- I feel my head clearing up.

The chorus of anguish that was screaming so much as it seemed to crack until now lurked, and there was only one thought in Svalbard's head today - he was only ready to face his father in front of him.

"My favorite kid, I could do it. Me, too."

Again, repeat the answer to the query.

Having spoken of it again, Subaru becomes aware that his heart has walked out.

Before my eyes, Sachiichi blinked several times listening to that confession, even as I realized that it was a statement that had gone out of the way of conversation until then.

"... I see."

In a quiet voice, he listened to Subaru's words.

Saved by such an attitude. I should have known you were someone who would listen to me that way, but Subaru has been holding his mouth ever since.

So I'm going to finish that.

- That's because someone pushed me on the back.

"That's right. I'm not just a little, little, round kid in a room anymore."

I don't even know how much I've changed.

I can't believe I'm not a kid. Even if I'm strong, I'm about as aware of myself being a kid.

He was not aware of the courage to raise his face, the readiness to confront weakness, the thoughts of escaping the unpleasant, or anything.

I was less than a kid. I just finally admitted that I was a kid now.

Even that, I could never admit it myself.

A silver shadow floating behind his brain is sweetly tickling Subaru's chest.

It's a brilliance that brought heat to Subaru, who was stagnant and cold without moving.

Silver - that color, which is supposed to make you feel cold, sends a tremendous amount of heat into Subaru today to make it a force to step out. As it floats in its heat,

"I remembered everything I was freaking out about and why it was shrinking. - No, I knew it all. Know, pretend not to look... only I realize my weakness to someone while I can pretend I don't know..."

Somebody, I can't even delude you. I know who that was.

"I wanted my father and mother to slap me"


"Because I can't help it, I'm small, I'm not stupid enough, I'm a lone scumbag, and the two of you beat me up... and I wanted you to give up"

Hyunichi's eyes, staring at Subaru silently, are unwavering.

I see myself in my eyes, which dwell in the same colour as Subaru. His eyeballs so sharp that he was misled by anyone as being grumpy, they were now so weakly lowered that there was nothing he could do.

- I feel sorry for you, I think.

"I've been a little clever for a long time, and there's something I can do appropriately. Running, studying... I can do what my friends around me can't really do right away, and on the contrary, I wonder how everyone can't."

What can I say about the thoughts of childhood and the lovely feeling of almighty?

When I was little, Subaru was a quicker child than a crowd in both exercise and study. Faster legs than around, as a matter of course, smarter than kids my age, and centered around like I figured it out -.

"I knew you were that guy's kid."

In recognition of such subaru, the adults and neighbors frequently said so.

Knowing that the 'that man' is the Father, his surroundings acknowledge that he is the Son of the Father. - Being able to say that word was a pride to young Subaru.

My father - Svalbard's father, Vegetable Moon and Hyunichi - was an attractive figure even from his son's eyes.

Laughs a lot, talks a lot, cries a lot, gets angry a lot, moves well, works well.

My father did not begin to publicly proclaim that he loved Subaru and my mother, and there were always people around him who admired my father, and my father always stood at the heart of the smile of so many.

The fact that such a father is more proud of Subaru than anything else, and that such a father is the one who cares most about his family, himself and his mother, was something that gave Subaru such an awful and arrogant sense of superiority.

- I want to be like my father. I want to be like my father.

For the young Subaru, the size of his father's back was the size of the world itself, and the world was only what he foresaw from above his father's back.

So every day, Subaru was able to live happily ever after.


"I don't know how long it's been... I don't remember, but I think someone caught me losing. From then on, the best thing I could have done was not the best. There are guys out there faster on their feet than me, and there are guys out there faster on solving problems than me. I'm starting to think it's weird because I know it's the least bit of me, but it's definitely decreasing."

The more he swept away, the farther away were the stars that were shining in the sky of Subaru's heart.

Whether reaching out or running around under the sky, there will be no more stars that were shining light around Subaru, and the darkness and quiet of the night that wraps Subaru will increase.

Even in such an inexperienced sense of impatience,

"I knew you were that guy's kid."

Only that word was Subaru's salvation, and his hopes for perseverance.

Whether he lost at foot speed or couldn't be the best at wit, the words kept supporting Subaru's young embrace.

