Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter III: 78: Madness and Madness

- After all the Subaru bursts of laughter, the identified otto was finally released from custody.

Otto stares at Subaru with a grudging eye as he rubs his wrist that was tied and the edge of his mouth that was covered in monkeys.

"Thank you for your help...... I honestly don't feel like saying"

"Dude, what a rhetoric against a group of life benefactors. If I can remember you by name, I'll just strangle you because it's hard to do business in the future, okay?

"Ah! So the situation over here is totally cracked already! Thanks! Thanks to you, I picked up my life! I didn't feel alive!

He also threw an apology out loud and yakward to Subaru's teasing tone, which also goes quite well into Otto's background.

Dialogue mirrors taken from insiders, the two latent destinations connected with them - one was judged to be the cave where Petergius lurked, and the remaining one was seen as the last place at his fingertips where Subaru was unknown.

Therefore, in parallel with Emilia's evacuation guidance, he gave instructions to the Beast Mercenary Corps, causing them to ambush and move in the direction of eliminating the danger in advance.

As a result, the witches, who had received false reports at Ferris' insinuation, did not observe any trends here, but were ambushed defenselessly and devastated - succeeding in rescuing several prisoners and Otto, who had somehow been captured by them.

Then, even better news was the facial rash of the prisoners the Ricards took home - more specifically, there was a woman in it who looked familiar.

"Petergius is the possessed woman twice. So far, the transfer rate is 100 percent"

Aside from whether he liked it or not, if Petergius lost his present flesh, the next person likely to possess it was dispersed among the prisoners.

Because of the deprivation of consciousness and detention, it can be said that it is less likely that Petergius will choose to move on to her next, assuming he has lost his current host.

And the other bases that are likely to be eligible for a spare transfer are already cracked here - big, let's just say we're close to victory.

A blank parent book or the last fingertip. With several slices beginning to connect shapes, Subaru is feeling the response of being able to correctly shape a piece of paper called the future.

What Otto was able to save this time could also be called a part of it.

A flock of Mercenary Regiment Rigers from the woods and Otto's Land Dragon, who also saw Subaru, appear with a dragon car. He wouldn't have been comfortable with his life if he had been taken over his entire fortune.

In fact, it is not hard to imagine what would have happened to Otto's end of the road if he had proceeded with the flow as before. If I had cleared it the last time, it would have been worth the mistake if I had never had the chance to see him again like this.

"And that's what I'll leave you to do. Pee."

"What is it, that reaction! Did I do something to you?

Otto summons to the appearance of spitting and discarding in the light and remorse, but Subaru changes the subject by appropriately flushing it as "it is".

"So, how did you get caught? It's just you or something."

"It was a very difficult convenience to say."

"Now, the guy who takes a trip to this territory probably has a lot of pedestrians gathered for small sums in the mansion of Boswar Border Bob with a touch from Wang Du."

"I've almost figured it out and heard it, haven't I!? That's right! Luckily, I jumped into that money story, and everyone tried to get out and run the evil road to be the first, and I was lucky enough to run into the address of the guys who were expanding into the woods and got caught! Come on, laugh if you laugh!

"No, I mean pull a little even when you ask me such a skinny story of greed and tell me to laugh..."

"I don't blame you!!

I gently frustrate Otto's sentiments as he tried to laugh off in an energetic manner and once again spiral laughter at his ugliness screaming irrationally.

Apparently, the merchant guts and the out-of-the-box parts had not changed, more importantly. Checking his appearance as he pleases that dialogue for a long time.

- the suspicious part of that attitude or whether you can't feel strange hostility.

I'm also recarding the same vigilance, watching the two of them faraway.

It's okay to say that suspicion is mostly clear at this point, just in case the history of being taken out of a latent place is the only one.

If you think of the pedestrian's leadership, Ketty, as an insider, you can't inadvertently trust him, even if he had a pretty close relationship.

