- I left myself to the swing of a dragon car going down the street, and Rem just thought of him.

I feel like I've been called my own name, and Rem lifts up the face that was leaning down. Then narrowed its eyes slightly to the intensity of the sun.

Front, at the end of her gaze, are several dragon cars leading the group, where a number of injured people have been brought in to participate in the White Whale Crusade.

It is the return of all, with only minimal first aid, and not necessarily a small number of serious injuries. However, their mouths are engraved with years of thought-provoking accomplishment, even though they face the pain of the wound.

The thoughts of the years they have been holding. Compared to the fact that it was fulfilled, there is no way to compare injuries that didn't have to die, etc.

To them who have done what needs to be done, the road to the King's Capital today is like a triumph. On the other hand, I put them in my sight like that, and I almost hated my shallowness for not being able to overwhelm my painful emotions.

"You have a face that doesn't float, Rem. After all, don't worry about it all."

"... Master Krush"

If you look next door with a voice, there's a Kursch figure sitting right beside the lem.

Lem is also impressed with that posture where the bandage is wrapped under a light outfit and doesn't make him feel shallow and injured, but his health drain just isn't hidden away. Being in a dragon car was also caused by the anxiety of being crossed by the ground dragon alone, at least until the point where the king's capital can be seen, an arrangement is made to ride with Rem.

Under Rem's care glance, Kursch shrugged his shoulder to indicate he was alive, and "more than that," he gently clasped his jaw over here.

"Wilhelm and Ferris. The warriors of the crusaders who accompanied them are also elite. There will be help from Ricardo and other mercenaries... and more importantly, it is hard to believe that Anastasia Horsin doesn't care about that extent. The opponent's battle power is an anxiety element, but I can't feel the losing element"

"Still, is it selfish to think you're worried?"

"The seed of anxiety is endless no matter how much it crushes. If that's what you attribute to yourself, it doesn't matter if you drill yourself and reopen it. But when it comes to the other party, it's also difficult. - I'm not good at telling you to rest. Forgive me."

Krush bows his eyes in understanding his loss to the look of Rem deepening his worried face. Soon after, it seemed like a sudden, formatted spot had fallen out of the woman who had been superior until then, and Rem accidentally slackened his mouth into the form of a smile.

Seeing that smile, Krusch nodded satisfactorily, "Uhm, that's fine,"

"Natsuki Subaru also said. Smiles are better for Rem, he said. I thought it was some kind of love story from the side, but it's not like I made an out-of-the-box fool of myself."

"Master Krush... when you laugh, you change your impression. It's like being smiled at like that even though you're usually Rin..."

"It's something they say sometimes, and I care. So you don't laugh too inadvertently in public. Increasingly, an unfathomable woman will be able to"

I'm a little unsure if I can laugh because I think it's a joke, but I see Kursch's mouth faintly soft and Lem also breaks his lips again.

Always brave and Rin, her appearance is one of the ideal female portraits for Lem, who is always unsure and mostly. Of course, the best ideal for Rem is nothing more than the presence of his sister, Ram.


"It's witchcraft waiting ahead of us.... It was expected from when we learned Emilia's last name, but vigilance is mandatory if a group with no real view becomes the target. Same goes for Natsuki Subaru, but Sir Mazers should be taking only measures, too, right?

"Because even to the abyss of the Lord's thought, Lem does not know. You can't talk about it, can you?

"You're tough. I'm an ally now, so I said I could slip my mouth a little bit."

He probably cares not to go to the dark side to those who don't think well of Rem. In fact, thanks to Kursch swinging the story that way, Lem's thoughts are also spending time without getting into depth.

Kursch's words are good, and Roswar must have some sort of aftermath for this one. Subaru's actions will take the form of helping the Lord with it, and will surely restore Subaru's unfortunate and demeaning honor.

No, thanks to the cooperation already in the White Whale crusade, honor should sound higher before recovery.

- Hero Natsuki Subaru.

That is a natural assessment for Rem, who was saved his heart and future by him, and nothing more than a legitimate assessment of the glorious time he will continue to launch.

And beside that brilliance, if you have your presence in a position where you can turn around sometimes, Rem doesn't ask for anything more. That's it, it fills.

When I think of Subaru, Rem's mind is always filled with complex emotions.

It's like getting warm and at peace. And yet I'm anxious and somewhere painful, like I'm made to be worried and angry.

Even though Subaru is the only one who constantly gives me joy and concern in that way.

Carving a smile in his mouth, Rem imagines Subaru's future and his future with him.

