Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter Four Twenty-one: Resolve New

When I opened my eyes, the first thing Subaru felt was the feeling of something dusty in his mouth.

Taste the shape of it unconsciously at the tip of your tongue along with the covetousness accumulated in your mouth - exhaling thoughtlessly the moment you feel the earthly odor and gravelly. And wake up your body to jump,

"Whew! Pepe! In the weird stone mouth... ahh"

Beating the dust of his body as he fell, Subaru circles his neck with his eyes gazed into the dim darkness.

The interruption of the light source reminded me that there is a space filled with limp and cold air - this is the cemetery where we sort what enters. At the same time,

"Yes, take the 'trials'..."

In the graveyard where he jumped in, Subaru was taken into the world of his dreams by a pretense. So I called it a 'trial' and the past - in this case, I don't know if I can correctly call it a past, but for Subaru I was given a cause that I couldn't wipe away, a distinction from it that I had left behind, and I was made to return exposed that it was all on the witch's palm.

Folding, remembering what happened while unconscious, Subaru confirms that his memory is clear. I said my apologies, thanks and goodbyes to my parents in my dreams and to the two I can't see anymore.

It has given Subaru a strong sense of grief and pity and, instead, readiness and courage.

"It's okay. I haven't forgotten. I remember everything I told you."

Worst of all, I was fortunate to remember the whole 'trial' thing this way, given that it could have been a peek into my memory and a loss.

And Subaru's consciousness, having finished confirming his body, turned to

"That's right...! I'm here in the first place, Emilia!

While scolding himself for his slow judgment, Subaru found himself in the back of the room - just like Subaru there, overthrown Emilia.

Running over, silver hair and white skin still prominent in the dark, relieved to see the breath of life felt on them for now. It's just until I confirm her expression, too.

"... ugh.... Oh, no... stop..."


Emilia is tired of distorting her face to bitterness and sweating on its forehead.

But he wasn't given the freedom to move his body against suffering, his hands and feet weren't moving as stiff, just with the dark color of mistletoe pain on his expression.

She's also undergoing the same 'trials' as Subaru, if

"I don't want to see the past...... no, you mean you're facing something you have to settle for...?

I don't know the elapsed time, but she entered the cemetery more than thirty minutes before Subaru. Still, her 'trials' are extremely difficult to navigate than Subaru went back first.

It was that look of groaning bitterness that told it as it were.

I suppose we should believe her and continue to wait until the end of the 'trials' -

"Look at this face. If he can say something nice like that, he won't have a hard time."

Subaru stretches his fingers to the side of Emilia, who is still going to cry, and I think he wants to at least relieve the urge of pain with a single shard. but the moment that fingertip touched her cheek,

"- Huh"

Large, stiff Emilia's hands and feet cramped. The painfully distorted look stretches strongly and Subaru supports her head loosely with a hand that was resting on her cheek in surprise. Hold Emilia's body still trembling and into her chest,

"Emilia!? Hey, hang on... Emilia!

Desperately calling Emilia's name trembling, rubbing her hugging back.

I learned the shrinking fear of heart and gall at its severely spasmodic appearance, but gradually the tremor of its body slowly subsided,

"- Oh, Bal?

"-! Oh, yeah. You all right? You know what I mean? I pledged my future to you, Natsuki Subaru."

"That's it, I haven't talked to you..."

Shake her memory when she wakes up and make sure there is no confusion in consciousness and memory. Releasing her body, she slowly adjusted the focus of those purple blue eyes to Subaru,

"Well... is that it? Me, why..."

"You can take your time, Emilia. Little difficult things later, now take a big, deep breath for now. Then try to move if your hands and feet are not paralyzed, and if you can stand, try to stand."

"Oh, yeah..."

At the risk of words like waking up, Emilia takes a big, deep breath, just like Subaru said. Then he moved his arm from his fingertips to his shoulders and stood up with the hand of Subaru, who stood up first. In the dark, she looked around wondering,

"In a dark place... alone with Subaru..."

