Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter III 80: The End of Laziness

- The glow of the rainbow strikes out the pitch-black that pushes over.

The clash was already several, even dozens, and Subaru kept staring at the sword and palms shredding each other as they withstood the severe pain running through his body.

Julius' sword - the blade that brings together the rainbow color was enhanced by the combined magic of the six attributes' clarista ', which also had the result of delivering its cutting-edge to the power of Petergius' unleashed 'invisible hand'.

Whenever slaughter is carried out, the demon hand, which is double-broken, is fogged, becomes dust and disappears from the shadows. I don't know as much as the principle, but before that rainbow sword strike, it seems that the restoration of the 'Invisible Hand' does not extend, and whenever I lost one shadow or another, I could see a fury dwelling in the madman's expression.

"It's not funny, Death, it's not a joke, Death, it's something you shouldn't have! With such a gesture, the love of the eagle... to despise loyalty, etc...!

Throwing away his mouth and exasperation, Petergius stretches his arm out of a shadow that swells to the point where it seems inexhaustible, and shoots Julius' arm, foot, head, and so forth.

A blade that responds intercepts them, or flips itself and takes evasive action, as the best knight dances the battlefield - literally, running through with a sword dance.

"- Huh!"

The number of 'invisible hands' that cleave the air and loom is always over ten. There is no way that you can wiggle them all away in one swing or anything, and against the number of cuts, against one action to avoid, an inevitable injury still hurts Julius' flesh.

I miraculously haven't taken the fatal damage of being grabbed and pulled a thousand times. No, not a miracle, but one possible result of Julius' rare fighting power.

And it was only if he had the consciousness to support the effects of that single piece of paper that Subaru could not help but distract himself from the sight in front of him.

Subaru distorts his face to the pain of pitch-black fingertips plundering his thighs and getting his legs dictated. He bit the root of his teeth in agony and endured the sharp sensation of tearing his shoulders by killing his voice.

By "Nect," the sharing of senses - Subaru and Julius' flesh and five senses are currently synchronized in a fairly deep part. Thus to Julius, through Subaru's vision, he was able to see Petergius' "invisible hands," and vice versa, he was able to feel the overwhelming mana that swept from Julius' gripping rainbow knight sword.

However, it is not excessive to assert that this state of cooperation is in a very precarious situation if we turn a blind eye to those benefits.

Visual tone involves multiple sights dabbling from time to time, uncomfortable like looking at a completely different view with your right and left eyes. The empathy of the flesh is not only the exaltation of the battle that Julius's whole body carries, but even the pain engraved in his flesh is passing on to Subaru sharply.

The feeling of the wind stroking the skin, the feeling of the soles of the feet treading on the soil, the taste of blood and spit mixed in the mouth, the dull and starchy tinnitus felt in the brain, 'for two' constantly bathing is not such that the burden on the spirit and the flesh is simply doubled.

Taste, smell, pain, touch, how much easier would it be if we could seal it off now? The dilemma of having a feeling of itching but never being able to reach the place. The feeling of itching in the back of someone else's head, should I say?

"Shit, he wants to end it. It's not true..."

Subaru moistens her lips with her tongue and squeaks so much at the mass of discomfort surrounding her whole body. Perhaps even the present sensation has been passed on to Julius. I won't be able to do anything far-fetched.

If I can instinctively follow weak sounds, I want to abandon all senses now and close my consciousness. Despite the measures I have mentioned from myself, there is so much disgust in empathy with others.

But there's nothing more to those helpless feelings of weakness than sealing them now.


"Little by little, my body is getting used to it. Subaru, do you want to speed up?

"Oh, don't worry, I'll follow you!

As I say, Julius lowers herself into the shadows of a frightening amount. As he slips, he scratches his palms as he crawls through the ground, clustering the three demons together with a slash from directly below him. Foggy, annoyingly stitching the gaps in the shadows that become dust, and instantly cutting back with a ground-cutting step - a palm aimed at the end of the action splashes brilliantly before the intercepting rainbow.