Instead of practicing running, I started taking the initiative and doing stupid things rather than working hard to solve my homework.

Sneaking in with friends at night school, pulling around the White Line all over town, kicking out the wild dogs that were famous for being dangerous - and not boring everyone that way, Subaru tried to protect the stars that had become less of himself.

"It's ridiculous to work hard at studying. How can you be so proud of yourself for having such fast feet? It's much more amazing and much stronger that I'm laughing with everyone like this"

To protect the pride of such a mistake, I had to keep running.

Take the initiative to do what everyone fears, come to themselves at what everyone hates, and in that way protect them with care so that their place is not lost.

"But if you're trying to protect yourself that way, you're gonna have to do something bigger next time. I can't imitate anything smaller than what I did before. As such, it would be a big deal if they thought he was a little guy"

So Subaru's deeds had to get more and more radical.

If you ask me why I would do that, I say it's because it's a vegetable moon.

- Yes, it has to be a vegetable moon.

Vegetable moon and rice noodles must continue to be braver than everyone else, more runaway than everyone else, freer than everyone else and as we all admire them.

That's how you stick it up, you stick it through, you hide what you're sticking up, you don't even notice yourself like that, you cheat yourself and around you that you can do more, that you can still do it.

Because I am the vegetable moon and the vegetable moon of Hyunichi's son.

"I could do anything, that's what I thought. I'm gonna do everything. 'Cause I was making you think. That's how you get stupid for not doing things, and don't even think about it, it's all about making noise..."

Like a feather that would attract me to the fire that way, I was also looking for heat without realizing it would burn.

If that was truly an insect, Subaru was over fascinated by fire until it burned.

But Subaru wasn't a feather worm, and his friends around Subaru were a lot more human than Subaru.

- Especially since I don't think there was some kind of cut.

The unscrupulous mentioned by Subaru brings together an equally evil looking companion.

The number of his gathering companions began to decrease as if his teeth were falling out of the

"Even the dumb ones thought so. It's so much fun that you can't taste it without being by my side. They should regret it or whatever and waste their boring time. I said I'd look higher."

That's how you keep searching for star places, and you don't have to lose sight of the stars over your head.

All those stars that were supposed to fill the sky were gone, and all that was left of Subaru was one star at that instant, and I just stared at it and kept running - and then, when I looked from the starry sky to the earth,

"I was the only one left around me."

It's natural.

Don't even look around, Subaru went on to chase stars that everyone couldn't see.

At first, the fellows who were amused by it, and the landing spot, escalate invisibly, become unmistakable about the rampantness.

If you don't realize that and mock what's gone away for being a fool, what's left also makes you anxious and suspicious about Subaru's way of thinking.

And one, and another, and from the side of Subaru, a friend disappeared, and when he realized that only Subaru was left under the starry sky.

If you're infidel and angry about that, and look up at the sky like you forgot...

"I couldn't find any more stars that were supposed to shine on me"

Subaru finally realized when he also lost sight of the starlight and lost his friends who were around him and were just left alone in the darkness of the night.

- I was nothing, I wasn't a special person.

"I knew you were that guy's kid."

A magical word that had made me proud of Subaru so young, and that had enlivened Subaru's heart.

Since when has that been a curse word for Subaru.

"I know you're out there, wandering around town. Wherever you go, wherever you look, there's still traces of your father.... of course."

The narrow world of Subaru is exactly what I saw from above my father's back.

For Subaru, who wanted the same height as his father to go anywhere, there is no place in the narrow world where he doesn't feel the leftover incense of his father.

Gradually for Subaru, the world turned into something terrible.

At the same time, what eroded Subaru's heart was his mediocrity, which he had realized himself, and his shame that he did not want his parents to know that mediocrity, the people who knew his parents.

Liked by everyone, counted on by everyone, I can smile from everyone.

It should not be thought that such a vegetable moon/Hyunichi's son, Vegetable moon/Hyunichi, is a coward with a frightened head at the breadth of the world, mindful of human eyes, etc.

My bad reputation is an insult to my father, who affirms he loves me, and that will eventually lead to disappointment from that big father. That's scary for Subaru, more than anything else.

Elementary and secondary schools and Subaru spent even a thorough amount of time trying to keep himself unobtrusive.