"What a colorful situation to cut just there, but the place is too punishing just the place"

Subaru smiles bitterly as he scratches his cheeks with his fingers at Emilia, who hurries to grasp the situation. Whatever, the place is a witch's grave. Neither the mood nor consideration is lacking to sneak in in the encounters of men and women.

But when he heard the words of Subaru, Emilia held her own shoulder in her sieve. Subaru bluntly said to the reaction, "Have you been too well......!" and fought,

"Oh, yeah... Me, take the 'trials', so..."

"Oh, yeah, I am. Here, inside the witch's graveyard. No, I'm in. Emilia came in for a little while, and suddenly the graveyard lights went out. So I rushed in and chased him inside too..."

"Ah... we... no, you know, I, I... I mean, bye..."


Whatever it was, it seemed more than anything abnormal to the body - Subaru, who was trying to keep talking, finally realizes the modulation of Emilia's attitude, which still keeps her voice trembling.

She kept her shoulders in her arms, rattling her teeth into small pieces as if she was feeling them even in the cold, no, shaking her neck sideways.

"I... it's not me... it's not... eh. Oh, I don't... I don't... I'm not... I'm telling you I'm not..."

"Emilia. Hey, Emilia? Calm down, what..."

"... no. With those eyes... oh, no, no... oh, no... not me... why don't you leave me alone..."

Subaru's call also bares his ears, and Emilia collapses to the spot when she covers its face with her palms. The voices were filled with tears, and the silver bells trembling on the whimpers were filled with pity that even made the hearts of what they heard hurt.

Subaru is taken aback by the appearance of Emilia, who collapsed on the floor, without words. It's just...

"It's okay. It's okay. I got it. I'm here. I won't leave you alone. It's okay."

Even, as comforting as she trembled and wept, as protecting, as loving, all she had to do was hug her throughout her body and gently stroke her back.

Even in the meantime, Emilia kept her face hidden with her palms so that she could not hear Subaru or anything else.

"... kake, oh father. Sparkle... Pack, Pack... Pfft..."

Instead of the man who worried most about her right beside her, she kept calling out the name of the Spirit who wouldn't even show up before she cried.

- He's resting and resting now.

That's what Ram said to Subaru, who pointed his gaze at himself when he came out of the room, with the kind of eyes that even a dog who wasn't blinded could see.

I can't even comment on her gaze off like that, and Subaru only responds "well" with a small voice. to that attitude. Lamb spilled a small exhale,

"You look like you don't, Balth. If you put a shadow on your face, you'll never be able to see it again."

"I don't know. It's an extra favor... sorry, let me worry about it"

"... How long have you been so good at guessing Balth's habits that you realize how caring people are?

Tongued by a windy ram that is seriously surprised, Subaru withholds his earlier attitude of gratitude. The first half would have been a burst into Subaru with his eyes down, but the second half would have been entirely just an ingredient.

When I take my gaze off the ram, Subaru's eyes are directed behind her - the door to the room where the ram has just come out. Beyond that, Emilia should be sleeping now.

"Nevertheless, I'm sorry this happened two days in a row. Mr. Lewes was annoying too, wasn't he?

"If it's annoying, don't worry about it. Besides, I've been asked to come to the Trial with the wish of Nong et al."

Looking back, the crown responds with a flat voice to Subaru speaking so. This room, which connects to the bedroom, is a living room, or should I call it? The house of Lewes consists of three rooms, a library with books.

Subaru thinks that instead of being in a position like a village chief in a place called "Sanctuary," it's something that has a lot of qualitative life. Most of all, if she lives alone in the corner of the room leaning small hot water swallows, this much space would suffice.