Julius flips himself gently and waves to shake off the delusions of the demon hand on the rainbow sword. In that ridiculously sweet mask, my eyes have never been opened with them closed.

Due to the tone of vision, if we open our eyes to each other and fight, vision alternately dabs and invites the world into obscure shapes. Julius had therefore taken the decision to take his own eyes and entrust all of his visual information to Subaru's vision.

Subaru was bewildered by events that were not in the prior meeting, and much complained about Julius' judgment, but the reason arose that he just had to swallow all of them.

One is that Julius was right to make the decision to renounce his own vision. This avoids the foolishness of stepping forward on at least two sights.

And the other is the result of thoughts leading up to Julius' visual renunciation.

"A fool, a fool, you're kidding... you really are a nasty guy!

Renouncing his sight and entrusting Subaru with all the sights he could see proved with his life that he believed Subaru would fight without turning a blind eye.

If we add even more, putting all the nerves into Subaru's vision is not a simple story. Subaru's eyes belong only to Subaru's flesh, not to Julius's flesh.

In other words, Julius is now in the rough business of moving his flesh, visible from behind from an objective point of view, from a third party's standpoint, to come into battle.

"It's not like a game or anything... Once you get caught, that's the fucking end of it. And I don't care if I keep my life or not, me or you."

Leaps and avoids the trajectory of an arm that becomes like a whip, grabs a branch of a tree and Julius' flesh flies through the universe. Round your neck so you don't lose sight of it, and be careful not to go too far away. What,

"You don't have to worry about this one all the time, that's all you have to do, Death!

Petergius' main fate is Subaru, not Julius, who puts his life at the forefront.

A position that is the key to this battlefield and is responsible for the 'eyes' needed to unlock the 'invisible hands'. And more importantly for him, because he is a great sinner who has made his faith false.

"Julius, shit! Get back! Get back! Follow Me!"

"No, not at all... it's about taking care of burning!

Kick the trunk of a tree and Julius descends near Subaru in a horizontal jumping outdoor business. At the same time, Julius completely ignores the 'invisible hands' approaching both of them, first and foremost the palms that are bathed on his own back - keeping to the damage of just plundering on his skin with minimal movement, piercing and wearing the demon hand that tried to snatch Subaru's neck with a protruding cut.

The rainbow brilliance then arcs, lumbering together the palms that plundered Julius. Turning the predicament around, with his eyes closed, the knight laughed at Subaru,

"I know I'm desperate, but what if I defended myself a little? Now you can't even face the enemy from the front."

"I'll give that word back to you just like that! I can't watch you calm down, either! I'm desperate. Do you see the knight over my eyes, yeah?

"I close my eyes, I see the beauty of my worried face. You look like you're blessed with character and talent."

"Actually, you and I are seeing a different view. Doubt!!

Tongues out at Julius' praise, then rushes away from the waves of palms that push him over. As Subaru rolled, Julius slashed him away with a slash, combined with a leap to the back, encouraging his arm to disappear before moving forward again.

The horrible thing about Julius is that he is in the middle of a battle but getting used to the business of manipulating his own body overlooking it.

Unlike Subaru there, the experience of terribly hurting his own flesh to its limits strongly influences his life as a knight who increases himself on a battlefield where he exchanges intentions to kill and kill.

It is now Svalbard's limitation that he is frightened by the battle and cannot even give himself more than his strength.

It is the way Julius begins to be a warrior who strengthens himself in battle and draws more than strength.

At one end of the warrior's battle, the fact that he is involved barely supports Subaru's escape and weak hips.

My hands plunder me, my decided back my legs, my brain beats me to the pain in my bounced shoulder.

Bite your teeth off and suffer the pain, Subaru does not turn a blind eye.

Running through, jumping, slipping, cutting back, stepping in, jumping back, advancing, scratching, stopping, slipping through, turning around, leaping over, turning away, looking back, penetrating, bouncing, kicking, refining your behavior.