Classmates who knew Subaru in their junior year sometimes twisted their necks at the appearance of Subaru, who had grown up that way - but children at times of great feelings would not even notice shards such as in the darkness of their classmates' hearts and minds, and forget things like the end of their days by staying healthy.

Subaru was ingenious in the time he buried it that he would have played out an unaltered, arm-white son in his family, while being thorough in the shadows in the time he spent with his classmates.

Subaru grows up in school as if he were a shaded weed, but in our house he regains his former exodus and behaves like someone else.

The many Wuyong Tan he speaks of on his way home from school were like breaking the mouth of his mother, who works in housework at home, and bringing a smile to her father, who returned tired at work.

- Were the parents aware that they were all out of Subaru's mouth? I don't know about Subaru right now.

In that way, elementary and secondary schools, people named Vegetable Moon and Xu created a virtual statue by lying and consolidating the time they spent spending most of their lives.

Everyone forgets a bunch of former Subaru evil deeds and recognizes them as just being to know their names about discreet classmates.

Even with a little loneliness in such a rare relationship, it is more fear than that that overshadows Subaru's heart. It was a kind of awe of power, with the last name of my vegetable moon.

"Right now, it's a dark way to spend some time thinking about it. But that's how I managed to get through elementary and secondary school. That's how I got through it, became a high school student... I guess it's a matter of deviation to the local school cunt. Because my classmates barely went to the same school..."

Subaru, who had a habit of thinking backwards about everything, also had enough courage to positively perceive the drastic changes in the environment as one of the opportunities left with shards.

Squirting his courage without it, Subaru looked up as he ate and tied his teeth.

High school admissions, new places. A totally unknown relationship that builds with faces you don't know.

So even if you judge Subaru to be a vegetable moon and a vegetable moon, there is certainly nothing to see as "the son of the vegetable moon and Hyunichi". And in that place - you might be able to see the brilliance of the starry sky that once took away.

Its use of courage decisively forced Subaru's foot off the road.

"I think it was a huge high school debut failure while I was there. That's right. If a guy who didn't build a decent relationship in the middle of nowhere snorts rough in a place full of faces he doesn't know and is forced to shake off tension and make him unscrupulous... even idiots know what the consequences will be"

I look back at myself saying Subaru wasn't even an idiot because even that idiot didn't know what he knew.

I don't want to tell you the details. I'm guessing the results.

For Subaru, who did not have more than a father's sample in a relationship with a person, if he tries to establish a relationship with someone in a new environment, it is only that father who makes reference.

- Those acts, which could have been cut off as a source of laughter at an early age, were also only poisonous for alumni of the age who were undergoing a second sexual phase and were changing mentally.

"Poison, too. It's poisonous. It's also like a poisonous mushroom with a red spot in the white, and at a glance," Toxic, if you eat it, you'll suffer and die. "

How can a guy like that do it well?

Subaru fell to the bottom of Naruto, taking his foot off the first step, which he tried to take in a new environment. That's how I spent some isolated time establishing my status as an illegible, illegible man of the air, and I thought to myself one morning.

- Oh, I don't want to go to school today.

"I think it was just the morning my father and mother were away on business. I thought it would be troublesome that way, and I stayed asleep at my usual time to wake up my body... when I panicked and woke up I was already surprised before noon, and I tried to get up saying I had to get dressed"

Subaru realized that his mind and body had been terribly calm.

Subaru's heart was constantly irritated by anxiety and fear as he went to school, sat alone in the window seat and spent his time silently pretending to sleep.

If I didn't want to be in a place like this, I was just thinking about going home from the time I got to school. No, from the time I woke up, I spent all my time thinking about going home from school.

I wasn't being bullied. I wasn't even being ignored.

I was just building a wall from Subaru's side. I'm afraid I'll touch someone's kindness and hold out hope. I wish I'd seen the stars shine again, I don't care.

A day I didn't have to spend all that pain. Fascinated by its sense of liberation, relief, and weakness, Subaru's feet gradually moved away from school.

"It didn't take two months for me to skip once every three days on a Monday and then up to once every two days in there... until I stopped going to school completely"

I don't even have to tell you about the days from there.