"Ha, don't worry about me, Baba. To be honest with you, I'm in the mood for" no inn at the assumption of Gounzun. "

"I don't tell you how I feel... but don't tell me it doesn't mean anything good"

Sitting in the front of the crown, Garfiel, also inclined to swallow hot water, strips his teeth and says. A idiom that won't pass once again - but Subaru decides that it will probably mean something like a clap or something. Then I perceived Garfield's intention to speak of it,

"I'll tell you what, Emilia, if there's anything else I can do, I'll take it and stand. Let me go through the manager first."

"I don't want to slap you in the pussy. I don't imitate evil personalities. If you have a complaint, beat it straight from the front. It's a fist stunt."

Waving the hand of those who do not have hot water swallows, Garfiel recieves Subaru's provocation with a vicious grin. Someone who remained silent until then on Subaru, who maintained tension in that attitude - Otto raised his hand to "Um,"

"So, can I just ask you something? Honestly, I'm not going to go that far, but I'm buying a facilitator because I don't know if it's as bad as it sounds."

"Um, I'm sorry. Right, you're the one in charge. You're the easiest wooden terminal position not to have to carry a single end of the responsibility because you're not deeply involved with anyone in this. I'll take care of it."

"Sharpen it with the momentum to grind rocks to be left to you. Is that it!?

Otto screams at Subaru's things, but hurries to shut his mouth to Subaru, who puts his finger on his mouth and gestures "quietly". also, he turned his neck with a face that did not fall from his heart,

"Uh, I don't know what to say, but talk to me anyway. First, I'd like to ask Natsuki what happened inside."

"Whatever happened..."

The first time he spoke, Subaru glanced at the ceiling with his hands on his jaw.

Behind my brain, what I think of is the events in the graveyard - the 'trials' and the modulation of Emilia after I returned. She cries and calls out apologies and the name of the Spirit like a rumor.

"In the cemetery, it is certain that 'trials' were taking place. Emilia, I chased you inside, and I got caught in the eye. In the meantime, I made it through the Trials, but Emilia was struggling. It seems so painful that I spoke out loud... so I woke up and became conscious."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, wait."

Clap your hands at Subaru, who answers the question quickly, and Otto rushes to pack it here with his face. something, and when Subaru looked up, he said, "No, no, no, no, no," again,

"The place to go in was casually flushed and I nodded... Huh? Mr. Natsuki, did you take a 'trial' or something with me?

"Oh, yeah, I took it. I couldn't help but apply to a friend."

"You don't have any friends with Natsuki, seriously."

"Though there are good things and bad things you can say!

If they say that, it would be war, but Subaru stares at the otto in front of him. but a hand was plugged between that otto and Subaru, while the ram looked up at Subaru so as to block the way between them.

"So, Balls got a 'trial', huh? Definitely?"

"Ah, oh. Definitely. If you go in there, you'll be forced to get involved. It wasn't a push to refuse or anything like that."

"I don't care how it starts. The more problematic thing... is that Balth has broken through the" trials. "

Ram meditates to put his finger on his lips and think about it. Then she looks at the crown,

"This is what our choreographer says, but did you feel any change? If you have truly completed the Trial, the ban on the Sanctuary must have been lifted."

"... no, you don't seem to feel anything special in your body. If you actually try to get out of the sanctuary, it might be different."

"Yes. Then we'll talk fast. I need you to come with Ram. Try to see if you can get through the 'sanctuary' and if you can get through with it..."

"Whoa, whoa, we're talking fast. And I told you not to rush off. There's a shortage of explanations for me, but you have too many summary executions."

Grabbing Ram's shoulder, which is likely to pull the crown now, Subaru throws his words as he turns around the peach-haired girl. Ram frowned uncomfortably at Subaru's words like that, but immediately asked, "What do you mean?" And when I regained my mind,

"If you have successfully completed the 'trials', it will be necessary to make sure that the inhabitants are released as promised. If Balth's words are true, the villagers of the village of Aram will be able to return to the village even tomorrow, and Roswar's sanatorium will be better..."