Every time I repeat those suspicions, I'm disgusted with myself as my heart gets rough.

Even if we repeat the world again and again, we cannot subaru the sincerity, the heart and the past of men to know its essence. Therefore, I can only continue to doubt. Scratch your feet so you can believe it, while you can't trust them on the real part.

"I'm starting to hate him, too."


"I'm glad you're okay," he said. If you're in this village, there's no danger for now, and now wait. You were sad when it came to making money. "

Misleading and deluding herself, Otto looks around with a surprised face at the words. And as I slowed down, with my face realizing that the sight I sought was not in the village,

"No way... could it be, hey, already...?

"My chances of getting into a money-making story are that I just dropped it. Well, I have to convince you that you make as much money as you can with your life. Oil, well judged."

Hit Otto's shoulder with sympathy as he pales his face, putting him on the verge of collapsing and Subaru looks over at the faces as he prepares. And, with Ricard looking at this one, he shakes his nose tip so that Otto's discernment is done, joining Mimi and the others.

Apparently, mercenaries from the war could also be inked, Subaru leaks a soothing exhale and explains the situation to a large extent in an effort to avoid only Otto's further recklessness on this occasion.

Though there was a slight feeling of emptiness up there, I finished talking about the situation by gesturing at him to get a match.

"So, forest bandits - you already know, but a crusader to defeat witchcraft is the face here. In the meantime, it could be a battlefield, so we were gathering businessmen to evacuate the villagers. It's bad for you that you went completely wrong, but I can't even get you out of the village now, so I'm gonna wait here until we get settled. Okay?"

"Ooh, ooh?

"More than anything you can accept. Some will stay, so ask them not to leave them. Okay, I'll talk to you when we're done."

That's all I told Otto of my sudden self-loss, Subaru put him behind me for now.

Instead, when the squad has been formed and aligned, head toward Shiki Crusaders, and speak to Julius and Ricard, who are partitioning each.

and Julius, who turned around, looked at Subaru and Otto in the distance,

"Was it a reunion with an acquaintance? Haven't you warmed up enough?

"I laughed ridiculously, I talked ridiculously, and I just peeked around to see if I was hiding anything behind it. While I'm at it, I feel so bad that I'm a fool."

"Satisfaction seems more than anything. If you no longer have to doubt the person you don't want to doubt, that would be enough. - What's he gonna do?

Teaching a masochistic Subaru statement, Julius asks about the treatment of the dusk otto. Subaru, in contrast, pulled his jaw, and spread his arms to indicate the village,

"I'll leave it in the village. Either way, I have a waiting party planned, so I'll have it protected there. I'm sorry to make you go after the evacuees."

"That would be good. Then taking the time also just creates unnecessary risks. Is it time to move?

Julius, who concurred with Subaru's answer and narrowed his eyes, raises a warlike question. To that call, the aligning knights found that Ricard tightened his expression.

War will increases and signs of battlefield begin to drift densely.

Lifting his jaw and gazing into the sky, Subaru slightly floats his thoughts into the universe.

There are some anxiety elements, but I am confident that I have crushed all the risks I can crush. All you have to do is maximize the HR you need to do and wait for Heavenly Fate to smile at this one.

If so, taking any more time is only a fool to frustrate the will to fight.

- Let's do it, do as you're told.

Subaru flies quietly as he drops his gaze and looks over everyone.

It took it, and the knights similarly consented, and each began to span the ground dragons and riggers that had kept them waiting.

Beside Subaru, too, a carefree patrash is leaning in just waiting for his turn, stroking his stiff skin with his palms before climbing to his back.

Next door, Julius and Ricard lined up to pinch Subaru, and with their eyes on their backs like that, Subaru breathed small,

"Well, let's do it, guys. Rely on me, then help me -!"

Based also on the experience of the last battle, Subaru had made certain reasoning with regard to Petergius' possession.

First and foremost, Petergius' 'possession' consists in transferring consciousness to another flesh when the present flesh ceases its activity.