Slash it off, slash it off, penetrate it, slash it up, kick it off, flush it, slap it, punch it off, snap it through, cut it off, flash it, shake it down, smash it off, slash it off, chop it up, stack of sword strikes and slaughter returns the 'Invisible Hand' to dust.

As the horrible darkness spreads all over his sight, but the figure of a knight dancing a sword with a rainbow sword in his hand is so beautiful that he loses his sense of reality.

It's a fantastic scene somewhere, so much so that you forget it's a life-taking thing.

That's probably because Subaru feels the heartbeat of the spirits through Julius. And on the palms pouring down something similar to that -.

"This can't be... this can't be happening...! Why Death, why Death! How can you do this, you eagle power! The eagle must have been loved, loved, loved Death! I love you, Death! That's it, that's it, that's it! The eagle, otherwise why! Death that the witch has led the existence of a eagle!

"You can't go along with a disjointed statement. Black demons also reduced their numbers accordingly. And more importantly, the way Svalbard fought through his eyes was also familiar to his body."

To Petergius, who summons and scatters, when he turns his neck to rely on hearing, Julius holds his breath small, then turns the cutting edge of his sword towards the madman,

"- It's time for me to kill you for real. For a long time, I will cut off the kingdom... no, here is one end of the threat that has threatened the world, 'laziness'"

"Something you can do! Something to make you! The eagle... the eagle! For four hundred years, I have worked diligently to embody the will of a witch in the love of a witch, Death! Don't turn that eagle down to fools like you and only with wooden spirits, like you or you... Death!!

Stripping his teeth out, Petergius exposes his anger on Julius' mouth.

But to the content of his statement, Subaru feels that the speculation he made with Julius is strong and realistic. Then he's still...

"Julius -!"

"I know! Bishop of the Great Crimes, ready -!"

Stepping in, Julius' body flies forward with such a kick that the earth can decide.

Petergius opens his mouth and unfolds' Invisible Hands' with a paranoid momentum screaming something out. To the sky, to the earth, to the woods, from all directions, a spreading demon hand presses from all directions to envelop Julius' flesh without gaps -,

"- Alclarista!!

The polar light of the rainbow burns the world down, and the palms that were about to crush Julius disappear together.

It's Clarista's finest magic with a rainbow in her sword.

It was for a moment, but the siege net created by Petergius disappears completely, paving the way between Julius and the madman without any obstacles -!

In the aftermath of the rainbow's polar light, Petergius, who lost even the demon hand he was putting out to float into space and took the form of being dropped to the ground, rises with his lean body trembling with passion.

There is no stray in Julius' move to rush out the madman. Straighten the set blade so that the tip shines the rainbow again for the chest.

"I won't let you do that, Death!! Urdona!!"

Spread your hands, Petergius chanting as if trying to intercept Julius, and shortly afterwards the running of Mana interferes with the earth - the dirt wall lifts up the front of Julius so as to surround Petergius from all directions, keeping the lunatic body away from the blade.

And furthermore, he detours from the back of that shield, aiming at Julius's body as the mighty black palms bound together hug him.

As it is, you will need one action to break down the wall, and Julius's actions against the demon hand are delayed by only one step for that amount of motion. It is a choice between fatalities for Julius or losing sight of the opportunity to push Petergius.

- If it was Julius alone fighting here.

"Burn, soul fight! Come on Demon Ball! - I mean, it's a hundred and twenty kilos!!

Twist yourself, lift your feet, turn your shoulders and swing full as you step in - a demonic ore that can be thrown from Subaru's hands at a rate that is not so good as a fastball.

Special, throws released from the hands of ordinary people who have not even gained throwing practice are, however, slammed straight into the aim by the concentration of extreme conditions.

"What Death......!?

The energy of destruction hidden in the Red Demon Ore clashes over Julius's back to the dirt wall that was a barrier - where it emits light and high heat and explodes, raising the blast flames to fill the front of Petergius with red.