Subaru's mind was filled with relief when he stopped going to school. It also had a sense of liberation from having to have a painful time to stay away from school, but it was a sort of renunciation and convincing that dominated Subaru's mind more than that.

For no great reason, Subaru became a non-school child through solitude.

No one will see Subaru like that and think, 'After all, you're that guy's kid,' and more importantly - if my parents are disappointed in the way Subaru looks too pitiful, my father and mother will surely stop 'loving' Subaru.

It doesn't mean anything to those two, like a boring assessment of my son I don't love.

If my beloved son gets stuck being something boring, I'm sure the two of them will get mad. You will grieve. Seeing those two, the surroundings demean the two more as pathetic.

The more rare the relationship between Subaru and his parents, the better it will surely be without such worry.

So, the vegetable moon and rice noodles...

"I don't love you. I hate you. You... you're not my kid. That's how I said it, and I wanted you to throw me away. He wanted me to give up."

Expecting the presence of a star that can't possibly be, I look up at the sky with a glimmer of hope.

I wanted such a feminine and pitiful Subaru to free the foolish being unworthy of the son of Vegetable Moon and Hyunichi.

- That was in my mind that Subaru hadn't even noticed Subaru himself.

Subaru, exposing himself to his mind across the street, first thought of the ugliness of his heart in his mouth. I even nauseate at the small I don't want to admit being weak and turn away from being stupid and even try to push that ass wipe against someone.

Still, Subaru didn't discern himself and didn't have to abandon him because he had support.

"Rem loves Subaru"

The silver shadow on the back of the eyelid overlapped this time with a brilliant, pale blue glow.

It breathes a gentle breeze into Subaru's heart and soothes him by plugging something warm into his hands and feet that was getting cold.

'Here, let's get started. From scratch...... no, from scratch!

That said, she pushed Subaru's back, which should have been over.

He made Subaru's face look up that he couldn't walk anymore, took his hand, held his back, mouthed it on his forehead, and gave him courage.

Enchanted by the silver brilliance, fevered and pushed out by the blue warmth, Natsuki Subaru, who was supposed to have finished, was starting again from scratch.

I realized that, because I could remember that, because I decided to walk out of scratch - I had to settle for a past that was before zero, a negative one.

After listening to Subaru's long monologue, Jinichi is silent with his eyes closed to contemplate. With such a father in front of him, Subaru was desperately pushing and killing his impudence for his weakness, which was likely to leak out of the back of his throat.

I can see the ugliness of my heart because I am now in a mood that I think has changed only slightly, given a respite to look back in this way.

Subaru has been and always has been pushing others to wipe the butt of his actions.

Because I don't have the courage to discern myself, because I don't want to be the worst man in my world, because I want to be the protagonist of tragedy, and I keep waiting silently for someone to buy me a villain and come out.

If you don't go to school, spend your days lazy in your room, and that's how you keep being your stupid self - I thought one day Jinichi would smash through the door and end the Subaru world.

I was unconscious in the depths of my heart, lazy in those days, expecting such a settlement.

A different world that was reached in such a stuck state. Even in places like that Subaru showed his solitude and finally -,


Sachiichi's eyes, which I was contemplating, were open, calling Svalbard's name.

Subaru, who was sinking into the sea of thought, was drawn back to consciousness by that call, to return to reality from the past he had fumbled back - right in front of him, the face of his father. And



Svalbard screams as he scatters a spark, punched in the forehead by a sneaky impact. If you hold your forehead back to sharp pain, Sachiichi, standing off the bench, looks down at this one,

"Did you see that, huh? Now that's my loving fatherhead, a blow to anger."

"Tell me about the head. It's a heel drop! Keep your face close. Feint and art are thin!

"You're a geisha I could have done because you were sitting and I was standing. No, I knew I was getting stiff. It's not like it used to be. I'm skipping the stretch of a bath."

Sachiichi begins flexible gymnastics with a firm face. Such a father in front, a semi-crying Subaru rubbing his shocked head. I just don't know what to do with unexpected reactions. Subaru's expectations were more of another,

"But, uh... You, you're an asshole... you're a pretty asshole."


A whimpering noise comes out of my throat unexpectedly, being turned into two straight words with no body or lid.

