Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter III.72: Ununderstanding and Understanding

- Think about it, it was the first time I had experienced metastases without being back and forth unconscious.

The discomfort of a stepped foot getting to a different place than it should be. A heterogeneity that tastes the atmosphere you are supposed to feel on your skin as something completely different. Ignore gravity, ignore inertia and consequently foreign feeling due to the discord of the visiting gut.

The discomfort of putting them together and putting them together without.

That was what I felt the moment Subaru jumped out of the forbidden library, pushed by Beatrice, back from losing consciousness.

"- I knew you'd do something that didn't even clap, but how could you be so mildly broken in my common sense? Don't make it harder to stay calm."

"I'll show you the next opportunity at the New Year's Eve festival. Me and... Drill, Lori, it's my daughter's merger move. This is a good place in the village, right?

"It should be. By the way, if my guess is correct, I thought you were probably in a livestock shed or something."

Pointing underfoot, Julius only looks somewhat sorry for the look on his face. After being followed by a finger, Subaru realized he was stepping on tons of bird manure,

"From the toilet, transfer to the shitty paint of the hen hut... in that instant, you harass me"

Spilling grievances hard, Subaru slowly went outside the livestock shed waving his lifted legs. The hen-style birds that remained inside were beginning to peck at the bait as if relieved when they saw Subaru, a sudden intruder, leave.

Side by side, Subaru turns his neck around and checks his surroundings. If you look at it, it's definitely a landscape of a village that was just stretched out,

"Is that a little bit of metastatic magic? Because you had a very rare experience. [M] The magic of connecting separated spaces to spaces is no longer close to the lost dimension among the magic of the yin system. There must be less than five fingers to deal with."

"That's lucky...... I'm not talking about this. What can I do for that stupid girl......!

Subaru's eyes, looking back towards the mansion, run bloody with anger, responding lightly to the admiring Julius. Passing the back of my brain is the girl with the cream-colored hair rolled vertically, the person who just broke this story off and went into unsolicited behavior.

At the break up, the pitiful look she showed burned to the lid and couldn't leave.

"Face it, what can't you go? You're kidding. If I do, I'll be forced to pull it out..."

"I guess we should stop doing that."

The long idle voice that reached the sieve silenced Subaru, turning his sleeves and turning his shoulders to motivate him. "Ugh," he growls his throat, and Subaru stops moving in his familiar voice.

Slowly, Subaru looked back in such an unnatural motion that his neck was about to beep - in front of him, he noticed the presence of a gray-haired cat floating through space towards this way.

At the same time, Julius also noticed its presence, and when he corrected his spine he carefully folded his hips,

"We're out of time, Great Spirit"

"He said he didn't need to be so awed. My character as a Spirit is like a decoration, and I'm not going to give you any favors other than Leah. Yes, the cereal crushing of the Spirit Realm is exactly what I am..."

"I wondered if there was any need for a reason to worship a being with great power. If I may add further, I am also a spiritual magician. There's no reason to disrespect you, including the quasi-spirits in the covenant."

"That's graceful, I guess."

Puck listens to Julius' stupid polite mouth as he reaches his beard with his hand. Subaru looks up at him with a cold sweat on his back.

He was complaining of a faster heartbeat and a feeling of paralysis in his hands and feet. I don't see Emilia around the pack. I'm on my own. That was terrible and distracted me.

"I'd be in trouble too if I could stare at you with that much heat gaze, Subaru. I know you're so cute I haven't seen you in a while."

"... as a moflist, I'm afraid I won't be able to deny it, dammit"

Without worrying about Subaru's mood or anything like that, I will say that the pack overlooking this one played. shrugged shoulders in the form of riding its light mouth, Subaru resists stiffness due to mental heavy pressure. However, jiggy beats remain fast.

If you name this emotion, Subaru thinks it's still 'fear'.

With a swallowing face in front of him, Subaru now has an unbridled fear of a kitten who speaks of shaking her long tail and stumping it.

If its existence exerts its true power, it will be so easily kicked away that it is no different from blowing dust such as Subaru. Subaru has already repeated that three times.

Don't be nervous, don't be frightened, it was a harsher story.

"So, what did you mean earlier?

"Just now?

"Don't forget what you said immediately.... You stopped trying to pick up Bear."