Secondly, the subject of the transfer is not for anyone, but is considered to be limited to the 'fingertips' and the flesh of the subordinates referred to by Petergius.

Thirdly, from the expression 'finger', perhaps the flesh of the spare is ten in all. They are positioned one at a time at each lurking location, and should be able to switch when things happen.

Fourth, if another fingertip senses it, even if it makes Petergius unconscious without dying, a mechanism is constructed to induce the phenomenon of possession by forcing the present flesh to self-harm and to carry out the ride migration.

Fifth, if we lose all the 'fingertips' on which we ride, Petergius comes into possession of Subaru's flesh as a last resort. This possession is intense, and no matter how strongly you try to remain conscious, you cannot resist it. - That's it.

"Try to bullet it again, you're not on a first-time killing level. Now we can't talk about 'Invisible Hands' and 'Lazy' Powerfulness or anything too malicious."

The Invisible Hand, a pitch-black demon hand that is inflicting an invisible fatal wound.

Psychological contamination 'laziness' that frustrates the will of intolerable things and makes them insane.

And even if you take your life over them, you can't kill 'possession' at once.

If it's a once-in-a-lifetime battle, throw a spoon and it's a natural lineup.

Assuming you don't know anything, you have the confidence in Subaru to try Baidu and be killed Baidu. This is how you keep your memory, keep repeating it, keep working out how to open it, and the level at which you can finally see the light - that you'll see why witchcraft has been giving you four hundred years of width.

That's all Petergius has the power to specialize in first sight killing.

If you think in the sense of a special pattern that makes sense to everyone, the more convincing it is about how he gets to be reused, the more his name is known in witchcraft.

That is why Subaru is indispensable relative to Petergius.

A person who can challenge a guy who makes it easy to kill for the first time with an experience that isn't the first time he sees it.

Because it is no exaggeration to say that the natural enemy for Petergius is Natsuki Subaru.

- Through the gloomy woods of the depressed and trees, Subaru strives for the cave, which he has taken to many times.

In a world that is likely to lose even its sense of direction, covered in greenery with all the sight it can see, but it is not lost in the footsteps it takes to move forward. It's a path I've already taken for the same purpose over and over again. The senses lead Subaru there so that his feet can see the experience engraved in his memory.

For once, Subaru has never made his way to the place with a sense of war.

Last time and before that, Subaru had come to the scene only consciously, dividing his role from that of time buying, and even more so, of the pawn of Yang Dynasty, to accomplish it.

Prior to that, I was drowning only in intent to kill, a sense of self-inflicted termination and those negative emotions.

But not this time. Only this time, it's not.

Subaru came here to consolidate his own determination to fight.

To carve, with his own hands, the settlement of a battle that has been repeated for a long time.

"- Well, here we are, beloved believer."

The forest opens and his vision widens, and Subaru feels the light of day on his eyelids and hard rocky skin on his soles. If I looked forward with my narrowed eyes, I could see the high and cut cliffs blocking my vision, and the skinny standing in front of it welcoming this one with his hands wide open.

Will this be the fifth time that we have seen each other together?

I think if we looked at each other more than once, it would make a pretty favorable impression on everyone - only on this guy, that still seemed impossible.

"The eagle is in charge of 'laziness', the archbishop of witchcraft. Petergius Romaneconti...... Death!

Petergius, who points his fingers at this side of his hand and names them on his mouth, which has already been decided. The madman flashing his black coat hem and stripping out his yellowish teeth watched Subaru in bounced condition.

"Good day Death, great day Death. I didn't know you could welcome a new loving spouse this way on this fateful day when you were deciding to settle the trials exactly......! I can't wait to get my eagle chest ripped out with tears, gratitude and admiration, Death!