"No way, get this from the beginning......!

"Your defeat is that you came to the battle alone!

It pops out to break the flame, and Julius' poke pierces Petergius' chest.

The brilliance of the rainbow pierces Petergius' body, and the extreme light burns the lean from the inside out.

He was slammed against the dirt wall behind him as it was, and Petergius, skewered, slammed his hands and feet like a bug struck by a specimen, blowing blood bubbles from the edge of his mouth.

"Stupid, stupid, I wish... this, eagle, my body... this"

"A blade that binds six attributes burns your body from within. If you're who you think you are, I'll scratch you out!

Julius chooses a stabbed sword and makes Petergius scream.

The shine of the knight's sword increases, and before its light Petergius cannot 'unseen hands' to tow, nor can he repeat the situation with chants.

It's just that Petergius' frenzied eyes still haven't given up raw,

"I can't finish! It can't be over! It can't be over, Death! The eagle has been diligent, Death! I'm not even allowed to think about lazy giving up, spoiling at lazy ends, Death! So, then, whatever...!

Petergius pushes and spreads the summons, the posture, the scratch, the wound to magnify the root of the pain. As it moves, Julius pushes his cutting edge even harder and moves the blade to destroy the heart of it - and

"I lost my fingertips and still damage my flesh like this... Death, Death, Death! Not yet! Not for eagles! There's a body left... Death!

All possessions were crushed beforehand, and Petergius cried out at the end of the last flesh, but against giving up.

Those eyes, filled with madness, stare straight at Subaru.

Zorr, the feeling of fear running on his spine and Petergius' mad laughter deepened,

"Oh - my brain, it trembles"

"- Huh!"

At the next moment, Petergius' flesh, skewered by Julius, collapses like a puffy, threaded puppet. Losing light from his eyes, everything alive disappears interrupted from his sloppy, bowed head flesh.

As soon as he saw the reaction, Subaru decided that something had come. Put your hands on your chest instantly and at the same time pull out what you have from your nostalgia.

"Julius! Disarm it!!


In response to Subaru's call, Julius kicks down the remains of Petergius and looks back and rushes here. The eyes are open, and shortly afterwards the doubled pressure of the five senses, which had been pressed until then on Subaru's flesh, disappears.

Instead, another being has interrupted Subaru's flesh. It's

"Again, your flesh has the qualities as a vessel to hold eagles, mass! That's right, you didn't even assume this would happen, Death! Oh, oh! Lazy Death, huh?

The closer I suspect I leaned next to my brain, the furious laughter of Petergius echoes.

Subaru's flesh then, contrary to Subaru's will, reaches out his right hand to Julius, who runs over this way. As it were, the shadow of Subaru swelled up, and the 'invisible hand' erupting from within it went after Julius, who had lost the means of visibility -,


'- Ah?'

The flesh of Subaru, which was responsible for the crime against Julius, swayed his upper body. The floating sensation that floated in the heat shook his skull wide into the fudge, leaving Subaru unable to maintain his posture and falling into it without even being able to receive him on the spot.

From Subaru's hand, which fell in that way, a dialogue mirror that had been gripped spilled,

"If you know where it is over the dialogue mirror, this is about it, sir. Still, Subaru, I'm going to work out a suicide bomber-ready operation, and I'm really going to...

A familiar prank voice reaches the eardrum from the mirror surface of an interactive mirror that you can't even confirm anymore. It was Ferris who had always wondered about this situation over the mirror, and as Subaru instructed - turning it into a 'doll' similar to the witch who interrogated Subaru's flesh at the same time as Petergius's signal of possession.

Most importantly, Subaru's consciousness is alive and well and is nothing more than a rampage of limited water mana that has confined itself to depriving the flesh of its freedom.

"Decent, dude... if you can't keep your mental state, you can't even get 'Invisible Hands' out, right?

'No way, or... No way, or no way, the eagle... even read that the eagle will take over your body and take this!?

