Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter III.82: The Gospel of Love

- Dirty, horrible, disastrous.

Those negative emotions pass behind Subaru's brain in the sight of its imminent existence behind him. Not so long ago Petergius's appearance was off track now.

The underlying flesh of the fall is half-baked. The right half of the body is crushed and the bones are exposed, the head is peeled off and red and white are scattered alternately. The right leg does not exist from below the tibia, and the limbs, sluggishly lowered, do not feel the presence of life or fine dust.

The dead. The dead. It's a bad scratch on the carcass. of distorted spirits who take over the flesh of others and force them to put them under their control, it was a footscratch seeking raw to the end.


"- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

"You don't remember getting inside me and seeing terrible things...!

With all due respect, Subaru said, "Get inside me" is a terrible sentence while I'm at it. Speaking of fright, Petergius' gazed obsession is more than twelve.

The carcassed dependent flesh is out of life activity. Petergius - in this case, the body as a spirit that dwells in the flesh, but it extends the 'invisible hand' to its own flesh, tying its hands and feet and forcing it to move. It has not even been able to refine its force application, the bones of its hands and feet every time it is moved, the flesh being squeezed and destroyed.

It's tantamount to an act of self-destruction. If it keeps going, that's all he can lose and mist the body he possesses. But...

"Waiting for time to expire is tough, right...... shit!

Punching his fist at the edge of the swinging carrier, Subaru teeth and throws up irritation.

The speed of Patrash and others pulling dragon cars is further improved in order to escape from their impending presence behind them in order to escape through the forest. There is also the protection of the 'windscreen', the speed of which is exactly the wind itself. But Petergius, who destroys and tracks the forest, surpasses it.

It should also be the last glow of life, or I could see an evil black flame swinging violently so that the candle fire on the verge of burning out would shine strongest.

The pitch-black demon hands tie his hands and feet, and the palms entering his chest serve as a replacement for the perhaps stopped heart. And stretched to the ground as an extension of the flesh on the verge of collapse, no longer a mass of shadows - a monster born of paranoia and distorted vitality.

"This is the Spirit... where, the Spirit...? Isn't it more sacred?

Subaru's imaginary presence of the Spirit should be brighter and more magnificent, decorated with hesitant flair and beauty to touch.

Yet what is this? This dim, paranoid, distorted, ugly being with no shards of gratitude that can't even indulge in this disgust to see.

"Pac, now I know how friendly the Quasi Spirit looks."

"- Mr. Natsuki! What's behind you?!?

Subaru's abominably tongue-in-cheek overlaps Otto's cry. For him, who cannot see directly behind from your table, the nightmare that looms behind him is still not in the realm of vision.

And it's probably a happy thing for him. hand controlled him trying to get himself out and look behind him, Subaru raised his voice not to show the presence behind him,

"There's just a little big, black kedathing chasing us. I probably stepped on my tail where I don't know you. It's more auspicious not to look because it's so loud and you're afraid of your face."

"I really don't feel like showing it!? You keep saying things that concern you explicitly!?

"Just let it fly! If I get bit, now it's you!!

"Uh-oh - that's scary!

Breaking out onto Otto holding the reins, Subaru makes the road hurry. But even if Otto is considered motivated, it is the two earth dragons at the end of his reins who run. I can't even rush them any faster than they already run at full speed.

In other words:

"Your stumbling block is what I do. Showcase bursts in the final phase… how many times have you been in the final phase or spiral! What is your 'laziness', you useless worker!!

"Demon Woman Wow... Satella ah...! I love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love!!

"There's no such thing as me or you being loved! You have a love comedy trying to break the heart of your favorite opponent! I'm a wish!

Petergius lifts his face, and the scream woods in his face, which is only the Dead Minister.

Petergius screams' love 'with a dead body, betrayed by facts and still unchanged for witches. For the first time in Subaru, that seemed pathetic.

A cry for flesh, a cry for 'love' from a witch - a thirst that never heals, as a spirit without its own flesh behind them, for little opportunity to be perceived to be loved, is extensively eroding his existence.

- Nevertheless, this existence must not be affirmed.