Did you get relief on that side, Kursch also stares straight at the dragon car path silently as he touches the sheath of the knight sword beside him - giving thought to the road to the Wang capital.


"- Mm?"


It was almost at the same time that Krusch narrowed his eyes and turned smaller, and that Rem heard a faint noise and raised his face.

The discomfort Kursch's eyes captured was a dragon car forward. And the noise that Rem heard came from you again. And it has one result at the same time.

- In Kursch's sight, a forward dragon car 'collapsed'. In Rem's ear the precursor of its' collapse 'had arrived as a chain of tiny sounds like rain.

Blood fog sprays up and the front of the dragon car suddenly turns into misery.

Ground dragons, dragon cars and the wounded who were in them were all rooted in and dusted by utterly relentless and overwhelming destruction.

"- Huh! Enemy attack!!

It takes a moment to complete a stagnation that throats in amazement, and a voice is raised urging Kursch to be vigilant. Signs of combat readiness by detecting anomalies in other dragon cars that were around, starting with Krush immediately.

Rem also pushed away the wounds and fatigue of his flesh, and stood up with his own arm, the iron sphere, in his hand - beyond the blood mist, and saw the figure.

I can see a man standing on the street in Rem's sight, alarmed by what kind of opponent.

Handless. Unguarded. Unwary. And merciless, innocent, random malice -!

"- Kill him!!

Krush yells and flies his instructions to you as he boards the platform. The knight who heard of it shrugged his reins instead of his head, and the hissing ground dragon accelerated the dragon car and stormed it - the penetration of the dragon car that gained momentum is a supermassive shell that turns a direct hit prey into a meat mass.

It doesn't aim wrong, it captures the person who stands upright. The opponent has no sign of moving. Keep in contact, thin body cuts a thousand to impact...

"Master Krush -!"

Screaming, Rem grabs Krush's hips, which were directly beside him, and jumps off the dragon car to the side. Reaching out to you in time, Rem bit his lips and landed on the ground.

And right after that...,

"Damn, I hope you don't. I can't believe I didn't do anything, but I don't think it's human."

That was like the voice of someone who was also taking a relaxing stroll through the afternoon park. A voice in warm sunshine and no more relaxed.

If that wasn't the scene of contact with the shattered and scattered dragon cars by the collision, Lem wouldn't have fought that anomaly so far either.

At first glance, he was a figure of no strangeness whatsoever.

For a skinny body, gray hair that was neither long nor short, nor oddly tidied. The black-toned outfit is neither extraordinarily gorgeous nor impoverished, nor does it have any eye-catching features. He was such a mediocre looking man who seemed mediocre, seemed to be everywhere and could blend in everywhere, and disappear from his memory in just over a dozen seconds if he saw it all over the city.

But the fact is that the ground dragon who came into contact with the man has been cut in half by the flesh with his legs raised to kill him, and the knight of his lord has been crushed for each dispersed dragon car, making it indistinguishable between the pieces of wood and the pieces of flesh.

And what's scary is that Lem, who didn't even look away once until that moment, found that the man was just 'standing'.

Nothing special, the man is just standing there, beating a collision with a super-weight dragon car, and standing flat out.

"Let me thank you, Rem, for your help. But... things haven't improved."

From Lem's arm, which opens his eyes, Kursch, who was held, rises thankfully. She pulled the knight's sword out of her sheath, which she had grasped, and narrowed her eyes painfully like the death of a knight who had moved and scattered her life as she had instructed.

"Keep killing my men so miserably, I didn't think you'd be safe.... who the hell are you?"

Poking his sword tip glowing with intent to kill, Kursch throws a sharp voice at the man. And the man who took it put his hand on his chin and began to nod to convince himself.

"I see. You don't know me. [M] Even so, I know you. Now the King's Capital... No, we're talking about you all over the country. Anyway, he's the next king candidate. I can imagine that even if I were neglectful of public opinion, that would mean I was about to carry something big."

"Pepper and waste. - Answer the question, I'll kill you next."

"That's a terrible saying. But maybe you can't carry the country very much without being as transgressive as that. I don't even understand the shards of that sensibility, but you can't possibly understand a person's spirituality to aspire to a position where he likes it and has too much responsibility for a king. Yeah, I wouldn't deny it because I don't understand. I'm the one who doesn't mean to behave like that without fine dust. Unlike you..."

For a long time, I keep turning my tongue, where men often slip, ignoring Krush's demands.


- That's what I said, there's no next time.