Put your hand on your chest and start twirling in a position that embraces its thin body yourself. Subaru took a small, deep breath, distressed not to be disgusted by the madman's oddity,

"I will see you first, Lord Bishop of the Great Crimes. This time, the rendezvous just before the trial, sincerely perspiring. But there will be no more honor if you add this body, this soul, to the last seat of the faithful who will do this trial."

Subaru turns his thanks to Petergius in the form of a fold, kneeling and maximum respect. And he saw it, and Petergius wet his cheeks in his eyes, as he was also grateful, and wet his cheeks in his teardrops.

"Oh, oh, what a wonderful ambition! What a clear way to show love! So much! I can't remember cursing our laziness, Death! Of you! A devout believer in love like you! It's only witchcraft that I've never welcomed with my countrymen, Death, that the laziness of the eagle has exchanged! Oh, forgive me! Forgive me for the laziness of the eagle who overlooks even a drop of the love you pour into the world -"

Against Subaru on his knees, rather than to express his degree of gratitude? Throw a limb out on the ground, Petergius punches himself in the forehead on the rock skin to enforce self-punishment - his forehead is torn to relentless power, and the act of self-traumatization is carried out, which is not to say that blood flows.

I thought it was an act of chewing up my fingers, someone who preferred to commit self-inflicted acts - but now that the possibility had arisen that the flesh did not belong to Petergius himself, I could no longer think of it as just a self-inflicted act and a good thing to clean up.

Either way, even if that act of self-harm went too far and lost his life, it's not good now.

Still, this thought under the water hasn't run out. Because we must continue to earn time and bring the situation into play.

"Bishop, please don't. Such an act, the witch will not be pleased."

"Oh, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, and no! The laziness of the eagle's deeds! Foolishness! Unrequited untruthfulness for love! There is no other way to punish yourself and discipline you, Death!

"That's not true. If you're a witch, you'll be more than happy to reward your beloved faithful for their love."

Step over and stop Petergius from trying to hurt himself. Subaru tells him so. And, Petergius stopped the movement of his body, which had been rambling, and looked up at Subaru with his eyes wide open. Subaru nods silently as he feels his fears gush inside at that thirsty gaze.

To the lid, the arms of that Subaru were grasped forcefully by the bones and the palms of the skins alone,

- Everything, you're right, Death.

"- Huh"

"Oh, the eagle was wrong, Death was wrong, Death wasn't right! Yes! Trials, now what eagles should do is not self-punishment, self-injury, or self-death, but trials! It is the mission given to eagles and risking their lives to meet the love witch's favor to take the trials! How foolish to forget that and immerse yourself in joy and more! Oh, I woke up in your words, Death! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

Swinging his grabbed Subaru arm rampantly up and down, Petergius rises up in a one-sided thank you. Brutally wiping the blood dripping from his forehead with the sleeves of his coat of law, Petergius chewed himself up with his fingers in his mouth, which he uttered foolish,

"It's not worth anything to us who are lazy, Death. Being diligent is the most honorable thing in this world, and being lazy is the most spitting vice in this world. If so, the eagle is diligent and keeps laziness, which is business, away forever. Ah! You're a very diligent man, Death! I'm happy to welcome you as a new believer, Death!

There is no longer consistency in words and deeds, and logic is disjunctive.

I chew my fingers off while making a statement that saves me self injury, laughing joyfully as if I had forgotten everything if I had been ashamed of myself in tears of my arrogance.

I was going to know that Petergius' words and actions, his actions, were broken, but I still can't keep pace until I know that.

You get a glimpse of a human nature so crazy that Subaru tries to keep the conversation going with time in mind that he accidentally squeezes his mouth.

- Let's talk about the trials.

Stuffing his breath and gazing, Subaru shoves those incomprehensible emotions into his voice.

What we talked about was' trials' and the great purpose of this raid, which was spoken of many times by madmen. To the best of Subaru's knowledge, there has never been a conversation that stepped from Petergius' mouth to its contents of the trial.

Petergius calls this raid a 'trial' and repeats such windy statements as trying Emilia every time. Then what the hell is the sincerity of it?