Subaru dares to answer in a drunken ambiguous consciousness that Petergius in his brain trembles with astonishment.

And beside Subaru and Petergius continuing at best, Julius, who rushes over, is blind to the falling Subaru, retrieves Mimi and Tibby, who were laid under Subaru's feet, and puts them straight on Patrash to keep them both away from the battlefield. Now,

"I can't even do hostage operations with 'Invisible Hands'. Is it time to give up?

"Giving up etc...... keep taking your flesh, the eagle takes the eagle, the eagle takes the eagle with the eagle, the eagle takes the eagle with the eagle No!?

Frenzy, Petergius begins to go crazy in the real sense beyond the usual.

Listening to Petergius, who began to bug, Subaru responded with exhale to the ill-given lunatic, then glanced at him as he had decided to be ready,

"When they take over, Ferris could really kill them. I'll fight you my way."

"You, what are you... willing to, Death?

Breathe in, Subaru recalls the world of the last loop.

In the battle on the plains, the last moment Petergius took over the flesh. Subaru was rampaged and worn out of mana in his body with Ferris' hands. That unimaginable pain and the appearance of a madman who was screaming just like Subaru. In other words:

"Forcing others to tune in - that's who your possession is. Lazy Petergius...... no, Spirit Petergius Romaneconti!

"Give me the eagle -!!"

Highly screaming speculation, Subaru confronts Petergius, who is inside himself.

In discussions with Julius, Subaru and he arrived at that answer as to who Petergius was.

When a certain speculation was made about the identity of possession, its karaki, it only came to the conclusion that it seemed so.

He said that Petergius is a spirit who has been obtaining flesh by forcing himself over the flesh of others and taking over. Something qualitative, it is the identification of the bearer of enough qualities to enter into a contract with Petergius, and possession is due to the formation of a unilateral and selfish contract.

Julius' Rainbow Blade - "Clarista" binds all six attributes, the ultimate mana-breaking formula that defeats the asylum of any attribute. It is a mental body composed of mana, which also has the power to cleave the body of Petergius. His sword therefore reaches Petergius.

"Give me the eagle! With spirits and such! I don't want you to be with such inferior beings, Death! The eagle is a presence beyond the Spirit, Death! I transcended the Spirit, escaped from being so-called obscure beings, and earned one will by petition. I am chosen and present, Death! Give it to me! I don't know what to tell you, Xama!

And Petergius exasperates at Subaru's words, blasting his presence and shouting.

The content is ironically a consequence of corroborating this presumption, and therefore Petergius, as he denies the fact, exposes his anger if he does not admit it.

"Love has changed the eagle, Death! Love has given the eagle the meaning of existence, Death! It's all about witch favors too, witch favors! If so, if so! This body, the soul, all for the witch, should be dedicated and ruined, Death!

"High theory, here it is. - Then I'll make sure I see you specially."

"What! With who! What are you talking about -!! '

"I can't wait, to the witch..."

He opens his eyes to that answer and his brain, Petergius, stunned, stretches his face and loses his words.

Burning his surprise expression behind his lid, Subaru breathes heavily and attracts the moment.

- Come on, come on.

- I said, "Back to death."

The moment you say contraindications, the world moves slowly.

And it came...

Its existence had been guided by a world in which only darkness spread.

Nothing, I don't even know where my body is.

There is only consciousness, and I cannot perceive any other being.

Even if I try to stretch my arms, I don't see the presence of my arms and I don't think there's anything in this world that I can touch with my arms.

In the first place, perceptions of body parts, such as hands and feet, are beginning to obscure. How much does the presence or absence of flesh mean in this world?

Left behind by the world, it is also detached from the flesh and exists only by the soul in consciousness.

That terrible sense of unreliability makes me realize that that overwhelming sense of loss makes me feel terribly nostalgic about it, and consciousness strengthens the sentiment of rejection when it is difficult to acknowledge that fact.