It was at the same time that Krusch ruthlessly said it out and her arm waved the blade of the wind.

Invisible slaughter combined with Kursch wind magic and sword moves - a super-range superslaughter famous for "One Hundred Daggers," which strokes a man's torso from the diagonal top, letting the slashed person die without even knowing where that slaughter came from or who let it go.

Once upon a time in Karsten territory, when the Warcraft "The Great Raven" appeared, the Warcraft that hit the subordinate of the Great Raven was annihilated in the plains. An alias for the battlefield from decorating the first battlefield with tremendous results is Duke Kursch Karsten's "One Hundred Daggers".

The power of slaughter, which even cleaved the hard skin of the white whale and greatly contributed to dropping its gigantic body. It's a short body that won't be talked about if you compare it to that Warcraft mass, and it can't be bearable.


"... what kind of education did you get that it was an attack while people were talking nice?

There was a man there who tilted his neck and showed his slashed body gently.

His presence does not make the sword strike that cleaves the white whale slightly forward, and in its flesh - no, the flesh, on the contrary, does not even leave any sign of that sword in its garment.

Another completely different unknown phenomenon than the slaughter was prevented.

Kursch breathes, and Rem also hardens himself into being outside of common sense. For the first time in front of those two, the man breathed small, and when he lowered his voice to exasperation, "Um come on,"

"That's why I'm talking. You were talking, weren't you? I guess it's a little different to interrupt that. Don't you think I'm wrong? I don't want to argue about the right to talk, but it's not a kind of tacit understanding that if someone were still talking, they wouldn't let it get in the way. I'm not complaining because you're free to listen to that seriously or not, but I don't know about deciding I won't let you."

Speaking quickly, the man taps the ground with his feet to expose his grumpy will. Keep it up. He sticks his finger at the two people who push him into creepy,

"Now Danmari, I don't know about that either. You're listening. I thought you heard. I asked you a question. If they do, you'll answer, that's what it is. I don't do that either. I don't want to. Oh, freedom. That's your freedom. [M] From you guys, I was slashed talking on my own, questioned on my own, ignored, and that's how it looks. That's how you use your freedom. Fine, don't do that. But, you know, this is what I mean by that idea, right?

At a glance he leaned his neck against the two of them, and the man said with a voice that strengthened the eyesight of those eyes and shot them through, then pushed them to death.

"That means making my rights - a handful of private births a scorn, right?

A chill steps forward a man the next moment he runs up Rem's back. A faint wind rolls with a sloppy, unmanipulatively lowered arm swinging from the bottom to the top.

Shortly afterwards, on the straight line of a man's arm - the earth, the atmosphere, the world cracked.

Whirling, whirling, Kursch's left arm, cut off with his shoulder, dances through the universe.

His arm, which remained gripping his sheath, scattered a blood splash and fell to the ground, and Kursch's body, which blows to the shock, falls to the ground and spasms begin in intense pain and bleeding.

"Kursch, dear -"

For a few seconds, the distracted lem immediately jumped away and went under the fallen krush. Squeeze the naked mana and put your hand on Krush's wound and start applying hemostasis and treatment at all costs.

Kursch's amputated arm wound was vivid enough to fall in love, to perfectly sever the flesh, bones, nerves and blood vessels in her left arm. Rem has more misplaced admiration for the sharpness of that offense up to the point of being artistic.

"Ferri, s...... ugh, oh, huh?

In the arm of the treating lem, Krush speaks rumors as he wanders his unfocused gaze. Remaining right arm grabbed Rem's leg and an unusual grip was making that knee bone crush. The power to live is still a testament.

He bites his teeth at Krush's and endures it, and Rem glances at the man's assault in front of him.

I have no idea what prevented the attack or who the blow is right now. I don't overlook a single spare motion and have no other help than to take Krush and dodge it.

Besides, it's this situation that's weird. Leaving two Lem and Krush behind, why aren't the other faces popping up in front of this anomaly? Why are those brave men facing the white whale in the scene where the master was so fatally wounded...

"Ah, not at all...... no matter how much you eat, you don't eat enough! This is why we can't stop living. Eat, eat, chew, chew, chew, eat, chew, chop, chew, lick, sip, suck, lick, shake, drink! Raging! Ahhh - it was a gothic sausage!

It was suddenly the voice of a tall boy who arrived from behind.

Feeling the same chills on his back as the man in front of him, Rem looks back at his whole body with tension and stiffness. And behind it, in the heart of a crowd of stopped dragon cars, he caught the presence of a bloody figure who turned his back and made fun of him.