"I see a desperate part of it in the second half.... and I'm sorry to hear that, but I can't get out of the Sanctuary. I haven't finished the trial yet."

Ram opens his eyes thinly to Subaru, who tells him so. Then she distracted herself from thinking about the meaning of Subaru's words, and nodded as what only concluded,

"You tricked me, die"

"Conclusion and cutting are fast!!

Lamb that immediately pulls out the cane and enters a punishing position. Subaru shook his neck sideways desperately as he raised his hands to her like that to show his surrender posture,

"And I'm not fooling you! It's true you survived the first 'trial'! But I still have two 'trials' left! There are three" trials "in the cemetery. So, unfortunately, it's not now that Mr. Lewes and the others are released."

"It's good to leave from the mouth... how did you know that?"

"Well, I thought about this' trial '-"

To the witch, and trying to run his mouth, Subaru realizes that a chill ran all over his body on his lid.

The chills that hit his whole body bring to Subaru the weight of the lead stuffed at the tip of his hands and feet, and the slowing of his thoughts that poured mud into his head, the chills that poured ice water into his blood vessels.

At the same time, what floated behind Subaru's brain was too dumb a blank.

I also remember who taught it the content of "Trials" and the fact that the two "Trials" were waiting for me first. A witch. Yet,

"I don't know what that was like, it doesn't come out at all..."

Touching his temples, Subaru is stunned to notice his memory missing.

I remember the content of the conversations I had with my father and mother. Even though I remember them all, the heat of the tears shed and the warmth of the words spoken at the parting.

Of the witch involved there, only its contents had been pompously lost from memory.

Until then, Ram, who had not quit working abusively, solves that collisionary attitude to the state of Subaru, who stumbled on his mouth. When she resubstitutes the wand she was taking out to her own hips, she glimpses the silent Subaru and leaks her exhale. And to her like that,

"Ah? He said it seemed like an interesting place because of it, but you don't want to. Long ago, I thought I'd see the rum."

"There is no way that a ladylike, weak ram would imitate such barbarity. Plus, I don't need it because I know roughly from Balth's current attitude."

"Okay, so what?

Neither Garfiel's light mouth nor Ram's attitude to reciprocate it come to mind. but when Ram faintly tilts its neck at Subaru's inquiry,

"Balls is not lying. If that's all you trust this one, now would be a good time. Balth continues to answer Otto's question."

"Oh, oh... okay,"

Subaru snorts reluctantly at the strong tone of the ram, albeit somewhat uncalled for. Otto, who was watching that exchange, coughed up and prefaced, "Well, then,"

"I'm a little out of line, but let's get back to it. Let's just say we'll talk later about getting into the contents of the Trial… Do you know anything about Emilia's disturbance?

"... there is. I think the contents of" Trial "were probably the problem. I know the details of the" trials "that Emilia and I took would be different, but I think the big muscles were together."

"Content, is... is that okay to ask?

Otto's care can be directed, but Subaru quits it with his hands. Rams and garfiels nod to see in the eyes of pursuit,

"The first 'trial' was to face the past, was." Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. "

"I see... so you mean the details are different"

Naturally, each individual past is different.

I'm sure some people, this' trial 'isn't that difficult. I just happened to have a direct hit on Subaru, and just a critical hit on Emilia -.

"No, considering your credentials, don't feel bad personality seeping into the contents of 'Trial'"

Anyway, the qualifications that Subaru was specially awarded are supposed to be something that he would not have gained had it not been for the 'half'. Though I have prepared a "trial," I don't even see the sincerity of it, but certain promises are made that a presence with the added condition of "half" in the story will receive.

That means isolation, such as persecution from the same or different races, or fear. Anyway, if you're choosing a 'half' that's prone to those situations and letting them take the 'trials,' then it's more likely that something scratchy in the past will naturally challenge the graveyard,

"Inevitably, we have all those who have difficulty breaking through the 'trials'. You're a lot blacker."