"No special moves, no super magic. But I'm your opponent. You won't let me go before me, and you'll never let me meet the kid ahead of me...!

"Mr. Natsuki, so much about me...!

"Will you shut up for a second!? Because I'm just putting it on right now!

Yelling back at Otto, who is hard to tell if he is making tea or not, Subaru turns to Petergius, who comes packing the distance.

Because of Julius' interception, the total number of 'invisible hands' available is decreasing. Also, it's used to sustain its own life, so the number of demons you can use to attack this one is a puff - seven, the same as at the first point.

Together, Petergius approaches by dragging his body to scratch the ground. A demon hand that could be swung up snapped a branch tree and broke the ground so that it could be tapped from above. Its fingertips slightly plunder the carrier's buttocks, and it chooses the edge without any strength relationship.

If the next shot is slapped in the middle of the carrier, that ensures the dragon car is rolled over. Subaru, who is swallowed down, is swallowed by Petergius, and now it is from his head that he is swallowed.

"If you knew my body couldn't take over, you'd be sure to take me on the road."

"Mr. Natsuki, I'm going out of the woods -!"

At the same time as Otto's voice, the green of vision clears up at once.

Fly out of the woods to push through, accelerate downhill meadows and fall to slip. Petergius, who scratches the earth after it, also desires to go to the slopes, becoming a distorted evil itself with fallen trees and rock masses swallowed into its shadow mass.

- Through the woods, into the streets. Not far away, catching up with Emilia and the others.

Before them, you cannot take Petergius before her. Even if we do not know the details of the 'trials' of the Bishop of the Great Crimes, we are certain that there will be a tragedy.

So, therefore, if that's the case,

"The forest fell out. - We're not adding or subtracting!

"Aini! Aishi! Just love ga, it's all teh death-!!"

Let the tears of blood flow, open the mouth of the missing teeth, and Petergius shall smite.

Listening to that shitty voice, Subaru opened a portion of the load from behind the carrier. Severe pulled it out, and the irritant smell poured in line snorted.

Then he holds it in and sticks his finger in the bloodstained face.

"- Burn it down, Petergius"

"- Huh!!

The stretching 'Invisible Hand' goes for the sky, from which it squeezes to shake off the falls of destruction. But Subaru moves faster than it falls.

I lifted the kettle with both arms and had a vicious grin - throwing the 'oil kettle' at me.

A black demon hand falls.

To smash every dragon car on every carrier and try to blow Subaru to pieces.

Straighten your arms and stick your index finger in the shape of a gun.

At its fingertips lies the red glow - borrowed from Julius, the 'red' quasi-spirit.

I can help you, Julius Euclius.


Petergius screams, his arms looming from the top. Worst looking, notoriously difficult evil wind.

The name of the Spirit whose fingertips are chilli-burnable and who helps is' Ia '. So,


incomplete chants and chanters, and quasi-spirits in uncontracted states.

Incomplete and incomplete multiplication, but only the will is united in one act.

And I don't mind one spark interfering with the world.

A mana on the verge of running out of gas interferes with the atmosphere with the power of the Spirit, and a bursting spark burns the air and approaches Petergius. The murder phase, which can be painted on blood and oil, opens its mouth wide -,

"- Ahhh!!

- For a moment, Subaru's vision in front of him is wrapped in a bright red that swells.

The whole body of Petergius burns with a tremendous amount of heat raising the bathed oil to the igniter. Broiled all over his body by a wave-beating flame, a scream that did not become the voice of Petergius scratched the atmosphere .

It is the biggest and last blow that this can be made to Subaru, where the physical means of attack are only by hand and have no effective means of attack against the Spirit, Petergius.

Worst of all, it also considered the possibility that a flame without magic could be helpless to the Spirit, but decided from Petergius' statement seeking the body that the attack on the flesh near the carcass was not in vain.

He wasn't wrong about the idea, to see the pain and heat waves gush the interrupter.

Shut up Otto, who assumes he unloaded the load on the village, and one of the oil kettles he brought in for something came in handy here. If this works, I think I could have left a couple more alone, but I don't have time to feel sorry for that.