He's a low-back boy with dark brown hair stretched down to his knees. He's about the same height as Rem or lower, and he's two or three years younger - he seems just a little older than the children in the village near the mansion.

Under its long hair, she is dressed only to twist her thin body with a thin, dirty cloth like a bollocks, and her skin tone, faintly peeking, is dyed red with blood everywhere.

It must belong not to his own blood, of course, but to the knights who fall under its feet.

Apart from the Krush and Rem, which are opposed to the enemy in front, the knights were also confronted with the enemy that appeared in the rear. And the result was that Lem would tear away without even being able to understand the signs of that battle -.

"You, you..."

Shivering his voice, Rem backs and forwards - retreating each opponent to a position where he can be seen. The air cools down as the blood dripping from the Krush carves Zhu into the street and mocks her driven by fear.

Being thrown that question, the man and the boy looked at each other.

Then we nodded at each other as we indicated, both with a terribly intimate, violent, devilish grin, and named.

"Leggles Cornias, Bishop of Witchcraft, in charge of 'Greed'"

"Rei Battenkaitos, Bishop of Witchcraft's Great Crimes, in charge of 'bulimia'"

"I felt signs that our pet had been hit, so I came to see if it was abundant. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay! Obsession! Hate! There was all sorts of sadness! That's what makes it worth eating!

Witchcraft - it's also the Bishop of the Great Crimes.

Before Rem, who overheard the word, froze, the boy in an excited manner - a person named Rye Battenkaitos stepped on the ground and raised an odd voice.

He turned to dance on the spot, and looked at it with love as he showed his arms the falling knights.

"I knew it would be fine, and this is how you're going to eat it from the hand. Especially since we haven't had a chance to meet these spirited eaters lately, we'll feel hunger fill us up in a while."

"I don't understand that about you, Battenkaitos. It's not like you're actually going to starve, and even if it's going to be filled, it's not your own. How can I not be satisfied with myself now? All right? People can only have the number they can hold with two arms, what fits in their palms, right? If you understand that, won't you also be able to discipline your own greed?

"We don't need sermons and we don't like them. I don't deny you're wrong, but I'm not interested. Oh, really, we're good except to satisfy this hunger."

Battenkaitos of 'bulimia' laughs madly, his shoulders shrugging as the legulus of 'greed' seems boring.

Before the event that the Archbishop of the Great Crimes would stay in the same place at the same time, Rem was thinking of spinning his head, which was about to stop, to somehow crack the situation open.

Combatatively, it's impossible to smash these two on this occasion.

Kursch's blood stopped, but the container is still in danger. I can't tell if the knights are dead or injured, either, or at least not counting for battle power.

Rem himself, None Mana, has spent on his current treatment. If you're going to haunt and fight, you should still have some - but before these two, you can't come up with a vision of winning.

"Greed" doesn't show any gaps in one or the other attack. It is also a position where there are rumors that one city has been dropped in personal combat, and the bottom is unknown. And the other also "bulimia" where the bottom is not seen in its heterogeneity again. Fighting power is unknown, but a powerful man who defeated the Knights of the Battle without putting them together in just a few dozen seconds. Nor do I see a future to overthrow.

If you look around you, you won't see the dragon car that Riger's herd was pulling. The returnees and wounded of the Beast Mercenaries - and only loaded with the heads of the white whales that succeeded in taking them out.

Probably on the run by the noise, heading all the way to Wang Du. It will be Heterault, who is also the deputy head of the mercenary regiment. He should have been the owner of an elite and commonsense judgment, so if he buys time, he might lead reinforcements back.

But that too - I didn't think Lem would make it while he was up against the two of us.

"Give me the white whale..."



Listening to Rem whine, the Archbishop of the Great Crimes tilts his neck at the same time.

Somewhat, Lem held his breath slightly, saying he got the hang of the story to buy time, and spoke quickly to avoid that interest waning.

"Have you been chasing the white whale back? Because the Lems were about to bring their cut heads back to the king's capital."

"Head? Ah, if I thought it smelled weird for some reason, would that have happened? I don't need a head, and it's fine because I'm dead and I can't take it home with me. We could make it again if we wanted to... well, it would take just as long to grow up."

Battenkaitos rattles his neck bones after lightly saying what he can't miss asking. Then he rattled his teeth on his heels and said, "Shh, shh," harder,

"What we were interested in was the ones who killed the white whale more than the white whale died. Four hundred years around the corner, I killed this guy who came every now and then. Come on, I was hoping we'd have all those ripe food guys... ahhh, this was more than I ever imagined!