"As it stands, there is no progress in cursing the exam officer for his bad character. It's harder to say than that, but how Emilia messed up."

Mouthwatering Otto. I glance into the bedroom with Hiroshi and Emilia. That's all he wants to say, but somewhere saved by his compassion for not mouthing it.

- Emilia's appearance. appearance with a lot of similarities to that 'jealous witch', and the origin of being a half elf. The existence of the indisputable contempt and persecution she has received from those points can be perceived.

Most of all, it is only the part of the supernatant to the extent that it would be so that Svalbard, who is not actually in the same position as her, can be seen.

Therefore, we will not talk about it lightly. Otto's judgment is terribly human, and if we change the way we say it, it can be described as a character that is not fatally suited as a merchant.

"You'll never grow up as a merchant, but I appreciate it."

"Why did you suddenly smash people's dreams!?

"I can't honestly say thank you without a light mouth mix. I'm shy, guess what."

"For a little while, you can also see the depth of my heart wound!!

Everyone in the room put their fingers on their mouths and a "quiet" gesture on Otto trying to step on the community too loudly. I saw that. Otto rushes to block his mouth, but it's too late.

It was a small noise at first.

The tiny sound of hitting that floor sounds slightly louder in the house where Otto's silence caused a slight silence to fall. If everyone's gaze produces a sound - that is, it can be directed to the bedroom.

And the door slowly opened before anyone opened their mouth,

"Um... sorry for the inconvenience"

Emilia was showing her face flushing her silver hair back as she seemed sorry to say so and smaller.

Apparently there is no effect left of the disturbance in that first word to reassure. Then Subaru rushed over to her for a small run as soon as possible,

"Good, good morning. Emilia, are you feeling all right or what?

"Ah. Yeah, I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with my body. I'm sorry I bothered you."

"Oh well, that's fine. Look, when I first fell, I couldn't stay on my side, so I didn't know if I was hitting it. After all, it might be easier for us to stay together for a while."

"- Oh, right."


Subaru, conceived as something with a payback for the light mouth, frowns only slightly at Emilia's reaction, which is not what she expected. She lay her eyes down and watched Ji and Subaru's hands. With his neck tilted as to what it might be, Subaru offered her that hand,

"What's going on? Did you miss the feel of my palm? Whatever you want, I can hold your hand all night."

"Oh... so, I'm fine. Isn't that right? Hey, I just fell asleep."

Just before touching the offered Subaru palm, Emilia shakes her head like she remembers something. The next person to speak to her was the girl in the workwear who walked out,

"Dear Emilia, First of all, you must wake up safely. If possible, I'd like to talk to Ram about his health without stretching out."

"Hey, Emilia, you know, I feel like I'm really hesitant to talk to you."

"Sometimes if they're not women, or in front of someone who wants to look good, they won't either. Show me how considerate you are to get out of the room."

"It's the mountains I want to show you that consideration..."

On a ram with sharp eyes, Subaru drops his gaze and clouds his verbal butt. I frowned in surprise at that Subaru word, a colour that convinced me of the look on Ram's face following his gaze.

In her eyes was Emilia's white fingertips, grabbing Subaru's hand, which was lowered without force, and - besides - its Subaru hand.


Emilia, who noticed late, hurriedly releases her hand to its deep Subaru and Ram gaze. When she blushed her cheeks, she panicked as if her current actions had been unconscious,

"Chi, no. That's crazy. I didn't mean to... because I was trying not to touch you earlier"

"I did pull in, but you were just getting stretched out, right? I didn't say anything because it's good for you, Emilia, but are you sure you're okay?

Emilia waves her neck vertically at her temperament to inquire as she leaves her untrained at her remote fingertips. but its cheeks still remained red, and it could also be inferred to the servant Subaru that it was not due to shame.

But Emilia doesn't even notice her modulation like that.

"I'm sorry I broke your hip about the story. But there's really nothing wrong with my body. I was falling asleep. I'm awake now, so I'm done."

"Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh..."

"Mm, that's how Subaru does it again"

When Subaru puts tea in the same remarks, Emilia swells her cheeks like a peel. Feeling as usual in her tricks like that, Subaru makes a save on his own thoughts as to whether he was worried. But...

"Dear Emilia, Not as soon as you wake up, but about the 'trials'."


I wouldn't have anticipated Emilia's demodulation, but Emilia's side only tenses strongly for a moment on that content that Ram clerically mouthed. Subaru, who was staring at her jizzily, saw the change in that moment, but it happened to be hidden beneath his smile,

"Yes... uh, everyone about the contents of 'Trial'"

"I'm hearing that from Balth. Of course, I haven't stepped into the details. Because there are things that Emilia wouldn't want to hear."

"Oh, yeah. Subaru... Huh? How could Subaru? 'Cause Subaru isn't halfway through the' trials'..."

Surprising Emilia's eyes are directed at Subaru, and her gaze around her questioning the same also concentrates Subaru. That's a natural question, Subaru took those glances and wondered what was going on.

"I told you before I went in. I got my credentials. It's subtle who tells you, but if you tell me where... maybe it was in the cemetery yesterday evening."

"Evening, when I fell down and brought Je in here."

"Oh, that's for sure. I'm not sure why I got it... but it is. It's like when unqualified guys step inside and get some kind of baptism, they start putting it in. Out of the way, maybe Roswell's guy can get in, too, huh?

"Try that. It would be interesting if the guy from Roswar could play it. You can be sure that the same blood colour is found in the Shizuku of the lymph nodes.

Garfiel laughing with his mouth open. but shut up as soon as you look bored when you can point a cold glance at the lamb. Then she is not convinced of Subaru's answer, but

"Either way, it is true that Balus stepped inside and brought Master Emilia back. And in doing so, Balth has been subjected to the same kind of 'trials' as Emilia, and he says he has survived them if not paranoid."

"Paranoid, that's terrible, Oi"

"I got over it... Subaru gave you a 'trial'?

Subaru puts a penetration into the unforgiving Ram words, but Emilia's ears don't have those late exchanges in them. When she stared at Subaru with her trembling eyes,

"I really crossed it, Subaru. Um... the past?

"Emilia and I would have been looking at it differently. I didn't... I didn't get through this alone."

I let my father and mother clear it with the utmost help, which is supposed to be on the blocking side at all costs. More importantly, before I tried, it was the same world in Subaru where I had received answers.

It's bad for Emilia, but she's been in a different state since before she challenged the Trial.

"I'm not talking about this because I happen to have good test results. The problem is Emilia. Probably because of the way things are, today's 'trials' didn't work..."

"Ugh, yeah. Yes, it is... I tried my best, but I was suddenly interrupted along the way."

"I'm sorry because I think that's because I woke you up.... I mean, 'trials' are possible in the first place. I didn't take the second" trial, "either, and I'm back."

Listening to the obnoxious Emilia's words, Subaru looks back on the questions that have arisen and asks the crown. Until then, the young looking old woman touched her cheeks and watched the discussion in silence,

"Not much of a precedent... but challenging, in itself, would be possible as many times as possible. Non could have crossed the first 'trial', but he has tried twice. I'm more concerned than that with qualified Sioux Boy."


"Suddenly qualifications grow. First of all, you can't. At least, to the best of my knowledge, I've been at the cemetery since it was built. Approximately, I have an idea."

That silent crown. Subaru was uncomfortable with her statement and attitude like that, but when he put it on hold for a moment and turned back to Emilia,

"Whatever, I got a re-challengable ink. And then there's Emilia herself."

"Wah, I...?

"Oh, yeah. I ask you - Emilia, once again, are you going to decide you're ready to take the 'Trial'?

"- Eh."

To that inquiry, Emilia opens her eyes by trying to clog her throat.