Petergius', shaken 'unseen hand' trembles down like the sickle of a reaper in severe pain.

Petergius, burned by flames to his sight and shaking his head, has not set his aim.

Subaru rolled herself sideways and evaded urgently to the edge of the unstable carrier - immediately after which her arms were slapped close like plundering the soles of Subaru's feet.

The cargo carriage made of wood deflects into the impact, and the cargo carriage area where the demon hand is slapped is lightly shaken as if it were a paperworker or something. Decided by the lettering of Co, with splashing pieces of wood in his half, eating and tying his teeth, Subaru drags his right foot to the back of the carrier.

"- Ouch! Oh, but ah!

Calves are deeply determined by the plundered fingertips, and massive bleeding causes sweat to erupt. My vision flickers away at the pain of shredding my flesh and the feeling of losing blood. Hold down the bleeding with your palms, but water on the burning stone as it stands without a tourniquet.

And more importantly,

"Send it over, get it over, get it over with, get it out..."

A burning black fingertip is placed on the edge of a dragon car that is heavily shaken.

Slowly lifting his upper body as it was, he dragged his nearly thousand cuts of lower body forcefully, making a distasteful water sound and a lump of lacquered black fell over the carrier.

The devil's hand shapes the flesh of the bush, and the floating luxurious body of the bone of the man who was the original object of possession has lost its prototype. A 'invisible hand' popped out of his back and sides, a spicy appearance that gave rise to four demonic hands apart from his original left arm, except for the right arm of a thousand chopped meats.

He drags the stubborn lower half of his body, which is dead from under his knees, and his arm protruding from the middle of his leg serves as a replacement for his lost leg.

Sluggly looking down, his face peeled off his white eyes, and even tears of blood were burned by the flames and half carburized. Still with his whole body licked by the flaming tongue, it was only barely possible to discern the garments that were woven with feathers when the ugliness stood.

Because the monsters are blatantly claiming to be wearing human skin.

"It's so obvious, I'm sorry.... I'm not the type of person you could talk about, either."

Distort your face, which is likely to draw you to pain, and stop it. The Subaru of patience rises. The leg bleeding is ongoing and the time will not take. Well, that's the same thing.

Petergius, whose entire body is already decaying and about to burn down in flames from above. I don't want a long fight there either. Relativity is an instant, and it should be over.

There are not many handbills that can be cut. Rather less.

What Subaru can do is shamak the incomplete magic and the magic of fire below the lower ranks with the help of the quasi-spirits. All you have to do is ignore the pain and go karate.

Too few choices are enough to make me laugh the other way around, but I have to use one of them to break through this situation. The measures were narrowed down. All you have to do is be smart.

"Meat, body, disappear no... you can't disappear, no vodes..."

"That's why it hurts to get into my body. You're wearing it! What a witch. Me and you, we're just being swayed around!

Petergius, who moves forward like a drag and seeks Subaru's flesh in obsessive terms. Raising his anger at the poor appearance of that giving up, Subaru breaks the mind of a madman.

But Petergius' reaction to that anger was in a different way than before.

"- Witch, Satella"

He groans with a clear voice at the lid, and Petergius's face lifts.

The face, which collapsed half way, lost its cheeks and could see the contents, was very similar to the human model diagram I saw at school. Petergius' flipping eyes come back, leaving the inside of that skin exposed.

The unfocused eyes swayed, which gradually tied the statue to Subaru.

"You're dangerous... Death. kicker, danger, kicker, kicker, kicker, kicker, kicker, kicker - Death!

"Ah -!?"

"Be, be, be, be, be, be. Deny love No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Petergius juxtaposes the ruptured words as he rocks his neck. An arm stretches from its body to its lid and pierces the wall behind it to plunder the unresponsive Subaru's shoulders and sides. - It wasn't as fast as I could see. I just couldn't react because I didn't have any preliminary motion.

Now Petergius has a disturbing thought and can no longer measure its movements in normal nerves. The danger of not knowing what to do at the next moment was held together from the beginning, but there is nothing we can do in Subaru when the next moment's movements are entered to an unexpected dimension.