Looking down at Subaru, Jinichi put his arms together and breathed out of his nose,

"Bullies and bullies and troubles... where do you inherit me and your mother, you start to think like that? It's totally your mother's brother's inheritance. You see, that little, bald, fat, troubled face."

"You're overstating it...... no, my uncle's the reason I did stipulate not to bald my life goals and not to be fat too"

All parents and children make relentless statements to their relatives about irrelevant uncles getting burned.

"In the first place," Jinichi said with frustrating eyes, while we did not know that he had been lowered by relatives under the same sky, somewhere far away.

"I don't care about a lot of things, but it's the best part. I don't like the fact that you're passive about me hating you. If you pull back and stop going to school and you suffer from apathy syndrome, you must have your father smashing you in the middle of it and scolding you.... asshole, you. You want to be scolded, you misunderstood woman with not enough skin. You've been crushing around with me all morning, and that's not enough?"

"I can't argue with you that the essence is right even though there are discourses in various places..."

"If you want me to abandon you, do it more actively. Who's going to abandon his kid as long as he's stuck in his shell? If you want to be hated, slaughter about half of humanity for no particular reason. Then I'll hate you."

"You don't even look that way in such bad guys, boy comics! What impotence!

"- What you said means you're not as helpful to me as you are."

Svalbard unexpectedly loses his word when he runs out of words.

On that Subaru, Jinichi broke his hips and glanced at him, "Okay?" and called for

"If you look at the snail, your feet are blunt, you can't even solve the ninety-nine. You have a low brain, you want to stand out. Even if you act too self-inflicted and brag about it on your blog..."

"I'm not that blunt, stupid or stupid..."

"Fool and asshole in the blunt between that much, but I won't do it whether I hate you or abandon you. Of course not, because I'm your father and you're my son."

Sayichi grows tall with a grumpy exhale, discarding him. Subaru looking up at his risen father. Hyunichi in that gaze,

"Still, how much you treat me like a superman. It was like I was the perfect, super super, super, super, super, super, super, super tech."

"Too much meaning"

"You just don't know, even I'm worried, repented, failed, crying, calling and shaking all sorts of things...... hey hey. I like your face. You didn't look alike."

"Overconfidence B"

"I was immature when I was your age too - it's a story. I did sell my name quite a bit, but it wasn't special. That's enough time to stop it."

"Use it last year when you got stuck in a car."

Three-stage och.

I have no choice but to respond with a high touch because Jinichi offers his hand to the decision to get bogged down and penetrated nicely. and hold on to that bumped hand,

"I can throw my stupid, asshole, annoying son with a wrist twist like this and slap him back on the sexual root of it..."

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Hey, wrist supreme... it hurts!

"- I don't need to do that. It's like after you get back on your feet."

With the wrist that was wrapped free, Subaru stood up waving a hand complaining of pain. staring at that Subaru with one eye, and Jinichi tinkly snorted,

"I thought so in the morning, but you suddenly changed again just now. What's wrong with that?"

"... I told you. My favorite kid, I could do it."

A silver glow pulled Natsuki Subaru's hand.

"Besides, there was a kid who said he liked me."

The blue warm light gently pushed Natsuki Subaru's back.

"Those kids don't know I'm the son of Vegetable Moon and Hyunichi. I'm just Natsuki Subaru in front of those kids.... No"

shaking his neck sideways, looking at his father, who stood firmly in front of him,

"In front of everyone, I was Natsuki Subaru. I was on my own, carrying a weird sign, and I was just crushing it to an unlikely weight. That's what I finally figured out."

"It's super late. I'm the big black pillar of the family. You didn't even give up the governor, but you shouldn't have thought you were carrying a sign on your own a dozen years ago. [incomprehensible]

"It just hurts more than it hurts!

When he stomped on the ground and complained about the overdoing of the earlier attack, Jinichi laughed like other HR. Then Jinichi narrowed his eyes, "More than that,"

"What do you mean, you said you liked her and you said you liked her? Are you wearing two strands or something? In the meantime?

"Don't say a minute or anything! I know it's too luxurious! But so what! You said you had two of the most stars, that's all right!

I'm not reopening it, but that was Subaru's honest feelings now.

I like Emilia. I like Rem too. The two let Subaru stand, let him walk, and thus give him the power not to flee, whether in front of Sage Yi or in the face of his past self.