But changes come to a world of darkness where the destinations of those own emotions are such that the spearheads of those extra passions make it all better.


It was a shadow that appeared so dark that it smeared pitch black into the pitch black world.

It can only be felt that it is a woman. Neither the face nor the limbs are uncertain or certain of one thing.

While in such a world, consciousness reaches only one truth and rejoices.

Bless you for meeting that presence that appeared in front of you, on the grounds of all the trembling emotions.

There were days to this day to meet this being.

I can't even remember, still a long, long day - it's all been spent at this moment, just for this moment.

The fingertips don't exist. I want to walk over right now and take my hand.

I don't like the fact that my mouth doesn't exist. I want to hit this think-length with words.

It's bad that the body doesn't exist. If you want, you can dedicate everything, such as the body of meat.

It's hard to just be conscious. Because this is all I have to offer.


Still, she remains silent.

However, it was only true that the consciousness was directed this way. In her conscious world, I had the thought of rising to heaven just because I thought I was in.

And consciousness is the real answer to the 'love' you seek, told from its mouth -.

"- No."

It was a voice colored by a badly plundered disappointment.

Whatever the word was, I was ready to shake my heart like I heard the beauty of heaven. Yet despite having had to hear that voice, it was the shadow of anxiety that struck my consciousness that didn't try to stop overflowing.

It's where they were supposed to talk about 'love', and it's where we can get to the answers we were supposed to be waiting for -.

- You're not that guy.

Disappointment filled with voices. And it is immediately replaced by another emotion.

Namely -,

"How can a being who is not that person be in my place and that person's place -?"

My anger was in my voice.

That was a word to deny this one. It was a word of rejection.

I don't know what it means to be treated that way, and consciousness tries to whine to take her word for it.

But consciousness has no mouth. I have no hands or feet to convey my intentions. The only thing in consciousness is consciousness, there's no way you can make contact with her, exchange words, let alone be loved by her.

"... disappear."

No confusion of consciousness, no confusion, no mourning, nothing conveys to her. Even if you pass it on, that doesn't mean anything.

Because to her, consciousness is worthless, pointless, and reckless.

Rejection and denial affirm the despair of that consciousness.

As it is, consciousness is detached from the framework of this cut off world and vanishes to sink far and far before that much desired encounter.

Her figure turns away.

So much, so much, so much burning disappears to the other side.

She no longer makes that mourning of consciousness a one-sided affair.

Just be quiet. She looks down,

I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. '

- It wasn't consciousness, I kept even chanting 'love' for someone else.

"- Ahhh! He's back!!

The feeling of being crushed by the heart, the demon hand attacking Subaru in a world stopped by time - I'm probably wondering if it's the witch's hand that leaves its own smell on Subaru.

The "Jealous" Witch - I'm sure there's some connection to this "Back to Death" in Subaru as well. For once, it may also have something to do with having invited Subaru into this world,

"Sooner or later, I'll figure it out... but not now!

Svalbard awakens his torso, shaking his hands and feet still unfettered, trying to grasp the rock somehow. I rubbed and wiped the saliva coming from the edge of my mouth against my shoulder, and my cancer and tinnitus stood up scattered and painstakingly, tormented by indelible nausea.

Subaru looks to the front as he lays his hands on the rock and supports his body.

"I don't think so, Death..."

Front, the wreckage of Petergius is moving out again, dragging on the stiffness and traces of blood. He possessed Subaru and tasted the witch's palm with a sense of harmony.

It was the anticipated last resort that Petergius would break and let go of Subaru's flesh before the severe pain that he would hate to remember either.

- I was desperate to get around the pain, though I was heartened to not remember hearing Petergius scream.

"Worst of all, I was going to repeat it many times until I left... Gibbs in one go is a good place to have no guts, hey"

Saying, Subaru is about to collapse with the force of his arm missing. and the arm that has stretched such a subaru from behind barely pulls me back and holds me up.