Subaru listens back with his complicated mood hidden, even though he is frustrated by a pack that seems to have seriously forgotten what he said. Then the pack slapped his hands gently, "Oh,"

"You're right. If you're trying to get Betty out, you should stop. You met and talked, and that kept you away, didn't it? Then that's her answer."

"It's dangerous to stay in the mansion. There's a good chance the witches will break out. Not if you can't find it or say something so long..."

"I don't think we can break through Betty's door, and assuming it's broken, that's the only way. That's the answer to that girl."

Subaru unwittingly opens his eyes to the words he can throw at him and holds his breath.

I tried to ask back if it was a joke or something, but the kitten in front of me still doesn't break that look or attitude. Seriously, to that attitude I just think,

"Whatever it is, isn't that too cold? He only admires you, but you..."

"Even I think of that girl like a sister. But that family love and the way you choose your destiny is another story altogether. I don't care if we're together."

"You...... Huh!

Subaru unwittingly steps forward furiously to the broken answer to the grim. I couldn't believe Puck would take such an attitude and stretched out his arm to try to grab it with the intention of making it correct. but

"Subaru, don't do any more."

"What, you're not stopping me either... that I'm wrong...!

"I haven't figured out what's going on, but I haven't. It's a wasted effort to make the Great Spirit change his mind. Values are different between us and those people. It cannot be compatible."

Arm the Subaru trying to come forward, and Julius lets him shake his neck to the side. As proof of that his words, the look of the pack overlooking the exasperating Subaru is tattooed and clueless. As if I don't feel anything in my current exchange.

"What's wrong?

Blinking his black-eyed tenuous eyes, Puck leans that adorable face small and exudes an inquiry.

But it only seemed extraordinary to Subaru today that its voice, expression, attitude and modus operandi remained the same as that of everyday life.

Subaru's relationship with Pack still goes into the longer if counted from the time of the interracial summons. There are many words I have interacted with him that I encounter at the same time with Emilia, and I am quite fond of being the person I have to be, and I intend to have been close to him so far.

But I have no idea what's inside of him that I should have thought was such a thoughtful pattern to Subaru right now.

Unlike the way he looks, he's humane, and he should be able to laugh at each other and shake his voice in anger, let alone grieve at someone's thoughtlessness.

"If Emilia hears, she'll be pissed off."

"- That's an extra favor, Subaru"

For the first time, that was a clear word of rejection emanating from Pack's mouth.

In front of a face-up Subaru, the pack turns its back whirling and floating in the universe. And

"In any case, Betty won't show her face anymore. I don't think the witchcraft will even realize they're going to the forbidden library. In that child's case, it must be safer not to appear on the table. If you're a family, you have to trust them."

"... if you're a family, shouldn't you fix what you thought was wrong"

"I want to help whoever he is. I want to protect him. Subaru, that's a good dialogue for one person who can talk about himself."

To the squeezing Subaru words, the pack drifts away according to the spicy.

Subaru has no choice but to bite off its too small back and drop it off with remorse. that shoulder, because Julius, standing beside him, slaps it as if comforting,

"I'm not doing it because I want to be sympathetic. You're gonna be miserable, so stop it."

"Your will is splendid, and it is a knight's qualities. But now, as his presence suggests, there's too much missing for you. - So, what do we do?

"What are you gonna do... what are you talking about?"

"Everything. The villagers persuade and are already only at the stage of getting into the dragon car. Lady Emilia and her squire are also boarding a different dragon car from the villagers. All we have to do is get ready for us to leave.... who was the person you were talking about earlier?

While Subaru was in conversation with Emilia and Beatrice at the Mansion, the face of the crusade, headed by Julius, seemed to have put the occasion well together.

I'm already ready for evacuation, and all I have left is the remnants of my own heart left in the mansion.

"Too much time, and if there's a delay in evacuation, it makes no sense... damn, I resent you, Bear. I need you to be honest with me."

"I'll regret it later. The longer it takes, the more anxiety will be fuelled by the residents who hold back because of it. I believe this is a watershed."

Subaru bit his lips at Julius' pointing, shook his head with heartfelt concern, and stepped on the group Tai "Ah!" Since then,

"Guided by the mansion's maid Ram, we evacuate the sanctuary where Roswar is headed. He said he had the strength to fight, and he could at least guarantee his safety."

"... is that okay?