A starry sky full of heaven that once covered Subaru's sky - the shining stars I looked up to then.

Two people are emitting a strong light over Subaru's head that can't beat any of its brilliance. And around its most stars, the stars that should have disappeared emit another glow.

It's the starry sky that Subaru got so desperate, suffering, grieving, crying and calling, screaming and angry, laughing and running, joyfully moving on in the unexpected and invited world outside the dusty room.

"Well, fine. Whatever you want. I wouldn't disagree so much if I were to fit in a circle so as not to break the law. You seem very talented."

"If that happens, my high school debut fails, I slip and I'm not isolated. You can't do it like Dad."

"I don't think so, do I? You're my son. And you, I know you're mistaken for a lot of things, but that's where the worst part is."


Shaking his fingers over his assembled arms, Jinichi nodded "Yeah," to Subaru, tilting his neck,

"I can play so much in front of you and your mother, but can't I just give you a TPO? You may not know it because it's always like this in front of you, but if you treat your father like anyone else, that'll pull you off, Oi."

"Hey, hey, hey..."

"It's obvious, right? I wouldn't be a little close to a guy with this tension the first time I met him. Around there, collar it till we get along. Unbuttoning is almost too hot. If it starts in April, I'll be patient until about the end of June."

Shock facts. In fact, my father was a common sense man who corrected his attitude properly by the person he dealt with.

I don't know that, with reference to my usual father, if I behave like my father, I'm sure I can be a popular person for everyone! And that's how shallow I am.

"What was my stagnant time..."

"Well, I don't think it was worth it. Come on. In fact, because there was, there is now you. What kind of star did you see that wasn't worth the time?

Words to Subaru that I regret holding my head. Take it and look up, Subaru can respond immediately. That's all, because I could assure you it would never be the same.

"- No, that's not true. I'm sure no matter how many chances I had, I ran out wanting the current starry sky. So I'm glad I'm on my own now."

"Right.... Isn't that a good thing?

Sachiichi laughed relieved at Subaru, who settled on his heart that way.

Seeing that grin in the front, a lump that was heavily solidified in Subaru's chest makes a noise and falls. The feeling of the subaru darkness that I had clearing up and my depressed emotions washing away.

It was a much more selfish and solitary emotion, but Subaru was now being saved.

This is how you can turn to the past, and be proud to be able to distinguish yourself from yourself until then, and walk away as you are now, holding yourself until then.


"I'm sorry I kept my mouth shut. I can't sort myself out. I'm full of emotions, and that bothered me not going to school or something. I'm really reflecting. Really."

"Mind your own business. I didn't realize you were too great to have such an admiration for me. It's my mistake. I'm sorry I'm too big for you!

"It's a fact and I don't want to admit it anymore. It's amazing!

"Ha ha, don't be so illuminated. Even you are my son with my blood in it. I'm sure about half of me will look good."

"It's only half. You're usually more sophisticated after generations."

"I wish half of you were made of your mother. Given my good looks, I think the negative correction is too strong for the vegetable Hoko element."

"Mother, I'm sorry, I can't say it back!

I can't defend my mother, whose Subaru is not here, and I apologize to the void with my hands together. Looking forward to seeing that, Hyunichi shook his neck beside him, saying, oh man,

"But now I've got a load of shoulders down. I can't help it if I've stepped foot on it, because here it is."

"Oh, yeah. Eh, annoy me..."

"If you're sorry for that, you just have to take the time to repay me. Feed me and your mother well in the future, my oldest son."

- So when the word was uttered, Subaru was unable to move.


I was prepared to apologize for my previous stories and I was determined to confess my feelings now.

Having done that firmly, Subaru thought he could finally melt years of obsession and face his father and mother in a sunny mood.

Tell me everything about yourself so far...

"- Gu."

So - the moment they talked about "coming," I crept up all over Subaru's body,

"... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh"


"Oops... Oops, sorry... Oops, sorry... Oops"

Confused Hyunichi's voice comes from the front. But I can't see that face.

The overflowing tears had blocked Subaru's vision and obscured the shape of the world. Cover your face with your palms and wipe desperately the tears that flow out. But wipe it or not, the tears will overflow later and won't stop. I won't stop. You won't stop.

