hair to the king..."

"What does that have to do with what I just said?"

"So! You know what I mean!? The fact that the Lords support the Half Elves to a large extent means that they inspire witchcraft! In fact, you have it too, so here's the thing... then!

"- Don't be ridiculous if you don't have a kid like that from the start, okay?

A young man who leaves it to momentum to say what he must not say. But the Subaru words I read ahead are quicker.

Pushing the chest of a breathtaking young man with his palms, Subaru looks around. Seeing, everyone had a fright similar to him in their eyes, and Subaru exhaled deliberately and loudly,

"Where are they trying to put the village in danger?"


"She's a witch. Why, she was so terrified. Where and when?"


"Isn't that how you all see each other differently? Well, I know it's easier to get upset with someone you don't know how to handle, and I can't say it's great because I'm that mouth, too."

Everyone, grievances flow from top to bottom.

Everyone decides that the person who disobeys or bumps his pussy should be weak if he is weak. That was best understood by Subaru, the representative of the weak.

Still, even though I know Subaru is solitary, this is what I want to think.

"I feel like I suck. So I want to think that everyone but me has something better than me. I know it's kid selfishness, but please. - Don't make me think you didn't have this hard time."

Subaru wants to help Emilia, Lamb, and Beatrice in the Mansion. As much as that, Subaru wanted to help the people in this village who spent their days. Because the time we spent together, even for a short time, was about to like Subaru the people of the village who treated us warmly. So I hope you don't betray your impressions like that.

Subaru bows his head to such a selfish wish.

"I don't care about Roswar or anything like that now. Emi in the Mansion...... put something behind me on the half-elf kid or something like that. It's not safe to be in this village right now. So I want you to evacuate. I've been preparing for that."

A deep-rooted sense of discrimination against half an elf was also felt from the attitude of the earlier youth.

Subaru also knew only the upper side. It is reminded that it was really just the upper side knowledge now that the people he knew were pointing it at the close opponent.

Has Emilia been subjected to such contempt for so long?

As Subaru lowered his head, someone lined up next to him on the fence.

The gorgeous uniform of the Kingsguard knight is also a vibrant Julius. He lined up magnificently next to Subaru, breaking his hips firmly on his ever-taller length,

"Please, I want you to listen to me. Your safety is assured by oath of pride of dragons and knights. Now listen to his words."


There are a lot of words that go through the back of my brain, like an extra favor, or a dialogue spin that seems to have distracted me as always, but it was a thank you to Julius that buried me purely in Subaru's chest.

On the sturdy side, it was only silly that he held those sentiments, and Subaru kept his head down, distracting himself from Julius, who stood next to him,

"Thank you, I won't tell you."

"Phew. - I wanted to hear that word"

After all, I thought this man was a nasty guy.

"I don't think it's been a long time since Balth and I walked through the mansion like this either. It's only supposed to be a week or so away."

"I totally agree. There's probably quite a difference between what's in the emotion."


"Yes, sir."

My nostalgic home - Subaru was having such a chat with Ram as he walked alongside the hallway of the Roswar Mansion.

In retrospect, I was able to reach the Roswar mansion in repeated days, twice to get to a stroll inside. For the first time, in a mansion where there are already no signs of survivors at all,

- The ram.

"Did you call?

"No, I just remembered rumming. You can keep the ram in its current shape."

"I don't know about Balth, but it's been a long time since I was angry."

Later, with a clear face, Ram listens to Subaru's light mouth.

That's how she walks forward in her service - in the world at first sight, Subaru discovers her remains on the bed. The only thing that wasn't dirty about the way you died was that I feel like it was a salvation to Subaru then.

In the second world the mansion collapses due to the sudden growth of the pack, and in the third world - just to think back - the sight of the spine about to freeze is recalled.

"Balls, we're coming through."

"And bad bad bad...... here is"

Without realizing the ram that stopped because of his thoughts, Svalbard looks at the door, returning for too long. guide to the ram, where it is one of the rooms of the

"Emilia, isn't this your room?

"Now there are only three of us in the mansion, Lamb, Emilia and Beatrice, so we are gathered in the central wing. Especially since you were tired last night."

Looking back at the story heard by Ram, Subaru leans slightly thinking of Emilia's hard work.

After returning to the Mansion, Ram roughly asked me what Emilia had been doing. After returning from Roswar and the King's Capital and leaving as his figures circled beneath the powerful, she seemed spared no time to encourage her studies while she slept.

"He was immersed as if he had been stuck. It's like I'm trying to forget something I don't like in the king's capital."

"Ugh... ugh"

"It's like I'm trying to forget about the man, even when he hates me in the king's capital."