"It's not good. I don't know... I don't have a choice."

Biting his teeth at remorse, Subaru looks back at the mansion.

There and now, behind a door that never opens to anyone, in a dark room, does the girl sit back on her stepladder and secretly read through the book?

"You're so worried, you bad girl. Please don't ever find me... send Emilia Tan over and come back soon."

Hands and hands together, Subaru prays for the presence of God he does not even believe in.

That's how I forced myself to settle into my heart with prayer only for form, and I walked out even as I dragged my feminine feelings,

"Once we've guided you to the sanctuary, you'll be right back. It's a witchcraft remnant hunt based in the Mansion. Petergius...... how's the Bishop of the Great Crimes doing?

"Master Wilhelm and Ferris are clear. If there are signs of awakening, Master Wilhelm's blow enters. If you let them look for Mana, they won't do anything for Ferris like pretending to sleep, so they'll be perfect for watching."

"Nah, don't worry about that.... So you think we're going? Patrash!"

Head to the exit of the village on the side of the street and Subaru raises his hand to call the name of the ground dragon. and the black earth dragon, completely settled under its nickname, walked toward Subaru, looking back gently as if waiting for the ride of the Lord, depositing his back.

"Only you and the trust you cultivated support me now, actually."


Gently stroke the conspicuous sides of the stiff scale, then Subaru refreshes - albeit with quite a bit of behavior - jumping on his back and letting Patrash walk out using his reins.

Already a herd of ground dragons - the dragon cars of the pedestrians were waiting for the decree of departure, and the warriors of war were looking at this one with their weapons so as to surround them.

Subaru, I'm waiting for your order.


To the lid, Julius, lined up next door across the ground dragon, speaks to Subaru like that.

As if to affirm that his words, a number of gazes that could be directed had sent eye-openers with the meaning of consent. Naturally, my chest gets hot.

Without knowing whether that emotion was due to shame or something of gratitude, Subaru shook his fist high and

"- Aim for the sanctuary, we're leaving!!


The voices of the overlapping knights rose high into the sky, and the great movement began.

"I was amazed when I met a guy named Yuri, the mercenary of the stream."

With his lips pointed, Emilia, with her jaw between her raised knees, glanced at Subaru with her hands and eyes. To Subaru, whose childish tricks are off track and adorable and unexpectedly blindfolded, Emilia went on to say "hey" with an even more obstinate face,

"Me, wow, I'm surprised"

"I'm just amazed at Emilia's cuteness again right now, too, but what?

"So, Mr. Flow Mercenary! I don't know anything about Yuri. If you think of anyone, it's Julius. When did you make up for all that fights you had in mind?

Slightly higher up, then she gently points across the parked dragon car. You have Julius talking to the Beast Mercenaries, and Svalbard, who finds it, looks as disgusted as he thinks.

"I'm not making up for it. That's because you're Yuri, the mercenary of the stream. Me and that guy have a rare relationship between an employer and a mercenary, just connected by money. Why are you working with me?

"That's how weird mean...... I don't know what a boy is like. I wish I could make up with Julius, just like you did with me."

"Emilia, I wanted to make it up to you so badly that it was going to be a heartbreak, but I don't want to make it up to you apart from him. Me, him, I hate, Forever."

With one word engraved, Svalbard says it out with a clear face as he waves his arms rhythmically. Emilia exhaled in a stubborn manner and shook her head weakly as if she had no choice.

- About four hours had passed since we left the Roswar mansion and evacuation began.

Now that we have stepped up to about half the distance to the sanctuary, which is our destination, we are taking a break by stopping the march once it was close to the entrance of the forest road.

It is just a big move with fewer children, old people and women. When too much force comes up, it's Julius' decision that was leading the way.

Though I was unhappy to stop, given the feeling of deviation, I was surprised to see that if I started taking a break, the fatigue I wasn't aware of would be pressured all over my body.

That should be it, too, and I haven't had a single resting moment since the negotiations I had with Krush at the Krush Mansion yesterday.

"Time traveled for whale exorcism and actual combat. As soon as that's over, I'll organize an anti-witchcraft squad to run all night, slap Lord Pete off, and here he is now...? You know, I get tired."

Looking back at the time when the heavy labor was in addition to thoughts, leaning water as it became a waste. It's water in a container like a bamboo barrel, handed to one of the pedestrians. What kind of magic works, cold water slips through the throat in the kink and becomes more energetic.