If that is anger at a questioning that makes you doubt your resolve, or if you are applying it to feelings of humiliation, Subaru was both prepared to be scolded and determined to be muddy.

But what dwelt in her violet blue eyes, trembling, was too much anxiety and fear.

That means that negative emotions are eroding her mind so much that it cannot be answered instantly.

"Assuming you can't take the 'trials', I'll take the 'trials' instead"

"-!? But Subaru, then... eh"

"At least I'm clearing the first 'trial'. The two remaining 'trials' should show that it's not impossible to break through. On top of that, if you're going to take the test, I'll do it with dignity. I'm here for that."

"For that... wah, for me...?

"Yes, I am."

First, Subaru tells Emilia clearly how she wants you to deny it.

Seeing Emilia open her eyes to the growing fervour, Subaru stared straight into her eyes and

"I'll do it for you, if you're afraid. Roswar may say that Emilia Tan did the liberation of the 'Sanctuary' and Emilia Tan has to take care of herself... but as a result of my actions, it's all to you if that's to be admired. I don't care what's left of me."

"How did you get so far..."

"You're telling me. Because I like you, because I like you super."

Emilia breathes and the other faces in the room react to each of them.

Without even putting their reactions like that into consciousness, Subaru shrugged his shoulders as he stared at the upsetting Emilia.

"That's why I'm going to try 'Trial'. Emilia, what about Tan? If it's really hard, can I sleep at home?

"- Subaru's, silly"

Emilia's lips spill so small in front of Subaru holding up the edge of her mouth.

Then once she lay down her face up, and then rubbed her eyes hard with her sleeves, she broke those lips into the shape of a smile,

"That's not what they say, and it's not like I can just sit in my room and wait. Really...... wow, terrible. Wow, idiot. Awesome...... thanks"

"Huh? What? I didn't hear the last one. Love it awesome?

"Not at all! Thank you so much..."

"I see. I heard you, but one more time!

"Subaru idiot!!

Emilia says that out loud to Subaru, who is in good shape with her ears shut.

The sound of a silver bell is also quite an acoustic weapon if hit by a tympanic membrane at high volume. Subaru laughed at Emilia as she nearly turned her eyes, her shoulders wide up and down,

"That's what it is. Well, shall we try again? I'm from Stage Two, Emilia. I'm from Stage One."

"Hmm. Because I'll catch up right away, keep going through it, and I'm sure I'll leave you. I'm not leaving you with any of Subaru's manners."

"If I don't have one left, Emilia, I'll have a chance to reward you."

To Subaru's words of no punishment, Emilia gives her tongue when she points her lips.

With such an exchange, Subaru wonders if she could have helped her recover a little.

Either way, the 'Trial' production will start here.

"With the love power of me and Emilia Tan, 'Trial' is a bit of a twist"

Thumbs up and Subaru declares his resolve as he rings his fingers and glows his teeth.

to that Subaru word, Emilia just uttered her tongue,

"Because I'm enough. It doesn't matter if you don't have a Subaru amulet, 'cause I'm gonna prove it tomorrow."

And he made me try to be strong.

Watching Subaru and Emilia motivate each other to twist, the crown carries the already chilled tea boiling down to his mouth.

lukewarmly so moisturizing her tongue tip, she enjoyed watching the silver half elf and brunette boy say,

"I don't know what's gonna happen, now.... will everything be as the witch thought it would be?"

"Damn. I don't know. Either way, it's just gonna be bad chest shit for me."

Hearing that whine, Garfiel says so in a voice that doesn't hide his grump.

I saw the side of such a young man, and the crown spilled a small exhale so that no one would distract me.

"Strengthen the burden on the kids who are just being nice. Everywhere, everywhere, the old man... the old man cannot be saved. - At least you don't want to end up like that."

That word as I tilted the tea didn't reach anyone, it just created ripples on the surface of the lukewarm tea with the colour of the leaves - it disappeared.

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