Julius. With Patrash, he returned. Upon confirmation that Petergius had withdrawn from Subaru's flesh and returned to the flesh of the dead,

"Now it's time to end it"

Pull out the knight's sword you were holding, and the magic of the lighting clarista dyes your body rainbow again.

With a blade depicting brilliance on its trajectory, Julius heads straight for Petergius.

Petergius, who drags his body and is no longer on the verge of dying, cannot take any action against its proximity to Julius.

With the damage of the pierced flesh, a much more beaten look than that, Petergius is dragging his body in a wind beaten by despair.

Eventually its body reaches before the wall, leaving its back on the rock wall and looking back here.

Even losing his temper to play madness, Petergius looks up to Julius with a flashing face. And his gaze went straight to Subaru - suddenly, his eyes lit with passion.

Tears overflow and wet Petergius' cheeks.

Unlike the tears of joy we have seen many times, it is just a testament to the unsaved, unsaved kind of delusion that overflows even too much of the rudeness.

Petergius wept, trembling his voice, reaching up to heaven and screaming, as if trying to grab something that was not there.

"Witch... Witch! Witch! Witch! So much for you! Throw anything away for you by then! Why Death when she said she gave everything she could think of to you! Why, Death! Why are you abandoning the eagle, Death!? Why, Death! Why, Death! Witch! Then... then why do you love the eagle... have mercy...!?

"It's not faith, love, let alone yourself that you dedicated. Just passing people walking around you."

Subaru clearly trumps Petergius's mourning.

It's not worth listening to, Petergius. It's just a proprietary, solitary product. Wilhelm said, "It's also a good idea to call it 'love'.


Julius walks away and approaches the lean of Petergius.

In contrast to the blade that can be shaken up, Petergius merely turns his eyes blurry, no longer weeping - his chest again, the cutting-edge of the knight's sword piercing, and the running of light bursting.

A collection of mana dwelling in the flesh - the polar light of a rainbow that uproots and burns down the existence of the Spirit and makes the existence called Petergius disappear from the world.

The blade is pulled out and Petergius glances down at the bloody chest.

Then he turned his out of focus eyes overhead, reaching out to heaven,

"-Brain, but earthquake, eh, ru"

One 'invisible hand' is released from the shadows towards the heavens, which stretches everywhere and everywhere towards the dazzling sun.

But its palms never grasp anything, and its palms toward the void eventually sharpen the surface of the wall wide, severely choosing rock skin to run cracks.

- I guess it wasn't the intended action. I guess that was just an act that took the form of paranoia, which meant nothing to Petergius.

The collapse occurs over the head of Petergius, and the decided shoreline becomes a mighty fragment that peels off. Immediately beneath it is Petergius, who still desires heaven that he cannot grasp anything,

"The eagle, loved..."

A rock mass crushes its flesh from the top, and the sound of meat and bones shaking echoes in abundance.

The earthquake and the exploding smoke sprayed up in chains, and in an instant Petergius' lean was burying itself as an underlying rubble grave marker.

Julius, who escaped the collapse, walks over the point where Petergius was. At the end of that gaze, a great deal of blood flows out from under the big rock. Seeing it, he shook his neck to the side and looked back with the knight's sword in his sheath that had been pulling away.

Subaru and also, without a word, proceed towards you.

The footsteps were dangerous and the poor scaffolding combined was a terribly slow walk, but when he reached in front of the grave marker, Subaru took a small breath.

No admiration, no achievement, no satisfaction.

It's just that I can see only empty emotions spreading pompously into my chest.

Subaru did not commit the excerpt of mouthing concepts such as victory and defeat here and now.

It's just a word over the back of my brain that doesn't float anything, that's all I say.

"Petergius Romaneconti"

With that word, an end is struck to this battle.

- Petergius Romaneconti, Bishop of the Great Crimes' Laziness'.

- Battle of Julius Euclius, the best knight, and Natsuki Subaru, the self-proclaimed knight.

In front of the rubble tomb mark, Subaru breathed small and said.

- You were "lazy."

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