"Ahhh! I'm alive for this one!

"Bulls, you old man."

Next to Subaru, who unexpectedly passed the freshness over his throat, a ram in service truncated in a word with the same container.

staring abominably at its back, Emilia, sitting next to her, laughed small,

"Subaru, you've changed your face."

"Really? No, you don't. Blah, blah, blah. I'm not half tired, so I think the neighborhood under my eyes is awesome. I don't like it. Lack of sleep is the enemy of your skin."

"Not like that... I kind of feel like you look like a boy"

That's what they say with a smile, and Subaru's breath stuffs unexpectedly. I scratched my head blind to that moment of stagnation, turning away from her when she told me not to see her red face.

"You mean you've always thought it was a tamarind?

"No Occasion...... what?

"Wow, an unexpected bomb in the blindfold...... Pure Eyes hurts!

I can't keep up with the obscene words and poor and painful is Emilia tilting her neck.

As he presses his chest and Subaru tries to get bored, his white fingertips stroke his silver hair, flushing it down his back.

"Beatrice listened to me?


"I could see you, but I couldn't... I wonder if that silence means"

"Was it on your face, now"

"Okay, hit it. Hehe, I may now know how Subaru feels too"

To Subaru, who relentlessly lowers his eyebrows, Emilia does not break her smile though. I feel I don't have enough credentials to be laughed at like that right now, and I want to watch it all the time. Then Subaru turns away consciously. Emilia reached out to the side of Subaru like that and touched this one's cheek with its thin fingertips. Surprised, looking back,

"Don't you look like that? As hard as Subaru worked for Beatrice, I know it. Even though we broke up like that, it still came to me. You can't abandon Beatrice. You don't."

"You're selfish, you're highly conjectured, that guy. I ran off on my own and locked myself in. Emilia, when you get those guys out of here, go right back, pull them out, put your butt on them."

"Beatrice, wouldn't you be awfully angry if you did that?

"He's cute when you think of me and that guy Tomjelli. Emilia, if you want to tell me something, I'll tell you something."

Her expression hardens on the pretense as she slips her light mouth in the way Emilia regained it for me. When Subaru noticed it rounded his eyes, Emilia lay down her gaze slightly,

"Not really, Beatrice and I have never been able to talk. So you don't know what to say."

"Not really..."

On the mouth, but Subaru realizes.

In her previous days at the Mansion, indeed, to the unexpected fact of the scene in which she and Beatrice were having a conversation.

Beatrice approaches Emilia because she decides to talk to Puck, who is always with her. If that's done, that girl will pass without a word to Emilia or, on the contrary, a glance. And Emilia shouldn't seem to be taking it again either.

"Beatrice seems to be avoided, me."

Seeing the reason for Subaru's silence, Emilia answers so.

to Subaru, to which two sentences cannot carry on. Emilia wavered her purple blue eyes, as she explored her memory,

"When we first met at the Roswar Mansion, Puck and Beatrice quickly broke it down. Even so, I don't know what you were talking about because we were alone then."

"Those two, I don't know. It's a relationship. I'm trying to be like brothers and sisters."

In the first place, the combination of a kitten's brother and a toddler's sister makes no sense. Where is there a gap between two people who don't see anything in common, letting their sibling settings interrupt?

to the neck tilting Subaru. Emilia still shook her head,

"I'm sorry, I don't know that either. They just told me not to pursue my relationship with Beatrice in my contract with Pack."

"A covenant… is that the kind of thing that interacts with the Spirit? Oh, what, you can't even include such private content in the terms of the contract?

"It is a criterion for the Spirit himself to determine whether to let his mind pass with the surgeon. I would say that the contract is completely different depending on the Spirit. When it comes to spirits as tall as the pack, they really have to pay a huge, huge price..."

and mouth, and just a little bit Emilia shuts her mouth awkwardly. So they cut the word off and didn't know what it meant, and Subaru said, "But?," she glanced, urging ahead,

"The pack is amazing, and, you know, you're sweetening it on me, so the terms are just simple. A little too many for that matter."

"Don't ask me about your relationship with Bear. Is there anything else?