The 'Invisible Hand' is still stretched between the Subaru, in the form of a straight line between the two facing each other in the front and rear of the carrier.

The Subaru will be swallowed irresistibly simply by being stuffed with twist and distance as it is.

Earlier instincts - when I was just ahead of my mind in seeking flesh - were probably more primitively attacked against Subaru. I heard the witch's name and regained some intelligence, but this situation of the late. Too bad in nature.

"To the witch, to the witch, to the satire, to the satire. Ah, love, love, love! Love, Mass! I'm loved, Death! Satella, you turned me into a weasel! I haven't forgotten for a while, Death... even if you forget, the eagle, forget, isn't there!

Tears overflow. It's not a tear of blood, a real tear.

Really, for the first time at this point, Petergius, for the first time, shouted sane words.

The words, the will, were pulling Petergius down from the madness of darkness into reality. And Petergius dwelt in his eyes, which were starving, and gazed upon Subaru,

"You're dangerous, Death! Sooner or later, the existence of a threat to witchcraft, Death! Before that! Before you let Satella get to you! Right here! Right here! With eagle hands! With eagle diligence! To set you apart from the 'lazy' eagle and be sincere about your love...... die, Death!!

Shake your torso wide back and forth, overflowing with frightening blood from the entire body of Petergius. It breaks the flesh from the inside of the body, a sign that the accumulated 'invisible hands' energy is about to jump outside. No longer does Petergius leave behind the worries of his patronage to the witches he professes, rather than taking Subaru's flesh, for which he tries to kill Subaru.

It is a thought that draws a line with a willing, intelligent, kedamono,

"If you'd stayed a monster, you'd have lost me."

Subaru out of his nose, Petergius opens his eyes when he sees what is gripped in his hand.

Subaru felt heartbroken by the reaction. But he turns away from looking directly at that sentiment that passed in the blink of an eye and shakes his arms up loudly.

From the tip of his hand, waved directly above him, a book of black fittings - the Gospel was thrown.

"Ah... Satella"

Pompous, spilled out of Petergius's mouth it was a low, quiet voice, and it was the very voice that called someone in peace who was loving and irresistible.

Hoping for heaven, Petergius takes the arm of flesh into the sky, and a pitch-black demon hand is launched to follow its arm, aiming for the Gospel that dances through the universe. The moment my fingertips got on the cover and I grabbed it, it came.

The book, thrown far up from the carrier into the sky, caught in the wind and was about to blow away with momentum. It is, in other words, a testament to the resistance of the wind and momentum, and the act of reaching out to the Gospel in its state,

"- Huh!?

The flesh of Petergius, who was looking up, leans heavily backwards, stirred by the fierce wind. The dragging leg smashed the choosen slab floor and sank so that his body was thrown out.

Fingertips escaped, but it is a late phenomenon, from the scope of the protection of "windscreen", which affects dragon cars born and run.

Subaru was once in the same situation at the end of a joke in a dragon car bound for Wang Du.

There's no way you can keep your posture or anything like a dragon car carrier without windscreen, direct full speed wind pressure and sway without protection.

"- Whoa, whoa!!

The moment Petergius leaned heavily, Subaru was roaring and stepping forward.

Both the pain in his decided leg and the pain in his torn shoulder now pop up like he's forgotten and bounced. There is nothing like a tremendous move that dictates victory or defeat. So only the battlefield is for sure.

A sense of smell that goes between life and death many times, and when Subaru gains at its end.

Running out, Petergius looks up towards the impending Subaru, opens his mouth and shouts something. I can't hear anything. I just grumble low and aim for Petergius' nostalgia to stick it out of my head.

'Invisible Hand' is ejected. Extreme concentration where the speed of the palm being protruded is loose and for some reason even seems stagnant.

Tilt your neck. I don't move as my body thinks. The palms are in a position to definitely plunder the cheeks and neck, even if direct strikes are avoided. I can see the pain coming. Unexpectedly, a sense of compression that seems to close your eyes.