What, how will we have survived Petergius' 'quest? I don't think hairy about wanting to understand madmen, etc., but I can very much face it if I don't believe that there is only a basis for what I do.

At least at the end of this ridiculous act, I don't know what they want - unless, to that extent, I think it's understandable.

"I would like to ask you about the trials, my bishop, in order to meet you and to make sure that you understand the purpose of this activity."

"- Trial"

Poop, and grumble as Petergius wiped away his previous emotions to a sieve.

I get scared of Subaru's spine at its quiet appearance, but I barely want to put it on my face and wait for the end of the word.

Previously, when I tried to enter the topic of trials in this way, I was asked to present the gospel and the story broke down, but what happens this time?

I feel my stomach burned in silence as I swallow a badly throated spit.

As such, I'm on the verge of not being able to stop the sweat floating on my forehead from communicating my face.

"Trial! Yes, Trial Death! It's a trial, Death! I have to run a trial, Death! If you don't try, if you don't, the eagle came for it, from Death!

With his face gleaming, Petergius turns to play on the spot.

Svalbard, who was suddenly shouting out loud and hardened by nervousness, was only stunned for a moment. in front of that Subaru. Petergius remained still a tall back voice,

"Try it, Death! Try to see if this newly discovered half demon is worthy of unloading the witch! If you're worthy of a vessel, you secure it, and if you're not, you make them pay for your disrespectful birth, Death!

"Drop off the witch? vessels?...... consideration?

"Lonely! Negative emotions! Depressed. That's what the vessel looks like! The witch deserves it, Death! If you are, you must have this lazy self, my will, my fingertips and apply them in full! Oh! To love! To love! To reward!

He stretches his fingertips over his head, to the manners of a madman as if trying to grasp heaven, and Subaru sees some kind of answer to the content of the word and freezes his spine.

vessels, unloading, if those words are as interpreted,

"If the result of the trial finds that the half demon is worthy of a vessel... let the witch down on that vessel..."

"The jealous witch, Satella, has once again appeared in the world - Death! That day, then, how much, how much, so much, so much, so long I've been waiting for that moment, Death! If you can be a weasel on the foundation to that help... no more joy, Death!!

The joyful voice of Petergius, who weeps and weeps.

Listening to that, Subaru was feeling uncomfortable about the fact that the purpose of witchcraft was even worse than he could have imagined. I mean, they behave so brutally, so much slaughter, so much hunt down Subaru...

"Don't you see any value in Emilia"

To them, Emilia's presence is just a vessel that holds the witch's soul.

How noble, how diligent and how conceived the will of the bearer of that body is before the soul of the witch enters - such a thing makes no sense, neither do the shards.

That was, in other words, an endless insult to the existence of Emilia, an embarrassing humiliation for Natsuki Subaru, who is shaken by the presence of her.

I guess you don't care about burning one village into a wilderness in the process, or rather, blame it. Every life you put in your hands has a story, and you can unconsciously scorn dreams and what tomorrow would have been.

Otherwise, how can it be done so plainly, without laughing off?

- You monster.

For a moment only, Petergius does not realize Subaru's hostility, which leaked only one word.

An incomprehensible idea, an idea that can't possibly be synchronized or something like that, a monster that will never be able to understand each other - that's Petergius Romaneconti.

"Dear Bishop, I have listened to your high theory. I was impressed by the philosophy of witchcraft, your words better than listening. Trial, be sure to accomplish it."

"Ooh! Again, you're great! Yes, Death, yes, Death, it has to be! Together, unconsciously, we lose sight of our significance as we are if we don't throw ourselves together and challenge ourselves to the point! The fingers of the eagle, the feet of the eagle, the eyes of the eagle, the nose of the eagle, the mouth of the eagle, the tongue of the eagle, the blood of the eagle, the bones of the eagle, the flesh of the eagle, the soul of the eagle, it's all for the witch, Death! From the time I was spoiled, from the time I found out I was loved, the existence of a eagle was only dust mustard that rewarded love with the whole spirit...... Aah! Oh my god, are you lazy!!