"A few. In the morning, does the hair have to be what the pack decides, or do you not like or dislike easy exercise and meals before you wake up and go to sleep? So is talking to the Sons of the Minor Spirit in the morning and evening, and taking care of the bundle's fur..."

"It's so sweet! You're just letting me live a healthy, healthy life! It's so sweet!

Unexpectedly, a pack so sweet to my daughter that I go in on it repeatedly twice. to Subaru's reaction. Emilia leaned her face red,

"That's why I didn't want to tell you. I also didn't think it was weird at all until I left the woods... I thought it might be a little weird since I started living in the Roswar Mansion..."

"I don't know anything, Innocent Emilia. What are you teaching me, that cat... Either way, Emilia is being guided in the direction of my preference, and I'm in trouble for getting it! What the hell, that guy? Are you actually my cupid after all that narcissism?

If the pack is close to the parenting, Emilia's current natural goddess will be the gift of the pack's education. Earlier, when I said that it was between swallowing swallows, I was afraid I was going to forgive the cash as well.


"I can't hear from the pack for that reason... Beatrice somehow avoided talking to me. I don't know why."

Lonely, Emilia meditates back to the subject of the first story. Long eyelashes trembled small and I could see a hard look in my grief.

There's something that I can feel in her face like that, Subaru scratching her cheeks with his fingers.

"Hey, okay. Now let's just say you and me and Emilia get in the way of Bear's library."


"It's a forbidden library. This room smells like mold and looks bad for your health. I can only read and live in a place like that, or I can have unhealthy children with glasses like the bottom of a milk bottle who are now blind. Before that happens, let him apprentice Emilia Tan, who strives day and night to maintain her beauty and health!

In front of her that punches her big eyes, Subaru slaps this with a name and a hand.

Pac and Beatrice are close, and Pac and Emilia are close. So if we throw Beatrice where Emilia executes the pack's suggestion, we'll see some improvement in the relationship? Even if you can't see it, if you can get results that didn't work that way, that would be a step forward. Didn't move on, that's a step forward.

"It's not until you try everything, Emilia. If you can get away with trying to talk, now let's try to catch him. I knew I might get away with it, but I'm sure he complains in a big voice before he gets away. And then I complained back with a big voice... and then I could laugh and talk."


Ragged and optimistic Subaru stream communication course.

For the first time in a radically unclear sense of its content, even the servant Emilia cannot hide her surprise. And for a few seconds, she stayed solidified, and she pretended,


And I put my hand on my mouth and laughed out.

"Oh, Emilia, you got a smile on your face."

"Haha, what are you talking about, already. Subaru is... yeah, wow. Subaru is amazing, really amazing. Yeah. Yeah, yeah... wow."

I only wanted to record it in the second half, and while I thought about the mundane and mundane, I was flattered and unexpectedly in the mood Subaru.

Emilia didn't realize how Subaru was doing, she exhaled deeply,

"Next time, let's try that. Let's talk to that kid that way this time."

"Whoa, let's do that. To that end, we now do our utmost to evacuate. After that, I'll do everything I can to get back, and I'll do everything I can to secure Bear. After that, I'll hand it over to Emilia Tan with all my might."

"You're always doing your best."

"I just recently started to learn that there's nothing to be busy with when you're out of hand."

When she responds with her tongue out, Emilia also makes her tongue out small and imitates it. Subaru shocked by it, which is imitative but about 10,000 times less adorable. Leaving a stiff subaru, Emilia sat "about to," paying for the hem of her dirty clothes,

"An hour I plan to take a break, it's time to get ready. Did Subaru get some rest, too? I'm not pushing you?

"The relaxation effect sucks thanks to Emilia Tan. E. M. H (Emilia Tan Maj Healer).

"Again...... its not sure words, it's been a while since I heard them"

I'm glad this exchange hasn't happened in a long time, and Subaru gets up again with his ass paid.

Then he puts in a hip-twisting behavior and looks back, sending his gaze around so Emilia doesn't notice.

It's a break from stopping nearly thirty dragon cars and creating a resting place on a sizeable scale.

At last, they gather with members such as pedestrians and villagers to exchange anxiety and information on each of them. And in the meantime, there was not one thing that pointed its foot toward Emilia and Subaru, except for the ram that was serving and wandering around.

If you care about two good vibes, then you'll smile, but that's not actually the case.

- Nobody wants to get involved with Emilia, the half-elf.