"I'm sorry... me, me... both of you... oh, I'm sorry, come on..."

- I was aware.

Somewhere in my mind, Subaru noticed a long time ago.

From that moment when he bathed in the light of day in the invited otherworlds and narrowed his eyes to that glare, Subaru knew as if it had been revealed to be so.

- I'm sure I can't go back to my original world anymore.

This is how you tell your father your heart, confess the dark emotions that were accumulating in his chest, and yet you get forgiveness, and you support him in his readiness to walk out, and you do all that, and you raise him to the point where you can.

"And yet, I... nothing, I can't give it back... I'm sure I'll never see you again... sorry. Oh, I'm sorry....... sorry. Sorry. Sorry."

I can't stop crying. On the spot, the enthusiasm that's going to squat now.

Still, Svalbard can stand up and not fall apart because he had a body to hold Svalbard from the front who cried.

It's a hard, big hand, holding my son tight, who's almost as long back as he is now, and yet slapping him to give up his crying back like a child.

"- No matter how long, you're a handy son. Totally."

With that said, he kept hugging Subaru crying forever, forever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever

"Are you calm?

"- Yeah. Sorry. Really, just annoy me."

"Not at all. Look at my shirt. My nose and tears are already shiny around my chest. I'm ashamed the neighborhood won't wander around properly."

I stopped crying. I played Subaru's forehead with my fingers, and Hyunichi laughs nasty at Guerraggera.

Subaru stares at that grin with a crying face. Jinichi exhaled at the cohabiting glance of sadness and sorrow,

"I don't know why you cried out. Yeah, but I'll keep it to myself because it'll be embarrassing. At best, thank me."

"... oh. I appreciate it. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, more than anyone else in this world"

"That's exactly what you get when you say it."

Hyunichi grins lightly as she scratches her cheeks. I can't look at that face properly for long and Subaru turns a blind eye.

Jinichi shrugged his shoulder at that Subaru, waving as if even a bug were to pay for it,

"Go home, you crybaby. Go home. Dad's in the mood to keep walking, so I'm going home a little farther. I'm crying and walking with you is going to be a weird rumor."

"... I'm talking about what a good old parent and child is doing"

"Not at all. I'm embarrassed to go home with you now and get rumored or something by my friends."

"That's a dialogue that can be fatal to some people, so let's be careful where we use it."

I accidentally put a penetration into my father's statement, and a grieving pain plunges into Subaru's heart. Forced to bite it to death with his back teeth and turn his back, Subaru managed to spew out the words "bye,"

"I'm home first. Be careful not to be treated as a profession or anything."

"I'm sorry to be expected, but all these officers look familiar. You won't be able to respond if you're swung forward."

"I'm not pretending."

The same attitude of Hyunichi. It also makes me feel saved there again, and Subaru is disgusted by his weakness, which remains unchanged. How far do I care if I am protected by others? Difficult.

More than that, I don't want you to expose your weakness in front of Hyunichi.

Subaru exhales sharply once, then steps out with his back turned like he had decided to. Trying to walk some early and disappear a little faster from here.

"- Hey, hey."

On its back, Xianchi's voice was called, and his legs stopped unexpectedly.

"A lot of things, I guess you have them too. So there's only one thing to say from me."


"Good luck with that. I'm counting on you, son."

Expected, I was afraid to be disappointed.

I was wondering if you were betraying my father's expectations, and that anxiety kept me from grabbing Subaru. So my father's expectations are a symbol of fear for Subaru -.

"- Oh, I'll take care of it. Dad."

With his back turned, Subaru poked his finger into heaven,

"My name is Natsuki Subaru. He is Hyunichi's son. - So I can do anything, and I'll do whatever it takes. Your son, he's amazing."

"Oh, I know. Whatever, half of it is made of me!

Guerra Guerra and the voice of Jianchi, who said so and laughed, were showered on his back.

While listening to that, there is also a grin on the pretense in Subaru's mouth.

With my back turned, I walked out.

My knees don't tremble. I can't even shake my heart. Just take a good look forward and walk out.

- To the owner of the back I always watched, from now on, I walk away with my back looked at.

That's all, while I think it's something that gives me so much power.

Subaru kept walking, without stopping.

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