The boy laughs as he shakes his head up and down and spits as he shakes his long, long hair. In the meantime, while still engaging the tease and slightly longer teeth of the dog's teeth,

"Love, the heart of the righteous! Hate! Obsession! Achievement! Long, long, extended build-up, build-up, simmering and boiling. That's the satisfaction through your throat! Is there more gastronomy in the world than this?!? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Raging! Raging! So much! Our hearts, our stomachs tremble with joy and fullness."

I don't know what you're talking about.

Looking like Taga came off, Battenkaitos continues to laugh in the voice of a tall boy. As his pulled voice sounded, if Rem silently shifted his gaze, Leggles, who was ahead, waved against his gaze,

"Hate, I'm nothing like him there, am I? It just so happens that I'm here, and it's not the result of acting aggressively at all. Naturally, right? Am I as hungry or thirsty as he is? That kind of thing, I don't have a bunch of inferior selfishness. Unlike him, who's always frustrated by his unfulfilled hunger, I see, because I'm infinitely satisfied with what I am today."

Spread your hands, Leggles looks sunny in front of Rem.

Cut off Krush's arm and turned his arms wide enough to do just the same, he did such a trick as to strongly manifest his existence,

"I don't like fighting, as far as I'm concerned. I don't want anything more than to be able to enjoy the days of peace and tranquillity in plain sight. Peaceful, safe, unchanged time and self, that's the best. My hands are tiny and powerless. I am a weak person who is full of protection for my personal possessions."

Leggles grips and consolidates his fist and theorizes forcefully. With one way of moving that fist, what a grace to cut off one woman, the earth dragon and multiple lives.

Both Battenkaitos, who keep laughing like crazy, and Leggles, who line up his selfish arguments and immerse himself in self-satisfaction, are all outliers. After all, these guys are witchcraft.

There is a boil of anger.

Rem stood up terribly with trembling feet as he put Krush to sleep in the meadow, falling into deep breath like he was dead. On his hands, he squeezes an iron ball, and a naked mana, letting the ice column float around his body.

Seeing that changes the look on the faces of Battenkaitos and Regulus.

"Were you listening to people? I told you I didn't want to do it, did I? If you're listening to that and that attitude means you're ignoring my opinions. It's a violation of my rights. You want to take my personal possessions away from me, the little me I was allowed to be. - I can't forgive you for being so insolent."

"Is that enough of what you want to say, witchcraft"

To the legulus that brings his neck, Rem says away with perseverance. against Leggles, who snorts at the way it is, while ringing chains of iron balls and intimidating Lem,

"Soon there will be a hero who will surely strike you down. The person will surely remind you of how selfish you are and how self-satisfied and unhappy you have created. Lem's beloved, only one hero."

"Hehe, hero. Well, we're looking forward to it, too. I'm sure that's all they believe in, and it's delicious for us."

Knock your hands and bend your torso, Battenkaitos stretches out your tongue to define the lem.

That's not the eye that sees the enemy, let alone the woman. The light that dwelt in that gaze was perfect, nothing more than that of a hungry ghost licking his tongue at the ingredients.

Behind the back, behind Battenkaitos, lies the fallen characters.

I don't understand what his presence is now Lem what their position was. How they were falling over there, who they were, and what relationship they had with themselves.

The fog of the white whale was the manifestation of a nightmare that made the bathed beings disappear from being to being. Then the power of 'bulimia' to have been able to follow it -

"Roswar L. Mazers, borderline uncle headed by a servant, Rem."

In an attempt to name after his own position, Rem shook his head to the side.

Only at this moment right now, give me a name that I really want to name...

"I'm just one sweetheart now. - sooner or later, my beloved, the caretaker of Natsuki Subaru, Rem."

White horns protrude from his forehead, gathering mana full of atmosphere to energize the lem.

All over his body, his arms gripping the iron sphere peristallize, waiting for the call that the ice-column is now or now.

I opened my eyes, recognized the world, felt the atmosphere, and just drew him in the back of my brain.

"Be prepared, Bishop of the Great Crimes. - Lem's hero will surely come to judge you!!

Shake up the iron sphere and fly so that Lem's body can play at the same time as the ice column is launched.

Like intercepting it, Battenkaitos opened his mouth wide full of its fangs,

"Ah, that's a good mood - well, Itadaki Masu!

bump, bump, and at that moment, I think.

If you will, may there be waves in his heart when he finds out that he has been lost.

- That was the only wish for Rem's last moment.

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