Even the knights of the crusaders, bent and through ordeal together, whose preconceptions are no exception. In front of Subaru, they are also striving to put out in their expressions and attitudes, but when they get these opportunities, the part of them that still rejects her presence in their natural behavior appears on the table.

With the exception of Subaru and Lamb, who naturally dealt with her, it was about three people, Julius Ferris Wilhelm, and Mimi, who didn't even think about it.

In the midst of evacuation, if I may say so, even in the state of the Destiny Community. Subaru clouds his expression at the anxiety ahead and wipes his cloudy face with his palms as if to show it to Emilia.

brutally wipe, wiggle, poke your fingers into heaven and turn grandly,

"Well, it's time to start over! Emilia, I know you want to be with me too, but I need you to go back to the dragon car in tears here."

"By the way, Subaru, I think the dragon that Subaru is riding is staring at me so much... you're a lot missed"

Patrash looks at Emilia when she is overheard lightly and looks pointed out. It's as if the figure even sees the pride of a horseman who is to be taken away from the Lord,

"Come on, buddy, are you jealous of Emilia Tan? Stop it, me and you are a lotus student. I'm not giving up just there. Just leave my soul with Emilia. - Bye!

I'm blown away by Patrash's swirling tail along the way, trying to lose it in a smooth tone. Seeing Subaru rolling vigorously down the ground, Emilia dropped her shoulders in a frightened manner,

"That's how you get a terrible look when you're saying girl-friendly words to whoever he is. I have to keep it for my really important child."

"Oh, the star in my heart... always, you... eh"

"Yes, sir. Here we go."

Emilia gets into the dragon car, depending on Subaru, who pushes the flank of the hit and rolls. The perimeter, if you look at it, is also where you are moving out for a resumption of movement after each break,

"Balth, how tired are you that you're too conscious as a servant of Roswar to sleep on the ground?"

Rams entering the dragon car following Emilia looked down to scorn Subaru rolling like he had been struck down.

The break is scissored and the journey to the sanctuary is resumed.

Unlike Reefaus Avenue to the Wang capital, this route, which takes a hilly path, is burdensome for riders as well as ground dragons. The same goes for the slope to keep repeating itself, but there were occasions when it had to go along rough paths with forest roads and rock-skinned peeks, and sometimes through narrow paths such as critical for a dragon car to escape.

Naturally, villagers unfamiliar with these marches and, naturally, the fatigue to which the amateur Subaru was subjected only solicited, and many times Subaru enjoyed being consciously careful that the thread of tension was about to break.

"Except for the break, this will take roughly six and a half hours to travel... I think it's time to have a star of where the sanctuary is..."

Depositing his full weight in Patrash, Subaru stares across the world tilted with his neck tilted, helped by a movement that cares for his clever partner's rider.

but on the front, now there was a path interspersed on both sides by a small high hill, and the destination remained unknown due to the invisibility across the hill.

"Subaru, I think it's time to figure out what the destination looks like..."

"Shake that story as soon as you have ten seconds. You shouldn't have been disappointed twice."

It would be an advantage to be working out. I laugh bitterly at Subaru's words, where Julius lines up next to him to maintain a graceful behavior that still doesn't make him feel tired.

As he fingered his forehead swinging in the wind, he narrowed his eyes to the same hillside path that Subaru had seen,

"I see, again this time the marching legs are about to loose. - You can't cut the tension."

"... I know. If I'm the enemy, it's time to set it up."

When Subaru responded that way to Julius sharpening his voice, he was faintly surprised by the eyes that lay this one aside.

"I'm surprised you and I agree. After all, do you think there will be a raid"

"There is, you should think about it. It's too creepy not to make any moves so far, and there's still a Bishop of the Great Crimes in our hands. I'm not expecting a sense of fellowship or anything like that... but that's not the kind of thing that's gonna end."

"Much, you seem convinced. I think so, too."

Nodding satisfactorily at Subaru's answer, Julius sounded the pattern of a knight sword with a sword, in the middle of a row of dragon cars marching - Wilhelm and Ferris boarding and looking at one of Petergius's surveillance,

"If you let him die, he will possess another flesh, or? If it's true, it's a very troublesome power. Ultimately, it would be best to seal it with the help of the Great Spirit."

"I knew it. I thought that was the best part, too. If you repent, I regret it."