In that situation, I sometimes remember. A memory that was terrible and continually painful. Those are the days that have passed, and I've always thought it was a meaningless time.

"- There were two things Mr. Wilhelm taught me."

The palms come. I can play along with the surface layer of my tilted neck and the pain like some of my cheeks and ears were pressed against burnt iron. My thoughts burn in pain and my eyes glow white.

Scattered. Breathe in. It's not over yet.

"I mean, I don't even have the gift of a sword."

Burning in pain, relaxed in relief. The feeling of two elements attempting to rob consciousness, remaining in that narrow space, Subaru looks straight ahead.

From beyond the avoided palm, the other palm now goes for the face of Subaru -,

"- When you get hit, you have a blinding nerve!!

Scream, head down and duck. to the pain in the palm that peels off the back of his neck, but bites his teeth off. Front, astonishingly eye-opening Petergius. I feel that in a body that is no longer in the shape of a person, there are still remnants of the person only on the face that exposed its bones and muscle fibers,

"- Huh!!

A full swing fist punches through its face, a deadly blow to Petergius's leaning body - treading heavily off the floor where his body falls short of the impact of the blow, and his body is thrown straight out of the dragon car. And

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

With an upside down hanging, Petergius is dragged by a dragon car. Part of the coat is hooked onto the edge of the damaged carrier, and while it is connected to the dragon car, it is pushed to the ground and mopped down.

The blood is scattered, the flesh is bounced off, even the 'invisible hands' that constituted the flesh are peeled off, and the presence of Petergius is disintegrating. Still, Petergius turned upside down, lifting his likely collapsed face, staring at Subaru on the carrier,

"End, end, end, never end, no, death, death, death!?

- No, I'm done.

Looking down at Petergius, who was too busy, Subaru finds himself in the corner of the carriage - where Petergius stretches out his arm and realizes that the Gospel, which he should have grabbed, is falling.

Pick it up and turn the page. Later in the day, I came across a blank page,

"The Gospel, that, it... the art of affirming the future to the eagle, the deeds of the eagle, and rewarding the eagle with love, the love of the eagle... Ah!

"You're right about this, you were moving. - Then."

Petergius moves his shoulders like he seeks the Gospel. But there is already no right arm, and the left arm that was about to fall has also lost its tip from both arms in friction with the ground. The last gospel of Petergius, who has lost limbs, even 'unseen hands', and is on the verge of disappearing.

Subaru opens to show off that blank page, fingering the blood flowing from his neck with his right hand. And engrave Zhu in the Gospel so as to slap him,

"Here you are, a 'treat' -!"

Big, the words' end 'are engraved in red' letter (a) 'on the blank paper of the opening.

Look at it, Petergius, who opens his eyes and moans his lips. The wave of emotion that spreads in its eyes is too complex to read anything to Subaru anymore.

And before that enthusiasm becomes a word, the end comes.

The dragon car bounced and the hem of Petergius' coat, which was caught on the carrier, came off. It produced the result of dropping the fallen body of Petergius onto the ground as it was, and the further torn and stretched coat was tangled in the wheels of the luggage of the spinning dragon car before it fell onto the earth.

The light Petergius flesh, dragged by the caught coat, losing blood and limbs, packs the distance towards the wheel. I can see the termination. The sound of blood scattered around the breaking of the coat of law, and at the last moment Petergius looked up to Subaru and shouted.

"- Natsuki Subaruuuuuuuuuu!!

The scream trees spirits, and that replaces the severed demon as it is.

With the name of Subaru screamed, every scream Petergius' flesh is swallowed by the wheels, caught up and chewed up, and pieces of blood and flesh splash to put an end to life.

The flesh disappears, and its presence as the Spirit that dwelt in it also becomes entangled and misty at its spectacular end.

At the end, one of the 'Invisible Hands' stretched out in front of Subaru.

Its palm stops on the verge of grabbing Subaru's face and disappears as it spills off his fingertips. That was, in a true sense, an indication of the fact that Petergius Romaneconti disappeared.

"Now it's time to stay asleep... Petergius"

When finished, Svalbard enters the carrier convinced of it.