"Don't put a weird word in between! Denial... and I can't run out..."

Ram sighs at Subaru, who becomes a butt blush. Then she shook her head in a frightened manner, showing the door of the room with her hands.

"You must have been more tired since Lamb noticed a forest anomaly with a thousand eyes and reported it. If you look at the attitude of the inhabitants of the village earlier, you know what I mean?

"I can imagine it blurry, but I don't really want to put it into words. - Refuse."

"Reject? Balls has a much sweeter imagination."

He mocks Subaru's words like laughing with his nose, and Ram immediately erases his expression from it. Put a beat on the silent Subaru, she's in a tired tone,

"- Denial, huh. If you're going to be rejected, you can still reach out. Being paid the hand you stretched means being touched. But how about denial?"


"I wonder how you can narrow it down if you even hate touching it."

Subaru can't give back his answers breathlessly to rum things like he tries.

Neither did Ram expect such Subaru to be able to return the answer. I'm not disappointed, I'm exhaling. I'm out of time, and I'm like, "I said mean,"

"Realizing that there were disturbing signs in the woods, Lady Emilia went down to the village to evacuate the village people to the mansion. And denied. As soon as you're denied it, you know Balls isn't a good person."

"But I also know you're not a girl who's treated so badly that you don't even have an island to hang on to."

Without overwhelming his frustration, he mounted his tongue, and Subaru stared at the hallway window and narrowed his eyes to the far-sighted view of the village beyond.

I'm not talking about them being special, narrow-minded, or thin.

This is the common reaction, and the natural treatment Emilia has continued to receive. Is it so arrogant to wish that you would at least change that?

"Then you can't help but be angry at the irrationality of the world. This emotion of mine is also called arrogance."

Abandoned, Subaru turned to the door to shake it off, once he closed his eyes.

I strive to wipe away negative emotions from my raised face and at least just forget about this moment. Respect that Subaru thought, or Ram made no mention of it, either.

"Dear Emilia, are you awake?

The sound of a small, hard knock twice, the morning air echoes through the cold corridor.

seconds from the Ram call and the knock, between the

"- Ram? Yeah, I'm up."

and the sound of a silver bell so beautiful that I could hear it hit Subaru's ear lightly.

To the sobriety of the calm, noble and temperamental voice, Subaru temporarily forgets the feelings of anxiety that had been in his chest until then.

There was no such agony in meeting her and talking about what, or what words to line up, but only at that moment was it all blown up.

To hear this voice, to meet her, because she came back.

"Excuse me, Master Emilia. - Balus is back."

Pushing open the door and bowing respectfully, Ram reports tentatively on the return of his squire to the Lord for the first time.

lead, as follows the small body that puts itself inside, Subaru halves inside with a treacherous foothold that also forgets to breathe,

"Uh, Subaru -?"


I wasn't prepared, but at least the reunion wanted to welcome me with a smile, so Subaru put up his hands lightly with the calmer smile possible, and focused on Emilia, who looked back here -.

- The white skin on the way to change is dazzling, Emilia's back burned in its eyes.

- Oh, excuse me.

Later, in front of two stiff people, the ram tongues out tightly and gently on his head.

but there is no room for penetration into that tehepero in both, except for the ram.

Staring at each other without a voice, Subaru's gaze seemed to lick Emilia's face, her exposed back, her snuggly long stretching supple feet through to her barefoot fingertips,

The moment the undernose of the smile that I had prepared stretched,

"To my pre-dowry daughter, for chrissake..."

A gray kitten descended in front of the lid, releasing magical power on the burning surface of the stiff Subaru - without the art of exchange, Subaru's body blows into the hallway. A ram rushed after it jumped into the hallway, on the verge of Subaru crashing into the window,

"If the window breaks, it's important"


One hair at a time, a window opened on the brink of the collision, and Subaru's body went outside with momentum. Although fortunately the fall death was spared because it was on the ground floor, it finally stops after slipping, rolling and sticking inside the flowerbed on the grass left over from the morning dew.

Taste of soil in your mouth, mud walls full of fertilizer in front of you. Shiitaro was bloodstained. Sand and dust were overwritten on top, and it was born to be ill-eyed.

"Pack, too much...... oh, already, Subaru, it's okay!?

Beyond the window of the mansion, far and far away, I hear the rushing voice of my dear girl, and Subaru bursts out somehow small.

Even though I hadn't cleaned up anything yet, and everything wasn't over, I felt the shards of my days that I wanted to spend again were glittering.

Subaru kept laughing tiny and small and creepy until the ram that picked him up tried to see even the creepy ones and reached out.

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