Only Petergius wants to hold his breath if he's serious.

That's what Subaru's own hatred sometimes tells him to do, but more than that is a sentiment of righteousness. I don't know exactly everything that that guy does. I don't know, but there's only one thing I know.

- This man must be the one who deserves to die here.

"Awesome thinking. If I were in the original world, I wouldn't be able to think about this in real life."

You could have just said 'die' or 'kill' on the tip of your mouth, but ever since I came to this world, I've been made to realize the value and weight of life. Light and unlikely to be able to speak of them again.

After being so reminded, that's what I think, so the man can't be saved.

No, there are people who should not be saved.

- That's when.

"- Subaru!"


Julius raises a sharp voice on the lid, and the patrash stops according to his hand, which he lifts up. A quick transmission of instructions is conveyed throughout and the marching feet stop immediately.

cause was the instruction of an old knight who was leading the way, and he pulled out his sword and put it to heaven, squeezing his voice as far as it could be heard by all,

"- Many shadows on the road ahead, sandwiched by hills! of black outfits...... witchcraft!!

Highly the report was made, Subaru and Julius nodded at each other as they looked at each other and ran out to the head in a row where confusion ran.

Julius rushing out, losing and Subaru,

"Calm down and act! The Kingdom Knight protects the people, and 'Iron Fangs' continues to me!

"Don't panic, I don't care what you do! There's a tough, wild mercenary regiment full of strong knights over here. Hey, don't look at me, Mom. Protect me, Mild. Expect me to win, too, Petra!

Knights and mercenaries move on Julius' decree, and villagers who were anxiously driven by Subaru's hanging can pull their faces into the back of the dragon car.

Looking at them, separating combatant personnel from evacuees back and forth is a success. As it were, Subaru and Julius, who jumped at the head, put the unfolding witchcraft into view.

Witchcraft crawling from across the hill - the number, roughly thirty.

There are two Azitos that could not be found, slightly more than the expected number of remaining parties.

"Even if I were Petergius, I would have prepared a separate unit for the raid. Not surprisingly...... what do you say, Julius? Can we go?"

"More than expected, but still this one wins by number. Plus a collision from the front. There's no reason for witchcraft to hide in the shadows and act despicably against us as knights."

Pulling out the knight's sword, Julius responds with a grand gesture to Subaru's inquiry.

In keeping with that move of his, the knights had pulled out their prey one after the other, and the mercenary regiment spanning Riger had also begun to lick their tongues as they waited for the smell of blood.

Subaru looks back behind him, feeling the climax of war.

At the head of the lowered dragon car is Emilia's entering dragon car. I could see the silver hair winding through the open window and the purple blue eyes looking at me worryingly.

Put your fingers up to reassure you of that gaze, then take your gaze further back.

There, Petergius, who guards his silence, is still under arrest, and Wilhelm, who got off the dragon car, with his treasure sword, is alert to internal and external threats.

"I'm done crushing that frontal witchcraft and ice pickling Petergius. - In retrospect, what a long way to go, dude."

But finally, I see an end to the journey as well.

There is no basis. But vaguely the soul understands. I knew that all beings here were the full force of war for each other.

Therefore, I have no hesitation whatsoever in trying to do everything in my power.

"Destroy witchcraft. All -"

Breathe in, Julius utters the voice of the high decree.

The will explodes and everyone runs out in unison with the next cry - just before,

"- Huh!!

Ringing was the sound of an explosion with such a shock that it could break the eardrum.

A shivering tremor tells the ground, his upper body swaying in shock and blast. Tinnitus echoed in the cranium like a hard blow to the metal, and I could see my vision blinking.


While he can't even hear the words he has spoken, he just holds the certainty that the source of the shock is there, and Subaru turns his neck back.

- There are only traces of 'dragon cars that should have carried Petergius' disappearing without a trace,

"Shima - Eh!!

At the moment when he thinks of the possibility, Subaru understands his shallowness.

At the same time, the knights and mercenaries around them lose their words when they see the same thing Subaru saw. That's how witchcraft approached us from the road across the hill - a woman at the head of it laughing distortedly, while this one was watered down by heightened warfare.

"Come on, the beginning of the end - Death!!

With the momentum and pressure to cover the sky, the black demon hand reaches up.

It stretches up.

Stretch it up - it's coming.

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