As soon as I was able to ignore it until then, the pain came back and Subaru half cried for the pain - no, rolling out in tears.

"Ouch, nasty, dying, dying is this, painful, nasty, nasty... ugh!

I can't stop crying. The pain doesn't stop either. The stirring, the bloody wound hurts, and the pain irritates the whole body without excess. So chest pain is also just the pain in that wound.

There's nothing to pity. There's nothing to be sympathetic about, madman, mad spirit Petergius. He ran around in his solitude and ended up on top of it.

Shout for blind love, behave yourself on it, and one decays.

No one needs to hold pity or anything like that at the end of Petergius' path.

- There's only one person, except Subaru, who doesn't have to think that.

"Nobody understands you. You deserve to die. Fuck it, it's natural. No one, no one, you will not be forgiven. - So I sympathize, that's all."

Nobody understands you, you can't give love to someone who asked for it, a lonely monster.

Petergius Romaneconti will vanish this time.

Leave nothing in anyone's chest, in anyone's heart.

Just on Subaru's chest, punching a wedge of pity, and now it's really time.

"Mr. Natsuki, it's so scratchy that it's not half way through, are you okay?

"You can't be all right, I cried super hard. It's been a big cry since I lost my anesthesia while I was scraping my teeth. I'm still singing a big chorus that all the wounds hurt."

Moving from the half-baked carrier to your table, Subaru is surprised to stop the wound bleeding with the first aid tools Otto offers. The journey of the merchant seems to be a hazard and an accompaniment, and these drugs and tools are something to be kept in place at all times. It's a form helped by its proximity.

"I don't know how much medicine from other worlds suits my body. I wonder if this ointment, rough skin or something is okay. I'm so delicate about my skin."

"It's a medicine that activates mana in your body to speed up wound adhesion. That's all the scratches on my side. It hurts so much too, so please take care of it early. Just like that."

"I get it. Damn, for a little tea eye...... Ouch! Oh, what's this, uh, shit! Ouch! It stings! Hey, Kimmy, I'm gonna die!

"Medicines that work well will be super refreshing. The pain will go away soon. - Until then, you will taste the pain of hell."

I laugh sideways at Subaru as if Otto had finally rewarded me with an arrow. Seeing the devil on its side, Subaru wiped his fingers of the tears that had crept out again.

"So, how late are we?

"I haven't been late. Rather, it is about as good as it is thanks to the efforts of both the grounddragons before the misery of common sense.... really, what have you been following?

"I'm lazy, don't you know? He's hanging upside down on a tree branch or something, he's a long hand or something."

Otto spills a small exhalation at Subaru's pungent answer, and further pursuits stare forward as if he had given up. Subaru also saw the meadows of Reefaus Street in front of him according to his gaze. streets you can see to the other side of the horizon, you still can't see the shadows you sought there,

"I'll definitely catch up. Now I'm gonna help you."

Mumble, slap your cheeks anew in the mood. The sharp pain ran through the wound, but the effect of the medicine or the blood had already stopped and it just had to be half crying.

"In time, do you think?

"I'll make it!

Otto's was not weak, it was a word that would ask Subaru's readiness. I guess that also means that you want to hear Subaru's answer and set the direction of your mind.

Subaru rubbed his nose, distorted the edge of his mouth, peeking at the grin that stripped his teeth.

"Come on, it's time for Rem to get tired of waiting for the good news. You have to live up to your expectations. You're not a man."

"Is that the name of the woman you fell in love with?

"That's the name of the girl who's in love with me!

Hearing Subaru say so with dignity and without feeling or being able to illuminate, Otto only looks distracted for a moment. and then immediately broke his face,

"Oh, that can't be, you can't stay out of it!

Otto screams joyfully, his reins shaking loudly and vertically to make a thirsty noise.

Without two ground dragons, the speed of a dragon car that cuts through the wind increases even further.

Running through, running through, running through the streets, dragon cars going.

Beyond the horizon, to find something important that was distant.

Time flies by. But Natsuki Subaru wants to go forward.

Natsuki Subaru just wanted to, even before.

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