He doesn't even suspect Petergius, who takes only the upper edge of the word and receives it in Subaru, which shapes an old lady whose mouth is about to rot.

He proudly speaks of a selfish faith that is overflowing from within him, and when he gets his hands inside that coat, he pulls out the black fitted book - the Gospel - and begins to turn the page.

"The words engraved in the Gospel tell the story of love! Let the eagle decide to act, Death! To pierce love, to pierce deeds, obstacles are essential! There should be obstacles! Obstacles are natural......! It is for this reason that the daily diligence of eagles is tested, tested, given to eagles and tested by faith that resists laziness -"

Petergius, bubbling at the edge of his mouth, runs his bloody eyes as he follows the letters on the page with his fingers.

For once, for Subaru, who is succeeding in taking the Gospel from its hand, the book in Petergius' hand was itself a compacted exotic book of indelible letters.

But I'm sure Petergius understands that.

Every time I follow the letters, my cheeks become red, colored by excitement, and my eyes are transmitted filled by joy and delusion.


"- of the Gospel, present it"

Petergius, tilting his neck ninety degrees, leaning back and turning himself around, looked at Subaru.

Stopping the move once on the word, Subaru turns a blind eye to the remarks to come. It is this question of Petergius that comes to pieces, even if, in previous experience, the conversation has barely been concluded.

There is not a single witch left, he said, and the Gospel, which is also supposed to be the scripture, can be delivered.

It seems to be the dark part of witchcraft that Wilhelm and the others don't know about what sort of sorting it is and what it is sent from.

but even if we exclude such unknown parts, the very possession of the Gospel is a testament to our essential selves as witches,

"Please present the gospel, Mass. I don't know what the witch gave you - I really, really want you to tell me, Death."

Make sure you tilt your neck to the left and right each time, and Petergius stares at Subaru in a motion where the side you're looking at looks intoxicating.

To that attitude and attitude, at least it is judged that the signals that Subaru awaits have not yet come. The role of time buyer is continuing - to connect the field, you first carry on your breath,

"The gospel, it is..."

"Yeah, Gospel Death. If you were also recognized as a Christian, you should be in its hands..."

"Actually, there is no gospel in my hands because of some mistake."

Blocking the words of Petergius' consent, Subaru exposes that he does not possess the Gospel. Petergius opens his eyes to the words, but Subaru pokes his hand at them before he utters any words, "Oh, no, wait!" and restraint. And

"Surely I do not have the gospel! No... but I do have my love for witches all over this chest, within, overflowing! If this thought without form, even if the shaped gospel is not at hand, is not the mourning of my soul to reward the love given, then what the hell is it!!

- What are you?

"Different shapes! I am also just a leaf of heartbreak to the witch, just like the bishop. We will help you in your trials with the whole spirit. I dedicate everything and think of the witch. No, because my presence has given way to the witch until it has already reached a piece of my soul!

Succeeding the words as they fold, and throwing them, Subaru does not let Petergius argue. Shake your fists up, step on the ground with your feet, and face up to squeeze your thoughts.

"Or the bishop! Will Master Petergius be denied this lament of my soul! Can you laugh at me for being miserable and stupid in my shapeless love! That would be good too, I can't help but think that they will! But! Still! This faith of mine cannot be shattered by anyone. Because love, love, is everything!

Poking his fist up to heaven, Subaru said all he wanted to do anymore and did it.

And when it comes to Petergius, he is quietly leaning his ear towards the words of Subaru, who abhors his breath, and at the end of that cry he leaks "ho" and exhales,

"What a glorious, loving whisperer Death..."

The presence of something dangerous is falling out of the shape of Petergius, as if he had tasted the shock struck by lightning.

The madman was thrilled with Subaru's words, and when he shed tears with his heart washed face,

"I suspected you, please forgive me for the eagle's laziness. You're great, great without a multiplier. Without form, without the Gospel, I don't have the confidence to speak out loud about being loved, Death, which is very different from such a eagle. You don't talk, you know, intense love - you're right, and you deserve it, Death."

On his knees with a sensation-cut attitude, Petergius places his hand on his chest to pay tribute to Subaru's faith. If we cut it just there, I see Petergius's standing behavior, which doesn't even make him look like a devout religious man.

Seeing that attitude, Subaru can't help but remember a certain emotion in its appearance. It's...

"Hey, this guy"

"What did you say, Death?

"Face up, Bishop. I am not as much of a being as I am treated that way. More importantly, are we to be equally loving to witches and working together to reward their love?"

Making smiles like honesty itself to delude, Subaru reaches out to Petergius. Petergius blinked, and when he took "That is right Death" and Subaru's hand and stood up, he made a noise and closed the Gospel in his hand,

"The eagle seemed too narrow a horizon, Death, while naming himself Bishop of the Great Crimes and others. Shame on yourself, Mass. On top of that, thank you for your concern. And I vow to respond to the love of the witch who brought me this encounter, even with the utmost diligence, Mass!

"Yes! Absolutely right! Let's keep it incisive!

"Oh, joyful words Death. Even without the gospel, its will, it's really brilliant - strong love, aren't you still 'arrogant'? Because even without the Gospel, I think I have a sense of witchcraft, Death."

"Witch Factor -?"

Subaru also tilts his neck at a word that doesn't make sense, even if it sounds familiar.

to that questionable voice. Petergius nodded, "Yes,"

"To the faithful is the gospel, and to the Bishop of Great Crimes like the eagle is delivered the Witch Factor at the same time as the Gospel, Death. Speaking of trials without the witch factor…"

With that much mouth, Petergius interrupts the words on the lid. When Subaru frowns at that attitude, he becomes nostalgic for the Gospel and pulls another out of the inside instead.

The palm removed holds a pale, light-emitting hand mirror -,


"I'm sorry, Death. I heard from the eagle's fingertips... something seems to have changed, Death. Sometimes there was our rendezvous, Mass. I hope it's good news, Death."

Dropping his gaze in the dialogue mirror, Petergius does not realize that Subaru's expression has changed faintly. And I opened my hand mirror unaware, and reflected myself on that mirror surface,

"Watashides. Something strange."

"Er, get down to it. Oh, yeah, yeah. Tratratler! '


The look freezes in front of the person's figure and words in the mirror.

Seeing Petergius flashing in front of him, Subaru finds out more about what's in the dialogue mirror than he can peek into.

Even as the showcased opponent rocks the cat, waves his hand and tongue out, mouthing the euphemism of the meeting street.

"What the hell are you...? How could the eagle's fingertips..."



In front of Petergius, who questions, Subaru repeats it small.

Petergius tilts his neck listening to that Subaru whine. Unclear of meaning, Subaru turns to Petergius, who shows with attitude, a full grin.

Totally different from his earlier making smile, his original - distorted edge of his mouth and a smile like a stripped evil kid.

"I, Successful Assault Seri..."

"What,? What you mean is..."

"Don't you see? Oh, don't worry."

I'll give him a cordial and polite explanation of the meaning of the euphemism, and let Subaru nod yeah to Petergius, who shows incomprehension on it. And

"- Because what you're saying was just as refreshing to me!!

The full right straight hits the madman in the face - the enduring depression finally explodes and blows the skinny big time.

Petergius, rolling in with a bitter roar, makes his eyes black and white, unable to hide his surprise at the outrage that suddenly struck him.

Looking down at such a pathetic man, Subaru unties his slapped fist and pokes his finger.

And I said it off.

"I've had a lot of patience, but it's the limit now. Let's get this over with, Petergius Romaneconti!!

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